This script plots a trajectory into an image sequence. ''') parser.add_argument('image_list', help='input image list (format: timestamp filename)') parser.add_argument( 'trajectory_file', help='input trajectory (format: timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw)') parser.add_argument('out_image', help='file name of the result (format: png)') args = parser.parse_args() image_list = read_file_list(args.image_list) pose_list = read_file_list(args.trajectory_file) traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file) matches = associate(image_list, pose_list, 0, 0.02) stamps = image_list.keys() stamps.sort() matches_dict = dict(matches) for stamp in stamps: image_file = image_list[stamp][0] image = print "image stamp: %f" % stamp if stamp in matches_dict: print "pose stamp: %f" % matches_dict[stamp] pose = traj[matches_dict[stamp]] stamps = traj.keys()
help='save individual point clouds (instead of one large point cloud)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--pcd_format', help='Write pointclouds in pcd format (implies --individual)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('output_file', help='output PLY file (format: ply)') args = parser.parse_args() rgb_list = read_file_list(args.rgb_list) depth_list = read_file_list(args.depth_list) pose_list = read_file_list(args.trajectory_file) matches_rgb_depth = dict( associate(rgb_list, depth_list, float(args.depth_offset), float(args.depth_max_difference))) matches_rgb_traj = associate(matches_rgb_depth, pose_list, float(args.traj_offset), float(args.traj_max_difference)) matches_rgb_traj.sort() if args.pcd_format: args.individual = True traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file, False) else: traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file) all_points = [] list = range(0, len(matches_rgb_traj), int(args.nth)) for frame, i in enumerate(list): rgb_stamp, traj_stamp = matches_rgb_traj[i]
while (t < NGer): ## if(t == 150): ## weight = array([0.0,1.0,3.0,10.0,5.0]) # Array of weights used for TOPSIS Rt = Pt.addPopulation(Qt) # Combined population Rt.fastNonDominatedSort() # Nondominated sorting ## Rt.topsisPop(rank=rankType) # Rank within each front ## Rt.globalRankEval() if (sampleAll): RtObj = Rt.obj # Save original objective values of St Zr, a = normalize(Rt, objRec, minim, Z, p) ZRef = Zr * a + objRec.objIdeal associate(Rt, Zr, 0) ## distPareto(Rt,ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,a) hvContribution(Rt, objRec.objIdeal, a) indRemove = niching(NPop, Rt, array([0, 2 * NPop]), weight, multiple) Pt = Rt.removeMembers(indRemove, RtObj) else: indList = zeros( NPop, dtype=int) # List of indexes of members to the next population i = 0 # Counter of fronts sizeEvol = array([ 0, len(Rt.fronts[i]) ]) # Evolution of population's size by adding the fronts
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' This script plots a trajectory into an image sequence. ''') parser.add_argument('image_list', help='input image list (format: timestamp filename)') parser.add_argument('trajectory_file', help='input trajectory (format: timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw)') parser.add_argument('out_image', help='file name of the result (format: png)') args = parser.parse_args() image_list = read_file_list(args.image_list) pose_list = read_file_list(args.trajectory_file) traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file) matches = associate(image_list, pose_list,0,0.02) stamps = image_list.keys() stamps.sort() matches_dict = dict(matches) for stamp in stamps: image_file = image_list[stamp][0] image = print "image stamp: %f"%stamp if stamp in matches_dict: print "pose stamp: %f"%matches_dict[stamp] pose = traj[matches_dict[stamp]] stamps = traj.keys()
def plot_camera(cams, rvec, tvec, dim=(0.5, 1), vertices): ax = plt.gca(projection='3d') tvec = tvec.reshape((3, 1)).astype(np.float) rvec = rvec.reshape((3, 1)).astype(np.float) rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec.astype(np.float))[0] if(len(oc) == 0): oc = c if len(dim) == 1: offset = float(dim[0]) length = offset else: offset = float(dim[0]) length = float(dim[1]) # cam = np.tile(tvec, (1, 5)) cam = np.zeros([3, 5]) cam[0, 1:3] += offset cam[0, 3:] -= offset cam[1, 1::2] += offset cam[1, 2::2] -= offset cam[2, 1:] += 2.5 * length # cam = - tvec) + tvec cam = - tvec) vertexNo = cams.shape[0]/5; # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 1]], cam[1, [0, 1]], cam[2, [0, 1]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 2]], cam[1, [0, 2]], cam[2, [0, 2]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 3]], cam[1, [0, 3]], cam[2, [0, 3]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 4]], cam[1, [0, 4]], cam[2, [0, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [1, 2]], cam[1, [1, 2]], cam[2, [1, 2]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [2, 4]], cam[1, [2, 4]], cam[2, [2, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [3, 4]], cam[1, [3, 4]], cam[2, [3, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [3, 1]], cam[1, [3, 1]], cam[2, [3, 1]], color=c) for i in range(8): for j in range(i+1,8): vertices.append("%d %d %d %d %d"%(i,j,255,0,0)) for i in range(cam.shape[1]): cams.append("%f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n"%(cam[0,i],vec_transf[1,i],vec_transf[2,i],255,0,0)) #return points.append("%f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n"%(vec_transf[0,0],vec_transf[1,0],vec_transf[2,0],255,0,0)) # print 'cam', cam[0, 0], cam[1, 0], cam[2, 0] # ax.scatter(cam[0, 0], cam[1, 0], cam[2, 0], color=oc, marker='.') # ax.scatter(cam[0, 1::], cam[1, 1::], cam[2, 1::], color=c, marker='.') # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 1]], cam[1, [0, 1]], cam[2, [0, 1]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 2]], cam[1, [0, 2]], cam[2, [0, 2]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 3]], cam[1, [0, 3]], cam[2, [0, 3]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [0, 4]], cam[1, [0, 4]], cam[2, [0, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [1, 2]], cam[1, [1, 2]], cam[2, [1, 2]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [2, 4]], cam[1, [2, 4]], cam[2, [2, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [3, 4]], cam[1, [3, 4]], cam[2, [3, 4]], color=c) # ax.plot3D(cam[0, [3, 1]], cam[1, [3, 1]], cam[2, [3, 1]], color=c) def generate_pointcloudWithCamera(rgb_file,depth_file,transform,downsample,pcd=False): """ Generate a colored point cloud Input: rgb_file -- filename of color image depth_file -- filename of depth image transform -- camera pose, specified as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix downsample -- downsample point cloud in x/y direction pcd -- true: output in (binary) PCD format false: output in (text) PLY format Output: list of colored points (either in binary or text format, see pcd flag) """ rgb = depth = if rgb.size != depth.size: raise Exception("Color and depth image do not have the same resolution.") if rgb.mode != "RGB": raise Exception("Color image is not in RGB format") if depth.mode != "I": raise Exception("Depth image is not in intensity format") points = [] for v in range(0,rgb.size[1],downsample): for u in range(0,rgb.size[0],downsample): color = rgb.getpixel((u,v)) Z = depth.getpixel((u,v)) / scalingFactor if Z==0: continue X = (u - centerX) * Z / focalLength Y = (v - centerY) * Z / focalLength vec_org = numpy.matrix([[X],[Y],[Z],[1]]) if pcd: points.append(struct.pack("fffI",vec_org[0,0],vec_org[1,0],vec_org[2,0],color[0]*2**16+color[1]*2**8+color[2]*2**0)) else: vec_transf =,vec_org) points.append("%f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n"%(vec_transf[0,0],vec_transf[1,0],vec_transf[2,0],color[0],color[1],color[2])) return points def generate_pointcloud(rgb_file,depth_file,transform,downsample,pcd=False): """ Generate a colored point cloud Input: rgb_file -- filename of color image depth_file -- filename of depth image transform -- camera pose, specified as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix downsample -- downsample point cloud in x/y direction pcd -- true: output in (binary) PCD format false: output in (text) PLY format Output: list of colored points (either in binary or text format, see pcd flag) """ rgb = depth = if rgb.size != depth.size: raise Exception("Color and depth image do not have the same resolution.") if rgb.mode != "RGB": raise Exception("Color image is not in RGB format") if depth.mode != "I": raise Exception("Depth image is not in intensity format") points = [] for v in range(0,rgb.size[1],downsample): for u in range(0,rgb.size[0],downsample): color = rgb.getpixel((u,v)) Z = depth.getpixel((u,v)) / scalingFactor if Z==0: continue X = (u - centerX) * Z / focalLength Y = (v - centerY) * Z / focalLength vec_org = numpy.matrix([[X],[Y],[Z],[1]]) if pcd: points.append(struct.pack("fffI",vec_org[0,0],vec_org[1,0],vec_org[2,0],color[0]*2**16+color[1]*2**8+color[2]*2**0)) else: vec_transf =,vec_org) points.append("%f %f %f %d %d %d 0\n"%(vec_transf[0,0],vec_transf[1,0],vec_transf[2,0],color[0],color[1],color[2])) return points if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' This script reads a registered pair of color and depth images and generates a colored 3D point cloud in the PLY format. ''') parser.add_argument('rgb_list', help='input color image (format: timestamp filename)') parser.add_argument('depth_list', help='input depth image (format: timestamp filename)') parser.add_argument('trajectory_file', help='input trajectory (format: timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw)') parser.add_argument('--depth_offset', help='time offset added to the timestamps of the depth file (default: 0.00)',default=0.00) parser.add_argument('--depth_max_difference', help='maximally allowed time difference for matching rgb and depth entries (default: 0.02)',default=0.02) parser.add_argument('--traj_offset', help='time offset added to the timestamps of the trajectory file (default: 0.00)',default=0.00) parser.add_argument('--traj_max_difference', help='maximally allowed time difference for matching rgb and traj entries (default: 0.01)',default=0.02) parser.add_argument('--downsample', help='downsample images by this factor (default: 1)',default=1) parser.add_argument('--nth', help='only consider every nth image pair (default: 1)',default=1) parser.add_argument('--individual', help='save individual point clouds (instead of one large point cloud)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--pcd_format', help='Write pointclouds in pcd format (implies --individual)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('output_file', help='output PLY file (format: ply)') args = parser.parse_args() rgb_list = read_file_list(args.rgb_list) depth_list = read_file_list(args.depth_list) pose_list = read_file_list(args.trajectory_file) #print np.shape(rgb_list),np.shape(depth_list),np.shape(pose_list) matches_rgb_depth = dict(associate(rgb_list, depth_list,float(args.depth_offset),float(args.depth_max_difference))) matches_rgb_traj = associate(matches_rgb_depth, pose_list,float(args.traj_offset),float(args.traj_max_difference)) matches_rgb_traj.sort() #print np.shape(matches_rgb_traj) if args.pcd_format: args.individual = True traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file, False) else: traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file) all_points = [] list = range(0,len(matches_rgb_traj),int(args.nth)) for frame,i in enumerate(list): rgb_stamp,traj_stamp = matches_rgb_traj[i] if args.individual: if args.pcd_format: out_filename = "%s-%f.pcd"%(os.path.splitext(args.output_file)[0],rgb_stamp) else: out_filename = "%s-%f.ply"%(os.path.splitext(args.output_file)[0],rgb_stamp) if os.path.exists(out_filename): print "skipping existing cloud file ", out_filename continue rgb_file = rgb_list[rgb_stamp][0] depth_file = depth_list[matches_rgb_depth[rgb_stamp]][0] pose = traj[traj_stamp] points = generate_pointcloud(rgb_file,depth_file,pose,int(args.downsample), args.pcd_format) if args.individual: if args.pcd_format: write_pcd(out_filename,points,pose) else: write_ply(out_filename,points) else: all_points += points print "Frame %d/%d, number of points so far: %d"%(frame+1,len(list),len(all_points)) if (frame+1>50): break; if not args.individual: write_ply(args.output_file,all_points)
parser.add_argument('--depth_max_difference', help='maximally allowed time difference for matching rgb and depth entries (default: 0.02)',default=0.02) parser.add_argument('--traj_offset', help='time offset added to the timestamps of the trajectory file (default: 0.00)',default=0.00) parser.add_argument('--traj_max_difference', help='maximally allowed time difference for matching rgb and traj entries (default: 0.01)',default=0.01) parser.add_argument('--downsample', help='downsample images by this factor (default: 1)',default=1) parser.add_argument('--nth', help='only consider every nth image pair (default: 1)',default=1) parser.add_argument('--individual', help='save individual point clouds (instead of one large point cloud)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--pcd_format', help='Write pointclouds in pcd format (implies --individual)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('output_file', help='output PLY file (format: ply)') args = parser.parse_args() rgb_list = read_file_list(args.rgb_list) depth_list = read_file_list(args.depth_list) pose_list = read_file_list(args.trajectory_file) matches_rgb_depth = dict(associate(rgb_list, depth_list,float(args.depth_offset),float(args.depth_max_difference))) matches_rgb_traj = associate(matches_rgb_depth, pose_list,float(args.traj_offset),float(args.traj_max_difference)) matches_rgb_traj.sort() if args.pcd_format: args.individual = True traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file, False) else: traj = read_trajectory(args.trajectory_file) all_points = [] list = range(0,len(matches_rgb_traj),int(args.nth)) for frame,i in enumerate(list): rgb_stamp,traj_stamp = matches_rgb_traj[i] if args.individual:
def runMOMCEDA(NPop, NEval, function, Nref, nReps, RTPlot, refPoint, weight, seed=None): print 'Running MOMCEDA\n' NGer = NEval / NPop - 1 # Number of generations NObj = 2 # Number of objectives to optimize minim = 1 # minim = 1 if minimizing objectives, minim = 0 otherwise p = Nref - 1 # Number of objective axes divisions to generate structured ref. points random.seed(seed) if (function == 'ZDT4'): Nvar = 10 Vmin = append(0, -5 * ones(Nvar - 1)) # Limits of chromosome values Vmax = append(1, 5 * ones(Nvar - 1)) sigma = append(1.0, 0.1 * ones(Nvar - 1)) # Mutation parameter else: Nvar = 30 if (function == 'ZDT6'): Nvar = 10 Vmin = 0.0 * ones(Nvar) # Limits of chromosome values Vmax = 1.0 * ones(Nvar) sigma = 1.0 * ones(Nvar) / 2.0 # Mutation parameter minObj = array([0.0, 0.0]) # Limits of objective values maxObj = array([1.0, 1.0]) objRec = objectiveRecords(NObj, minim) # Records for objective values Z = generateRefPoints(NObj, p) # Generate structured reference points rankType = 'hv' # Type of rank used for TOPSIS multiple = True # multiple: use multiple criteria to select solutions from the last front sampleAll = True #sampleAll: if true, all members from parent population are sampled with the TOPSIS rank hvValues = zeros((nReps, NGer)) conv = [] finalPop = [] extime = [] # Plot parameters color ='Reds') deltac = 0.3 ObjNames = ['f1', 'f2', 'f3'] scale = 1.0 / (maxObj - minObj) center = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) countFig = 0 # counter of figures ## Offspring parameters pMut = 1.0 / Nvar # Mutation probability pSwitch = 0.5 # Probability to switch variables between members spread = 0.5 # Parameter to control the spread of generated members nc = 30 nm = 20 ##sigma = append(1.0,0.1*ones(Nvar-1)) ##sigma0 = r_[array([1.0]),1.0/10*ones(Nvar-1)] ##sigmaf = r_[array([1.0/10]),1.0/500*ones(Nvar-1)] ###deltaSigma = (sigma0 - sigmaf) / NGer ##qSigma = (sigmaf/sigma)**(1.0/NGer) ##sigma = sigma0 spreadf = 0.05 qSpread = (spreadf / spread)**(1.0 / NGer) deltaSpread = (spread - spreadf) / NGer dist = zeros((NGer, Nvar)) ## Distribution variables # Coeffients of the gaussians of the mixture ##choiceOK = False ##while(not choiceOK): ## dec = input('Choose decay type:\n(1) Linear\n(2) Exponential\n(3) Logarithmic\n') ## if(dec in [1,2,3]): ## choiceOK = True dec = 1 # decay type:1 - Linear, 2 - Exponential, 3 - Logarithmic coefGau = calc_coefGau(NPop, dec) with open(''.join(['../dev/pareto_front/zdt', function[3], '_front.json'])) as optimal_front_data: optimal_front = json.load(optimal_front_data) for nExec in arange(nReps, dtype=int): start = time.time() print 'Starting execution %d ...' % (nExec + 1) ## Initialization ## t = 0 # Counter of generations Pt = Population(NPop, Nvar, Vmin, Vmax, NObj, minim, function) # Initial Population Pt.fastNonDominatedSort() # Nondominated sorting Pt.topsisPop() # Rank within each front Qt = Population(NPop, Nvar, Vmin, Vmax, NObj, minim, function) # Offspring population if (RTPlot): #plt.ion() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.title('Population at execution %d' % (nExec + 1), fontsize=18) f = array(optimal_front) plt.plot(f[:, 0], f[:, 1], color='b', label='Pareto front') plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=18) #plt.draw() ## Main loop ## while (t < NGer): ## if(t == 150): ## weight = array([0.0,1.0,3.0,10.0,5.0]) # Array of weights used for TOPSIS Rt = Pt.addPopulation(Qt) # Combined population Rt.fastNonDominatedSort() # Nondominated sorting ## Rt.topsisPop(rank=rankType) # Rank within each front ## Rt.globalRankEval() if (sampleAll): RtObj = Rt.obj # Save original objective values of St Zr, a = normalize(Rt, objRec, minim, Z, p) ZRef = Zr * a + objRec.objIdeal associate(Rt, Zr, 0) ## distPareto(Rt,ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,a) hvContribution(Rt, objRec.objIdeal, a) indRemove = niching(NPop, Rt, array([0, 2 * NPop]), weight, multiple) Pt = Rt.removeMembers(indRemove, RtObj) else: indList = zeros( NPop, dtype=int ) # List of indexes of members to the next population i = 0 # Counter of fronts sizeEvol = array([ 0, len(Rt.fronts[i]) ]) # Evolution of population's size by adding the fronts # Fill population with the first fronts while (sizeEvol[i + 1] <= NPop): # Rt.crowd(Rt.fronts[i]) = Rt.crowdingDistanceAssignment(Rt.fronts[i],minObj,maxObj) indList[sizeEvol[i]:sizeEvol[i + 1]] = Rt.fronts[ i] # Add members to the list i = i + 1 sizeEvol = append(sizeEvol, sizeEvol[i] + len(Rt.fronts[i])) # Sort members of the last front according to # crowding distance # Rt.crowd[Rt.fronts[i]] = Rt.crowdingDistanceAssignment(Rt.fronts[i],minObj,maxObj) # ind = argsort(Rt.crowd[Rt.fronts[i]])[::-1] # Sort members of the last front according to the rank # ind = argsort(Rt.rank[Rt.fronts[i],1]) listSt = r_[indList[:sizeEvol[i]], Rt.fronts[i]] St = Rt.addMembers(listSt) K = NPop - sizeEvol[i] StObj = St.obj # Save original objective values of St Zr, a = normalize(St, objRec, minim, Z, p) ZRef = Zr * a + objRec.objIdeal associate(St, Zr, sizeEvol[i]) ZRef = Zr * a + objRec.objIdeal ## distPareto(St,ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,a) hvContribution(St, objRec.objIdeal, a) indRemove = niching(K, St, sizeEvol, weight, multiple) Pt = St.removeMembers(indRemove, StObj) # Next generation's population if (RTPlot): Pt.plot(color((1 - deltac) * float(t) / NGer + deltac), scale, center, ObjNames, countFig) #axes = plt.gca() #axes.set_ylim([0,1]) Pt.topsisPop(weight, rank=rankType) # Rank within each front Qt = Pt.offspringPop( coefGau, sigma, pMut, spread, pSwitch) # Selection, recombination and mutation ## dist[t] = maxDist(Pt.members)/(1*(Vmax - Vmin)) ## sigma = dist[t] ## sigma = random.rand()*append(10.0,1.0*ones(Nvar-1)) ## MEv = sqrt(sum(Pt.members[:,1:]**2)/(NPop*(Nvar-1))) ## print 'Generation = ', t, 'Mean Square Value =', MEv hv = HyperVolume(refPoint) hvValues[nExec, t] = hv.compute(Pt.obj) t = t + 1 ## sigma = sigma - deltaSigma ## sigma = sigma*qSigma ## spread = spread*qSpread spread = spread - deltaSpread end = time.time() extime.append(end - start) conv.append(convergence(Pt.obj.tolist(), optimal_front)) print 'Hypervolume = ', hvValues[nExec, -1] print 'Convergence metric = ', conv[nExec] print 'Execution ', nExec + 1, ' completed in ', extime[ -1], ' seconds \n' ## normIgd,Zint = normIGDmetric(ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,a,Pt.obj,function) ## igd = IGDmetric(ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,Pt.obj,function)[0] ## normIgd2,Zint = normIGDmetric2(ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,a,Pt.obj,function) ## igd2 = IGDmetric2(ZRef,objRec.objIdeal,Pt.obj,function)[0] ## print 'NormIGD = {0:e}'.format(normIgd) ## print 'IGD = {0:e}'.format(igd) ## print 'NormIGD2 = {0:e}'.format(normIgd2) ## print 'IGD2 = {0:e}'.format(igd2) ## with open(''.join(['Pareto/Prt_',function,'.pk1']), 'r') as filename: ## f = pickle.load(filename) ##step = len(f)/50 ##plt.scatter(f[::step,0],f[::step,1],s=1,color='b') if (RTPlot): Pt.plot(color((1 - deltac) * float(t) / NGer + deltac), scale, center, ObjNames, countFig) #axes = plt.gca() #axes.set_ylim([0,1]) #plt.draw() #plt.ioff() #plt.savefig(''.join(['../figures/',function,'.png']), bbox_inches='tight') countFig = countFig + NObj * (NObj - 1) / 2 finalPop.append(Pt) ## if(nReps == 1): ## MEv = sqrt(sum(Pt.members[:,1:]**2)/(NPop*(Nvar-1))) ## print 'Generation = ', t, 'Mean Square Value =', MEv ## ## print 'rho =', Pt.rho ## print 'minObj=', objRec.objIdeal ##refPoint = objRec.extPoints.max(axis=0)*1.1 ##print 'refPoint: ',refPoint ## hv = HyperVolume(refPoint) ## print 'hypervolume=', hv.compute(Pt.obj) ##ind = where((St.obj[:,0] != 0) & (St.obj[:,1]!=0))[0] ##j = random.choice(ind) ##a = (StObj[j] - objRec.objIdeal) / St.obj[j] ##ZPlot = Z*a + objRec.objIdeal ## ##for i in arange(0,len(Z),len(Z)/10): ## plt.plot(vstack((objRec.objIdeal[0],ZPlot[i,0])),vstack((objRec.objIdeal[1],ZPlot[i,1])),'-',color='k') ##plt.plot(vstack((objRec.objIdeal[0],ZPlot[-1,0])),vstack((objRec.objIdeal[1],ZPlot[-1,1])),'-',color='k') ##inter = diag(a) + objRec.objIdeal ##plt.plot(inter[:,0],inter[:,1],'-',color='b') ##inter = diag(a) + objRec.objIdeal ##plt.plot(inter[:,0],inter[:,1],'-',color='b') ## axes = plt.gca() ## axes.set_ylim([0,1]) ## ## plt.savefig(''.join(['../figures/',function,'.png']), bbox_inches='tight') ## plt.figure(2) ## plt.plot(hvValues) ## plt.savefig(''.join(['../figures/HV_',function,'.png']), bbox_inches='tight') ## # Save Population ## with open(''.join(['../dev/files/Pop_',function,'_MOMCEDA','.pk1']), 'wb') as output: ## pickle.dump(finalPop, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ## ## # Save Hypervolume ## with open(''.join(['../dev/files/HV_',function,'_MOMCEDA','.pk1']), 'wb') as output: ## pickle.dump(hvValues, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ## ## # Save Elapsed time ## with open(''.join(['../dev/files/time_',function,'_MOMCEDA','.pk1']), 'wb') as output: ## pickle.dump(extime, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print 'Average hypervolume=', mean(hvValues[:, -1]) print 'Best hypervolume=', max(hvValues[:, -1]) ## plt.figure(countFig+1,figsize=(12, 12)) ## plt.title('Average hypervolume evolution for %s problem' %(function), fontsize=18) ## plt.xlabel('Generations', fontsize=18) ## plt.ylabel('Average hypervolume', fontsize=18) ## plt.plot(arange(1,NGer+1),hvValues.mean(axis=0)) ## plt.savefig(''.join(['../figures/meanHV_',function,'.png']), bbox_inches='tight') # Save Population with open(''.join(['../dev/files/Pop_', function, '_MOMCEDA', '.pk1']), 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(finalPop, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Save Hypervolume with open(''.join(['../dev/files/HV_', function, '_MOMCEDA', '.pk1']), 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(hvValues, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Save Elapsed time with open(''.join(['../dev/files/time_', function, '_MOMCEDA', '.pk1']), 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(extime, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Save Convergence with open(''.join(['../dev/files/conv_', function, '_MOMCEDA.json']), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(conv, outfile) print '\nMOMCEDA finished all experiments\n'