Example #1
    def __init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs):
        """Constructor initializes the Geoprocessor using
		:mod:`arcgisscripting` and loops thorugh all the available parameters
		in the Geoprocessor. Will raise an exception if problems occur with the
		Geoprocessor. Parameters are intended to be used in subclasses.
		parameters - parameters object holding parameter information
        Tool.__init__(self, parameters)

        self._backend = 'arcgis'

        # TODO: handle the ArcGIS versions correctly

            # Inialize the logger for this tool. Logging system must be set up
            # before doing thishis
            self.logger = ArcLogger("Zupport.ArcTool", debugging=True)
            self.logger.debug('[%s] Acquiring geoprocessor' % service)
            self.gp = get_geoprocessor(10)
            # Set the scratch workspace explicitly to ESRI default
            self.gp.ScratchWorkspace = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
                                                    'AppData', 'Local', 'Temp')

        except ImportError, e:
            self.logger.error('ArcGIS not present in the system.')
Example #2
File: core.py Project: cbig/zupport
	def __init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs):
		"""Constructor initializes the Geoprocessor using
		:mod:`arcgisscripting` and loops thorugh all the available parameters
		in the Geoprocessor. Will raise an exception if problems occur with the
		Geoprocessor. Parameters are intended to be used in subclasses.
		parameters - parameters object holding parameter information
		Tool.__init__(self, parameters)
		self._backend = 'arcgis'
		# TODO: handle the ArcGIS versions correctly
			# Inialize the logger for this tool. Logging system must be set up
			# before doing thishis
			self.logger = ArcLogger("Zupport.ArcTool", debugging=True)
			self.logger.debug('[%s] Acquiring geoprocessor' % service)
			self.gp = get_geoprocessor(10)
			# Set the scratch workspace explicitly to ESRI default
			self.gp.ScratchWorkspace = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 
														'AppData', 'Local', 
		except ImportError, e:
			self.logger.error('ArcGIS not present in the system.')
Example #3
    def __init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs):
        Tool.__init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs)

        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        # Identifier is a combination of the name and the class counter
        self.id = (self.name, PairFileiterator.id)

        self.log = Logger("Zupport.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__),

        self.service = service

Example #4
    def __init__(self, backend, parameters, *args, **kwargs):
        """Constructor will try to import all the necessary GDAL related modules
        (:mod:`osr`, :mod:`ogr`, :mod:`gdal`) and bind them as instance
        variables. If GDAL is not present in the system program execution will
        backend - string describing the backend in use
        parameters - parameters object holding parameter information
        arclogging - boolean defining whether ArcGIS logging system is used

        Tool.__init__(self, backend, parameters, arclogging=False)

        # Try importing GDAL, will fail if GDAL not present
            from osgeo import osr, ogr, gdal
        except ImportError:
            self.logger.error('GDAL/OGR not present in the system.')
            return 1

        # TODO: how does this really work? Does it mean, that each instance
        # has own copy or are they shared?
        # TODO: implement engine attribute
        self.osr = osr
        self.ogr = ogr
        self.gdal = gdal

        for parameter in args:

        for parameter, value in kwargs.iteritems():

        # Check for keyword arguments
        if kwargs.has_key('inworkspace'):
            self.input = kwargs['inworkspace']
        # Check for regular arguments
        elif len(args) > 0:
            self.input = args[0]
        # If input is defined create a workspace
        if self.input:
            self.workspace = Workspace(self.input)

        # Check for keyword arguments
        if kwargs.has_key('outworkspace'):
            self.output = kwargs['outworkspace']
        # Check for regular arguments
        elif len(args) > 1:
            self.output = args[1]
Example #5
    def __init__(self, backend, parameters, *args, **kwargs):
        """Constructor will try to import all the necessary GDAL related modules
        (:mod:`osr`, :mod:`ogr`, :mod:`gdal`) and bind them as instance
        variables. If GDAL is not present in the system program execution will
        backend - string describing the backend in use
        parameters - parameters object holding parameter information
        arclogging - boolean defining whether ArcGIS logging system is used

        Tool.__init__(self, backend, parameters, arclogging=False)

        # Try importing GDAL, will fail if GDAL not present
            from osgeo import osr, ogr, gdal
        except ImportError:
            self.logger.error('GDAL/OGR not present in the system.')
            return 1

        # TODO: how does this really work? Does it mean, that each instance
        # has own copy or are they shared?
        # TODO: implement engine attribute
        self.osr = osr
        self.ogr = ogr
        self.gdal = gdal

        for parameter in args:

        for parameter, value in kwargs.iteritems():

        # Check for keyword arguments
        if kwargs.has_key('inworkspace'):
            self.input = kwargs['inworkspace']
        # Check for regular arguments
        elif len(args) > 0:
            self.input = args[0]
        # If input is defined create a workspace
        if self.input:
            self.workspace = Workspace(self.input)

        # Check for keyword arguments
        if kwargs.has_key('outworkspace'):
            self.output = kwargs['outworkspace']
        # Check for regular arguments
        elif len(args) > 1:
            self.output = args[1]
Example #6
 def __init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs):
     Tool.__init__(self, parameters)
Example #7
 def __init__(self, parameters, service, *args, **kwargs):
     Tool.__init__(self, parameters)