def upload_imagestore(self, cmd, req): self._check_zstore_cli() imf = self._get_image_json_file(cmd.srcPath) if not self._ceph_file_existed(imf): self.commit_to_imagestore(cmd, req) extpara = "" taskid = req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.TASK_UUID) if cmd.threadContext: if cmd.threadContext['task-stage']: extpara += " -stage %s" % cmd.threadContext['task-stage'] if cmd.threadContext.api: taskid = cmd.threadContext.api cmdstr = '%s -url %s:%s -callbackurl %s -taskid %s -imageUuid %s %s push %s' % ( self.ZSTORE_CLI_PATH, cmd.hostname, self.ZSTORE_DEF_PORT, req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.CALLBACK_URI), taskid, cmd.imageUuid, extpara, cmd.srcPath) logger.debug('pushing %s to image store' % cmd.srcPath) shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd)"utf-8")) logger.debug('%s pushed to image store' % cmd.srcPath) name, imageid = self._get_image_reference(cmd.srcPath) rsp = CpRsp() rsp.installPath = self._build_install_path(name, imageid) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def cp(self, req): cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) src_path = self._normalize_install_path(cmd.srcPath) dst_path = self._normalize_install_path(cmd.dstPath) if cmd.sendCommandUrl: Report.url = cmd.sendCommandUrl report = Report(cmd.threadContext, cmd.threadContextStack) report.processType = "CephCpVolume" _, PFILE = tempfile.mkstemp() stage = (cmd.threadContext['task-stage'], "10-90")[cmd.threadContext['task-stage'] is None] def _get_progress(synced): if not Report.url: return synced logger.debug("getProgress in ceph-agent") percent = "tail -1 %s | grep -o '1\?[0-9]\{1,2\}%%' | tail -1" % PFILE).strip(' \t\n\r%') if percent and Report.url: report.progress_report(get_exact_percent(percent, stage), "report") return synced def _get_cp_cmd(): return "deep cp" if "rbd help deep cp > /dev/null") == 0 else "cp" t_shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) _, _, err = t_shell.bash_progress_1( self._wrap_shareable_cmd( cmd, 'rbd %s %s %s 2> %s' % (_get_cp_cmd(), src_path, dst_path, PFILE)), _get_progress) if os.path.exists(PFILE): os.remove(PFILE) if err:'rbd rm %s' % dst_path) raise err rsp = CpRsp() rsp.size = self._get_file_size(dst_path) self._set_capacity_to_response(rsp) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def create_template_from_volume(self, req): cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) rsp = AgentRsp() dirname = os.path.dirname(cmd.installPath) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, 0755) @rollback.rollbackable def _0(): linux.rm_file_force(cmd.installPath) _0() t_shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) linux.create_template(cmd.volumePath, cmd.installPath, shell=t_shell) logger.debug('successfully created template[%s] from volume[%s]' % (cmd.installPath, cmd.volumePath)) rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = self._get_disk_capacity(cmd.mountPoint) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def _migrate_volume_segment(self, parent_uuid, resource_uuid, src_install_path, dst_install_path, dst_mon_addr, dst_mon_user, dst_mon_passwd, dst_mon_port, cmd): src_install_path = self._normalize_install_path(src_install_path) dst_install_path = self._normalize_install_path(dst_install_path) traceable_bash = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) ssh_cmd, tmp_file = linux.build_sshpass_cmd( dst_mon_addr, dst_mon_passwd, "tee >(md5sum >/tmp/%s_dst_md5) | rbd import-diff - %s" % (resource_uuid, dst_install_path), dst_mon_user, dst_mon_port) r, _, e = traceable_bash.bash_roe( 'set -o pipefail; rbd export-diff {FROM_SNAP} {SRC_INSTALL_PATH} - | tee >(md5sum >/tmp/{RESOURCE_UUID}_src_md5) | {SSH_CMD}' .format(RESOURCE_UUID=resource_uuid, SSH_CMD=ssh_cmd, SRC_INSTALL_PATH=src_install_path, FROM_SNAP='--from-snap ' + parent_uuid if parent_uuid != '' else '')) linux.rm_file_force(tmp_file) if r != 0: logger.error('failed to migrate volume %s: %s' % (src_install_path, e)) return r # compare md5sum of src/dst segments src_segment_md5 = self._read_file_content('/tmp/%s_src_md5' % resource_uuid) dst_segment_md5 = linux.sshpass_call( dst_mon_addr, dst_mon_passwd, 'cat /tmp/%s_dst_md5' % resource_uuid, dst_mon_user, dst_mon_port) if src_segment_md5 != dst_segment_md5: logger.error('check sum mismatch after migration: %s' % src_install_path) return -1 return 0
def create_template_from_root_volume(self, req): cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) rsp = CreateTemplateFromRootVolumeRsp() try: dirname = os.path.dirname(cmd.installPath) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, 0755) t_shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) linux.create_template(cmd.rootVolumePath, cmd.installPath, shell=t_shell) except linux.LinuxError as e: linux.rm_file_force(cmd.installPath) logger.warn(linux.get_exception_stacktrace()) rsp.error = 'unable to create image to root@%s:%s from root volume[%s], %s' % ( cmd.sftpBackupStorageHostName, cmd.installPath, cmd.rootVolumePath, str(e)) rsp.success = False self._set_capacity_to_response(cmd.uuid, rsp) logger.debug('successfully created template[%s] from root volume[%s]' % (cmd.installPath, cmd.rootVolumePath)) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def download(self, req): rsp = DownloadRsp() def _get_origin_format(path): qcow2_length = 0x9007 if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith( 'https://') or path.startswith('ftp://'): resp = urllib2.urlopen(path) qhdr = resp.close() elif path.startswith('sftp://'): fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() get_header_from_pipe_cmd = "timeout 60 head --bytes=%d %s > %s" % ( qcow2_length, pipe_path, tmp_file) clean_cmd = "pkill -f %s" % pipe_path '%s & %s && %s' % (scp_to_pipe_cmd, get_header_from_pipe_cmd, clean_cmd)) qhdr =, qcow2_length) if os.path.exists(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) else: resp = open(path) qhdr = resp.close() if len(qhdr) < qcow2_length: return "raw" return get_image_format_from_buf(qhdr) def get_origin_format(fpath, fail_if_has_backing_file=True): image_format = _get_origin_format(fpath) if image_format == "derivedQcow2" and fail_if_has_backing_file: raise Exception('image has backing file or %s is not exist!' % fpath) return image_format cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) pool, image_name = self._parse_install_path(cmd.installPath) tmp_image_name = 'tmp-%s' % image_name @rollbackable def _1(): shell.check_run('rbd rm %s/%s' % (pool, tmp_image_name)) def _getRealSize(length): '''length looks like: 10245K''' logger.debug(length) if not length[-1].isalpha(): return length units = { "g": lambda x: x * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "m": lambda x: x * 1024 * 1024, "k": lambda x: x * 1024, } try: if not length[-1].isalpha(): return length return units[length[-1].lower()](int(length[:-1])) except: logger.warn(linux.get_exception_stacktrace()) return length # whether we have an upload request if cmd.url.startswith(self.UPLOAD_PROTO): self._prepare_upload(cmd) rsp.size = 0 rsp.uploadPath = self._get_upload_path(req) self._set_capacity_to_response(rsp) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp) if cmd.sendCommandUrl: Report.url = cmd.sendCommandUrl report = Report(cmd.threadContext, cmd.threadContextStack) report.processType = "AddImage" report.resourceUuid = cmd.imageUuid report.progress_report("0", "start") url = urlparse.urlparse(cmd.url) if url.scheme in ('http', 'https', 'ftp'): image_format = get_origin_format(cmd.url, True) cmd.url = linux.shellquote(cmd.url) # roll back tmp ceph file after import it _1() _, PFILE = tempfile.mkstemp() content_length = """curl -sLI %s|awk '/[cC]ontent-[lL]ength/{print $NF}'""" % cmd.url).splitlines()[-1] total = _getRealSize(content_length) def _getProgress(synced): last = linux.tail_1(PFILE).strip() if not last or len(last.split( )) < 1 or 'HTTP request sent, awaiting response' in last: return synced logger.debug("last synced: %s" % last) written = _getRealSize(last.split()[0]) if total > 0 and synced < written: synced = written if synced < total: percent = int(round(float(synced) / float(total) * 90)) report.progress_report(percent, "report") return synced logger.debug("content-length is: %s" % total) _, _, err = shell.bash_progress_1( 'set -o pipefail;wget --no-check-certificate -O - %s 2>%s| rbd import --image-format 2 - %s/%s' % (cmd.url, PFILE, pool, tmp_image_name), _getProgress) if err: raise err actual_size = linux.get_file_size_by_http_head(cmd.url) if os.path.exists(PFILE): os.remove(PFILE) elif url.scheme == 'sftp': port = (url.port, 22)[url.port is None] _, PFILE = tempfile.mkstemp() ssh_pswd_file = None pipe_path = PFILE + "fifo" scp_to_pipe_cmd = "scp -P %d -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null %s@%s:%s %s" % ( port, url.username, url.hostname, url.path, pipe_path) sftp_command = "sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=no -P %s -b /dev/stdin %s@%s" % ( port, url.username, url.hostname) + " <<EOF\n%s\nEOF\n" if url.password is not None: ssh_pswd_file = linux.write_to_temp_file(url.password) scp_to_pipe_cmd = 'sshpass -f %s %s' % (ssh_pswd_file, scp_to_pipe_cmd) sftp_command = 'sshpass -f %s %s' % (ssh_pswd_file, sftp_command) actual_size = sftp_command % ("ls -l " + url.path)).splitlines()[1].strip().split()[4] os.mkfifo(pipe_path) image_format = get_origin_format(cmd.url, True) cmd.url = linux.shellquote(cmd.url) # roll back tmp ceph file after import it _1() def _get_progress(synced): if not os.path.exists(PFILE): return synced last = linux.tail_1(PFILE).strip() if not last or not last.isdigit(): return synced report.progress_report(int(last) * 90 / 100, "report") return synced get_content_from_pipe_cmd = "pv -s %s -n %s 2>%s" % ( actual_size, pipe_path, PFILE) import_from_pipe_cmd = "rbd import --image-format 2 - %s/%s" % ( pool, tmp_image_name) _, _, err = shell.bash_progress_1( 'set -o pipefail; %s & %s | %s' % (scp_to_pipe_cmd, get_content_from_pipe_cmd, import_from_pipe_cmd), _get_progress) if ssh_pswd_file: linux.rm_file_force(ssh_pswd_file) linux.rm_file_force(PFILE) linux.rm_file_force(pipe_path) if err: raise err elif url.scheme == 'file': src_path = cmd.url.lstrip('file:') src_path = os.path.normpath(src_path) if not os.path.isfile(src_path): raise Exception('cannot find the file[%s]' % src_path) image_format = get_origin_format(src_path, True) # roll back tmp ceph file after import it _1() shell.check_run("rbd import --image-format 2 %s %s/%s" % (src_path, pool, tmp_image_name)) actual_size = os.path.getsize(src_path) else: raise Exception('unknown url[%s]' % cmd.url) file_format = "set -o pipefail; %s rbd:%s/%s | grep 'file format' | cut -d ':' -f 2" % (qemu_img.subcmd('info'), pool, tmp_image_name)) file_format = file_format.strip() if file_format not in ['qcow2', 'raw']: raise Exception('unknown image format: %s' % file_format) if file_format == 'qcow2': conf_path = None try: with open('/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'r') as fd: conf = conf = '%s\n%s\n' % (conf, 'rbd default format = 2') conf_path = linux.write_to_temp_file(conf) shell.check_run( '%s -f qcow2 -O rbd rbd:%s/%s rbd:%s/%s:conf=%s' % (qemu_img.subcmd('convert'), pool, tmp_image_name, pool, image_name, conf_path)) shell.check_run('rbd rm %s/%s' % (pool, tmp_image_name)) finally: if conf_path: os.remove(conf_path) else: shell.check_run('rbd mv %s/%s %s/%s' % (pool, tmp_image_name, pool, image_name)) report.progress_report("100", "finish") @rollbackable def _2(): shell.check_run('rbd rm %s/%s' % (pool, image_name)) _2() o ='rbd --format json info %s/%s' % (pool, image_name)) image_stats = jsonobject.loads(o) rsp.size = long(image_stats.size_) rsp.actualSize = actual_size if image_format == "qcow2": rsp.format = "raw" else: rsp.format = image_format self._set_capacity_to_response(rsp) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def download_image(self, req): #TODO: report percentage to mgmt server def percentage_callback(percent, url): reporter.progress_report(int(percent)) def use_wget(url, name, workdir, timeout): return linux.wget(url, workdir=workdir, rename=name, timeout=timeout, interval=2, callback=percentage_callback, callback_data=url) cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) reporter = report.Report.from_spec(cmd, "DownloadImage") t_shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) rsp = DownloadResponse() # for download failure (total, avail) = self.get_capacity() rsp.totalCapacity = total rsp.availableCapacity = avail supported_schemes = [self.URL_HTTP, self.URL_HTTPS, self.URL_FTP, self.URL_SFTP, self.URL_FILE] if cmd.urlScheme not in supported_schemes: rsp.success = False rsp.error = 'unsupported url scheme[%s], SimpleSftpBackupStorage only supports %s' % (cmd.urlScheme, supported_schemes) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp) path = os.path.dirname(cmd.installPath) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, 0777) image_name = os.path.basename(cmd.installPath) install_path = cmd.installPath timeout = cmd.timeout if cmd.timeout else 7200 url = urlparse.urlparse(cmd.url) if cmd.urlScheme in [self.URL_HTTP, self.URL_HTTPS, self.URL_FTP]: try: cmd.url = linux.shellquote(cmd.url) ret = use_wget(cmd.url, image_name, path, timeout) if ret != 0: linux.rm_file_force(install_path) rsp.success = False rsp.error = 'http/https/ftp download failed, [wget -O %s %s] returns value %s' % (image_name, cmd.url, ret) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp) except linux.LinuxError as e: linux.rm_file_force(install_path) traceback.format_exc() rsp.success = False rsp.error = str(e) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp) elif cmd.urlScheme == self.URL_SFTP: ssh_pass_file = None port = (url.port, 22)[url.port is None] class SftpDownloadDaemon(plugin.TaskDaemon): def _cancel(self): pass def _get_percent(self): return os.stat(install_path).st_size / (total_size / 100) if os.path.exists(install_path) else 0 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): super(SftpDownloadDaemon, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if ssh_pass_file: linux.rm_file_force(ssh_pass_file) if exc_val is not None: linux.rm_file_force(install_path) traceback.format_exc() with SftpDownloadDaemon(cmd, "DownloadImage"): sftp_cmd = "sftp -P %d -o BatchMode=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -b /dev/stdin %s@%s " \ "<<EOF\n%%s\nEOF\n" % (port, url.username, url.hostname) if url.password is not None: ssh_pass_file = linux.write_to_temp_file(url.password) sftp_cmd = 'sshpass -f %s %s' % (ssh_pass_file, sftp_cmd) total_size = int( % ("ls -l " + url.path)).splitlines()[1].split()[4]) % ("reget %s %s" % (url.path, install_path))) elif cmd.urlScheme == self.URL_FILE: src_path = cmd.url.lstrip('file:') src_path = os.path.normpath(src_path) if not os.path.isfile(src_path): raise Exception('cannot find the file[%s]' % src_path) logger.debug("src_path is: %s" % src_path) try:'yes | cp %s %s' % (src_path, linux.shellquote(install_path))) except shell.ShellError as e: linux.rm_file_force(install_path) raise e os.chmod(cmd.installPath, stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IRGRP + stat.S_IROTH) try: image_format = linux.get_img_file_fmt(linux.shellquote(install_path)) except Exception as e: image_format = "raw" size = os.path.getsize(install_path) md5sum = 'not calculated' logger.debug('successfully downloaded %s to %s' % (cmd.url, install_path)) (total, avail) = self.get_capacity() rsp.md5Sum = md5sum rsp.actualSize = size rsp.size = linux.qcow2_virtualsize(install_path) rsp.totalCapacity = total rsp.availableCapacity = avail rsp.format = image_format return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
def migrate_bits(self, req): cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY]) rsp = NfsToNfsMigrateBitsRsp() mount_path = cmd.mountPath dst_folder_path = cmd.dstFolderPath temp_dir = None fd, PFILE = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) f = open(PFILE, 'r') try: if not cmd.isMounted: linux.is_valid_nfs_url(cmd.url) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # dst folder is absolute path mount_path = temp_dir + mount_path dst_folder_path = temp_dir + dst_folder_path if not linux.is_mounted(mount_path, cmd.url): linux.mount(cmd.url, mount_path, cmd.options, "nfs4") # begin migration, then check md5 sums linux.mkdir(dst_folder_path) t_shell = traceable_shell.get_shell(cmd) rsync_excludes = "" md5_excludes = "" if cmd.filtPaths: for filtPath in cmd.filtPaths: # filtPath cannot start with '/', because it must be a relative path if filtPath.startswith('/'): filtPath = filtPath[1:] if filtPath != '': rsync_excludes = rsync_excludes + " --exclude=%s" % filtPath md5_excludes = md5_excludes + " ! -path %s/%s" % ( cmd.srcFolderPath, filtPath) total_size = int( "rsync -aznv %s/ %s %s | grep -o -P 'total size is \K\d*'" % (cmd.srcFolderPath, dst_folder_path, rsync_excludes))) stage = get_task_stage(cmd) reporter = Report.from_spec(cmd, "MigrateVolume") def _get_progress(synced): def get_written(regex): matcher = re.match(regex, line) return int( if matcher else 0 lines = f.readlines() writing = 0 for line in lines: if line[1] == ' ' and line[-1] == '\n': synced += get_written(r'\s.*?(\d+)\s+100%') elif line[-1] == '\r' and line[1] == ' ': writing = get_written(r'.*?(\d+)\s+\d+%[^\r]*\r$') reporter.progress_report( get_exact_percent( float(synced + writing) / total_size * 100, stage)) return synced t_shell.bash_progress_1( "rsync -az --progress %s/ %s %s > %s" % (cmd.srcFolderPath, dst_folder_path, rsync_excludes, PFILE), _get_progress) src_md5 = "find %s -type f %s -exec md5sum {} \; | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | md5sum" % (cmd.srcFolderPath, md5_excludes)) dst_md5 = "find %s -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | md5sum" % dst_folder_path) if src_md5 != dst_md5: rsp.error = "failed to copy files from %s to %s, md5sum not match" % ( cmd.srcFolderPath, dst_folder_path) rsp.success = False if not cmd.isMounted: linux.umount(mount_path) finally: if temp_dir is not None: return_code ="mount | grep '%s'" % temp_dir) if return_code != 0: # in case dir is not empty try: os.rmdir(temp_dir) except OSError as e: logger.warn("delete temp_dir %s failed: %s", (temp_dir, str(e))) else: logger.warn( "temp_dir %s still had mounted destination primary storage, skip cleanup operation" % temp_dir) f.close() linux.rm_file_force(PFILE) return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)