def _extractEras(self, cal_node, calendar):
        """Extract all era entries from cal_node and store them in


          >>> class CalendarStub(object):
          ...     days = None
          >>> calendar = CalendarStub()
          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = u'''
          ... <calendar type="gregorian">
          ...   <eras>
          ...      <eraAbbr>
          ...       <era type="0">BC</era>
          ...       <era type="1">AD</era>
          ...      </eraAbbr>
          ...      <eraName>
          ...       <era type="0">Before Christ</era>
          ...      </eraName>
          ...   </eras>
          ... </calendar>'''
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> factory._extractEras(dom.documentElement, calendar)

          >>> names = [calendar.eras.get(type, (None, None))[0]
          ...          for type in range(2)]
          >>> names
          [u'Before Christ', None]

          >>> abbrs = [calendar.eras.get(type, (None, None))[1]
          ...          for type in range(2)]
          >>> abbrs
          [u'BC', u'AD']
        # See whether we have era names and abbreviations
        eras_nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('eras')
        if not eras_nodes:
        names_nodes = eras_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('eraName')
        abbrs_nodes = eras_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('eraAbbr')

        # Get all era names
        names = {}
        if names_nodes:
            for name_node in names_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('era'):
                type = int(name_node.getAttribute('type'))
                names[type] = self._getText(name_node.childNodes)
        # Get all era abbreviations
        abbrs = {}
        if abbrs_nodes:
            for abbr_node in abbrs_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('era'):
                type = int(abbr_node.getAttribute('type'))
                abbrs[type] = self._getText(abbr_node.childNodes)

        calendar.eras = InheritingDictionary()
        for type in abbrs.keys():
            calendar.eras[type] = (names.get(type,
                                             None), abbrs.get(type, None))
Example #2
    def _extractWeek(self, cal_node, calendar):
        """Extract all week entries from cal_node and store them in


          >>> class CalendarStub(object):
          ...     week = None
          >>> calendar = CalendarStub()
          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <calendar type="gregorian">
          ...   <week>
          ...     <minDays count="1"/>
          ...     <firstDay day="sun"/>
          ...     <weekendStart day="fri" time="18:00"/>
          ...     <weekendEnd day="sun" time="18:00"/>
          ...   </week>
          ... </calendar>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> factory._extractWeek(dom.documentElement, calendar)

          >>> calendar.week['minDays']
          >>> calendar.week['firstDay']
          >>> calendar.week['weekendStart']
          (5, datetime.time(18, 0))
          >>> calendar.week['weekendEnd']
          (7, datetime.time(18, 0))
        # See whether we have week entries
        week_nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('week')
        if not week_nodes:

        calendar.week = InheritingDictionary()

        # Get the 'minDays' value if available
        for node in week_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('minDays'):
            calendar.week['minDays'] = int(node.getAttribute('count'))

        # Get the 'firstDay' value if available
        for node in week_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('firstDay'):
            calendar.week['firstDay'] = dayMapping[node.getAttribute('day')]

        # Get the 'weekendStart' value if available
        for node in week_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('weekendStart'):
            day = dayMapping[node.getAttribute('day')]
            time_args = map(int, node.getAttribute('time').split(':'))
            calendar.week['weekendStart'] = (day, time(*time_args))

            # Get the 'weekendEnd' value if available
        for node in week_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('weekendEnd'):
            day = dayMapping[node.getAttribute('day')]
            time_args = map(int, node.getAttribute('time').split(':'))
            calendar.week['weekendEnd'] = (day, time(*time_args))
Example #3
    def _extractSymbols(self, numbers_node):
        """Extract all week entries from cal_node and store them in


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <numbers>
          ...   <symbols>
          ...     <decimal>.</decimal>
          ...     <group>,</group>
          ...     <list>;</list>
          ...     <percentSign>%</percentSign>
          ...     <nativeZeroDigit>0</nativeZeroDigit>
          ...     <patternDigit>#</patternDigit>
          ...     <plusSign>+</plusSign>
          ...     <minusSign>-</minusSign>
          ...     <exponential>E</exponential>
          ...     <perMille>o/oo</perMille>
          ...     <infinity>oo</infinity>
          ...     <nan>NaN</nan>
          ...   </symbols>
          ... </numbers>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> symbols = factory._extractSymbols(dom.documentElement)

          >>> symbols['list']
          >>> keys = symbols.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys[:5]
          [u'decimal', u'exponential', u'group', u'infinity', u'list']
          >>> keys[5:9]
          [u'minusSign', u'nan', u'nativeZeroDigit', u'patternDigit']
          >>> keys[9:]
          [u'perMille', u'percentSign', u'plusSign']
        # See whether we have symbols entries
        symbols_nodes = numbers_node.getElementsByTagName('symbols')
        if not symbols_nodes:

        symbols = InheritingDictionary()
        for name in (_u("decimal"), _u("group"), _u("list"), _u("percentSign"),
                     _u("nativeZeroDigit"), _u("patternDigit"), _u("plusSign"),
                     _u("minusSign"), _u("exponential"), _u("perMille"),
                     _u("infinity"), _u("nan")):
            nodes = symbols_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName(name)
            if nodes:
                symbols[name] = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)

        return symbols
Example #4
    def _extractTypes(self, names_node):
        """Extract all types from the names_node.


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <displayNames>
          ...   <types>
          ...     <type type="Fallback" key="calendar"></type>
          ...     <type type="buddhist" key="calendar">BUDDHIST</type>
          ...     <type type="chinese" key="calendar">CHINESE</type>
          ...     <type type="gregorian" key="calendar">GREGORIAN</type>
          ...     <type type="stroke" key="collation">STROKE</type>
          ...     <type type="traditional" key="collation">TRADITIONAL</type>
          ...   </types>
          ... </displayNames>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)

          >>> types = factory._extractTypes(dom.documentElement)
          >>> keys = types.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys[:2]
          [(u'Fallback', u'calendar'), (u'buddhist', u'calendar')]
          >>> keys[2:4]
          [(u'chinese', u'calendar'), (u'gregorian', u'calendar')]
          >>> keys[4:]
          [(u'stroke', u'collation'), (u'traditional', u'collation')]
          >>> types[(_u('chinese'), _u('calendar'))]
          >>> types[(_u('stroke'), _u('collation'))]
        # 'types' node has not to exist
        types_nodes = names_node.getElementsByTagName('types')
        if types_nodes == []:
        # Retrieve all types
        types = InheritingDictionary()
        for type_node in types_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('type'):
            type = type_node.getAttribute('type')
            key = type_node.getAttribute('key')
            types[(type, key)] = self._getText(type_node.childNodes)
        return types
Example #5
    def _extractDelimiters(self):
        """Extract all delimiter entries from the DOM tree.


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <ldml>
          ...   <delimiters>
          ...     <quotationStart>``</quotationStart>
          ...     <quotationEnd>''</quotationEnd>
          ...     <alternateQuotationStart>`</alternateQuotationStart>
          ...     <alternateQuotationEnd>'</alternateQuotationEnd>
          ...   </delimiters>
          ... </ldml>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> factory._data = parseString(xml).documentElement
          >>> delimiters = factory._extractDelimiters()

          >>> delimiters[_u("quotationStart")]
          >>> delimiters[_u("quotationEnd")]
          >>> delimiters[_u("alternateQuotationStart")]
          >>> delimiters[_u("alternateQuotationEnd")]

          Escape: "'"
        # See whether we have symbols entries
        delimiters_nodes = self._data.getElementsByTagName('delimiters')
        if not delimiters_nodes:

        delimiters = InheritingDictionary()
        for name in (_u('quotationStart'), _u("quotationEnd"),
                     _u("alternateQuotationStart"), _u("alternateQuotationEnd")):
            nodes = delimiters_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName(name)
            if nodes:
                delimiters[name] = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)

        return delimiters
Example #6
    def _extractTimeZones(self, dates_node):
        """Extract all timezone information for the locale from the DOM


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <dates>
          ...   <timeZoneNames>
          ...     <zone type="America/Los_Angeles" >
          ...       <long>
          ...         <generic>Pacific Time</generic>
          ...         <standard>Pacific Standard Time</standard>
          ...         <daylight>Pacific Daylight Time</daylight>
          ...       </long>
          ...       <short>
          ...         <generic>PT</generic>
          ...         <standard>PST</standard>
          ...         <daylight>PDT</daylight>
          ...       </short>
          ...       <exemplarCity>San Francisco</exemplarCity>
          ...     </zone>
          ...     <zone type="Europe/London">
          ...       <long>
          ...         <generic>British Time</generic>
          ...         <standard>British Standard Time</standard>
          ...         <daylight>British Daylight Time</daylight>
          ...       </long>
          ...       <exemplarCity>York</exemplarCity>
          ...     </zone>
          ...   </timeZoneNames>
          ... </dates>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> zones = factory._extractTimeZones(dom.documentElement)

          >>> keys = zones.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'America/Los_Angeles', u'Europe/London']
          >>> zones[_u("Europe/London")].names[_u("generic")]
          (u'British Time', None)
          >>> zones[_u("Europe/London")].cities
          >>> zones[_u("America/Los_Angeles")].names[_u("generic")]
          (u'Pacific Time', u'PT')
        tz_names = dates_node.getElementsByTagName('timeZoneNames')
        if not tz_names:

        zones = InheritingDictionary()
        for node in tz_names[0].getElementsByTagName('zone'):
            type = node.getAttribute('type')
            zone = LocaleTimeZone(type)

            # get the short and long name node
            long = node.getElementsByTagName('long')
            short = node.getElementsByTagName('short')
            for type in (_u("generic"), _u("standard"), _u("daylight")):
                # get long name
                long_desc = None
                if long:
                    long_nodes = long[0].getElementsByTagName(type)
                    if long_nodes:
                        long_desc = self._getText(long_nodes[0].childNodes)
                # get short name
                short_desc = None
                if short:
                    short_nodes = short[0].getElementsByTagName(type)
                    if short_nodes:
                        short_desc = self._getText(short_nodes[0].childNodes)
                if long_desc is not None or short_desc is not None:
                    zone.names[type] = (long_desc, short_desc)

            for city in node.getElementsByTagName('exemplarCity'):

            zones[zone.type] = zone

        return zones
Example #7
    def _extractCalendars(self, dates_node):
        """Extract all calendars and their specific information from the
        Locale's DOM tree.


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <dates>
          ...   <calendars>
          ...     <calendar type="gregorian">
          ...       <monthNames>
          ...         <month type="1">January</month>
          ...         <month type="12">December</month>
          ...       </monthNames>
          ...       <monthAbbr>
          ...         <month type="1">Jan</month>
          ...         <month type="12">Dec</month>
          ...       </monthAbbr>
          ...       <dayNames>
          ...         <day type="sun">Sunday</day>
          ...         <day type="sat">Saturday</day>
          ...       </dayNames>
          ...       <dayAbbr>
          ...         <day type="sun">Sun</day>
          ...         <day type="sat">Sat</day>
          ...       </dayAbbr>
          ...       <week>
          ...         <minDays count="1"/>
          ...         <firstDay day="sun"/>
          ...       </week>
          ...       <am>AM</am>
          ...       <pm>PM</pm>
          ...       <eras>
          ...         <eraAbbr>
          ...           <era type="0">BC</era>
          ...           <era type="1">AD</era>
          ...         </eraAbbr>
          ...       </eras>
          ...       <dateFormats>
          ...         <dateFormatLength type="full">
          ...           <dateFormat>
          ...             <pattern>EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy</pattern>
          ...           </dateFormat>
          ...         </dateFormatLength>
          ...       </dateFormats>
          ...       <timeFormats>
          ...         <default type="medium"/>
          ...         <timeFormatLength type="medium">
          ...           <timeFormat>
          ...             <pattern>h:mm:ss a</pattern>
          ...           </timeFormat>
          ...         </timeFormatLength>
          ...       </timeFormats>
          ...       <dateTimeFormats>
          ...         <dateTimeFormatLength>
          ...           <dateTimeFormat>
          ...             <pattern>{0} {1}</pattern>
          ...           </dateTimeFormat>
          ...         </dateTimeFormatLength>
          ...       </dateTimeFormats>
          ...     </calendar>
          ...     <calendar type="buddhist">
          ...       <eras>
          ...         <era type="0">BE</era>
          ...       </eras>
          ...     </calendar>
          ...   </calendars>
          ... </dates>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)

          >>> calendars = factory._extractCalendars(dom.documentElement)
          >>> keys = calendars.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'buddhist', u'gregorian', 'thai-buddhist']

        Note that "thai-buddhist" are added as an alias to "buddhist".

          >>> calendars['buddhist'] is calendars['thai-buddhist']

        cals_nodes = dates_node.getElementsByTagName('calendars')
        # no calendar node
        if cals_nodes == []:

        calendars = InheritingDictionary()
        for cal_node in cals_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('calendar'):
            # get the calendar type
            type = cal_node.getAttribute('type')
            calendar = LocaleCalendar(type)

            # get month names and abbreviations
            months_nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('months')
            if months_nodes:
                self._extractMonths(months_nodes[0], calendar)

            # get weekday names and abbreviations
            days_nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('days')
            if days_nodes:
                self._extractDays(days_nodes[0], calendar)

            # get week information
            self._extractWeek(cal_node, calendar)

            # get am/pm designation values
            nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('am')
            if nodes:
       = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)
            nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName('pm')
            if nodes:
       = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)

            # get era names and abbreviations
            self._extractEras(cal_node, calendar)

            for formatsName, lengthName, formatName in (
                ('dateFormats', 'dateFormatLength', 'dateFormat'),
                ('timeFormats', 'timeFormatLength', 'timeFormat'),
                ('dateTimeFormats', 'dateTimeFormatLength', 'dateTimeFormat')):

                formats_nodes = cal_node.getElementsByTagName(formatsName)
                if formats_nodes:
                    default, formats = self._extractFormats(
                        formats_nodes[0], lengthName, formatName)
                    setattr(calendar, formatsName, formats)

            calendars[calendar.type] = calendar
            if calendar.type in calendarAliases:
                for alias in calendarAliases[calendar.type]:
                    calendars[alias] = calendar

        return calendars
Example #8
    def _extractFormats(self, formats_node, lengthNodeName, formatNodeName):
        """Extract all format entries from formats_node and return a
        tuple of the form (defaultFormatType, [LocaleFormatLength, ...]).


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <dateFormats>
          ...   <default type="medium"/>
          ...   <dateFormatLength type="full">
          ...     <dateFormat>
          ...       <pattern>EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy</pattern>
          ...     </dateFormat>
          ...   </dateFormatLength>
          ...   <dateFormatLength type="medium">
          ...     <default type="DateFormatsKey2"/>
          ...     <dateFormat type="DateFormatsKey2">
          ...       <displayName>Standard Date</displayName>
          ...       <pattern>MMM d, yyyy</pattern>
          ...     </dateFormat>
          ...     <dateFormat type="DateFormatsKey3">
          ...       <pattern>MMM dd, yyyy</pattern>
          ...     </dateFormat>
          ...   </dateFormatLength>
          ... </dateFormats>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)

          >>> default, lengths = factory._extractFormats(
          ...     dom.documentElement, 'dateFormatLength', 'dateFormat')
          >>> default
          >>> lengths[_u("full")].formats[None].pattern
          u'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy'
          >>> lengths[_u("medium")].default
          >>> lengths[_u("medium")].formats['DateFormatsKey3'].pattern
          u'MMM dd, yyyy'
          >>> lengths[_u("medium")].formats['DateFormatsKey2'].displayName
          u'Standard Date'
        formats_default = None
        default_nodes = formats_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
        if default_nodes:
            formats_default = default_nodes[0].getAttribute('type')

        lengths = InheritingDictionary()
        for length_node in formats_node.getElementsByTagName(lengthNodeName):
            type = length_node.getAttribute('type') or None
            length = LocaleFormatLength(type)

            default_nodes = length_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
            if default_nodes:
                length.default = default_nodes[0].getAttribute('type')

            if length_node.getElementsByTagName(formatNodeName):
                length.formats = InheritingDictionary()

            for format_node in length_node.getElementsByTagName(formatNodeName):
                format = LocaleFormat()
                format.type = format_node.getAttribute('type') or None
                pattern_node = format_node.getElementsByTagName('pattern')[0]
                format.pattern = self._getText(pattern_node.childNodes)
                name_nodes = format_node.getElementsByTagName('displayName')
                if name_nodes:
                    format.displayName = self._getText(name_nodes[0].childNodes)
                length.formats[format.type] = format

            lengths[length.type] = length

        return (formats_default, lengths)
Example #9
    def _extractDays(self, days_node, calendar):
        """Extract all day entries from cal_node and store them in


          >>> class CalendarStub(object):
          ...     days = None
          >>> calendar = CalendarStub()
          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <days>
          ...   <default type="format" />
          ...   <dayContext type="format">
          ...     <default type="wide" />
          ...     <dayWidth type="wide">
          ...       <day type="sun">Sonntag</day>
          ...       <day type="mon">Montag</day>
          ...       <day type="tue">Dienstag</day>
          ...       <day type="wed">Mittwoch</day>
          ...       <day type="thu">Donnerstag</day>
          ...       <day type="fri">Freitag</day>
          ...       <day type="sat">Samstag</day>
          ...     </dayWidth>
          ...     <dayWidth type="abbreviated">
          ...       <day type="sun">So</day>
          ...       <day type="mon">Mo</day>
          ...       <day type="tue">Di</day>
          ...       <day type="wed">Mi</day>
          ...       <day type="thu">Do</day>
          ...       <day type="fri">Fr</day>
          ...       <day type="sat">Sa</day>
          ...     </dayWidth>
          ...   </dayContext>
          ... </days>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> factory._extractDays(dom.documentElement, calendar)

        Day contexts and widths were introduced in CLDR 1.1, here's
        how to use them::

          >>> calendar.defaultDayContext

          >>> ctx = calendar.dayContexts[_u("format")]
          >>> ctx.defaultWidth

          >>> names = [ctx.days[_u("wide")][type] for type in range(1,8)]
          >>> names[:4]
          [u'Montag', u'Dienstag', u'Mittwoch', u'Donnerstag']
          >>> names[4:]
          [u'Freitag', u'Samstag', u'Sonntag']

          >>> abbrs = [ctx.days[_u("abbreviated")][type] for type in range(1,8)]
          >>> abbrs
          [u'Mo', u'Di', u'Mi', u'Do', u'Fr', u'Sa', u'So']

        And here's the old CLDR 1.0 way of getting day names and

          >>> names = [calendar.days.get(type, (None, None))[0]
          ...          for type in range(1, 8)]
          >>> names[:4]
          [u'Montag', u'Dienstag', u'Mittwoch', u'Donnerstag']
          >>> names[4:]
          [u'Freitag', u'Samstag', u'Sonntag']

          >>> abbrs = [calendar.days.get(type, (None, None))[1]
          ...          for type in range(1, 8)]
          >>> abbrs
          [u'Mo', u'Di', u'Mi', u'Do', u'Fr', u'Sa', u'So']

        defaultDayContext_node = days_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
        if defaultDayContext_node:
            calendar.defaultDayContext = defaultDayContext_node[0].getAttribute('type')

        dayContext_nodes = days_node.getElementsByTagName('dayContext')
        if not dayContext_nodes:

        calendar.dayContexts = InheritingDictionary()
        names_node = abbrs_node = None # BBB

        for node in dayContext_nodes:
            context_type = node.getAttribute('type')
            dctx = LocaleDayContext(context_type)
            calendar.dayContexts[context_type] = dctx

            defaultWidth_node = node.getElementsByTagName('default')
            if defaultWidth_node:
                dctx.defaultWidth = defaultWidth_node[0].getAttribute('type')

            widths = InheritingDictionary()
            dctx.days = widths
            for width_node in node.getElementsByTagName('dayWidth'):
                width_type = width_node.getAttribute('type')
                width = InheritingDictionary()
                widths[width_type] = width

                for day_node in width_node.getElementsByTagName('day'):
                    dtype = dayMapping[day_node.getAttribute('type')]
                    width[dtype] = self._getText(day_node.childNodes)

                if context_type == 'format':
                    if width_type == 'abbreviated':
                        abbrs_node = width_node
                    elif width_type == 'wide':
                        names_node = width_node

        if not (names_node and abbrs_node):

        # Get all weekday names
        names = {}
        for name_node in names_node.getElementsByTagName('day'):
            type = dayMapping[name_node.getAttribute('type')]
            names[type] = self._getText(name_node.childNodes)
        # Get all weekday abbreviations
        abbrs = {}
        for abbr_node in abbrs_node.getElementsByTagName('day'):
            type = dayMapping[abbr_node.getAttribute('type')]
            abbrs[type] = self._getText(abbr_node.childNodes)

        # Put the info together
        calendar.days = InheritingDictionary()
        for type in range(1, 13):
            calendar.days[type] = (names.get(type, None),
                                   abbrs.get(type, None))
Example #10
    def _extractMonths(self, months_node, calendar):
        """Extract all month entries from cal_node and store them in calendar.


          >>> class CalendarStub(object):
          ...     months = None
          >>> calendar = CalendarStub()
          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <months>
          ...   <default type="format" />
          ...   <monthContext type="format">
          ...     <default type="wide" />
          ...     <monthWidth type="wide">
          ...       <month type="1">Januar</month>
          ...       <month type="2">Februar</month>
          ...       <month type="3">Maerz</month>
          ...       <month type="4">April</month>
          ...       <month type="5">Mai</month>
          ...       <month type="6">Juni</month>
          ...       <month type="7">Juli</month>
          ...       <month type="8">August</month>
          ...       <month type="9">September</month>
          ...       <month type="10">Oktober</month>
          ...       <month type="11">November</month>
          ...       <month type="12">Dezember</month>
          ...     </monthWidth>
          ...     <monthWidth type="abbreviated">
          ...       <month type="1">Jan</month>
          ...       <month type="2">Feb</month>
          ...       <month type="3">Mrz</month>
          ...       <month type="4">Apr</month>
          ...       <month type="5">Mai</month>
          ...       <month type="6">Jun</month>
          ...       <month type="7">Jul</month>
          ...       <month type="8">Aug</month>
          ...       <month type="9">Sep</month>
          ...       <month type="10">Okt</month>
          ...       <month type="11">Nov</month>
          ...       <month type="12">Dez</month>
          ...     </monthWidth>
          ...   </monthContext>
          ... </months>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> factory._extractMonths(dom.documentElement, calendar)

        The contexts and widths were introduced in CLDR 1.1, the way
        of getting month names is like this::

          >>> calendar.defaultMonthContext

          >>> ctx = calendar.monthContexts[_u("format")]
          >>> ctx.defaultWidth

          >>> names = [ctx.months[_u("wide")][type] for type in range(1,13)]
          >>> names[:7]
          [u'Januar', u'Februar', u'Maerz', u'April', u'Mai', u'Juni', u'Juli']
          >>> names[7:]
          [u'August', u'September', u'Oktober', u'November', u'Dezember']

          >>> abbrs = [ctx.months[_u("abbreviated")][type] for type in range(1,13)]
          >>> abbrs[:6]
          [u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mrz', u'Apr', u'Mai', u'Jun']
          >>> abbrs[6:]
          [u'Jul', u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Okt', u'Nov', u'Dez']

        The old, CLDR 1.0 way of getting month names and abbreviations::

          >>> names = [calendar.months.get(type, (None, None))[0]
          ...          for type in range(1, 13)]
          >>> names[:7]
          [u'Januar', u'Februar', u'Maerz', u'April', u'Mai', u'Juni', u'Juli']
          >>> names[7:]
          [u'August', u'September', u'Oktober', u'November', u'Dezember']

          >>> abbrs = [calendar.months.get(type, (None, None))[1]
          ...          for type in range(1, 13)]
          >>> abbrs[:6]
          [u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mrz', u'Apr', u'Mai', u'Jun']
          >>> abbrs[6:]
          [u'Jul', u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Okt', u'Nov', u'Dez']


        defaultMonthContext_node = months_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
        if defaultMonthContext_node:
            calendar.defaultMonthContext = defaultMonthContext_node[0].getAttribute('type')

        monthContext_nodes = months_node.getElementsByTagName('monthContext')
        if not monthContext_nodes:

        calendar.monthContexts = InheritingDictionary()
        names_node = abbrs_node = None # BBB

        for node in monthContext_nodes:
            context_type = node.getAttribute('type')
            mctx = LocaleMonthContext(context_type)
            calendar.monthContexts[context_type] = mctx

            defaultWidth_node = node.getElementsByTagName('default')
            if defaultWidth_node:
                mctx.defaultWidth = defaultWidth_node[0].getAttribute('type')

            widths = InheritingDictionary()
            mctx.months = widths
            for width_node in node.getElementsByTagName('monthWidth'):
                width_type = width_node.getAttribute('type')
                width = InheritingDictionary()
                widths[width_type] = width

                for month_node in width_node.getElementsByTagName('month'):
                    mtype = int(month_node.getAttribute('type'))
                    width[mtype] = self._getText(month_node.childNodes)

                if context_type == 'format':
                    if width_type == 'abbreviated':
                        abbrs_node = width_node
                    elif width_type == 'wide':
                        names_node = width_node

        if not (names_node and abbrs_node):

        # Get all month names
        names = {}
        for name_node in names_node.getElementsByTagName('month'):
            type = int(name_node.getAttribute('type'))
            names[type] = self._getText(name_node.childNodes)

        # Get all month abbrs
        abbrs = {}
        for abbr_node in abbrs_node.getElementsByTagName('month'):
            type = int(abbr_node.getAttribute('type'))
            abbrs[type] = self._getText(abbr_node.childNodes)

        # Put the info together
        calendar.months = InheritingDictionary()
        for type in range(1, 13):
            calendar.months[type] = (names.get(type, None),
                                     abbrs.get(type, None))
Example #11
    def _extractDisplayNames(self):
        """Extract all display names from the DOM tree.


          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <ldml>
          ...   <localeDisplayNames>
          ...     <languages>
          ...       <language type="Fallback"></language>
          ...       <language type="aa">aa</language>
          ...       <language type="ab">ab</language>
          ...     </languages>
          ...     <scripts>
          ...       <script type="Arab">Arab</script>
          ...       <script type="Armn">Armn</script>
          ...     </scripts>
          ...     <territories>
          ...       <territory type="AD">AD</territory>
          ...       <territory type="AE">AE</territory>
          ...     </territories>
          ...     <variants>
          ...       <variant type="Fallback"></variant>
          ...       <variant type="POSIX">POSIX</variant>
          ...     </variants>
          ...     <keys>
          ...       <key type="calendar">CALENDAR</key>
          ...       <key type="collation">COLLATION</key>
          ...     </keys>
          ...     <types>
          ...       <type type="buddhist" key="calendar">BUDDHIST</type>
          ...       <type type="stroke" key="collation">STROKE</type>
          ...     </types>
          ...   </localeDisplayNames>
          ... </ldml>''')
          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> factory._data = parseString(xml).documentElement

          >>> names = factory._extractDisplayNames()

          >>> keys = names.languages.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'Fallback', u'aa', u'ab']
          >>> names.languages[_u("aa")]

          >>> keys = names.scripts.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'Arab', u'Armn']
          >>> names.scripts[_u("Arab")]

          >>> keys = names.territories.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'AD', u'AE']
          >>> names.territories[_u("AD")]

          >>> keys = names.variants.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'Fallback', u'POSIX']
          >>> names.variants[_u("Fallback")]

          >>> keys = names.keys.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'calendar', u'collation']
          >>> names.keys[_u("calendar")]

          >>> names.types[(_u("stroke"), _u("collation"))]
        displayNames = LocaleDisplayNames()
        # Neither the 'localeDisplayNames' or 'scripts' node has to exist
        names_nodes = self._data.getElementsByTagName('localeDisplayNames')
        if names_nodes == []:
            return displayNames

        for group_tag, single_tag in (('languages', 'language'),
                                      ('scripts', 'script'),
                                      ('territories', 'territory'),
                                      ('variants', 'variant'),
                                      ('keys', 'key')):
            group_nodes = names_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName(group_tag)
            if group_nodes == []:
            # Retrieve all children
            elements = InheritingDictionary()
            for element in group_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName(single_tag):
                type = element.getAttribute('type')
                elements[type] = self._getText(element.childNodes)
            setattr(displayNames, group_tag, elements)

        types = self._extractTypes(names_nodes[0])
        if types is not None:
            displayNames.types = types
        return displayNames
Example #12
    def _extractCurrencies(self, numbers_node):
        """Extract all currency definitions and their information from the
        Locale's DOM tree.


          >>> factory = LocaleFactory(None)
          >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
          >>> xml = _u('''
          ... <numbers>
          ...   <currencies>
          ...     <currency type="USD">
          ...       <displayName>Dollar</displayName>
          ...       <symbol>$</symbol>
          ...     </currency>
          ...     <currency type ="JPY">
          ...       <displayName>Yen</displayName>
          ...       <symbol>Y</symbol>
          ...     </currency>
          ...     <currency type ="INR">
          ...       <displayName>Rupee</displayName>
          ...       <symbol choice="true">0&lt;=Rf|1&lt;=Ru|1&lt;Rf</symbol>
          ...     </currency>
          ...     <currency type="PTE">
          ...       <displayName>Escudo</displayName>
          ...       <symbol>$</symbol>
          ...     </currency>
          ...   </currencies>
          ... </numbers>''')
          >>> dom = parseString(xml)
          >>> currencies = factory._extractCurrencies(dom.documentElement)

          >>> keys = currencies.keys()
          >>> keys.sort()
          >>> keys
          [u'INR', u'JPY', u'PTE', u'USD']

          >>> currencies['USD'].symbol
          >>> currencies['USD'].displayName
          >>> currencies['USD'].symbolChoice
        currs_nodes = numbers_node.getElementsByTagName('currencies')
        if not currs_nodes:

        currencies = InheritingDictionary()
        for curr_node in currs_nodes[0].getElementsByTagName('currency'):
            type = curr_node.getAttribute('type')
            currency = LocaleCurrency(type)

            nodes = curr_node.getElementsByTagName('symbol')
            if nodes:
                currency.symbol = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)
                currency.symbolChoice = \
                                      nodes[0].getAttribute('choice') == _u("true")

            nodes = curr_node.getElementsByTagName('displayName')
            if nodes:
                currency.displayName = self._getText(nodes[0].childNodes)

            currencies[type] = currency

        return currencies