singleTopSamples = [ ['SingleTopTWChan_', f_st_tW, xs_st_tW, n_st_tW], ['SingleTopTChan_', f_st_t, xs_st_t, n_st_t], ['SingleTopSChan_', f_st_s, xs_st_s, n_st_s] ] singleTopLabel = 'SingleTop_' for ijet in range(1,maxJets) : for itag in range(0,maxTags) : if itag > ijet : continue tagDist = tagDists[itag] hist = addSingleTops( singleTopLabel, lum, histdir, templatedir, tagDist+'_'+str(ijet)+'j_'+str(itag)+'t', 1.0, singleTopSamples) singleTopHists.append(hist) # --------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------- # STEP 3 : QCD From Data # --------------------------------------------- qcdDataHists = [] if useDataQCD : qcd_0tag_data_names = [ 'proj_Data_MET_1_0t', 'proj_Data_MET_2_0t', 'proj_Data_MET_3_0t',
] singleTopLabel = 'SingleTop_' for ijet in range(1,maxJets) : for itag in range(0,maxTags) : if itag > ijet : continue tagDist = tagDists[itag] #if (ijet >3 and itag ==2): # s = 'dijetMass_' + str(ijet) + 'j_' + str(itag) + 't' # print s #else: s = tagDist + '_' + str(ijet) + 'j_' + str(itag) + 't' hist = addSingleTops( singleTopLabel, lum, histdir, templatedir, s , 1.0, singleTopSamples) singleTopHists.append(hist) # --------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------- # STEP 3 : QCD From Fits to Data # --------------------------------------------- qcdDataHists = [] if useDataQCD : qcd_0tag_data_names = [ 'h_qcd_'+var0tag+'_1j_0t', 'h_qcd_'+var0tag+'_2j_0t', 'h_qcd_'+var0tag+'_3j_0t',