Exemple #1
def spaxel_scale(datacube, head, spaxel):
    '''Function that takes 3D datacube or 2D image and
    rebins it to chosen spaxel scale. Reads spaxel scale
    of input datacube from header keywords CDELT1/2. 

        datacube: 3D datacube or 2D image
        head: header file
        spaxel: spaxel scale mas (x, y)

        new_cube: datacube (or 2D image) rebinned to chosen spaxel scale
        new_head: updated header file

    print 'Spaxel scale'

        z, y, x = datacube.shape
        y, x = datacube.shape
    cdelt1 = head["CDELT1"]
    cdelt2 = head["CDELT2"]

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = cdelt1 * x
    y_field = cdelt2 * y

    x_newsize = int(n.round(x_field / float(spaxel[0]), 0))
    y_newsize = int(n.round(y_field / float(spaxel[1]), 0))

        newcube = n.zeros((z, y_newsize, x_newsize), dtype=n.float64)
        for i in xrange(z):
            newcube[i, :, :] = frebin(datacube[i, :, :],
                                      (x_newsize, y_newsize),
        newcube = frebin(datacube, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    head['CDELT1'] = (spaxel[0], "mas")
    head['CDELT2'] = (spaxel[1], "mas")
    head['NAXIS1'] = int(x_newsize)
    head['NAXIS2'] = int(y_newsize)

    print 'Spaxel scale - done!'

    return newcube, head
Exemple #2
def spaxel_scale(datacube, head, spaxel):
    '''Function that takes 3D datacube or 2D image and
    rebins it to chosen spaxel scale. Reads spaxel scale
    of input datacube from header keywords CDELT1/2. 

        datacube: 3D datacube or 2D image
        head: header file
        spaxel: spaxel scale mas (x, y)

        new_cube: datacube (or 2D image) rebinned to chosen spaxel scale
        new_head: updated header file

    print 'Spaxel scale'

        z, y, x = datacube.shape
        y, x = datacube.shape
    cdelt1 = head["CDELT1"]
    cdelt2 = head["CDELT2"]

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = cdelt1*x
    y_field = cdelt2*y

    x_newsize = n.round(x_field/float(spaxel[0]),0)
    y_newsize = n.round(y_field/float(spaxel[1]),0)

        newcube = n.zeros((z, y_newsize, x_newsize), dtype=n.float64)
        for i in xrange(z):
            newcube[i,:,:] = frebin(datacube[i,:,:], (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)
        newcube = frebin(datacube, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)       

    head['CDELT1'] = (spaxel[0], "mas")
    head['CDELT2'] = (spaxel[1], "mas")
    head['NAXIS1'] = int(x_newsize)
    head['NAXIS2'] = int(y_newsize)

    print 'Spaxel scale - done!'
    return newcube, head
Exemple #3
def create_psf_channel(params, iteration, psfspax, output_spax, array_dim,
                       aperture, res_jitter):
    '''Function that creates an AO PSF image given the
    parameter values and sampling scale.


        psfparams: Dictionary containing parameter arrays
        iteration: Iteration value through wavelength array
        psfspax: PSF sampling scale [mas/spaxel]
        output_spax: Output sampling scale tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]
        array_dim: Size of PSF array
        aperture: List containing telescope diameter [m] and obsc. ratio
        res_jitter: value of residual telescope jitter [mas]


        psf = 2D PSF array


    #array = r_values([array_dim, array_dim], [(psfspax/1000.)*array_dim,(psfspax/1000.)*array_dim])
    array = dist_arr(array_dim, psfspax / 1000.)

    #    airy = obsc_airy(array, params['oh'][iteration], params['ow'][iteration]*rad_conv, aperture[1])
    #    moff1 = moffat(array, params['mh'][iteration], params['mw'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['mq'][iteration])
    #    lor = lorentz(array, params['lh'][iteration], params['lp'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['lw'][iteration]*rad_conv)
    #    moff2 = moffat(array, params['m2h'][iteration], params['m2w'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['m2q'][iteration])

    airy = obsc_airy(array, params['oh'][iteration], params['ow'] * rad_conv,
    moff1 = moffat(array, params['mh'][iteration],
                   params['mw'][iteration] * rad_conv, params['mq'][iteration])
    lor = lorentz(array, params['lh'][iteration],
                  params['lp'][iteration] * rad_conv,
                  params['lw'][iteration] * rad_conv)
    moff2 = moffat(array, params['m2h'][iteration],
                   params['m2w'][iteration] * rad_conv,

    channel = (airy + moff1 + lor + moff2)
    #Apply residual jitter
    channel /= channel.sum()  #normalise
    psf = residual_jitter(channel, psfspax, res_jitter)

    #Frebin PSF up to same sampling as datacube channels
    psf /= psf.sum()  #normalise

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim * psfspax
    y_field = array_dim * psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field / float(output_spax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field / float(output_spax[1])

    psf = frebin(psf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)
    import numpy

    return psf
Exemple #4
def create_instpsf(array_dim, psfspax, output_spax, psfoutspax):
    '''Function that creates an instrument PSF array given the
    parameter values and sampling scale.


        array_dim: Size of PSF array
        psfspax: PSF sampling scale [mas/spaxel]
        output_spax: Output sampling scale tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]
        psfoutspax: PSF convolution sampling scale to match datacube: tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]


        instpsf = 2D PSF array


    #FWHM of Instrument PSF depending on output spaxel scale
    #Factors taken into account:
    #design image quality, manufacturing and assembly tolerances, vibration, flexure, diff refraction,
    #Also interpolating the data back onto a regular grid.
    #The interpolation adds another contribution of 0.8-1.8 PIXEL FWHM.
    #So a reasonable assumption: 1.1 pix FWHM.

    #FWHMs given in mas according to output spaxel scale
    instpsf_data = {
        (30., 60.): 65.,
        (20., 20.): 34.,
        (10., 10.): 17.,
        (4., 4.): 6.
    #print 'SPAX = ', output_spax
        FWHM = instpsf_data[output_spax]
        #print 'FWHM = ', FWHM
        instpsf = Gauss2D(array_dim, FWHM / float(psfspax))
        #print 'Non-HARMONI spaxel scale - no instrument PSF'
        instpsf = n.zeros([array_dim, array_dim], dtype=float)
        instpsf[array_dim / 2, array_dim / 2] = 1.0

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim * psfspax
    y_field = array_dim * psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field / float(psfoutspax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field / float(psfoutspax[1])

    instpsf = frebin(instpsf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    return instpsf
Exemple #5
def create_instpsf(array_dim, psfspax, output_spax, psfoutspax):
    '''Function that creates an instrument PSF array given the
    parameter values and sampling scale.


        array_dim: Size of PSF array
        psfspax: PSF sampling scale [mas/spaxel]
        output_spax: Output sampling scale tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]
        psfoutspax: PSF convolution sampling scale to match datacube: tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]


        instpsf = 2D PSF array


    #FWHM of Instrument PSF depending on output spaxel scale
    #Factors taken into account:
    #design image quality, manufacturing and assembly tolerances, vibration, flexure, diff refraction,
    #Also interpolating the data back onto a regular grid.
    #The interpolation adds another contribution of 0.8-1.8 PIXEL FWHM.
    #So a reasonable assumption: 1.1 pix FWHM.

    #FWHMs given in mas according to output spaxel scale
    instpsf_data = {(30.,60.): 65.,
                    (20.,20.): 34.,
    #print 'SPAX = ', output_spax
        FWHM = instpsf_data[output_spax]
        #print 'FWHM = ', FWHM
        instpsf = Gauss2D(array_dim, FWHM/float(psfspax))
        #print 'Non-HARMONI spaxel scale - no instrument PSF'
        instpsf = n.zeros([array_dim, array_dim], dtype=float)
        instpsf[array_dim/2,array_dim/2] = 1.0

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim*psfspax
    y_field = array_dim*psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field/float(psfoutspax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field/float(psfoutspax[1])

    instpsf = frebin(instpsf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    return instpsf
Exemple #6
def create_psf_channel(params, iteration, psfspax, output_spax, array_dim, aperture, res_jitter):
    '''Function that creates an AO PSF image given the
    parameter values and sampling scale.


        psfparams: Dictionary containing parameter arrays
        iteration: Iteration value through wavelength array
        psfspax: PSF sampling scale [mas/spaxel]
        output_spax: Output sampling scale tuple (x, y) [mas/spaxel]
        array_dim: Size of PSF array
        aperture: List containing telescope diameter [m] and obsc. ratio
        res_jitter: value of residual telescope jitter [mas]


        psf = 2D PSF array


    #array = r_values([array_dim, array_dim], [(psfspax/1000.)*array_dim,(psfspax/1000.)*array_dim])
    array = dist_arr(array_dim, psfspax/1000.)

    airy = obsc_airy(array, params['oh'][iteration], params['ow'][iteration]*rad_conv, aperture[1])
    moff1 = moffat(array, params['mh'][iteration], params['mw'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['mq'][iteration])
    lor = lorentz(array, params['lh'][iteration], params['lp'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['lw'][iteration]*rad_conv)
    moff2 = moffat(array, params['m2h'][iteration], params['m2w'][iteration]*rad_conv, params['m2q'][iteration])
    channel = (airy + moff1 + lor + moff2)
    #Apply residual jitter
    channel /= channel.sum() #normalise
    psf = residual_jitter(channel, psfspax, res_jitter)

    #Frebin PSF up to same sampling as datacube channels
    psf /= psf.sum() #normalise

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim*psfspax
    y_field = array_dim*psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field/float(output_spax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field/float(output_spax[1])

    psf = frebin(psf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    return psf
Exemple #7
def spaxel_scale(datacube, head, spaxel):
    """Function that takes datacube and rebins it to chosen
    spaxel scale. Reads spaxel scale of input datacube
    from header keywords CDELT1/2. 

        datacube: science datacube
        head: header file
        spaxel: spaxel scale mas (x, y)

        new_cube: datacube rebinned to chosen spaxel scale
        new_head: updated header file

    print "Spaxel scale"

    z, y, x = datacube.shape
    cdelt1 = head["CDELT1"]
    cdelt2 = head["CDELT2"]

    # total field of view in mas
    x_field = cdelt1 * x
    y_field = cdelt2 * y

    x_newsize = n.round(x_field / float(spaxel[0]), 0)
    y_newsize = n.round(y_field / float(spaxel[1]), 0)

    newcube = n.zeros((z, y_newsize, x_newsize), dtype=n.float64)

    for i in xrange(z):
        newcube[i, :, :] = frebin(datacube[i, :, :], (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    head["CDELT1"] = (spaxel[0], "mas")
    head["CDELT2"] = (spaxel[1], "mas")
    head["NAXIS1"] = int(x_newsize)
    head["NAXIS2"] = int(y_newsize)

    print "Spaxel scale - done!"

    return newcube, head
Exemple #8
def create_Gausspsf_channel(wave, seeing, aperture, res_jitter, array_dim, Nyquist, psfspax, output_spax):
    '''Function that creates a 2D spatial Gaussian PSF.
    The FWHM of the Gaussian is depends on wavelength in the following way:

    FWHM(radians) = 0.98 Lambda/r_0
    r_0 = A Lambda^(6/5.)
    FWHM(arcsec) = (0.98/A)/Lambda^(1/5.)


        wave: wavelength [microns]
        seeing: FWHM value of the seeing at 500nm (V-band) in arcseconds.
        aperture: List containing [diameter of telescope, obscuration ratio].
                  Diameter only used when Nyquist=True.
        array_dim: Spatial size of PSF arrays.
        Nyquist: Boolean - True returns Nyquist sampling for each wavelength channel.
                         - False uses value of spaxel.
        psfspax: Initial spatial sampling value [mas].
        output_spax: Output spatial sampling [mas].


        psf: PSF array for given wavelength.


##    lam = 500.E-9
##    #Compute r_0 from given seeing value
##    r_0 = 0.98*lam/float(seeing/206265.)
##    #Use r_0 to find A
##    A = r_0/lam**(6/5.)
##    #Use A to find constant for FWHM propto Lambda**(-1/5) equation
##    B = 0.98*206265./A

    r0 = 0.976*500.E-9/float(seeing)*(180./n.pi*3600.)*(wave/0.5)**1.2 #in m
    fwhm = seeing*(wave/0.5)**(-0.2)*n.sqrt(1.+(1./(1.+300.*aperture[0]/23.)-1)*2.183*(r0/23.)**(0.356)) #in arcsec

    if Nyquist:
        #fwhm = B/float((wave*(1.E-6))**(1/5.)) #in arcsec
        diff = wave*(1.E-6)/(2.*float(aperture[0]))
        diff *= 206265 #in arcsec/spaxel
        channel = Gauss2D(array_dim, fwhm/diff)
        #Apply residual jitter
        psf = residual_jitter(channel, diff, res_jitter)

    elif not Nyquist:
        spax = psfspax / 1000. #in arcsec/spaxel
        #fwhm = B/float((wave*(1.E-6))**(1/5.)) #in arcsec
        channel = Gauss2D(array_dim, fwhm/spax)
        #Apply residual jitter
        psf = residual_jitter(channel, spax, res_jitter)

    #Normalise PSF
    psf /= psf.sum()

    #Frebin PSF up to same sampling as datacube channels

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim*psfspax
    y_field = array_dim*psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field/float(output_spax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field/float(output_spax[1])

    psf = frebin(psf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    return psf
Exemple #9
def create_Gausspsf_channel(wave, seeing, aperture, res_jitter, array_dim,
                            Nyquist, psfspax, output_spax):
    '''Function that creates a 2D spatial Gaussian PSF.
    The FWHM of the Gaussian is depends on wavelength in the following way:

    FWHM(radians) = 0.98 Lambda/r_0
    r_0 = A Lambda^(6/5.)
    FWHM(arcsec) = (0.98/A)/Lambda^(1/5.)


        wave: wavelength [microns]
        seeing: FWHM value of the seeing at 500nm (V-band) in arcseconds.
        aperture: List containing [diameter of telescope, obscuration ratio].
                  Diameter only used when Nyquist=True.
        array_dim: Spatial size of PSF arrays.
        Nyquist: Boolean - True returns Nyquist sampling for each wavelength channel.
                         - False uses value of spaxel.
        psfspax: Initial spatial sampling value [mas].
        output_spax: Output spatial sampling [mas].


        psf: PSF array for given wavelength.


    ##    lam = 500.E-9
    ##    #Compute r_0 from given seeing value
    ##    r_0 = 0.98*lam/float(seeing/206265.)
    ##    #Use r_0 to find A
    ##    A = r_0/lam**(6/5.)
    ##    #Use A to find constant for FWHM propto Lambda**(-1/5) equation
    ##    B = 0.98*206265./A

    r0 = 0.976 * 500.E-9 / float(seeing) * (180. / n.pi *
                                            3600.) * (wave / 0.5)**1.2  #in m
    fwhm = seeing * (wave / 0.5)**(-0.2) * n.sqrt(
        1. + (1. / (1. + 300. * aperture[0] / 23.) - 1) * 2.183 *
        (r0 / 23.)**(0.356))  #in arcsec

    if Nyquist:
        #fwhm = B/float((wave*(1.E-6))**(1/5.)) #in arcsec
        diff = wave * (1.E-6) / (2. * float(aperture[0]))
        diff *= 206265  #in arcsec/spaxel
        channel = Gauss2D(array_dim, fwhm / diff)
        #Apply residual jitter
        psf = residual_jitter(channel, diff, res_jitter)

    elif not Nyquist:
        spax = psfspax / 1000.  #in arcsec/spaxel
        #fwhm = B/float((wave*(1.E-6))**(1/5.)) #in arcsec
        channel = Gauss2D(array_dim, fwhm / spax)
        #Apply residual jitter
        psf = residual_jitter(channel, spax, res_jitter)

    #Normalise PSF
    psf /= psf.sum()

    #Frebin PSF up to same sampling as datacube channels

    #total field of view in mas
    x_field = array_dim * psfspax
    y_field = array_dim * psfspax
    x_newsize = x_field / float(output_spax[0])
    y_newsize = y_field / float(output_spax[1])

    psf = frebin(psf, (x_newsize, y_newsize), total=True)

    return psf