Example #1
    def config_qos(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = AgentRsp()

        shell.run("modprobe ifb; ip link set %s up" % QOS_IFB)

        if cmd.vCenterIps:
            interface_setup_rule = []

            def set_up_qos_rules(target_interface):
                # a bare number in tc class use bytes as unit
                config_qos_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev {0} ingress;" \
                                 "tc filter add dev {0} parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match " \
                                 "u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred egress redirect dev {1};" \
                                 "tc qdisc del dev {1} root >/dev/null 2>&1;" \
                                 "tc qdisc add dev {1} root handle 1: htb;" \
                                 "tc class add dev {1} parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate {2} burst 100m" \
                                 .format(target_interface, QOS_IFB, cmd.inboundBandwidth)
                return shell.run(config_qos_cmd)

            for vcenter_ip in cmd.vCenterIps:
                interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(linux.get_host_by_name(vcenter_ip))

                if interface and interface not in interface_setup_rule:
                    if set_up_qos_rules(interface) == 0:
                        logger.debug("Failed to set up qos rules on interface %s" % interface)

            list_url_cmd = shell.ShellCmd("ps aux | grep '[v]irt-v2v' | grep -v convert.ret | awk '{print $13}'")

            limited_interface = []
            if list_url_cmd.return_code == 0 and list_url_cmd.stdout:
                # will get a url format like
                # vpx://administrator%[email protected]/Datacenter-xxx/Cluster-xxx/
                for url in list_url_cmd.stdout.split('\n'):
                    vmware_host_ip = linux.get_host_by_name(url.split('/')[-1].split('?')[0])
                    interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(vmware_host_ip)

                    if interface:
                        cmdstr = "tc filter replace dev %s protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip src %s/32 flowid 1:1" \
                                 % (QOS_IFB, vmware_host_ip)
                        if shell.run(cmdstr) != 0:
                            logger.debug("Failed to set up tc filter on interface %s for ip %s"
                                         % (interface, vmware_host_ip))

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Example #2
        def clean_dnat(dnatInfo):
            vmware_host_ip = linux.get_host_by_name(dnatInfo.hostName)
            dnat_interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(dnatInfo.convertIp)
            if vmware_host_ip != dnatInfo.convertIp:
                if shell.run("route -n |grep %s |grep %s" % (vmware_host_ip, dnat_interface)) == 0:
                    shell.run("route del -host %s dev %s" % (vmware_host_ip, dnat_interface))

                if shell.run("iptables -t nat -nL --line-number | grep DNAT |grep %s | grep %s" % (vmware_host_ip, dnatInfo.convertIp)) == 0:
                    nat_number = shell.call("iptables -t nat -nL --line-number | grep DNAT |grep %s | grep %s" % (vmware_host_ip, dnatInfo.convertIp)).split(" ")[0]
                    shell.run("iptables -D OUTPUT %s -t nat" % nat_number)
Example #3
    def delete_qos(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = AgentRsp()

        if cmd.vCenterIps:
            def delete_qos_rules(target_interface):
                if target_interface:
                    # delete ifb interface tc rules
                    cmdstr = "tc qdisc del dev %s root >/dev/null 2>&1" % QOS_IFB
                    # delete target interface tc rules
                    cmdstr = "tc qdisc del dev %s ingress >/dev/null 2>&1" % target_interface

            for vcenter_ip in cmd.vCenterIps:
                interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(linux.get_host_by_name(vcenter_ip))

                if interface:

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Example #4
    def config_qos(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = AgentRsp()

        shell.run("modprobe ifb; ip link set %s up" % QOS_IFB)

        if not cmd.sourceHosts:
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        interfaces_to_setup_rule = {}

        def set_up_qos_rules(target_interface):
            # a bare number in tc class use bytes as unit
            config_qos_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev {0} ingress;" \
                             "tc filter add dev {0} parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match " \
                             "u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred egress redirect dev {1};" \
                             "tc qdisc del dev {1} root >/dev/null 2>&1;" \
                             "tc qdisc add dev {1} root handle 1: htb;" \
                             "tc class add dev {1} parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate {2} burst 100m" \
                             .format(target_interface, QOS_IFB, cmd.inboundBandwidth)
            return shell.run(config_qos_cmd)

        for host in cmd.sourceHosts:
            host_ip = linux.get_host_by_name(host)
            interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(host_ip)
            if interface:
                interfaces_to_setup_rule[host_ip] = interface

        for interface in set(interfaces_to_setup_rule.values()):
            if set_up_qos_rules(interface) != 0:
                logger.debug("Failed to set up qos rules on interface %s" % interface)

        for host_ip, interface in interfaces_to_setup_rule.items():
            cmdstr = "tc filter replace dev %s protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip src %s/32 flowid 1:1" \
                     % (QOS_IFB, host_ip)
            if shell.run(cmdstr) != 0:
                logger.debug("Failed to set up tc filter on interface %s for ip %s"
                             % (interface, host_ip))

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Example #5
    def convert(self, req):
        def get_mount_command(cmd):
            timeout_str = "timeout 30"
            username = getUsername(cmd.libvirtURI)
            if username == 'root':
                return "{0} mount".format(timeout_str)
            if cmd.sshPassword:
                return "echo {0} | {1} sudo -S mount".format(cmd.sshPassword, timeout_str)
            return "{0} sudo mount".format(timeout_str)

        def validate_and_make_dir(_dir):
            exists = os.path.exists(_dir)
            if not exists:
            return exists

        def do_ssh_mount(cmd, local_mount_point, vm_v2v_dir, real_storage_path):
            mount_cmd = get_mount_command(cmd)
            mount_paths = "{}:{} {}".format(cmd.managementIp, real_storage_path, local_mount_point)
            alternative_mount = mount_cmd + " -o vers=3"

            with lock.NamedLock(local_mount_point):
                cmdstr = "mkdir -p {0} && ls {1} 2>/dev/null || {2} {3} || {4} {3}".format(
                    runSshCmd(cmd.libvirtURI, cmd.sshPrivKey, cmdstr)
                except shell.ShellError as ex:
                    if "Stale file handle" in str(ex):
                        cmdstr = "umount {0} && {1} {2} || {3} {2}".format(
                        runSshCmd(cmd.libvirtURI, cmd.sshPrivKey, cmdstr)

        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        real_storage_path = getRealStoragePath(cmd.storagePath)
        storage_dir = os.path.join(real_storage_path, cmd.srcVmUuid)

        rsp = ConvertRsp()
        last_task = self.load_and_save_task(req, rsp, validate_and_make_dir, storage_dir)
        if last_task and last_task.agent_pid == os.getpid():
            rsp = self.wait_task_complete(last_task)
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        local_mount_point = os.path.join("/tmp/zs-v2v/", cmd.managementIp)
        vm_v2v_dir = os.path.join(local_mount_point, cmd.srcVmUuid)
        libvirtHost = getHostname(cmd.libvirtURI)

            do_ssh_mount(cmd, local_mount_point, vm_v2v_dir, real_storage_path)
        except shell.ShellError as ex:
            raise Exception('host {} cannot access NFS on {}'.format(libvirtHost, cmd.managementIp))

        if linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(linux.get_host_by_name(cmd.managementIp)):
            cmdstr = "tc filter replace dev %s protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip src %s/32 flowid 1:1" \
                     % (QOS_IFB, cmd.managementIp)

        volumes = None
        filters = buildFilterDict(cmd.volumeFilters)
        startTime = time.time()
        with LibvirtConn(cmd.libvirtURI, cmd.saslUser, cmd.saslPass, cmd.sshPrivKey) as c:
            dom = c.lookupByUUIDString(cmd.srcVmUuid)
            if not dom:
                raise Exception('VM not found: {}'.format(cmd.srcVmUuid))

            xmlDesc = dom.XMLDesc(0)
            dxml = xmlobject.loads(xmlDesc)
            if dxml.os.hasattr('firmware_') and dxml.os.firmware_ == 'efi' or dxml.os.hasattr('loader'):
                rsp.bootMode = 'UEFI'

            volumes = filter(lambda v: not skipVolume(filters, v.name), getVolumes(dom, dxml))
            oldstat, _ = dom.state()
            needResume = True

            if cmd.pauseVm and oldstat != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
                needResume = False

            # libvirt >= 3.7.0 ?
            flags = 0 if c.getLibVersion() < getVerNumber(3, 7) else libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_TRANSIENT_JOB
            needDefine = False
            if flags == 0 and dom.isPersistent():
                needDefine = True

            for v in volumes:
                localpath = os.path.join(storage_dir, v.name)
                info = dom.blockJobInfo(v.name, 0)
                if os.path.exists(localpath) and not info:
                if not os.path.exists(localpath) and info:
                    raise Exception("blockjob already exists on disk: "+v.name)
                if info:

                logger.info("start copying {}/{} ...".format(cmd.srcVmUuid, v.name))

                # c.f. https://github.com/OpenNebula/one/issues/2646

                    "<disk type='file'><source file='{}'/><driver type='{}'/></disk>".format(os.path.join(vm_v2v_dir, v.name), cmd.format),

            end_progress = 60
            total_volume_size = sum(volume.size for volume in volumes)

            if cmd.sendCommandUrl:
                Report.url = cmd.sendCommandUrl

            report = Report(cmd.threadContext, cmd.threadContextStack)
            report.processType = "KVM-V2V"
            while True:
                current_progress = 0.0
                job_canceled = False
                for v in volumes:
                    if v.endTime:
                        current_progress += 1.0 * float(v.size) / float(total_volume_size)

                    info = dom.blockJobInfo(v.name, 0)
                    if not info:
                        err_msg = 'blockjob not found on disk %s, maybe job has been canceled' % v.name
                        job_canceled = True
                    end = info['end']
                    cur = info['cur']
                    if cur == end :
                        v.endTime = time.time()
                        logger.info("completed copying {}/{} ...".format(cmd.srcVmUuid, v.name))
                        progress = 1.0
                        progress = float(cur) / float(end)

                    current_progress += progress * float(v.size) / float(total_volume_size)

                report.progress_report(str(int(current_progress * float(end_progress))), "start")
                if all(map(lambda v: v.endTime, volumes)) or job_canceled:

            if job_canceled:
                rsp.success = False
                rsp.error = "cannot find blockjob on vm %s, maybe it has been canceled" % cmd.srcVmUuid

            if not cmd.pauseVm and oldstat != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
                needResume = True

                for v in volumes:
                    if dom.blockJobInfo(v.name, 0):
                if needResume:
                if needDefine:

        # TODO
        #  - monitor progress

        def makeVolumeInfo(v, startTime, devId):
            return { "installPath": os.path.join(storage_dir, v.name),
                     "actualSize":  v.physicalSize,
                     "virtualSize": v.size,
                     "virtioScsi":  v.bus == 'scsi',
                     "deviceName":  v.name,
                     "downloadTime": int(v.endTime - startTime),
                     "deviceId":    devId }

        if not rsp.success:
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        idx = 1
        rv, dvs = None, []
        for v in volumes:
            if v.type == 'ROOT':
                rv = makeVolumeInfo(v, startTime, 0)
                dvs.append(makeVolumeInfo(v, startTime, idx))
                idx += 1

        rsp.rootVolumeInfo = rv
        rsp.dataVolumeInfos = dvs

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Example #6
    def convert(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = ConvertRsp()

        storage_dir = os.path.join(cmd.storagePath, cmd.srcVmUuid)

        def validate_and_make_dir(_dir):
            existing = os.path.exists(_dir)
            if not existing:
                shell.call("mkdir -p %s" % _dir)
            return existing

        last_task = self.load_and_save_task(req, rsp, validate_and_make_dir, storage_dir)
        if last_task and last_task.agent_pid == os.getpid():
            rsp = self.wait_task_complete(last_task)
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        new_task = self.load_task(req)

        cmdstr = "echo '{1}' > {0}/passwd".format(storage_dir, cmd.vCenterPassword)
        if shell.run(cmdstr) != 0:
            rsp.success = False
            rsp.error = "failed to create passwd {} in v2v conversion host".format(storage_dir)
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        def save_pid():
            linux.wait_callback_success(os.path.exists, v2v_pid_path)
            with open(v2v_pid_path, 'r') as fd:
                new_task.current_pid = fd.read().strip()
            new_task.current_process_cmd = echo_pid_cmd
            new_task.current_process_name = "virt_v2v_cmd"
            logger.debug("longjob[uuid:%s] saved process[pid:%s, name:%s]" %
                         (cmd.longJobUuid, new_task.current_pid, new_task.current_process_name))

        def get_v2v_cmd(cmd, rsp):
            extra_params = ""
            if cmd.extraParams:
                for k, v in cmd.extraParams.__dict__.items():
                    extra_params = ' '.join((extra_params, ("--%s" % k), v))

            if cmd.vddkVersion == '6.5':
                return 'VIRTIO_WIN=/var/lib/zstack/v2v/zstack-windows-virtio-driver.iso \
                        virt-v2v -ic vpx://{0}?no_verify=1 {1} -it vddk \
                        --vddk-libdir=/var/lib/zstack/v2v/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib \
                        --vddk-thumbprint={3} -o local -os {2} --password-file {2}/passwd {5} \
                        -of {4} > {2}/virt_v2v_log 2>&1'.format(cmd.srcVmUri, shellquote(cmd.srcVmName), storage_dir,
                                                                cmd.thumbprint, cmd.format, extra_params)
            if cmd.vddkVersion == '5.5':
                if not self._ndbkit_is_work():
                    rsp.success = False
                    rsp.error = "nbdkit with vddk 5.5 is not work, try to reconnect conversion host"
                    return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

                return 'export PATH={5}:$PATH; \
                        VIRTIO_WIN=/var/lib/zstack/v2v/zstack-windows-virtio-driver.iso \
                        virt-v2v -ic vpx://{0}?no_verify=1 {1} -it vddk \
                        --vddk-libdir=/var/lib/zstack/v2v/nbdkit_build_lib/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib \
                        --vddk-thumbprint={3} -o local -os {2} --password-file {2}/passwd {6} \
                        -of {4} > {2}/virt_v2v_log 2>&1'.format(cmd.srcVmUri, shellquote(cmd.srcVmName),
                                                                cmd.thumbprint, cmd.format, self._get_nbdkit_dir_path(), extra_params)

        def dnat_to_convert_interface(ip, dnat_ip, dnat_interface):
            if shell.run("route -n |grep %s |grep %s" % (ip, dnat_interface)) != 0:
                shell.run("route add -host %s dev %s" % (ip, dnat_interface))

            if shell.run("iptables -t nat -nL --line-number | grep DNAT |grep %s | grep %s" % (ip, dnat_ip)) != 0:
                shell.run("iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d %s -j DNAT --to-destination %s" % (ip, dnat_ip))

        virt_v2v_cmd = get_v2v_cmd(cmd, rsp)
        src_vm_uri = cmd.srcVmUri
        host_name = src_vm_uri.split('/')[-1]
        if not linux.is_valid_hostname(host_name):
            rsp.success = False
            rsp.error = "cannot resolve hostname %s, check the hostname configured on the DNS server" % host_name
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        v2v_pid_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, "convert.pid")
        v2v_cmd_ret_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, "convert.ret")
        echo_pid_cmd = "echo $$ > %s; %s; ret=$?; echo $ret > %s; exit $ret" % (
        v2v_pid_path, virt_v2v_cmd, v2v_cmd_ret_path)

        vmware_host_ip = linux.get_host_by_name(host_name)
        interface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(vmware_host_ip)
        convertInterface = linux.find_route_interface_by_destination_ip(cmd.srcHostIp)

        if vmware_host_ip != cmd.srcHostIp:
            dnat_to_convert_interface(vmware_host_ip, cmd.srcHostIp, convertInterface)

        if convertInterface:
            cmdstr = "tc filter replace dev %s protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip src %s/32 flowid 1:1" \
                     % (QOS_IFB, cmd.srcHostIp)

        max_retry_times = 1
        retry_counter = [0]

        @linux.retry(times=max_retry_times+1, sleep_time=1)
        def run_convert_if_need():
            def do_run():
                ret = shell.run(echo_pid_cmd)
                new_task.current_process_return_code = ret
                return ret

            def retry_if_needed(ret):
                if ret == 0:

                if retry_counter[0] != max_retry_times and shell.run("grep -q 'guestfs_launch failed' %s" % log_path) == 0:
                    retry_counter[0] += 1
                    raise RetryException(
                        "launch guestfs failed, rerun v2v longjob %s" % cmd.longJobUuid)

            pid = linux.read_file(v2v_pid_path)
            log_path = "%s/virt_v2v_log" % storage_dir
            if not pid:
                return do_run()

            pid = int(pid.strip())
            process_completed = os.path.exists(v2v_cmd_ret_path)
            process_has_been_killed = not os.path.exists(v2v_cmd_ret_path) and not os.path.exists('/proc/%d' % pid)
            process_still_running = not os.path.exists(v2v_cmd_ret_path) and os.path.exists('/proc/%d' % pid)
            if process_has_been_killed:
                return do_run()

            if process_still_running:
                linux.wait_callback_success(os.path.exists, v2v_cmd_ret_path, timeout=259200, interval=60)

            # delete password file
            passwd_file = os.path.join(storage_dir, "passwd")
            if os.path.exists(passwd_file):

            ret = linux.read_file(v2v_cmd_ret_path)
            return int(ret.strip() if ret else 126)

        if run_convert_if_need() != 0:
            v2v_log_file = "/tmp/v2v_log/%s-virt-v2v-log" % cmd.longJobUuid

            # create folder to save virt-v2v log
            tail_cmd = 'mkdir -p /tmp/v2v_log; tail -c 1M %s/virt_v2v_log > %s' % (storage_dir, v2v_log_file)
            with open(v2v_log_file, 'a') as fd:
                fd.write('\n>>> virt_v2v command: %s\n' % virt_v2v_cmd)

            rsp.success = False
            # Check if the v2v convert fails due to vCenter 5.5 bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1287681#c14
            ret = shell.call("grep -io 'File name .* refers to non-existing datastore .*' %s | tail -n 1" % v2v_log_file)
            if ret:
                rsp.error = ret.strip("\n") + ". This may be a bug in vCenter 5.5, please detach ISO in vSphere client and try again"
                rsp.error = "failed to run virt-v2v command, log in conversion host: %s" % v2v_log_file

            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)

        root_vol = (r"%s/%s-sda" % (storage_dir, cmd.srcVmName)).encode('utf-8')
        if not os.path.exists(root_vol):
            rsp.success = False
            rsp.error = "failed to convert root volume of " + cmd.srcVmName
            return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
        root_volume_actual_size, root_volume_virtual_size = self._get_qcow2_sizes(root_vol)
        rsp.rootVolumeInfo = {"installPath": root_vol,
                              "actualSize": root_volume_actual_size,
                              "virtualSize": root_volume_virtual_size,
                              "deviceId": 0}

        rsp.dataVolumeInfos = []
        for dev in 'bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
            data_vol = (r"%s/%s-sd%c" % (storage_dir, cmd.srcVmName, dev)).encode('utf-8')
            if os.path.exists(data_vol):
                aSize, vSize = self._get_qcow2_sizes(data_vol)
                rsp.dataVolumeInfos.append({"installPath": data_vol,
                                            "actualSize": aSize,
                                            "virtualSize": vSize,
                                            "deviceId": ord(dev) - ord('a')})

        xml = (r"%s/%s.xml" % (storage_dir, cmd.srcVmName)).encode('utf-8')
        if self._check_str_in_file(xml, "<nvram "):
            rsp.bootMode = 'UEFI'

        def collect_time_cost():
            # [ 138.3] Copying disk 1/13 to
            # [ 408.1] Copying disk 2/13 to
            # ...
            # [1055.2] Copying disk 11/13 to
            # [1082.3] Copying disk 12/13 to
            # [1184.9] Copying disk 13/13 to
            # [1218.0] Finishing off
            # Copying disk is start time of copy, so also get finish off time for calculating last disk's time cost
            s = shell.ShellCmd("""awk -F"[][]" '/Copying disk|Finishing off/{print $2}' %s/virt_v2v_log""" % storage_dir)
            if s.return_code != 0:

            times = s.stdout.split('\n')

            if len(times) < 2:

            rsp.rootVolumeInfo['downloadTime'] = int(float(times[1]) - float(times[0]))
            times = times[1:]
            for i in xrange(0, len(rsp.dataVolumeInfos)):
                if i + 1 < len(times):
                    rsp.dataVolumeInfos[i]["downloadTime"] = int(float(times[i + 1]) - float(times[i]))

        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("Failed to collect time cost, because %s" % e.message)

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)