Exemple #1
def test_invariant_numbers():
    number_pairs = [("1-100-724-6837", "724-6837")]
    for (n1, n2) in number_pairs:
        words1 = set(all_wordifications(n1))
        words2 = set(all_wordifications(n2))
        assert len(words1) == len(words2)
        for w in words2:
            assert ("1-100" + w in words1) or ("1-100-" + w in words1)
Exemple #2
def test_product_of_wordifications():
    sub_number_a = "724-6837"
    sub_number_b = "832"
    number = sub_number_a + "-1-" + sub_number_b

    sub_a = len(all_wordifications(sub_number_a))
    sub_b = len(all_wordifications(sub_number_b))
    N = len(all_wordifications(number))
    assert sub_a * sub_b == N
Exemple #3
def test_no_words():
    numbers = ["1-111-111-1111", "0-000-000-0000", "0-101-011-0010"]

    for n in numbers:
        all_words = all_wordifications(n)
        assert len(all_words) == 1
        assert next(iter(all_words)) == n
Exemple #4
def random_all_wordifications_tests(sample_size):
    """ Used to test all_wordifications()
        Give a large sample size, the code should never fail
        The code will return 'None', but not an exit code of 1

    #generate fake input string of numbers ranging 7-11 digits in length
    def random_num():
        num_length = randrange(7,
                               12)  # valid numbers are of length 7, 10, and 11
        fake_phone_number = ''.join(
            [str(randrange(10)) for i in range(num_length)])
        return fake_phone_number

    random_numbers_list = [random_num() for i in range(sample_size)]

    for test in random_numbers_list:
            result = all_wordifications(test)
            print result
            #if result(len) > 1:
            #    for wordification in result:
            #        print wordification
            #    print wordification
            print('FAIL! check return value for: ')
Exemple #5
def test_some_word():
    numbers = ["1-800-724-6837", "1-800-724-6837-90"]
    words = ["1-800-PAINTER","1-800-PAINTER-90"]

    for (n,w) in zip(numbers, words):
        all_words = all_wordifications(n)
        word_chosen = number_to_words(n)
        assert word_chosen != n
        assert word_chosen in all_words
Exemple #6
def test_small_words():
    small_words = "./language/words_short.txt"
    test_nums = ["4", "43", "4355"]
    test_wordifieds = [
        set(["I", "4"]),
        set(["HE", "43", "I-3"]),
        set(["4355", "HELL", "GELL", "I-355", "HE-55"])
    for n, w in zip(test_nums, test_wordifieds):
        assert set(all_wordifications(n, fname=small_words)) == w
Exemple #7
def test_identity():
    numbers = ["1-111-111-1111", "0-000-000-0000", "0-101-011-0010"]

    for n in numbers:
        all_words = all_wordifications(n)
        one_word = number_to_words(n)

        assert words_to_number(one_word) == n
        for word in all_words:
            assert words_to_number(word) == n
Exemple #8
def test_non_identity():
    numbers = ["1-800-724-6837"]

    for n in numbers:
        all_words = all_wordifications(n)
        one_word = number_to_words(n)

        assert words_to_number(one_word) == n
        for word in all_words:
            assert words_to_number(word) == n
Exemple #9
def main(args):

    # wordify a given phone number and print out one wordification
    if args.number != None:

        wordified = number_to_words(args.number, args.dict)

        print("Number:", args.number)
        print("Wordified Number:", wordified)

        return wordified

    # numerize a string into the format of your choice
    if args.word != None:

        numerized = words_to_number(args.word, args.format)

        print("Wordified Number:", args.word)
        print("Number", numerized)

        return numerized

    # wordify a phone number of your choice and print out all possible wordifications
    if args.all != None:

        all_words = all_wordifications(args.all)

        for ind, wordified in enumerate(all_words):
            print("{}: ".format(ind + 1), wordified, end='\n')

        print("Found {} Wordifications".format(len(all_words)))

        return all_words

    # wordify a phone number of your choice and print out the filtered wordifications
    if args.filtered != None:

        filtered_words = filtered_wordifications(args.filtered, args.dict)

        for ind, wordified in enumerate(filtered_words):
            print("{}: ".format(ind + 1), wordified, end='\n')

        print("Found {} Wordifications".format(len(filtered_words)))

        return filtered_words

    # create a Dictionary of your choice
    if args.create != None:
        create_dictionary(args.input, args.output)
        print("Your new dictionary can be found at: {}".format(args.output))
Exemple #10
def main(args):
    task = None
    if len(args) == 1:
            "To convert to a pure number, wordified number, or to see all possible words please type 'n', 'w', or 'a' respectively"
        task = input()
        task = args[1]
    number = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None
    if task == 'w':
    elif task == 'n':
    elif task == 'a':
        print("Invalid argument")
Exemple #11
def main(args):
    # Wordify a given phone number and print out one wordification
    if args.number != None:
        w = number_to_words(args.number, args.dict)
        print("Wordified number:", w)
        return w

    # De-wordify a string into the form 1-800-123-4567
    if args.word != None:
        n = words_to_number(args.word)
        print("Number from wordification:", n)
        return  n

    # Wordify a given phone number and int out all possible wordifications
    if args.all != None:
        all_w = all_wordifications(args.all, args.dict) 
        print("Found {} wordifications".format(len(all_w)))
        for i,w in enumerate(all_w):
            print(i+1, w)
        return  all_w
Exemple #12
def test_no_single_chars():
    numbers = ["1-29-1-2929"]
    for n in numbers:
        for w in all_wordifications(n):
            assert not ('-B-' in w)
            assert not ('-Y-' in w)
Exemple #13
def test_adjacent_words():
    numbers = ["1-100-724-6837", "724-6837-1-100", "724-6837-724-6837"]
    words = ["1-100-SAG-OVER", "SAG-OVER-1-100", "SAG-OVER-SAG-OVER"]
    for (n, w) in zip(numbers, words):
        assert w in set(all_wordifications(n))
Exemple #14
def test_existence_of_word():
    numbers = ["1-800-724-6837", "1-800-724-6837-90"]
    words = ["1-800-PAINTER", "1-800-PAINTER-90"]
    for n, w in zip(numbers, words):
        all_words = all_wordifications(n)
        assert len(set([w]).intersection(set(all_words))) == 1