Example #1
 def __init__(self, mshtml, oldDropTarget):
     self.mshtml = mshtml
     self.oldDropTarget = oldDropTarget
     self.handled = False
     self.dndSource = None
     self.handlers = None
     self.dndSourceReaders = self._loadDnDSourceReaders()
     self.htmlHandler = ZHtmlDnDHandler()
Example #2
class ZMshtmlDropTarget:
    _com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IDropTarget] #@UndefinedVariable
    _public_methods_ = [u"Drop", u"DragEnter", u"DragOver", u"DragLeave"] #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-4$

    def __init__(self, mshtml, oldDropTarget):
        self.mshtml = mshtml
        self.oldDropTarget = oldDropTarget
        self.handled = False
        self.dndSource = None
        self.handlers = None
        self.dndSourceReaders = self._loadDnDSourceReaders()
        self.htmlHandler = ZHtmlDnDHandler()
    # end __init__()

    def _loadDnDSourceReaders(self):
        readers = []
        return readers
    # end _loadDnDSourceReaders()

    # Make sure only image files we support are being dragged.
    def DragEnter(self, dataObject, keyState, point, effect):
        # On drag enter, raise the window to the top
        rootWindow = getRootWindowOrDialog(self.mshtml)

        self.handlers = None
        self.handled = False
        self.internalDataObject = None
        self.dndSource = self._createDnDSource(dataObject)

        # Now that we have the DnD source, check if it is supported.
        # Note: Always let mshtml handle HTML sources
        reffect = None
        if self.htmlHandler.canHandle(self.dndSource):
            reffect = self._DoOldDragEnter(dataObject, keyState, point, effect)
        elif self._isDnDSourceSupported(self.dndSource):
            self.handled = True
            reffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY
            reffect = self._DoOldDragEnter(dataObject, keyState, point, effect)

        return reffect
    # end DragEnter()

    # Old behavior (use the old drop target to handle the drag)
    def _DoOldDragEnter(self, dataObject, keyState, point, effect):
            reffect = self.oldDropTarget.DragEnter(dataObject, keyState, point, effect)
            reffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE
        return reffect
    # end _DoOldDragEnter

    def _getIHtmlDocument(self):
        return self.mshtml.getIHTMLDocument()
    # end _getIHtmlDocument()

    def DragOver(self, keyState, point, effect):
        # If the drag is being handled by a Zoundry DnD handler
        if self.handled:
            # Convert from absolute (screen) coords to relative (frame) coords
            (absX, absY) = point
            (relX, relY) = self.mshtml.ScreenToClientXY(absX, absY)
            # Some custom C++/COM code to set the caret position in MSHTML
            zravencom.SetMSHTMLCaretPosition(self._getIHtmlDocument()._oleobj_, relX, relY) #@UndefinedVariable

            effect = DROPEFFECT_COPY
            effect = self.oldDropTarget.DragOver(keyState, point, effect)

        return effect
    # end DragOver()

    def Drop(self, dataObject, keyState, point, effect):
        # If we are handling the drop, then do it.
        if self.handled:
            handler = self.handlers[0]
            context = ZDnDContext(self.mshtml)
            xhtmlDoc = handler.handle(self.dndSource, context)
            if xhtmlDoc is not None:
                if isinstance(xhtmlDoc, str) or isinstance(xhtmlDoc, unicode):
                    xhtmlDoc = loadXhtmlDocumentFromString(xhtmlDoc)
            return S_OK

        # If we are not handling it, then let IE do the drop.
        return self.oldDropTarget.Drop(dataObject, keyState, point, effect)
    #end Drop

    def DragLeave(self):
        # If we were handling the drag, then null out our state and return S_OK
        if self.handled:
            self.handled = False
            self.handlers = None
            self.dndSource = None
            return S_OK

        # If we weren't handling the drag, then let IE do whatever it does.
            return self.oldDropTarget.DragLeave()
        except Exception:
            return S_OK
    # end DragLeave()

    def _createDnDSource(self, dataObject):
        enum = dataObject.EnumFormatEtc()
        formatEtcs = []
        next = enum.Next()
        while next:
            for formatEtc in next:
            next = enum.Next()


        dndSource = ZCompositeDnDSource()
        for reader in self.dndSourceReaders:
            formatEtc = (reader.getClipboardFormat(), None, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL)
            if formatEtc in formatEtcs:
                stgMedium = dataObject.GetData(formatEtc)

        return dndSource
    # end _createDnDSource()

    def _printFormatEtcs(self, formatEtcs):
        for (format, a, b, c, d) in formatEtcs: #@UnusedVariable
                print u'Format:', format, win32clipboard.GetClipboardFormatName(format) #$NON-NLS-1$
                print u'Format not found: ', format #$NON-NLS-1$
    # end _printFormatEtcs()

    def _isDnDSourceSupported(self, dndSource):
        if dndSource is None:
            return False
        self.handlers = getDnDService().getMatchingHandlers(dndSource)
        return len(self.handlers) > 0