Example #1
 def getMenuLink(self, node):
     """Return the HTML link of the node that is displayed in the menu."""
     obj = node.context
     if zapi.isinstance(obj, Utility):
         iface = zapi.getParent(obj)
         return "./" + zapi.name(iface) + "/" + zapi.name(obj) + "/index.html"
     if zapi.isinstance(obj, UtilityInterface):
         return "../Interface/" + zapi.name(obj) + "/index.html"
     return None
Example #2
    def testCorrectFactories(self):
        path = os.path.join(test_directory, 'testfiles')
        request = TestRequest()
        resource = DirectoryResourceFactory(path, checker, 'files')(request)

        image = resource['test.gif']
        self.assert_(zapi.isinstance(image, FileResource))
        template = resource['test.pt']
        self.assert_(zapi.isinstance(template, PageTemplateResource))
        file = resource['test.txt']
        self.assert_(zapi.isinstance(file, FileResource))
        file = resource['png']
        self.assert_(zapi.isinstance(file, FileResource))
Example #3
    def attributes(self):
        context = removeSecurityProxy(self.context)
        attrs = [{'name': (ns and context.prefixes[ns]+':' or '') + name,
                  'value': value, 'url': None, 'values': []}
                 for (ns, name), value in context.attrs.items()]

        names = context.schema.names(True)
        rootURL = zapi.absoluteURL(findDocModule(self), self.request)
        for attr in attrs:
            name = (attr['name'] in names) and attr['name'] or attr['name']+'_'
            field = context.schema.get(name)

            if zapi.isinstance(field, (GlobalObject, GlobalInterface)):
                attr['url'] = self.objectURL(attr['value'], field, rootURL)

            elif zapi.isinstance(field, Tokens):
                field = field.value_type
                values = attr['value'].strip().split()
                if len(values) == 1:
                    attr['value'] = values[0]
                    attr['url'] = self.objectURL(values[0], field, rootURL)
                    for value in values:
                        if zapi.isinstance(field,
                                           (GlobalObject, GlobalInterface)):
                            url = self.objectURL(value, field, rootURL)
                        attr['values'].append({'value': value, 'url': url})

        # Make sure that the attributes are in the same order they are defined
        # in the schema.
        fieldNames = getFieldNamesInOrder(context.schema)
        fieldNames = [name.endswith('_') and name[:-1] or name
                      for name in fieldNames]
        attrs.sort(lambda x, y: _compareAttrs(x, y, fieldNames))

        if not IRootDirective.providedBy(context):
            return attrs

        xmlns = []
        for uri, prefix in context.prefixes.items():
            name = prefix and ':'+prefix or ''
            xmlns.append({'name': 'xmlns'+name,
                          'value': uri,
                          'url': None,
                          'values': []})

        xmlns.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
        return xmlns + attrs
Example #4
 def getMenuLink(self, node):
     """Return the HTML link of the node that is displayed in the menu."""
     obj = node.context
     if zapi.isinstance(obj, Directive):
         ns = zapi.getParent(obj)
         return './'+zapi.name(ns) + '/' + zapi.name(obj) + '/index.html'
     return None
Example #5
 def getMenuTitle(self, node):
     """Return the title of the node that is displayed in the menu."""
     obj = node.context
     if zapi.isinstance(obj, UtilityInterface):
         return zapi.name(obj).split(".")[-1]
     if obj.name == NONAME:
         return "no name"
     return obj.name
Example #6
 def getMenuTitle(self, node):
     """Return the title of the node that is displayed in the menu."""
     if zapi.isinstance(node.context, TypeInterface):
         iface = node.context.interface
         iface = node.context
     # Interfaces have no security declarations, so we have to unwrap.
     return removeSecurityProxy(iface).getName()
Example #7
 def items(self):
     """See zope.app.container.interfaces.IReadContainer"""
     sm = zapi.getGlobalSiteManager()
     items = [(encodeName(reg.name or NONAME), Utility(self, reg))
              for reg in sm.registrations()
              if zapi.isinstance(reg, UtilityRegistration) and \
                  self.interface == reg.provided]
     return items
Example #8
 def getMenuTitle(self, node):
     """Return the title of the node that is displayed in the menu."""
     obj = node.context
     if zapi.isinstance(obj, Namespace):
         name = obj.getShortName()
         if name == 'ALL':
             return 'All Namespaces'
         return name
     return zapi.name(obj)
Example #9
 def get(self, key, default=None):
     """See zope.app.container.interfaces.IReadContainer"""
     sm = zapi.getGlobalSiteManager()
     key = decodeName(key)
     if key == NONAME:
         key = ''
     utils = [Utility(self, reg)
              for reg in sm.registrations()
              if zapi.isinstance(reg, UtilityRegistration) and \
                  reg.name == key and reg.provided == self.interface]
     return utils and utils[0] or default
Example #10
 def getToolInstances(self, tool):
     """Find every registered utility for a given tool configuration."""
     regManager = self.getSiteManagementFolder(tool).registrationManager
     return [
         {'name': reg.name,
          'url': zapi.absoluteURL(reg.component, self.request),
          'rename': tool is self.activeTool and reg.name in self.renameList,
          'active': reg.status == u'Active'
         for reg in regManager.values()
         if (zapi.isinstance(reg, site.UtilityRegistration) and
Example #11
 def getFileInfo(self):
     """Get the file where the directive was declared."""
     # ZCML directive `info` objects do not have security declarations, so
     # everything is forbidden by default. We need to remove the security
     # proxies in order to get to the data.
     info = removeSecurityProxy(self.context.info)
     if zapi.isinstance(info, ParserInfo):
         return {'file': relativizePath(info.file),
                 'line': info.line,
                 'column': info.column,
                 'eline': info.eline,
                 'ecolumn': info.ecolumn}
     return None
    def testFactory(self):
        f = configfile('''
<permission id="zope.Foo" title="Zope Foo Permission" />
<content class="zope.app.component.tests.exampleclass.ExampleClass">
      title="Example content"
      description="Example description"
        obj = createObject('test.Example')
        self.failUnless(zapi.isinstance(obj, exampleclass.ExampleClass))
Example #13
 def testURL3Level(self):
     request = TestRequest()
     request._vh_root = support.site
     ob.__parent__ = support.site
     ob.__name__ = 'ob'
     path = os.path.join(test_directory, 'testfiles')
     files = DirectoryResourceFactory(path, checker, 'test_files')(request)
     files.__parent__ = ob
     file = files['test.gif']
     self.assertEquals(file(), '')
     subdir = files['subdir']
     self.assert_(zapi.isinstance(subdir, DirectoryResource))
     file = subdir['test.gif']
Example #14
 def getEntries(self, columns=True):
     """Return info objects for all modules and classes in this module."""
     entries = [{'name': name,
                 # only for interfaces; should be done differently somewhen
                 'path': getPythonPath(removeAllProxies(obj)),
                 'url': zapi.absoluteURL(obj, self.request),
                 'ismodule': zapi.isinstance(obj, Module),
                 'isinterface': zapi.isinstance(
                      removeAllProxies(obj), InterfaceClass),
                 'isclass': zapi.isinstance(obj, Class),
                 'isfunction': zapi.isinstance(obj, Function),
                 'istextfile': zapi.isinstance(obj, TextFile),
                 'iszcmlfile': zapi.isinstance(obj, ZCMLFile)}
                for name, obj in self.context.items()]
     entries.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
     if columns:
         entries = columnize(entries)
     return entries
Example #15
def findAPIDocumentationRoot(obj, request):
    if zapi.isinstance(obj, APIDocumentation):
        return zapi.absoluteURL(obj, request)
    return findAPIDocumentationRoot(zapi.getParent(obj), request)
Example #16
def _evalId(id):
    if zapi.isinstance(id, Global):
        id = id.__name__
        if id == 'CheckerPublic':
            id = 'zope.Public'
    return id