Example #1
def path_traverse(base, econtext, call, path_items):
    if path_items:
        request = econtext.get("request")
        path_items = list(path_items)

        while path_items:
            name = path_items.pop()
            ns_used = ":" in name
            if ns_used:
                namespace, name = name.split(":", 1)
                base = z3c.pt.namespaces.function_namespaces[namespace](base)
                if ITraversable.providedBy(base):
                    base = traversePathElement(base,

                    # base = proxify(base)


            # special-case dicts for performance reasons
            if isinstance(base, dict):
                next = base.get(name, _marker)
                next = getattr(base, name, _marker)

            if next is not _marker:
                base = next
                if ns_used and isinstance(base, MethodType):
                    base = base()
                # The bytecode peephole optimizer removes the next line:
                continue  # pragma: no cover
                base = traversePathElement(base,

            # if not isinstance(base, (basestring, tuple, list)):
            #    base = proxify(base)

    if call and getattr(base, "__call__", _marker) is not _marker:
        return base()

    return base
Example #2
def path_traverse(base, econtext, call, path_items):
    if path_items:
        request = econtext.get('request')
        path_items = list(path_items)

        while len(path_items):
            name = path_items.pop()
            ns_used = ':' in name
            if ns_used:
                namespace, name = name.split(':', 1)
                base = z3c.pt.namespaces.function_namespaces[namespace](base)
                if ITraversable.providedBy(base):
                    base = traversePathElement(base,

                    # base = proxify(base)


            # special-case dicts for performance reasons
            if isinstance(base, dict):
                next = base.get(name, _marker)
                next = getattr(base, name, _marker)

            if next is not _marker:
                base = next
                if ns_used and isinstance(base, MethodType):
                    base = base()
                base = traversePathElement(base,

            # if not isinstance(base, (basestring, tuple, list)):
            #    base = proxify(base)

    if call and getattr(base, '__call__', _marker) is not _marker:
        return base()

    return base
Example #3
def path_traverse(base, econtext, call, path_items):
    if path_items:
        request = econtext.get("request")
        path_items = list(path_items)

        while path_items:
            name = path_items.pop()
            ns_used = ":" in name
            if ns_used:
                namespace, name = name.split(":", 1)
                base = z3c.pt.namespaces.function_namespaces[namespace](base)
                if ITraversable.providedBy(base):
                    base = traversePathElement(
                        base, name, path_items, request=request

                    # base = proxify(base)


            # special-case dicts for performance reasons
            if isinstance(base, dict):
                next = base.get(name, _marker)
                next = getattr(base, name, _marker)

            if next is not _marker:
                base = next
                if ns_used and isinstance(base, MethodType):
                    base = base()
                # The bytecode peephole optimizer removes the next line:
                continue  # pragma: no cover
                base = traversePathElement(
                    base, name, path_items, request=request

            # if not isinstance(base, (basestring, tuple, list)):
            #    base = proxify(base)

    if call and getattr(base, "__call__", _marker) is not _marker:
        return base()

    return base
Example #4
def path_traverse(base, econtext, call, path_items):
    if path_items:
        request = econtext.get('request')
        path_items = list(path_items)

        while len(path_items):
            name = path_items.pop()
            ns_used = ':' in name
            if ns_used:
                namespace, name = name.split(':', 1)
                base = z3c.pt.namespaces.function_namespaces[namespace](base)
                if ITraversable.providedBy(base):
                    base = traversePathElement(
                        base, name, path_items, request=request)

                    # base = proxify(base)


            # special-case dicts for performance reasons
            if isinstance(base, dict):
                next = base.get(name, _marker)
                next = getattr(base, name, _marker)

            if next is not _marker:
                base = next
                if ns_used and isinstance(base, MethodType):
                    base = base()
                base = traversePathElement(
                    base, name, path_items, request=request)

            # if not isinstance(base, (basestring, tuple, list)):
            #    base = proxify(base)

    if call and getattr(base, '__call__', _marker) is not _marker:
        return base()

    return base
Example #5
 def testImplementsITraversable(self):
Example #6
 def testImplementsITraversable(self):
Example #7
 def testImplementsITraversable(self):
 def __call__(self, text, file_path=None):
     dom = getDom(text)
     if not dom:
         return text
     for link in dom.cssselect('a[href],img[src]'):
         link = LinkElement(link)
         url = link.val.rstrip('/').strip()
         match_path = url.replace('%20', ' ').lstrip('/').strip()
         if type(match_path) == unicode:
             match_path = match_path.encode('utf-8')
         obj = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(match_path, None)
         ext = match_path.split('.')[-1].lower()
         ext = ext in ('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg') and ext or 'jpg'
         if obj and isinstance(obj, ATImage) or (
             hasattr(obj, 'getBlobWrapper') and \
                 'image' in obj.getBlobWrapper().getContentType()):
             link.set(url + '/image.%s' % ext)
         elif obj and isinstance(obj, ArchetypesImage):
             # it's a scale, always use image.jpg extension
             link.set(url + '/image.jpg')
         if not obj:
                 path, filename = match_path.rsplit('/', 1)
             except ValueError:
             fieldname = filename.split('_', 1)[0]
             obj = self.context.restrictedTraverse('/'.join((path, fieldname)), None)
             if not obj:
                 # not all fields are traversable
                 obj = self.context.restrictedTraverse(path, None)
                 if IImageScaling.providedBy(obj) or \
                     # we can't do anything with the @@images view yet here...
                     obj = None
                 if obj and hasattr(obj, 'getField'):
                     field = obj.getField(fieldname)
                     if field:
                         obj = field.get(obj)
             if PLONE_APP_BLOB_INSTALLED and IBlobWrapper.providedBy(obj):
                 link.set(url + '/image.jpg')
             if not obj:
                 if '/@@images/' in match_path:
                     parent_path, image_name = match_path.split('/@@images/')
                     spl_img_name = image_name.split('/')
                     if len(spl_img_name) == 1:
                         # no scalename in path
                         uid = spl_img_name[0]
                         if '-' in uid:
                             # seems to be actual uid for a custom scale here...
                             # it should written out as [uid].[ext]
                             new_path = '/'.join((parent_path, uid))
                             # just use original if we can't figure this out...
                             new_path = '/'.join((parent_path, 'image.%s' % ext))
                         # scalename in path
                         fieldname, scalename = spl_img_name
                         new_path = '/'.join((parent_path, '_'.join((fieldname, scalename))))
                         new_path = new_path + '/image.jpg'
                     new_path = '/' + new_path.lstrip('/')
     return unicode(dom)
 def testImplementsITraversable(self):
    def __call__(self, request):  # pylint:disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
        See :meth:`pyramid.interfaces.ITraversar.__call__`.
        # JAM: Unfortunately, the superclass implementation is entirely monolithic
        # and we so we cannot reuse any part of it. Instead,
        # we copy-and-paste it. Unless otherwise noted, comments below are
        # original.

        # JAM: Note the abundance of no covers. These are for features we are
        # not currently using and the code is lifted directly from pyramid.
        environ = request.environ

        if request.matchdict is not None:
            matchdict = request.matchdict

            path = matchdict.get('traverse', '/') or '/'
            if is_nonstr_iter(path):
                # this is a *traverse stararg (not a {traverse})
                # routing has already decoded these elements, so we just
                # need to join them
                path = '/'.join(path) or '/'

            subpath = matchdict.get('subpath', ())
            if not is_nonstr_iter(subpath):  # pragma: no cover
                # this is not a *subpath stararg (just a {subpath})
                # routing has already decoded this string, so we just need
                # to split it
                subpath = split_path_info(subpath)

        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # this request did not match a route
            subpath = ()
                # empty if mounted under a path in mod_wsgi, for example
                path = decode_path_info(environ['PATH_INFO'] or '/')
            except KeyError:
                path = '/'
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                raise URLDecodeError(e.encoding, e.object, e.start, e.end,

        if VH_ROOT_KEY in environ:  # pragma: no cover
            # HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT
            vroot_path = decode_path_info(environ[VH_ROOT_KEY])
            vroot_tuple = split_path_info(vroot_path)
            # both will (must) be unicode or asciistr
            vpath = vroot_path + path
            vroot_idx = len(vroot_tuple) - 1
            vroot_tuple = ()
            vpath = path
            vroot_idx = -1

        root = self.root
        ob = vroot = root

        if vpath == '/':  # invariant: vpath must not be empty
            # prevent a call to traversal_path if we know it's going
            # to return the empty tuple
            vpath_tuple = ()
            i = 0
            view_selector = self.VIEW_SELECTOR
            # A list so that remaining_path can be modified
            vpath_tuple = list(split_path_info(vpath))
            for segment in vpath_tuple:
                # JAM: Fire traversal events, mainly so sites get installed. See
                # zope.publisher.base.
                _notify_before_traverse_event(ob, request)
                # JAM: Notice that checking for '@@' is special cased, and
                # doesn't go through the normal namespace lookup as it would in
                # plain zope traversal. (XXX: Why not?)
                if segment.startswith(view_selector):  # pragma: no cover
                    return {
                        'context': ob,
                        'view_name': segment[2:],
                        'subpath': vpath_tuple[i + 1:],
                        'traversed': vpath_tuple[:vroot_idx + i + 1],
                        'virtual_root': vroot,
                        'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple,
                        'root': root

                    # JAM: This is where we differ. instead of using __getitem__,
                    # we use the traversing machinery.
                    # The zope app would use IPublishTraverser, which
                    # would install security proxies along the way. We probably don't need to
                    # do that? TODO:
                    # NOTE: By passing the request here, we require all traversers
                    # (including the namespace traversers) to be registered as multi-adapters.
                    # None of the default namespaces are. See our
                    # configure.zcml for what is.

                    # JAM: Damn stupid implementation of traversePathElement ignores
                    # the request argument to find a traversable /except/ when a namespace is found.
                    # therefore, we explicitly query for the multi adapter ourself in the non-namespace case
                    # (In the namespace case, we let traversing handle it, because it needs a named adapter
                    # after parsing)
                    traversable = None
                    if segment and segment[0] not in '+@' \
                            and not ITraversable.providedBy(ob):
                            # Use the installed component registry
                            # instead of the request registry (which
                            # is the global component registry if
                            # pyramid was configured that way, or a
                            # standalone registry) in case the act of
                            # traversing has changed the site manager;
                            # zope.site.site.threadSiteSubscriber will
                            # do this for each BeforeTraverseEvent
                            # that's fired (though that's not
                            # registered by default).
                            traversable = queryMultiAdapter((ob, request),
                        except TypeError:
                            # Some things are registered for "*" (DefaultTraversable)
                            # which means they get called here. If they can't take
                            # two arguments, then we bail. Sucks.

                    remaining_path = vpath_tuple[i + 1:]
                    next_ob = ztraversing.traversePathElement(
                    if remaining_path != vpath_tuple[i + 1:]:
                        # Is this if check necessary? It would be faster to
                        # always assign
                        vpath_tuple[i + 1:] = remaining_path
                except LocationError:
                    # LocationError is a type of KeyError. The DefaultTraversable turns
                    # plain KeyError and TypeErrors into LocationError.
                    return {
                        'context': ob,
                        'view_name': segment,
                        'subpath': vpath_tuple[i + 1:],
                        'traversed': vpath_tuple[:vroot_idx + i + 1],
                        'virtual_root': vroot,
                        'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple,
                        'root': root
                if i == vroot_idx:  # pragma: no cover
                    vroot = next_ob
                ob = next_ob
                i += 1

        # JAM: Also fire before traversal for the actual context item, since we
        # won't actually traverse into it. Be sure not to fire multiple times
        # for this (E.g., the root). This logic is complicated by the
        # multi-returns above.
        _notify_before_traverse_event(ob, request)

        return {
            'context': ob,
            'view_name': empty,
            'subpath': subpath,
            'traversed': vpath_tuple,
            'virtual_root': vroot,
            'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple,
            'root': root