def easy_baseline(x, y, result=''): if (result != ''): if (os.path.exists(result) == False): os.mkdir(result) else: result = os.getcwd() dir_d = os.path.join(result, 'in_xy.txt') data_d = [x, y] zhf.printdatatofile(dir_d, data_d) x = np.array(x, np.double) y = np.array(y, np.double) os.system( 'Rscript /home/laojin/software/idl_my_lib/zbbidl/baseline_r_2015.r ' + dir_d + ' ' + result + '>>/dev/null') if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'))): back = np.array(zhf.readcol(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'))[0]) net = y - back x = decimal_for_array(x, 20) y = decimal_for_array(y, 20) net = decimal_for_array(net, 20) back = decimal_for_array(back, 20) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'xout.txt'), [x]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'net.txt'), [net]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'), [back]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'summary_t_obs_net_back.txt'), [x, y, net, back]) return x, y, net, back else: print('failed!!') print('I can not do the following!!') return False
def r_baseline(x, y, result='', lamb=1, hwi=30, it=20, int=200): if (result != ''): if (os.path.exists(result) == False): os.mkdir(result) else: result = os.getcwd() dir_d = os.path.join(result, 'in_xy.txt') data_d = [x, y] zhf.printdatatofile(dir_d, data_d) x = np.array(x, np.double) y = np.array(y, np.double) os.system('Rscript /home/laojin/my_work/my_r/zzh_baseline_r.r ' + dir_d + ' ' + result + ' ' + str(lamb) + ' ' + str(hwi) + ' ' + str(it) + ' ' + str(int) + '>>/dev/null') if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'))): back = np.array(zhf.readcol(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'))[0]) net = y - back x = decimal_for_array(x, 20) y = decimal_for_array(y, 20) net = decimal_for_array(net, 20) back = decimal_for_array(back, 20) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'xout.txt'), [x]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'net.txt'), [net]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'back.txt'), [back]) zhf.printdatatofile(os.path.join(result, 'summary_t_obs_net_back.txt'), [x, y, net, back]) return x, y, net, back else: print('failed!!') print('I can not do the following!!') return False
from zjh_make_phaI import * import zzh_py3_file as zhf import os from zjh_xspec_fit_kernel import xspec_fit_kernel import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data_topdir = '/home/laojin/trigdata/2017/' result_topdir = '/home/laojin/results/results_GBM/2017/' namelist = zhf.readcol( '/home/laojin/results/results_GBM/Y_all_sample_name.txt')[0] yearnamelist = [] for i in namelist: if i[:4] == 'bn17': yearnamelist.append(i) print('year name list:\n', yearnamelist) for bnname in yearnamelist: file_1_link = result_topdir + bnname + '/good_NaI_detectors.txt' file_2_link = result_topdir + bnname + '/good_BGO_detectors.txt' file_3_link = result_topdir + bnname + '/0_pulse_edges.txt' save_all = result_topdir + 'A_spectrum_1/' save_all2 = result_topdir + 'A_spectrum_2/' if (os.path.exists(save_all) == False): os.makedirs(save_all) if (os.path.exists(save_all2) == False): os.makedirs(save_all2)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits import zzh_py3_file as zhf import os from Calculate_duration import Plot from Calculate_duration import get_txx topdir = '/home/laojin/trigdata/2017/' bn,ni = zhf.readcol('./samples.txt') indexbn = np.argsort(bn) samples = np.array([bn,ni]).T samples = samples[indexbn] savetop = './results/' if os.path.exists(savetop) == False: os.makedirs(savetop) time_start = -100 time_stop = 400 ch_top = 91 ch_buttum = 7 binsize = 0.064 for index,value in enumerate(samples): print('&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&') print(value) filedir = topdir+value[0]+'/' filename = zhf.findfile(filedir,'glg_tte_'+value[1]+'_'+value[0]+'*')[0]
elif(name in sample_2): table.write(l+1,2*h+1,'2') elif(name in sample_3): table.write(l+1,2*h+1,'3') elif(name in sample_x): table.write(l+1,2*h+1,'x') else: table.write(l+1,2*h+1,'0') +'sample_all.xls') ''' topdir = '/home/laojin/results/results_GBM/background/' file_1 = 'b_sample.txt' file_2 = 'b_sample2.txt' sample_1, detector_1 = zhf.readcol(topdir + file_1) sample_2, detector_2 = zhf.readcol(topdir + file_2) sample = sample_1 + sample_2 detector = detector_1 + detector_2 table.write(0, 0, 'trigger name') table.write(0, 1, 'detector') table.write(0, 2, 'trigger name') table.write(0, 3, 'detector') table.write(0, 4, 'trigger name') table.write(0, 5, 'detector') for index, name in enumerate(sample): l = int(index / 3) h = index % 3 table.write(l + 1, 2 * h, name) table.write(l + 1, 2 * h + 1, detector[index])
import zzh_py3_file as zhf from zjh_fermi_daily_geometry import Fermi_daily_geometry import numpy as np timelist = zhf.readcol('/home/laojin/shiyan/result_time.txt') posistion = [] for i in timelist[0]: print(i) qsj,pos,sc = Fermi_daily_geometry(i).find_right_list() if(sc[1]>180): sc[1] = sc[1]-360 posistion.append(sc) posistion = np.array(posistion).T der = posistion[0] ra = posistion[1] #index = np.argsort(ra) #ra = ra[index] #der = der[index] zhf.printdatatofile('/home/laojin/shiyan/SAA_point.txt',[ra,der])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import zzh_py3_file as zhf import os from glob import glob namelist = zhf.readcol( '/home/laojin/results/results_GBM/Y_all_sample_name.txt')[0] data_topdir = '/home/laojin/results/results_GBM/2017/' savetop = '/home/laojin/results/spectrum_all/' if (os.path.exists(savetop) == False): os.makedirs(savetop) yearnamelist = [] for i in namelist: if i[:4] == 'bn17': yearnamelist.append(i) print('year name list:\n', yearnamelist) Epec = [] Epec_err = [] Flux = [] Flux_err = [] for bnname in yearnamelist: spectrum_dir = data_topdir + bnname + '/spectrum/'
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import zzh_py3_file as zhf datadir = './data/lightcurve1.txt' savedir = './results/' if os.path.exists(savedir) == False: os.makedirs(savedir) print('xxx') t, v = zhf.readcol(datadir) da = np.array([t, v]).T #t,v = np.loadtxt(datadir,delimiter=' ') print('xxx') np.savetxt('./data/lightcurve1.txt', da, fmt='%0.4f') plt.plot(t, v, color='k') plt.savefig(savedir + 'lightcurve.png') plt.close()