def clear(self): self.tag_container = SearchByTagContainer(self) self.catalog = Catalog() self.catalog['tags'] = KeywordIndex('tags', ITagged) self.catalog['name'] = TextIndex('display_name', IDisplayName, True) self.catalog['__all'] = TextIndex('tokens', ITokenized, True) self.ids = IntIds()
def _createCatalog(self, site): """Create the catalog if needed and return it. If the catalog already exists, return that. """ catalog = zope.component.queryUtility( ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name, context=site, default=None) if catalog is not None: return catalog catalog = Catalog() setupUtility(site, catalog, ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name) return catalog
def setupCatalog(test, optCount=10, unoptCount=10, halfCount=10): intids = IntIds() component.provideUtility(intids, IIntIds) component.provideAdapter(SimpleKeyReference) cat = Catalog() cat['opt_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IOptimizedClass) cat['opt_value'] = FieldIndex('value', IOptimizedClass) cat['half_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IHalfOptimizedClass) cat['half_valueOpt'] = FieldIndex('value', IHalfOptimizedClass) cat['all_opt'] = AllIndex(IOptimizedClass) cat['all_unopt'] = AllIndex(IUnOptimizedClass) cat['all_half'] = AllIndex(IHalfOptimizedClass) for i in range(optCount): o = OptimizedClass() o.value = i = unicode(i) id = intids.register(o) cat.index_doc(id, o) for i in range(unoptCount): o = UnOptimizedClass() o.value = i = unicode(i) id = intids.register(o) cat.index_doc(id, o) for i in range(halfCount): o = HalfOptimizedClass() o.valueOpt = i o.valueNoOpt = i = unicode(i) id = intids.register(o) cat.index_doc(id, o) component.provideUtility(cat, ICatalog, name='foo-catalog')
class SearchContainer(ReadonlyContainer): __name__ = 'search' def __init__(self): self.clear() def clear(self): self.tag_container = SearchByTagContainer(self) self.catalog = Catalog() self.catalog['tags'] = KeywordIndex('tags', ITagged) self.catalog['name'] = TextIndex('display_name', IDisplayName, True) self.catalog['__all'] = TextIndex('tokens', ITokenized, True) self.ids = IntIds() def index_object(self, obj): real_obj = follow_symlinks(obj) try: self.catalog.index_doc(self.ids.register(real_obj), real_obj) except NotYet: log.msg("cannot index object %s because it's not yet committed" % obj, system='search') def _index_object(self, obj): real_obj = follow_symlinks(obj) self.catalog.index_doc(self.ids.register(real_obj), real_obj) def unindex_object(self, obj): try: self.catalog.unindex_doc(self.ids.register(obj)) except NotYet: log.msg("cannot unindex object %s because it's not yet committed" % obj, system='search') def search(self, **kwargs): # HACK, we should be able to setup a persistent utility provideUtility(self.ids, IIntIds) return list(self.catalog.searchResults(**kwargs)) def search_goog(self, query): # hack, zope catalog treats ':' specially return':', '_')) @property def _items(self): return {'by-tag': self.tag_container}
def setupCatalog(test): intids = IntIds() component.provideUtility(intids, IIntIds) component.provideAdapter(SimpleKeyReference) cat = Catalog() cat['org_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IOrganization) cat['proj_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IProject) cat['proj_descr'] = FieldIndex('description', IProject) cat['student_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IStudent) cat['student_country'] = FieldIndex('country', IStudent) cat['mentor_name'] = FieldIndex('name', IMentor) cat['all_students'] = AllIndex(IStudent) cat['all_mentors'] = AllIndex(IMentor) cat['all_projects'] = AllIndex(IProject) cat['all_orgs'] = AllIndex(IOrganization) m1 = Mentor(u"John Doe") id = intids.register(m1) cat.index_doc(id, m1) p1 = Project(u"Save the world", u'test') id = intids.register(p1) cat.index_doc(id, p1) s1 = Student(u"Charith", u"Sri Lanka") id = intids.register(s1) cat.index_doc(id, s1) s2 = Student(u"Jane", u"USA") id = intids.register(s2) cat.index_doc(id, s2) s3 = Student(u"Ann", u"Hungary") id = intids.register(s3) cat.index_doc(id, s3) s4 = Student(u"Stewart", u"Hungary", m1) id = intids.register(s4) cat.index_doc(id, s4) o1 = Organization(u"") id = intids.register(o1) cat.index_doc(id, o1) # cat2 = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog(dumpRelation, loadRelation) # cat2.addValueIndex(IProjectRelation['project'], dumpObj, loadObj, btree=BTrees.family32.OO) # cat2.addValueIndex(IProjectRelation['mentor'], dumpObj, loadObj, btree=BTrees.family32.OO) # cat2.addDefaultQueryFactory(zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive('project','mentor')) # # rel = ProjectRelation(m1, p1) # cat2.index(rel) # component.provideUtility(cat2, zc.relation.interfaces.ICatalog, name='rel-catalog') component.provideUtility(cat, ICatalog, name='foo-catalog') = id self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.f3 = f3 self.f4 = f4 self.t1 = t1 self.t2 = t2 def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(, from zope import interface import from import ztapi from import ICatalog from import Catalog catalog = Catalog() ztapi.provideUtility(ICatalog, catalog, 'catalog1') from zope import interface import from import ztapi class DummyIntId(object): interface.implements( MARKER = '__dummy_int_id__' def __init__(self): self.counter = 0 = {} def register(self, obj): intid = getattr(obj, self.MARKER, None) if intid is None: setattr(obj, self.MARKER, self.counter)