Example #1
def add_annouce_game():
    title = request.form.get('title')
    content_image_url = request.form.get('content_image_url')
    push_times = request.form.get('push_times')
    priority = request.form.get('priority')
    date1 = request.form.get('date1')
    date2 = request.form.get('date2')
    channel_id = session['select_channel']

    # 校验并处理参数参数
    if not all([title, content_image_url, push_times, priority, date1, date2]):
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'请填入所有内容!')
    except ValueError:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'每日展示次数与优先级为整数纯数字!')
    date1 = time_util.formatTimestamp(date1)
    date2 = time_util.formatTimestamp(date2)
    if date1 > date2:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'开始日期不能大于结束日期!')

    sql = "select ifnull(max(id), 1) + 1 from admin_announcement"
    notice_id = int(LogQry(channel_id).qry(sql)[0][0])

    channel = redis_conn.hget(CHANNEL_CONFIG_TABLE + str(channel_id), "name")
    payload = {
        "start_time": date1,
        "end_time": date2,
        "channel": channel,
        "notice_id": notice_id,
        "push_times": push_times,
        "priority": priority,
        "content_img": content_image_url
    redis_conn.hset(NOTICE_TABLE + channel, notice_id, payload)

    create_sql = """
        INSERT INTO admin_announcement
        VALUES (%d,%s,'%s',%s,'%s', 
    """ % (notice_id, channel_id, title, priority, content_image_url,
           push_times, date1, date2)


    return jsonify(result=1, msg=u'新建公告成功!')
Example #2
def alarm_count():
    begin_time = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end_time = request.args.get('endDate')

    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time) + 86400
    channel = session['select_channel']

    sql = '''
        select count(1)
        from admin_game_alarm
        where time >= %d
        and time <= %d
        and state = %d
    ''' % (begin_time, end_time, STATE_UNREAD)
    total_count = LogQry(channel).qry(sql)

    return jsonify(count = total_count)
Example #3
def alarm_list():
    begin_time = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end_time = request.args.get('endDate')

    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time) + 86400
    channel = session['select_channel']

    size = int(request.args.get('size', ''))
    offset = int(request.args.get('offset', ''))

    subgame = game_parameter.get_subgame_list()

    datas = []
    sql = '''
            select id, pid, time, stype, val, 
                state, ifnull((select nick from player where id = pid), "")
            from admin_game_alarm
            where time >= %d
            and time <= %d
            order by state, time desc
            limit %d, %d
        ''' % (begin_time, end_time, offset, size)
    print sql
    for idx, pid, time, stype, val, \
        state, name in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        d = {
            "id": idx,
            "pid": pid,
            "time": time,
            "name": name,
            "state": state,
            "content": html(channel, pid, name, stype, val, subgame),

    sql = 'select count(1) from admin_game_alarm where time >= %d and time <= %d' % (begin_time, end_time)
    total = LogQry(channel).qry(sql)[0][0]

    return jsonify(data = datas, total = total)
Example #4
def withdrawal_order_retrieve():

    # 获取参数
    channel_id = session['select_channel']
    status = request.args.get('status')
    begin_time = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end_time = request.args.get('endDate')
    player_id = request.args.get('PlayerID')
    player_name = request.args.get('Account')

    # 校验参数
    if player_id:
        except ValueError as e:
            return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'玩家ID为整数纯数字!')
    if player_id and player_name:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'玩家ID、玩家账号只能填其一!')

    # 处理数据
    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time)
    player_id_str = ''
    if player_id:
        player_id_str = ' AND pid=%s' % player_id
    if player_name:
        retrieve_sql = """SELECT id 
                          FROM player 
                          WHERE account_id='%s';""" % player_name
        player_id = LogQry(int(channel_id)).qry(retrieve_sql)[0][0]
        player_id_str = ' AND pid=%s' % player_id
    type_str = ''
    status_str = ''
    if status != '0':
        status_str = ' AND status=%s' % status

    ## 查询操作员
    sql = 'select id, name from user'
    user_dict = {0: ""}
    for k, v in SqlOperate().select(sql):
        user_dict[k] = v

    # 从数据库获取数据
    retrieve_sql = """
        SELECT pid,withdraw_deposit_id,withdraw_deposit_type,withdraw_deposit_money,application_time,
            id,(select member_level_name from admin_member_level where id=member_level),
                dispose_user,(select nick from player where id=pid)
        FROM admin_withdraw 
        WHERE application_time>%s 
        AND application_time<%s
        ORDER BY status DESC,application_time DESC;
    """ % (begin_time, end_time, player_id_str, type_str, status_str)
    datas = LogQry(channel_id).qry(retrieve_sql)

    # 处理数据
    datas_list = list()
    for pid, withdraw_deposit_id, withdraw_deposit_type, withdraw_deposit_money, application_time, \
        service_charge, platform_withhold, status, dispose_time, remark, \
        payee, due_bank, gathering_account, open_account_address, failed_reason, \
        order_id, level_name, dispose_user, nick in datas:
        # 整理数据为字典
        data_dict = dict()
        data_dict['pid'] = pid
        data_dict['nick'] = nick
        data_dict['member_level'] = level_name
        data_dict['withdraw_deposit_id'] = withdraw_deposit_id
        data_dict['withdraw_deposit_type'] = withdraw_deposit_type
        data_dict['withdraw_deposit_money'] = withdraw_deposit_money
        data_dict['application_time'] = application_time
        data_dict['service_charge'] = service_charge
        data_dict['platform_withhold'] = platform_withhold
        data_dict['status'] = status_map[status]
        data_dict['dispose_time'] = dispose_time if dispose_time else 0
        data_dict['dispose_user'] = user_dict[dispose_user]
        data_dict['remark'] = remark
        data_dict['payee'] = payee
        data_dict['due_bank'] = due_bank
        data_dict['gathering_account'] = gathering_account
        data_dict['open_account_address'] = open_account_address
        data_dict['failed_reason'] = failed_reason
        data_dict['order_id'] = order_id

    # 返回数据
    return jsonify(result=1, datas=datas_list)
Example #5
def game_detail_retrieve():

    # 获取参数
    channel = session['select_channel']
    gameid = request.args.get('game')
    auto_id = request.args.get('code')
    pid = request.args.get('PlayerID')
    account_id = request.args.get('Account')
    begin_date = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end_date = request.args.get('endDate')
    time_start = request.args.get('time_start')
    time_end = request.args.get('time_end')
    size = request.args.get('size')
    offset = request.args.get('offset')

    # 校验参数
    if auto_id:
        except ValueError as e:
            return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'局号为整数纯数字!')
    if pid:
        except ValueError as e:
            return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'玩家ID为整数纯数字!')
    if pid and account_id:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'玩家ID与玩家账号只能填其一!')

    # 处理参数
    where = ''
    if pid:
        where += ' AND pid=%s' % pid
    if account_id:
        where += " AND pid=(select id from player where account_id='%s')" % account_id
    if auto_id:
        where += ' AND auto_id=%s' % auto_id
    if gameid != '0':
        where += ' AND gameid=%s' % gameid
    # right_date = begin_date  # 用于返回当天23点59分59秒
    # begin_date_str = begin_date + ' ' + time_start + ':00'
    # end_date_str = begin_date + ' ' + time_end + ':00'
    # try:
    #     begin_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_date_str)
    # except ValueError:
    #     begin_date = time_util.formatDatestamp(begin_date)  # 当天0点0分0秒
    # try:
    #     end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_date_str)
    # except ValueError:
    #     end_date = time_util.formatDatestamp(right_date) + 86399  # 当天23点59分59秒
    begin_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_date)
    end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_date)
    data_table_name = log_table.get_table_log_player_subgame(begin_date)

    # 校验开始时间是否小于结束时间
    if begin_date >= end_date:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'开始时间必须小于结束时间!')

    # 查询数据总量
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT count(1),ifnull(sum(stake_coin), 0),ifnull(sum(output_coin), 0),ifnull(sum(pump), 0)
                      FROM %s force index(time) 
                      WHERE time>=%s 
                      AND time<=%s
                      %s;""" \
                   % (data_table_name, begin_date, end_date, where)
        total_all = LogQry(int(channel)).qry(retrieve_sql)[0]
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'无数据!')
    total_count = total_all[0]
    total_stake_coin = total_all[1]
    total_output_coin = total_all[2]
    total_pump = total_all[3]

    # 从数据库获取数据
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT time,pid,gameid,roomtype,stake_coin,
                        output_coin,pump,auto_id,(select account_id from player where id=pid),
                          (select nick from player where id=pid) 
                      FROM %s force index(time) 
                      WHERE time>=%s 
                      AND time<=%s
                      ORDER BY time DESC 
                      LIMIT %s,%s;""" \
                   % (data_table_name, begin_date, end_date, where, offset, size)
    datas = LogQry(int(channel)).qry(retrieve_sql)

    # 处理数据
    game_dict = game_parameter.get_subgame_list()
    datas_list = list()
    for time, pid, gameid, roomtype, stake_coin, \
        output_coin, pump, auto_id, account_id, nick in datas:
        data_dict = dict()
        data_dict['time'] = time
        data_dict['account'] = account_id
        data_dict['pid'] = pid
        data_dict['nick'] = nick
        data_dict['game_name'] = game_parameter.get_subgame_by_id(
            game_dict, gameid)
        data_dict['room_type'] = roomtype
        data_dict['stake_coin'] = stake_coin
        data_dict['output_coin'] = output_coin
        data_dict['pump'] = pump
        data_dict['margin'] = output_coin - stake_coin
        data_dict['auto_id'] = auto_id
        data_dict['channel'] = channel
    total_dict = dict()
    total_dict['total_stake_coin'] = int(total_stake_coin)
    total_dict['total_output_coin'] = int(total_output_coin)
    total_dict['total_pump'] = int(total_pump)
    total_dict['total_margin'] = int(total_output_coin - total_stake_coin)

    # 返回数据
    return jsonify(result=1,
Example #6
def search_coin_change_data():
    player_id = request.args.get('PlayerID', '')
    Account = request.args.get('Account', '')
    gameid = request.args.get('game')
    start = request.args.get('beginDate', '')
    end = request.args.get('endDate', '')
    channel = session['select_channel']
    size = int(request.args.get('size', ''))
    offset = int(request.args.get('offset', ''))

    start_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(start)
    end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end)

    use_index = "force index(time)"
    if player_id:
        use_index = "force index(pid)"
        play_id_str = " AND pid=%s" % player_id
        play_id_str = ''

    if Account:
        use_index = "force index(pid)"
        play_id_str = " AND pid = (select id from player where account_id = '%s') " % Account

    if gameid == '0':
        subgame_str = ""
        subgame_ename = game_parameter.get_subgame_enname(int(gameid))
        subgame_str = " AND subgame LIKE '%s%%'" % subgame_ename

    search_sql = """
        SELECT time, pid, (SELECT nick FROM player WHERE id=pid), log_type, subgame, val, rest
        FROM %s
        WHERE time>=%d 
        AND time<%d%s%s 
        ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %s,%s;
        """ % (get_table_log_coin(start_date), use_index, start_date, end_date, play_id_str, subgame_str, offset, size)

    count_sql = """
        SELECT count(1), ifnull(sum(val) , 0)
        FROM %s 
        WHERE time >= %d
        AND time < %d%s%s
    """ % (get_table_log_coin(start_date), use_index, start_date, end_date, play_id_str, subgame_str)

    log_db = LogQry(channel)
    item_change_data = log_db.qry(search_sql)
    total_count = log_db.qry(count_sql)[0][0]
    total_val = int(log_db.qry(count_sql)[0][1])

    page_datas = list()
    log_coin_dict = game_parameter.get_coin_log_define()
    subgame_dict = game_parameter.get_subgame_name_enname_d()
    for timeStamp, pid, nick, log_type, subgame, \
        val, rest in item_change_data:
        item_change_dict = dict()
        item_change_dict['timeStamp'] = time_util.formatDateTime(timeStamp)
        item_change_dict['pid'] = pid
        item_change_dict['nick'] = nick
        item_change_dict['log_type'] = game_parameter.get_coin_log_name(log_coin_dict, log_type)

        if subgame:
            subgame_k = subgame.split('-')[0]
            room = subgame.split('-')[1]
            subgame_name = game_parameter.get_subgame_name_by_ename(subgame_dict, subgame_k)
            item_change_dict['subgame'] = "%s(%s)" % (subgame_name, room)
            subgame_k = ""
            room = ""
            item_change_dict['subgame'] = ""

        item_change_dict['val'] = val
        item_change_dict['rest'] = rest

    ## 做下特殊处理 排序下
    page_datas.sort(key=lambda x: [x['timeStamp'], x['val']], reverse=True)

    return jsonify({"errcode": 0, "dataLength": total_count, "rowDatas": page_datas, "total_val": total_val})
Example #7
def search_topup_order_detail():
    start = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end = request.args.get('endDate')
    player_id = request.args.get('PlayerID', '')
    account = request.args.get('Account', '')
    stype = request.args.get('type')
    pay_state = request.args.get('pay_state')
    offset = int(request.args.get("offset", "0"))
    pagesize = int(request.args.get("size", "100"))

    # 接收渠道id
    channel = session['select_channel']

    start_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(start)
    end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end)

    where = ""
    use_index = "force index(time)"
    if stype != "0":
        where += "and type = %s " % stype
    if pay_state != "-1":
        where += "and state = %s " % pay_state
    if player_id != "":
        use_index = "force index(pid)"
        where += "and pid = %s " % player_id
    if account != "":
        use_index = "force index(pid)"
        where += "and pid = (select id from player where account_id = '%s') " % account

    ## 查询满足条件的总数
    count_sql = '''
        select count(1)
        from admin_recharge
        where time >= %d 
        and time <= %d
    ''' % (use_index, start_date, end_date, where)
    total_count = LogQry(channel).qry(count_sql)[0][0]

    ## 查询支付通道名字
    pc = {}
    sql = '''
        select id, name, config
        from admin_pay_channel
    for line in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        pc[line[0]] = [line[1], line[2]]

    sql = '''
        select id, api_name
        from admin_online_payment
        where channel_id = %d
    ''' % (channel)
    for line in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        pc[line[0]] = [line[1], ""]

    ml = {}
    ml[0] = u"默认"
    sql = '''
        select id, member_level_name
        from admin_member_level
        where channel_id = %d
    ''' % channel
    for line in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        ml[line[0]] = line[1]

    ## 操作员查询
    operator = {0: ""}
    sql = '''
        select id, name
        from user
    for line in SqlOperate().select(sql):
        operator[line[0]] = line[1]

    ## 查询满足条件的订单详情
    sql = '''
        select time, pid, vip, (select account_id from player where id = pid),
                (select nick from player where id = pid),
            orderno, platformno, cost, state, type,
            pay_channel, request_pid, review_time, review_pid, memo,
            coin, pay_name
        from admin_recharge
        where time >= %d 
        and time <= %d
        order by state desc, time desc
        limit %s, %s
    ''' % (use_index, start_date, end_date, where, offset, pagesize)
    datas = []
    for line in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        d = {}
        d["request_time"] = line[0]
        d["id"] = line[1]
        d["vip"] = ml.get(line[2])
        d["account"] = line[3]
        d["nick"] = line[4]

        d["order_no"] = line[5]
        d["cost"] = line[7]
        d["state"] = line[8]
        d["pay_type"] = line[9]

        d["pay_chanel"] = pc[line[10]][0]
        d["request_pid"] = operator[line[11]]
        d["review_time"] = line[12]
        d["review_pid"] = operator[line[13]]
        d["memo"] = line[14]
        d["coin"] = line[15]
        d["name"] = line[16]

        d["pay_chanel_config"] = pc[line[10]][1]


    return jsonify({
        "errcode": 0,
        "dataLength": total_count,
        "rowDatas": datas
Example #8
def search_game_user_data():
    start = request.args.get('beginDate', '')
    end = request.args.get('endDate', '')
    player_id = request.args.get('PlayerID', '')
    nick = request.args.get('NickName', '')
    reg_ip = request.args.get('reg_ip', '')
    # 接收渠道id
    channel = session['select_channel']
    level = int(request.args.get('level', ''))

    offset = int(request.args.get("offset"))
    pagesize = int(request.args.get("size"))

    Where = ""
    if player_id:
        Where += " AND p.id='%s'" % player_id
    if nick:
        Where += " AND p.nick='%s'" % nick
    if level > 0:
        Where += " AND p.vip=%d" % level
    if reg_ip:
        Where += " AND p.reg_ip='%s'" % reg_ip

    ## 判断是否是当日查询
    start_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(start)
    end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end)
    Where += ' AND p.reg_time >= %d ' % start_date
    Where += ' AND p.reg_time <= %d ' % end_date

    ## 查询满足条件的所有玩家
    sql = '''
        select count(1)
        from player p
        where 1 = 1
    ''' % Where
    total_count = LogQry(channel).qry(sql)[0][0]

    ## 查询所有层级
    memberl_lv = {}
    sql = '''
        select id, member_level_name
        from admin_member_level
    for k, v in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
        memberl_lv[k] = v

    sql = '''
        select p.id, p.nick, p.reg_time, p.coin, 
                ifnull((select invite_id from player_agent where pid = p.id), ""),
            p.counter, p.last_login_time, p.account_id, p.vip, p.reg_ip
        from player as p
        where 1 =1 
        order by p.reg_time desc
        limit %d,%d
    ''' % (Where, offset, pagesize)
    pdatas = []
    for line in LogQry(channel).qry(sql):
            memberl_lv_name = memberl_lv[max(line[8], 1)]
            memberl_lv_name = line[8]
        d = {
            "id": line[0],
            "nick": line[1].encode("utf-8"),
            "reg_time": line[2],
            "coin": line[3] + game_util.get_bank_coin(line[5]),
            "agent": line[4],
            "last_login_time": line[6],
            "account_id": line[7],
            "memberl_lv": memberl_lv_name,
            "reg_ip": line[9]

    return jsonify({
        "errcode": 0,
        "dataLength": total_count,
        "rowDatas": pdatas
def recharge_discounts_create_update():

    # 获取参数
    channel_id = session['select_channel']
    user_id = g.user_id
    activity_title = request.form.get('activity_title')
    show_picture_url = request.form.get('show_picture_url')
    tab1_url = request.form.get('tab1_url')
    tab2_url = request.form.get('tab2_url')
    activity_type = request.form.get('activity_type')
    participation_member = request.form.get('participation_member')
    participation_level = request.form.get('participation_level')
    activity_content = request.form.get('activity_content')
    recharge_detail = request.form.get('recharge_detail')
    journal_require = request.form.get('journal_require')
    request_times = request.form.get('request_times')
    max_add_recharge = request.form.get('max_add_recharge')
    begin_time = request.form.get('begin_time')
    end_time = request.form.get('end_time')
    priority = request.form.get('priority')
    activity_id = request.form.get('activity_id')

    # 校验并处理参数
    if not all([begin_time, end_time, priority, activity_content]):
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'请输入所有必填项!')
        max_add_recharge = int(max_add_recharge) * 100
    except ValueError:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'流水要求、申请次数、最高赠送、优先级为整数纯数字!')
        recharge_detail = eval(recharge_detail)
    except Exception:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'所有充值梯度里的项都是必填项,且为整数纯数字!')
    for one in recharge_detail:
        i = 0
        for one_in_one in one:
                one[i] = int(one_in_one) * 100
            except ValueError:
                return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'所有充值梯度里的项都是必填项,且为整数纯数字!')
            i += 1
    if participation_level == ']':
        participation_level = ''
    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time)
    if begin_time > end_time:
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'开始时间不能大于结束时间!')

    # 向游戏服发送请求
    times = [begin_time] + [end_time]
    game_status = GameWeb(channel_id).post(
        '/api/up_activity', {
            'id': int(activity_type),
            'icon1': tab1_url,
            'icon2': tab2_url,
            'mark': activity_title,
            'ord': int(priority),
            'detail': show_picture_url,
            'times': times,
            'rules': activity_content
    if game_status['result'] != 'ok':
        return jsonify(result=0, msg='创建失败!')

    # 根据当前时间判定新建的活动的状态
    if begin_time < time_util.now_sec() < end_time:
        status = TAKE_EFFECT
        status = LOSE_EFFICACY

    # 查询账号名
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT name
                      FROM user
                      WHERE id=%s;""" % user_id
    user_id = SqlOperate().select(retrieve_sql)[0][0]

    # 新建充值优惠
    if not activity_id:
        # 先把同活动类型为生效状态的活动改状态为失效
        update_sql = """UPDATE admin_recharge_discounts
                        SET status=%s
                        WHERE status=%s
                        AND activity_type=%s;""" \
                     % (LOSE_EFFICACY, TAKE_EFFECT, activity_type)
        # 再新建新的活动
        create_sql = """INSERT INTO admin_recharge_discounts
                        VALUES (0,'%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s,
                                %s,%s);""" \
                     % (user_id, priority, activity_title, activity_content, activity_type,
                        participation_member, show_picture_url, tab1_url, tab2_url, begin_time,
                        end_time, participation_level, recharge_detail, request_times, max_add_recharge,
                        journal_require, status)
        return jsonify(result=1, msg=u'新建成功!')

    # 修改充值优惠
        # 先把同活动类型为生效状态的活动改状态为失效
        update_sql = """UPDATE admin_recharge_discounts
                        SET status=%s
                        WHERE status=%s
                        AND activity_type=%s;""" \
                     % (LOSE_EFFICACY, TAKE_EFFECT, activity_type)
        # 再修改活动
        update_sql = """UPDATE admin_recharge_discounts
                        SET priority=%s,activity_title='%s',activity_content='%s',activity_type=%s,participation_member=%s,
                        WHERE id=%s;""" \
                     % (priority, activity_title, activity_content, activity_type, participation_member,
                        show_picture_url, tab1_url, tab2_url, begin_time, end_time,
                        participation_level, recharge_detail, request_times, max_add_recharge, journal_require,
                        status, user_id, activity_id)
        return jsonify(result=1, msg=u'修改成功!')
Example #10
def update_activity():

    # 获取参数
    picture_url = request.form.get('picture_url')
    activity_title = request.form.get('activity_title')
    tab1_url = request.form.get('tab1_url')
    tab2_url = request.form.get('tab2_url')
    begin_time = request.form.get('begin_time')
    end_time = request.form.get('end_time')
    entry_fee = request.form.get('entry_fee')
    activity_content = request.form.get('activity_content')
    priority = request.form.get('priority')
    activity_type = request.form.get('activity_type')
    activity_id = request.form.get('activity_id')
    user_id = g.user_id
    channel_id = session['select_channel']

    # 校验并处理参数
    if not all([begin_time, end_time, priority, activity_content]):
        return jsonify(result=2, errormsg=u'请输入必填项!')
    if entry_fee:
        except ValueError as e:
            return jsonify(result=2, errormsg=u'报名费为整数纯数字!')
        entry_fee = 'null'
    except ValueError as e:
        return jsonify(result=2, errormsg=u'优先级为整数纯数字!')
    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time)

    # 向游戏服发送请求
    times = [begin_time] + [end_time]
    if activity_type == '2':
        game_status = GameWeb(channel_id).post(
            '/api/up_activity', {
                'id': int(activity_type),
                'icon1': tab1_url,
                'icon2': tab2_url,
                'mark': activity_title,
                'ord': int(priority),
                'detail': picture_url,
                'entry_fee': int(entry_fee),
                'times': times,
                'rules': activity_content
        game_status = GameWeb(channel_id).post(
            '/api/up_activity', {
                'id': int(activity_type),
                'icon1': tab1_url,
                'icon2': tab2_url,
                'mark': activity_title,
                'ord': int(priority),
                'detail': picture_url,
                'times': times,
                'rules': activity_content
    if game_status['result'] != 'ok':
        return jsonify(result=2, msg='修改失败!')

    # 根据当前时间判定新建的活动的状态
    if begin_time < time_util.now_sec() < end_time:
        status = TAKE_EFFECT
        status = LOSE_EFFICACY

    # 同活动类型为生效状态的活动改状态为失效
    update_sql = """UPDATE admin_activity
                    SET status=%s
                    WHERE status=%s
                    AND activity_type=%s;""" \
                 % (LOSE_EFFICACY, TAKE_EFFECT, activity_type)

    # 查询账号名
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT name
                      FROM user
                      WHERE id=%s;""" % user_id
    user_id = SqlOperate().select(retrieve_sql)[0][0]

    # 存进数据库
    update_activity_sql = """UPDATE admin_activity
                              SET activity_title='%s',activity_content='%s',picture_url='%s',tab1_url='%s',tab2_url='%s',
                              WHERE id=%s;""" \
                          % (activity_title, activity_content, picture_url, tab1_url, tab2_url,
                             begin_time, end_time, entry_fee, priority, activity_type,
                             status, user_id, activity_id)

    # 返回应答
    return jsonify(result=1)
Example #11
def create_marquee():

    # 获取参数
    channel_id = session['select_channel']
    user_id = g.user_id
    marquee_content = request.form.get('marquee_content')
    push_times = request.form.get('push_times')
    begin_time = request.form.get('begin_time')
    end_time = request.form.get('end_time')

    # 校验并处理数据
    if not all([marquee_content, push_times, begin_time, end_time]):
        return jsonify(result=2)
        push_times = int(push_times)
    except ValueError as e:
        return jsonify(result=3)
    if int(push_times) < -1:
        return jsonify(result=3)
    begin_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_time)
    end_time = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_time)
    if begin_time > end_time:
        return jsonify(result=5)

    # 根据时间戳和账号ID生成公告ID
    key_id = int(str(time_util.now_sec()) + str(user_id))

    # 向游戏端发送请求
    if push_times == -1:
        game_push_times = 88888
        game_push_times = push_times
    game_status = GameWeb(channel_id).post(
        '/api/send_notice', {
            'notice': marquee_content,
            'start': begin_time,
            'end': end_time,
            'max': game_push_times,
            'id': key_id
    if game_status['result'] != 'succ':
        return jsonify(result=4)

    # 查询账号名
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT name
                      FROM user
                      WHERE id=%s;""" % user_id
    user_id = SqlOperate().select(retrieve_sql)[0][0]

    # 存进数据库
    create_marquee_sql = """INSERT INTO admin_marquee (user_id,marquee_content,push_times,begin_time,end_time,
                                    %s,%s);""" \
                         % (user_id, marquee_content, push_times, begin_time, end_time,
                            TAKE_EFFECT, key_id)

    # 返回应答
    return jsonify(result=1)
Example #12
def card_data_retrieve():

    # 获取参数
    channel_id = session['select_channel']
    code = request.args.get('code')
    pid = request.args.get('PlayerID')
    begin_date = request.args.get('beginDate')
    end_date = request.args.get('endDate')
    size = request.args.get('size')
    offset = request.args.get('offset')

    # 校验并处理参数
    where_str = ''
    if code:
        code_list = list()
        for i in code:
        code_str = str(code_list).replace(' ', '')
        where_str += " AND detail LIKE '%%,%s,%%'" % code_str
    elif pid:
        except ValueError:
            return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'玩家ID为整数纯数字!')
        where_str += " AND detail like '[%s,[%%'" % pid
    elif begin_date and end_date:
        begin_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(begin_date)
        end_date = time_util.formatTimestamp(end_date)
        where_str += " AND time>=%s AND time<=%s" % (begin_date, end_date)

    # 从数据库获取数据
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT count(*)
                      FROM log_activity
                      WHERE activity_type=4
                      %s;""" % where_str
    total_count = LogQry(int(channel_id)).qry(retrieve_sql)[0][0]
    retrieve_sql = """SELECT detail,time
                      FROM log_activity
                      WHERE activity_type=4
                      ORDER BY time DESC
                      LIMIT %s,%s;""" \
                   % (where_str, offset, size)
    datas = LogQry(int(channel_id)).qry(retrieve_sql)

    # 如果有数据就处理数据并返回
    if datas:
        datas_list = list()
        for detail, time in datas:
            data_dict = dict()
            detail_list = eval(detail)
            activation_code = ''
            for i in detail_list[1]:
                activation_code += chr(int(i))
            data_dict['activation_code'] = activation_code
            data_dict['type'] = detail_list[2]
            data_dict['award'] = id_map_property(str(detail_list[3]))
            data_dict['overdue_time'] = overdue_map_id[detail_list[2]]
            data_dict['player'] = detail_list[0]
            data_dict['use_time'] = time_util.formatDateTime(time)
        return jsonify(result=1, data=datas_list, dataLength=total_count)

    # 如果没有数据并且输入了激活码就调用游戏服接口判断该激活码的状态
    elif not datas and code:
        status = GameWeb(int(channel_id)).post('/api/code_stat',
                                               {'code': code})
        if status['result'] == 0:
            return jsonify(result=0,
            return jsonify(result=0,

    # 其余情况均返回提示无数据
        return jsonify(result=0, msg=u'无数据!', data=[], dataLength=total_count)