class ISocialMedia(Interface): """A source of listing of social media supported by the addthis service.""" sources = schema.Iterable( title=_(u"Social media sources"), description=_(u"A list of valid social media."), )
class IJSON(IObject): """ """ json_schema = zs.Iterable( title=_('JSON schema'), required=False ) def from_iterable(iter_value): """ """
class IBrowserView(Interface): """ Interface """ tabs = schema.Iterable(u'Iterable tabs', readonly=True)
class IDomainVocabularyUtility( Interface ): domain_classes = schema.Iterable( title=u"Domain Classes", description = u"Registered Domain Classes")
class IEngineVocabularyUtility( Interface ): engines = schema.Iterable( title = u"RDB Engines", description = u"Available RDB Engines")