def dump_latent(model, data_feed, config, log_dir): model.eval() de_tknize = utils.get_dekenize() data_feed.epoch_init(config, verbose=False, shuffle=False)"Dumping: {} batches".format(data_feed.num_batch)) all_zs = [] all_metas = [] while True: batch = data_feed.next_batch() if batch is None: break results = model(batch, mode=TEACH_FORCE, return_latent=True) labels = batch.outputs domains = acts = batch.get('output_actions') latent_acts = results.latent_actions if type(latent_acts) is tuple: latent_acts = list(latent_acts[0].cpu().data.numpy()) else: latent_acts = list(latent_acts.cpu().data.numpy()) for b_id in range(labels.shape[0]): true_str, _ = get_sent(model, de_tknize, labels, b_id) act_str, _ = get_sent(model, de_tknize, acts, b_id) all_metas.append({'utt': true_str, 'domain': domains[b_id], 'acts':act_str}) all_zs.extend(latent_acts) pickle.dump({'z': all_zs, "metas": all_metas}, open(os.path.join(log_dir, "latent-{}.p".format(utils.get_time())), 'wb'))"Dumping Done")
def generate(model, data_feed, config, evaluator, num_batch=1, dest_f=None): model.eval() de_tknize = utils.get_dekenize() def write(msg): if msg is None or msg == '': return if dest_f is None: else: dest_f.write((msg + '\n').encode('utf-8')) data_feed.epoch_init(config, shuffle=num_batch is not None, verbose=False) evaluator.initialize()"Generation: {} batches".format(data_feed.num_batch if num_batch is None else num_batch)) batch_cnt = 0 while True: batch_cnt += 1 batch = data_feed.next_batch() if batch is None or (num_batch is not None and data_feed.ptr > num_batch): break outputs, labels = model(batch, mode=GEN, gen_type=config.gen_type) # move from GPU to CPU labels = labels.cpu() pred_labels = [t.cpu().data.numpy() for t in outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_SEQUENCE]] pred_labels = np.array(pred_labels, dtype=int).squeeze(-1).swapaxes(0,1) true_labels = # get attention if possible if config.use_attn or config.use_ptr: pred_attns = [t.cpu().data.numpy() for t in outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_ATTN_SCORE]] pred_attns = np.array(pred_attns, dtype=float).squeeze(2).swapaxes(0,1) else: pred_attns = None # get last 1 context ctx = batch.get('contexts') ctx_len = batch.get('context_lens') domains = attn_ctx = outputs.get(DecoderPointerGen.KEY_PTR_CTX) sel_acts = outputs.get(DecoderPointerGen.KEY_POLICY) if sel_acts is not None: sel_acts = sel_acts.cpu().data.numpy() if attn_ctx is not None: attn_ctx = attn_ctx.cpu().data.numpy() attn_ctx = attn_ctx.reshape(attn_ctx.shape[0], -1) # the batch in String. for b_id in range(pred_labels.shape[0]): pred_str, attn = get_sent(model, de_tknize, pred_labels, b_id, attn=pred_attns, attn_ctx=attn_ctx) true_str, _ = get_sent(model, de_tknize, true_labels, b_id) prev_ctx = "" act_str = "" if ctx is not None: ctx_str = [] for t_id in range(ctx_len[b_id]): temp_str, _ = get_sent(model, de_tknize, ctx[:, t_id, :], b_id, stop_eos=False) ctx_str.append(temp_str) ctx_str = '|'.join(ctx_str)[-200::] prev_ctx = "Source: {}".format(ctx_str) if sel_acts is not None: act_str, _ = get_sent(model, de_tknize, sel_acts, b_id, stop_eos=False, stop_pad=False) act_str = "Acts: {}".format(act_str) domain = domains[b_id] evaluator.add_example(true_str, pred_str, domain) if num_batch is None or batch_cnt < 2: write(prev_ctx) write(act_str) write("{}:: True: {} ||| Pred: {}".format(domain, true_str, pred_str)) if attn: write("[[{}]]".format(attn)) write("-") write(evaluator.get_report(include_error=dest_f is not None))"Generation Done")