Example #1
def copyRelationsOnSourceCopy(obj, event):
    """Copies all source relaitonships marked with IRetainOnCopy
    when the source object is copied"""
    orig_obj = obj.__orig_object__.aq_inner
    source = IRelationshipSource(orig_obj)
    cur_ifaces = directlyProvidedBy(obj)
    directlyProvides(obj, *[i for i in cur_ifaces if i is not ICopyPendingAdd])
    delattr(obj, '__orig_object__')
    copy_filter = IRetainOnCopy.providedBy
    # this is not efficient to source objects with a huge number of
    # relations
    rels = source.getRelationships(rel_filter=copy_filter)
    container = getUtility(IComplexRelationshipContainer, name='relations')
    unwrapped_obj = aq_base(obj)
    for rel in rels:
        # copy the relationship
        rel_copy = locationCopy(aq_base(rel))
        # The references on the copy becames copies themselves we need
        # to make sure all such references point to the originals:
        rel_copy.__dict__ = rel.__dict__
        # We should also remove existing ILocation pointers
        rel_copy.__parent__ = rel_copy.__name__ = None
        # Now we add the relationship (with wrong sources for now) to
        # give it a context.
        # replace the old sources with just the copy
        rel_copy.sources = (obj,)
Example #2
 def copyDataFromParent(self):
     data = locationCopy(self.parentManager.__data__)
     self.status = self.parentManager.status