def svn2git(target_path, config, options): print('Converting package into Git repository. ' + 'That may take several minutes.') rules_path = options.rules_path if rules_path is None: rules = [] for pkg_name in options.repos: ns = {'package': pkg_name, 'package_regex': pkg_name.replace('.', '\\.'), 'package_path': pkg_name.replace('.', '/')} rules.append( config.get('migrate', 'pkg-rules-template').format(**ns)) ns = {'packages_rules': '\n\n'.join(rules)} rules_path = tempfile.mktemp(pkg_name+'.txt') with, 'w') as file: file.write( config.get('migrate', 'rules-template').format(**ns)) print('***** Created rules file: ' + rules_path) do([config.get('migrate', 'svn-all-fast-export'), '--svn-branches', '--add-metadata-notes', '--identity-map', config.get('migrate', 'identity-map'), '--rules', rules_path, '--stats', config.get('migrate', 'svn-mirror'), ], cwd=target_path, print_stdout=False)
def push2github(target_path, config, options): for pkg_name in options.repos: git_path = os.path.join(target_path, pkg_name) do(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', '[email protected]:%s/%s.git' %( config.get('github', 'organization'), pkg_name) ], cwd=git_path) do(['git', 'push', '-u', 'origin', '--mirror'], cwd=git_path)
def update_winegg(config, options): for pkg_name in options.repos: web_path = config.get('migrate', 'wineggbuilder-path') do(['sed', '-i', 's/%s,.*/%s,git:\/\/\/zopefoundation\/%s.git/g' %( pkg_name, pkg_name, pkg_name), os.path.join(web_path, 'project-list.cfg') ]) do(['svn', 'ci', '-m', pkg_name+' moved to GitHub.', web_path])
def update_ztk(config, options): for pkg_name in options.repos: do(['sed', '-i', 's/%s = .*/%s = git \$\{buildout:github\}\/%s/g' %( pkg_name, pkg_name, pkg_name), os.path.join(config.get('migrate', 'ztk-path'), 'ztk-sources.cfg') ]) do(['svn', 'ci', '-m', pkg_name + ' moved to GitHub.', config.get('migrate', 'ztk-path')])
def clean_svn(config, options): for pkg_name in options.repos: co_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() print('Checking out code from SVN into: ' + co_path) pkg_path = os.path.join(co_path, pkg_name+'.svn') do(['svn', 'co', '--ignore-externals', config.get('migrate', 'svn-repos')+pkg_name+'/trunk', pkg_path ]) do(['svn', 'propdel', 'svn:externals', '.'], pkg_path) to_delete = [os.path.join(pkg_path, fn) for fn in os.listdir(pkg_path) if fn not in ('.svn',)] if len(to_delete): do(['svn', 'rm', '--force'] + to_delete) moved_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, 'MOVED_TO_GITHUB') with, 'w') as file: file.write("See"+pkg_name) do(['svn', 'add', moved_path]) do(['svn', 'ci', '-m', 'Moved to GitHub.', pkg_path])