Exemple #1
 def GET(self):
   with web.ctx.connFactory() as conn:
     metrics = repository.getCustomMetrics(conn, getMetricDisplayFields(conn))
   convertedMetrics = [convertMetricRowToMetricDict(metric)
                       for metric in metrics]
   return json.dumps(convertedMetrics)
  def GET(self, autostackId, *args): # pylint: disable=C0103,W0613
      Get Metrics associated with autostack


          GET /_autostacks/{autostackId}/metrics

      NOTE: args is ignored.  Function signature for all method handlers must
      be compatible with the regexp pattern that matches.  POST optionally
      takes a second argument, DELETE requires it.
      engine = repository.engineFactory()
      metricRows = repository.getAutostackMetrics(engine,
      metricsList = [convertMetricRowToMetricDict(metricRow)
                     for metricRow in metricRows]

      return utils.jsonEncode(metricsList)

    except ObjectNotFoundError:
      raise web.notfound("Autostack not found: Autostack ID: %s" % autostackId)
    except web.HTTPError as ex:
      if bool(re.match(r"([45][0-9][0-9])\s?", web.ctx.status)):
        # Log 400-599 status codes as errors, ignoring 200-399
        log.error(str(ex) or repr(ex))
    except Exception as ex:
      raise web.internalerror(str(ex) or repr(ex))
  def POST(self, autostackId, data=None): # pylint: disable=C0103,R0201
      Create one or more Autostack Metric(s)


          POST /_autostacks/{autostackId}/metrics

              "namespace": "AWS/EC2",
              "metric": "CPUUtilization"

      Request body is a list of items, each of which are a subset of the
      standard cloudwatch native metric, specifying only:

      :param namespace: AWS Namespace
      :type namespace: str
      :param metric: AWS Metric name
      :type str:

      `datasource`, `region`, and `dimensions` normally required when creating
      models are not necessary.
      with web.ctx.connFactory() as conn:
        autostackRow = repository.getAutostack(conn,
      data = data or utils.jsonDecode(web.data())

      for nativeMetric in data:
          if nativeMetric["namespace"] == "Autostacks":
            slaveDatasource = "autostack"
            slaveDatasource = "cloudwatch"  # only support cloudwatch for now

          modelParams = {}
          if "min" and "max" in nativeMetric:
            modelParams["min"] = nativeMetric["min"]
            modelParams["max"] = nativeMetric["max"]

          modelSpec = {
            "datasource": "autostack",
            "metricSpec": {
              "autostackId": autostackRow.uid,
              "slaveDatasource": slaveDatasource,
              "slaveMetric": nativeMetric
            "modelParams": modelParams

          metricId = (createAutostackDatasourceAdapter()
          with web.ctx.connFactory() as conn:
            metricRow = repository.getMetric(conn, metricId)
          metricDict = convertMetricRowToMetricDict(metricRow)

        except KeyError:
          raise web.badrequest("Missing details in request")

        except ValueError:
          response = {"result": "failure"}
          raise web.badrequest(utils.jsonEncode(response))

      response = {"result": "success", "metric": metricDict}
      raise web.created(utils.jsonEncode(response))

    except ObjectNotFoundError:
      raise web.notfound("Autostack not found: Autostack ID: %s" % autostackId)
    except (web.HTTPError) as ex:
      if bool(re.match(r"([45][0-9][0-9])\s?", web.ctx.status)):
        # Log 400-599 status codes as errors, ignoring 200-399
        log.error(str(ex) or repr(ex))
    except Exception as ex:
      log.exception("POST Failed")
      raise web.internalerror(str(ex) or repr(ex))