Exemple #1
def fd_d1_o4_uneven(var, grid, mat=False, return_new_grid=False):
    """Centered finite difference, first derivative, 4th order.  Evenly spaced grid is created and var is interpolated onto this grid.  Derivative is interpolated back onto original grid.
    var: quantity to be differentiated.
    grid: grid for var 
    mat: matrix for the finite-differencing operator. if mat=False then it is created"""

    N = 2.0 * len(grid)
    grid0 = np.linspace(grid[0], grid[-1], N)
    var0 = interp(grid, var, grid0)

    if not mat:
        mat = get_mat_fd_d1_o4(len(var0), grid0[1] - grid0[0])

    dvar0 = -np.dot(mat, var0)
    dvar0[0] = 0.0
    dvar0[1] = 0.0
    dvar0[-1] = 0.0
    dvar0[-2] = 0.0

    if return_new_grid:
        return grid0, -dvar0
        dvar = np.zeros(len(grid))
        dvar[2:-2] = interp(grid0[2:-2], dvar0[2:-2], grid[2:-2])
        return -dvar
Exemple #2
def totalE(EFITdict, ITERDBdict, OUT_file_name, ntheta):

    psipn_vec = EFITdict['psipn']
    rhotn_vec = EFITdict['rhotn']

    ne = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_ne'], ITERDBdict['ne'], rhotn_vec)
    ni = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_ni'], ITERDBdict['ni'], rhotn_vec)
    nz = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_nz'], ITERDBdict['nz'], rhotn_vec)
    te = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_te'], ITERDBdict['te'], rhotn_vec)
    ti = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_ti'], ITERDBdict['ti'], rhotn_vec)

    f = open(OUT_file_name, 'w')
    sys.stdout = f
    dV = []
    de = []
    for i in range(len(psipn_vec) - 2):
        R_in, Z_in, B_pol_in, B_tor_in, B_tot_in = BfieldsFS(
            EFITdict, psipn_vec[i], ntheta)
        R_out, Z_out, B_pol_out, B_tor_out, B_tot_out = BfieldsFS(
            EFITdict, psipn_vec[i + 1], ntheta)

        this_dV = dVolume(R_in, Z_in, R_out, Z_out, False)
        this_de = this_dV * ((ni[i] + nz[i]) * ti[i] + ne[i] * te[i]) * 1.6E-19


        print('{:.8f}    {:.8f}    {:.8f}'.format(psipn_vec[i], this_dV,

    return sum(dV), sum(de)
Exemple #3
def magneticShear(EFITdict, show_plots=False):

    rhotn = EFITdict['rhotn']
    q = EFITdict['qpsi']

    #uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhotn[0], rhotn[-1], len(rhotn) * 10)
    uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhotn[0], rhotn[-1], len(rhotn))
    q_unirhot = interp(rhotn, q, uni_rhot)
    shat_unirhot = uni_rhot / q_unirhot * first_derivative(q_unirhot, uni_rhot)
    shat = interp(uni_rhot, shat_unirhot, rhotn)

    R_unirhot = interp(rhotn, EFITdict['R'], uni_rhot)
    Ls_unirhot = q_unirhot * R_unirhot / shat_unirhot
    Ls = interp(uni_rhot, Ls_unirhot, rhotn)

    if show_plots:
        plt.plot(uni_rhot, shat_unirhot)
        plt.axis([0.8, 1., 0., 10.])
        plt.plot(uni_rhot, Ls_unirhot)
        plt.axis([0.8, 1., 0., 2.])

    return uni_rhot, shat_unirhot, Ls_unirhot
Exemple #4
def dPressuredR(ITERDBdict, EFITdict, rhotLeft, rhotRight):
    rhot0 = EFITdict['rhotn']
    R0 = EFITdict['R']
    Pres = EFITdict['Pres']
    print(len(rhot0), len(R0), len(Pres))

    leftInd = np.argmin(abs(rhot0 - rhotLeft))
    rightInd = np.argmin(abs(rhot0 - rhotRight))

    rhotProf = rhot0[leftInd: rightInd + 1]
    prof = Pres[leftInd: rightInd + 1]
    R = R0[leftInd: rightInd + 1]

    uniR = np.linspace(R[0], R[-1], len(R))
    rhot_uniR = interp(R, rhotProf, uniR)
    prof_uniR = interp(R, prof, uniR)
    if 1 == 0:
        plt.plot(R0, rhot0, '+-', label = 'rhot0')
        plt.plot(uniR, rhot_uniR, '+-', label = 'rhot_uniR')

        plt.plot(R0, Pres, '+-', label = 'Pres')
        plt.plot(uniR, prof_uniR, '+-', label = 'prof_uniR')

    profPrime_uniR = - first_derivative(prof_uniR, uniR) / prof_uniR

    return rhot_uniR, uniR, prof_uniR, profPrime_uniR
def fd_d1_o4_uneven(var,grid,mat=False,return_new_grid = False):
    """Centered finite difference, first derivative, 4th order.  Evenly spaced grid is created and var is interpolated onto this grid.  Derivative is interpolated back onto original grid.
    var: quantity to be differentiated.
    grid: grid for var 
    mat: matrix for the finite-differencing operator. if mat=False then it is created"""

    N = 2.0*len(grid)
    grid0 = np.linspace(grid[0],grid[-1],N)
    var0 = interp(grid,var,grid0)

    if not mat:


    if return_new_grid:
        return grid0,-dvar0
        dvar = np.zeros(len(grid))
        dvar[2:-2] = interp(grid0[2:-2],dvar0[2:-2],grid[2:-2])
        return -dvar 
def remove_edge_opt_complex(array, edge_opt):
    nz = len(array)
    dz = 2.0 * np.pi / nz
    zgrid_even = np.arange(nz) / float(nz - 1) * (2.0 * np.pi - dz) - np.pi
    N = np.arcsinh(edge_opt * zgrid_even[-1]) / zgrid_even[-1]
    zprime_even = zgrid_even
    z_of_zprime_even = 1.0 / edge_opt * np.sinh(N * zprime_even)
    Rarray = interp(z_of_zprime_even, np.real(array), zgrid_even)
    Iarray = interp(z_of_zprime_even, np.imag(array), zgrid_even)
    array_out = Rarray + 1.0J * Iarray
    return array_out
Exemple #7
def remove_edge_opt_complex(array,edge_opt):
    nz = len(array)
    dz = 2.0*np.pi/nz
    zgrid_even = np.arange(nz)/float(nz-1)*(2.0*np.pi-dz)-np.pi
    N = np.arcsinh(edge_opt*zgrid_even[-1])/zgrid_even[-1]
    zprime_even = zgrid_even
    z_of_zprime_even = 1.0/edge_opt*np.sinh(N*zprime_even) 
    Rarray = interp(z_of_zprime_even,np.real(array),zgrid_even)
    Iarray = interp(z_of_zprime_even,np.imag(array),zgrid_even)
    array_out = Rarray + 1.0J*Iarray
    return  array_out
Exemple #8
def calc_gammaE_gene(R, rhot, te, B_pol, Er, q, a):

    # assume ti, B_tor, B_pol, Er are on uniform grid of R
    M = 3.3 * 10**(-27)
    uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhot[0], rhot[-1], 1000)
    te_unirhot = interp(rhot, te, uni_rhot)
    Bp_unirhot = interp(rhot, B_pol, uni_rhot)
    Er_unirhot = interp(rhot, Er, uni_rhot)
    R_unirhot = interp(rhot, R, uni_rhot)
    q_unirhot = interp(rhot, q, uni_rhot)
    omega_tor = Er_unirhot / (R_unirhot * Bp_unirhot)
    cs = np.sqrt(te_unirhot / M)
    gammaE = (uni_rhot / q_unirhot) * fd_d1_o4(omega_tor, uni_rhot) / (cs / a)

    return uni_rhot, gammaE, omega_tor
Exemple #9
def calc_gammaE_gene(R,rhot,te,B_pol,Er,q,a):

    # assume ti, B_tor, B_pol, Er are on uniform grid of R
    M = 3.3*10**(-27)
    uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhot[0],rhot[-1],1000)
    te_unirhot = interp(rhot,te,uni_rhot)
    Bp_unirhot = interp(rhot,B_pol,uni_rhot)
    Er_unirhot = interp(rhot,Er,uni_rhot)
    R_unirhot = interp(rhot,R,uni_rhot)
    q_unirhot = interp(rhot,q,uni_rhot)
    omega_tor = Er_unirhot/(R_unirhot*Bp_unirhot)
    cs = np.sqrt(te_unirhot/M)
    gammaE = (uni_rhot/q_unirhot)*fd_d1_o4(omega_tor,uni_rhot)/(cs/a)

    return uni_rhot, gammaE, omega_tor
Exemple #10
def get_geom_pars(efit_file_name, rhot0):

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(
    R_major = rmag
    dummy, rhot_n, phi_edge = calc_rho_tor(psip_n,
    psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor = calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag,
                                                      psirz, psiax, psisep, F,
                                                      nw, psip_n)
    Bref = abs(B_tor[0])
    Lref = np.sqrt(2.0 * abs(phi_edge / Bref))
    irhot_n = np.argmin(abs(rhot_n - rhot0))
    q0 = qpsi[irhot_n]

    rhot_new = np.linspace(rhot_n[0], rhot_n[-1], 4 * len(rhot_n))
    qpsi_new = interp(rhot_n, qpsi, rhot_new)
    shat = rhot_new / qpsi_new * fd_d1_o4(qpsi_new, rhot_new)
    irhot_new = np.argmin(abs(rhot_new - rhot0))
    shat0 = shat[irhot_new]
    return Lref, Bref, R_major, q0, shat0
def calc_shat(q, rhot):
    rhot0 = np.arange(10000.0) / 9999.0
    q0 = interp(rhot, q, rhot0)

    qprime = fd_d1_o4(q0, rhot0)
    shat = rhot0 / q0 * qprime
    return rhot0, q0, shat
Exemple #12
def calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F, nw, psip_n):
    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid-zmag))
    psi_pol_mp = psirz[Z0_ind,:].copy()
    Rmag_ind = np.argmin(abs(Rgrid - rmag))
    psi_pol_ob = psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind:].copy()
    Sep_ind = np.argmin(abs(psi_pol_ob-psisep))
    psi_pol_obmp = psi_pol_ob[:Sep_ind+3].copy()
    R_obmp = Rgrid[Rmag_ind:Rmag_ind+Sep_ind+3].copy()
    #print len(R_obmp),len(psi_pol_obmp)
    # B_pol is d psi_pol/ d R * (1/R)
    B_pol = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_obmp,R_obmp)/R_obmp
    # convert F(on even psi_pol grid) to F(on even R grid)
    print psiax
    print psisep
    psip_n_obmp = (psi_pol_obmp-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
    F_obmp = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_obmp)
    # B_tor = F/R
    B_tor = F_obmp/R_obmp

    # psip_n_obmp is normalized psi_pol at outboard midplane on uniform unif_R
    # B_tor and B_pol are on uniform unif_R as well
    # psip_n_obmp is unlike psip_n ([0,1]), it goes from 0 to 1.06 here
    return psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor
Exemple #13
def totalN(EFITdict, ITERDBdict, OUT_file_name, ntheta):

    psipn_vec = EFITdict['psipn']
    rhotn_vec = EFITdict['rhotn']

    nz = interp(ITERDBdict['rhot_nz'], ITERDBdict['nz'], rhotn_vec)

    f = open(OUT_file_name, 'w')
    sys.stdout = f
    dV = []
    dn = []
    for i in range(len(psipn_vec) - 2):
        R_in, Z_in, B_pol_in, B_tor_in, B_tot_in = BfieldsFS(
            EFITdict, psipn_vec[i], ntheta)
        R_out, Z_out, B_pol_out, B_tor_out, B_tot_out = BfieldsFS(
            EFITdict, psipn_vec[i + 1], ntheta)

        this_dV = dVolume(R_in, Z_in, R_out, Z_out, False)
        this_dn = this_dV * nz[i]


        print('{:.8f}    {:.8f}    {:.8f}'.format(psipn_vec[i], this_dV,

    return sum(dV), sum(dn)
Exemple #14
def calc_shat(q,rhot):
    rhot0 = np.arange(10000.0)/9999.0
    q0 = interp(rhot,q,rhot0)

    qprime = fd_d1_o4(q0,rhot0)
    shat = rhot0/q0*qprime
    return rhot0,q0,shat 
def readProfiles(speciesName, suffix, subtract_convection = True):

    profilesFilename = 'profiles_'+speciesName+'_'+ suffix
    fluxprofFilename = 'fluxprof'+speciesName+'_'+ suffix+'.dat'

    profiles = np.genfromtxt(profilesFilename)
    rho = profiles[:,0]
    tempProf = profiles[:,2]
    densProf = profiles[:,3]
    omtProf = profiles[:,4]
    omnProf = profiles[:,5]

    fluxprof = np.genfromtxt(fluxprofFilename,skip_footer=3)
    fluxrho = fluxprof[:,0]
    Gamma_es = fluxprof[:,1]
    Qheat_es = fluxprof[:,2]
    Gamma_em = fluxprof[:,3]
    Qheat_em = fluxprof[:,4]
    Gamma_tot = Gamma_es + Gamma_em
    Qheat_tot = Qheat_es + Qheat_em

    suffix = '_'+suffix
    #pars = init_read_parameters_file(suffix)
    par = Parameters()
    pars = par.pardict
    tempProf = tempProf / pars['Tref']
    densProf = densProf / pars['nref']

    temp_fluxrho = interp(rho, tempProf, fluxrho)
    dens_fluxrho = interp(rho, densProf, fluxrho)
    omt_fluxrho = interp(rho, omtProf, fluxrho)
    omn_fluxrho = interp(rho, omnProf, fluxrho)

    if subtract_convection:
        Qheat_tot = Qheat_tot - 3./2.*Gamma_tot*temp_fluxrho

    if 1 == 0:
        plt.plot(fluxrho, Gamma_tot, label='Gamma')
        plt.plot(fluxrho, Qheat_tot, label='Q')

    return rho, temp_fluxrho, dens_fluxrho, omt_fluxrho, omn_fluxrho, fluxrho, Gamma_tot, Qheat_tot
Exemple #16
def readProfiles(speciesName, suffix, subtract_convection = True):

    profilesFilename = 'profiles_'+speciesName+'_'+ suffix
    fluxprofFilename = 'fluxprof'+speciesName+'_'+ suffix+'.dat'

    profiles = np.genfromtxt(profilesFilename)
    rho = profiles[:,0]
    tempProf = profiles[:,2]
    densProf = profiles[:,3]
    omtProf = profiles[:,4]
    omnProf = profiles[:,5]

    fluxprof = np.genfromtxt(fluxprofFilename,skip_footer=3)
    fluxrho = fluxprof[:,0]
    Gamma_es = fluxprof[:,1]
    Qheat_es = fluxprof[:,2]
    Gamma_em = fluxprof[:,3]
    Qheat_em = fluxprof[:,4]
    Gamma_tot = Gamma_es + Gamma_em
    Qheat_tot = Qheat_es + Qheat_em

    suffix = '_'+suffix
    #pars = init_read_parameters_file(suffix)
    par = Parameters()
    pars = par.pardict
    tempProf = tempProf / pars['Tref']
    densProf = densProf / pars['nref']

    temp_fluxrho = interp(rho, tempProf, fluxrho)
    dens_fluxrho = interp(rho, densProf, fluxrho)
    omt_fluxrho = interp(rho, omtProf, fluxrho)
    omn_fluxrho = interp(rho, omnProf, fluxrho)

    if subtract_convection:
        Qheat_tot = Qheat_tot - 3./2.*Gamma_tot*temp_fluxrho

    if 1 == 0:
        plt.plot(fluxrho, Gamma_tot, label='Gamma')
        plt.plot(fluxrho, Qheat_tot, label='Q')

    return rho, temp_fluxrho, dens_fluxrho, omt_fluxrho, omn_fluxrho, fluxrho, Gamma_tot, Qheat_tot
def calc_pedestal_average_gHB(rbs):
    rmin = float(raw_input("Enter xmin for pedestal average:\n"))
    rmax = float(raw_input("Enter xmax for pedestal average:\n"))
    rhot = np.arange(2000) / 1999.0
    ghb = interp(rbs[:, 0], rbs[:, 9], rhot)
    imin = np.argmin(abs(rhot - rmin))
    imax = np.argmin(abs(rhot - rmax))
    ghb_avg = np.sum(abs(ghb[imin:imax])) / float(imax - imin)
    return ghb_avg, rmin, rmax
Exemple #18
def remove_edge_opt(array,edge_opt):
    nz = len(array)
    dz = 2.0*np.pi/nz
    zgrid_even = np.arange(nz)/float(nz-1)*(2.0*np.pi-dz)-np.pi
    N = np.arcsinh(edge_opt*zgrid_even[-1])/zgrid_even[-1]
    #zprime = 1/N*np.arcsinh(edge_opt*zgrid_even)
    zprime_even = zgrid_even
    z_of_zprime_even = 1.0/edge_opt*np.sinh(N*zprime_even) 
    array_out = interp(z_of_zprime_even,array,zgrid_even)
    return  array_out
def remove_edge_opt(array, edge_opt):
    nz = len(array)
    dz = 2.0 * np.pi / nz
    zgrid_even = np.arange(nz) / float(nz - 1) * (2.0 * np.pi - dz) - np.pi
    N = np.arcsinh(edge_opt * zgrid_even[-1]) / zgrid_even[-1]
    #zprime = 1/N*np.arcsinh(edge_opt*zgrid_even)
    zprime_even = zgrid_even
    z_of_zprime_even = 1.0 / edge_opt * np.sinh(N * zprime_even)
    array_out = interp(z_of_zprime_even, array, zgrid_even)
    return array_out
Exemple #20
def calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F, nw,

    # Z0_ind is the index of Zgrid of midplane
    Z0_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(Zgrid - zmag))
    # psi_midplane is psi_pol at midplane on even Rgrid
    psi_pol_mp = psirz[Z0_ind, :]
    # Rmag_ind is index of unif_R at rmag
    Rmag_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(Rgrid - rmag))
    ###print "rmag",rmag
    ###print "Rmag_ind",Rmag_ind
    ###print "Rgrid[Rmag_ind]~rmag", Rgrid[Rmag_ind]
    ###print "psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind]~psiax", psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind]
    psi_pol_obmp = psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind:].copy()
    #normalize psi_pol_obmp to psip_n_temp
    psip_n_temp = np.empty(len(psi_pol_obmp))
    for i in range(len(psi_pol_obmp)):
        psip_n_temp[i] = (psi_pol_obmp[i] - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
    unif_R = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind], Rgrid[-1], nw * 10)
    #    unif_R = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind],Rgrid[-1],nw)
    psip_n_unifR = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:], psip_n_temp, unif_R)
    psisep_ind = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR - 1.02))
    ###print "psisep_ind", psisep_ind
    ###print "psip_n_temp[psisep_ind]~1", psip_n_unifR[psisep_ind]
    #print "we have a problem here because uniform R grid doesn't have enough resolution near separatrix"
    psip_n_obmp = psip_n_unifR[:psisep_ind].copy()
    ###print "psip_n_obmp[0]~0", psip_n_obmp[0]
    ###print "psip_n_obmp[-1]~1", psip_n_obmp[-1]
    R_obmp = unif_R[:psisep_ind].copy()
    # B_pol is d psi_pol/ d R * (1/R)
    #B_pol = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_obmp, unif_R[Rmag_ind:Rmag_ind+psisep_ind])/unif_R[Rmag_ind:Rmag_ind+psisep_ind]
    B_pol = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_obmp * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, R_obmp) / R_obmp
    # convert F(on even psi_pol grid) to F(on even R grid)
    F_obmp = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_obmp)
    # B_tor = F/R
    B_tor = F_obmp / R_obmp

    # psip_n_obmp is normalized psi_pol at outboard midplane on uniform unif_R
    # B_tor and B_pol are on uniform unif_R as well
    # psip_n_obmp is unlike psip_n ([0,1]), it goes from 0 to 1.06 here
    return psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor
Exemple #21
def calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F, nw, psip_n):
    # Z0_ind is the index of Zgrid of midplane
    Z0_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(Zgrid-zmag))
    # psi_midplane is psi_pol at midplane on even Rgrid
    psi_pol_mp = psirz[Z0_ind,:]
    # Rmag_ind is index of unif_R at rmag
    Rmag_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(Rgrid - rmag))
    ###print "rmag",rmag
    ###print "Rmag_ind",Rmag_ind
    ###print "Rgrid[Rmag_ind]~rmag", Rgrid[Rmag_ind]
    ###print "psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind]~psiax", psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind]
    psi_pol_obmp = psi_pol_mp[Rmag_ind:].copy()
    #normalize psi_pol_obmp to psip_n_temp
    psip_n_temp = np.empty(len(psi_pol_obmp))
    for i in range(len(psi_pol_obmp)):
        psip_n_temp[i] = (psi_pol_obmp[i]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
    unif_R = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind],Rgrid[-1],nw*10)
#    unif_R = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind],Rgrid[-1],nw)
    psip_n_unifR = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:],psip_n_temp,unif_R)
    psisep_ind = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR-1.02))
    ###print "psisep_ind", psisep_ind
    ###print "psip_n_temp[psisep_ind]~1", psip_n_unifR[psisep_ind]
    #print "we have a problem here because uniform R grid doesn't have enough resolution near separatrix"
    psip_n_obmp = psip_n_unifR[:psisep_ind].copy()
    ###print "psip_n_obmp[0]~0", psip_n_obmp[0]
    ###print "psip_n_obmp[-1]~1", psip_n_obmp[-1]
    R_obmp = unif_R[:psisep_ind].copy()
    # B_pol is d psi_pol/ d R * (1/R)
    #B_pol = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_obmp, unif_R[Rmag_ind:Rmag_ind+psisep_ind])/unif_R[Rmag_ind:Rmag_ind+psisep_ind]
    B_pol = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_obmp*(psisep-psiax)+psiax,R_obmp)/R_obmp
    # convert F(on even psi_pol grid) to F(on even R grid)
    F_obmp = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_obmp)
    # B_tor = F/R
    B_tor = F_obmp/R_obmp

    # psip_n_obmp is normalized psi_pol at outboard midplane on uniform unif_R
    # B_tor and B_pol are on uniform unif_R as well
    # psip_n_obmp is unlike psip_n ([0,1]), it goes from 0 to 1.06 here
    return psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor
Exemple #22
def dProfdR(ITERDBdict, EFITdict, profile, rhotLeft, rhotRight):
    rhot0 = EFITdict['rhotn']
    R0 = EFITdict['R']

    rhotn = ITERDBdict['rhot_'+profile]
    Prof = ITERDBdict[profile]

    leftInd = np.argmin(abs(rhotn - rhotLeft))
    rightInd = np.argmin(abs(rhotn - rhotRight))

    rhotProf = rhotn[leftInd: rightInd + 1]
    prof = Prof[leftInd: rightInd + 1]

    R = interp(rhot0, R0, rhotProf)
    uniR = np.linspace(R[0], R[-1], len(R))
    rhot_uniR = interp(R, rhotProf, uniR)
    prof_uniR = interp(R, prof, uniR)
    profPrime_uniR = - first_derivative(prof_uniR, uniR) / prof_uniR

    return rhot_uniR, prof_uniR, profPrime_uniR
Exemple #23
def fd_d1_o4_smoothend(var, grid, mat=False):
    """Centered finite difference, first derivative, 4th order using extrapolation to get boundary points
    var: quantity to be differentiated.
    grid: grid for var 
    mat: matrix for the finite-differencing operator. if mat=False then it is created"""

    dx = grid[1] - grid[0]
    grid0 = np.linspace(grid[0] - 2 * dx, grid[-1] + 2 * dx, len(grid) + 4)
    var0 = interp(grid, var, grid0)

    if not mat:
        mat = get_mat_fd_d1_o4(len(var0), grid0[1] - grid0[0])

    dvar0 = -np.dot(mat, var0)
    dvar_out = dvar0[2:-2]

    return -dvar_out
def fd_d1_o4_smoothend(var,grid,mat=False):
    """Centered finite difference, first derivative, 4th order using extrapolation to get boundary points
    var: quantity to be differentiated.
    grid: grid for var 
    mat: matrix for the finite-differencing operator. if mat=False then it is created"""

    dx = grid[1]-grid[0]
    grid0 = np.linspace(grid[0]-2*dx,grid[-1]+2*dx,len(grid)+4)
    var0 = interp(grid,var,grid0)

    if not mat:


    return -dvar_out 
Exemple #25
def get_geom_pars(efit_file_name,rhot0):

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw,psiax,psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)
    R_major = rmag
    dummy, rhot_n, phi_edge = calc_rho_tor(psip_n, psiax, psisep, qpsi, nw,psip_n_max=0.999)
    psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor = calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F, nw, psip_n)
    Bref = abs(B_tor[0])
    Lref = np.sqrt(2.0*abs(phi_edge/Bref))
    irhot_n = np.argmin(abs(rhot_n-rhot0))
    q0 = qpsi[irhot_n]

    rhot_new = np.linspace(rhot_n[0],rhot_n[-1],4.0*len(rhot_n))
    qpsi_new = interp(rhot_n,qpsi,rhot_new)  
    shat = rhot_new/qpsi_new*fd_d1_o4(qpsi_new,rhot_new)
    irhot_new = np.argmin(abs(rhot_new-rhot0))
    shat0 = shat[irhot_new]
    return Lref, Bref, R_major, q0, shat0
Exemple #26
def dProfdrhot(ITERDBdict, EFITdict, profile, rhotLeft, rhotRight):
    rhot0 = EFITdict['rhotn']
    R0 = EFITdict['R']

    rhotn = ITERDBdict['rhot_'+profile]
    Prof = ITERDBdict[profile]

    leftInd = np.argmin(abs(rhotn - rhotLeft))
    rightInd = np.argmin(abs(rhotn - rhotRight))

    rhotProf = rhotn[leftInd: rightInd + 1]
    prof = Prof[leftInd: rightInd + 1]

    uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhotProf[0], rhotProf[-1], len(rhotProf))
    prof_unirhot = interp(rhotProf, prof, uni_rhot)
    profPrime_unirhot = - first_derivative(prof_unirhot, uni_rhot) / prof_unirhot

    return uni_rhot, prof_unirhot, profPrime_unirhot
Exemple #27
def calc_gammaE_hb(R, psi_pol, ti, B_tor, B_pol, Er, rho_tor, a):

    # assume R,Er,B_tor,B_pol,ti,rho_tor are on psi_pol(not normalized)
    M = 3.3 * 10**(-27)
    #a = 2.6863997038399379E-01
    uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0], psi_pol[-1], 500)
    R_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, R, uni_psip)
    Er_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, Er, uni_psip)
    Bt_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, B_tor, uni_psip)
    Bp_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, B_pol, uni_psip)
    ti_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, ti, uni_psip)
    v_thi = np.sqrt(ti_unipsip / M)
    B_tot = np.sqrt(Bt_unipsip**2 + Bp_unipsip**2)
    omega_t = Er_unipsip / R_unipsip / Bp_unipsip
    gammaE = (R_unipsip * Bp_unipsip)**2 * fd_d1_o4(omega_t, uni_psip) / B_tot
    gammaE = gammaE / (v_thi / a)
    rhot_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, rho_tor, uni_psip)

    return gammaE, omega_t, rhot_unipsip
Exemple #28
def calc_gammaE_hb(R, psi_pol, te, B_tor, B_pol, Er, rho_tor, a):

    # assume R,Er,B_tor,B_pol,ti,rho_tor are on psi_pol(not normalized)
    M = 3.3 * 10**(-27)
    uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0], psi_pol[-1], len(psi_pol))
    #uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0],psi_pol[-1],500)
    R_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, R, uni_psip)
    Er_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, Er, uni_psip)
    Bt_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, B_tor, uni_psip)
    Bp_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, B_pol, uni_psip)
    te_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, te, uni_psip)
    c_s = np.sqrt(te_unipsip / M)
    B_tot = np.sqrt(Bt_unipsip**2 + Bp_unipsip**2)
    omega_t = Er_unipsip / R_unipsip / Bp_unipsip
    gammaE = (R_unipsip * Bp_unipsip)**2 * fd_d1_o4(omega_t, uni_psip) / B_tot
    gammaE = gammaE / (c_s / a)
    rhot_unipsip = interp(psi_pol, rho_tor, uni_psip)

    return gammaE, omega_t, rhot_unipsip
Exemple #29
def calc_gammaE_hb(R,psi_pol,te,B_tor,B_pol,Er,rho_tor,a):
    # assume R,Er,B_tor,B_pol,ti,rho_tor are on psi_pol(not normalized)
    M = 3.3*10**(-27)
    uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0],psi_pol[-1],len(psi_pol))
    #uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0],psi_pol[-1],500)
    R_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,R,uni_psip)
    Er_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,Er,uni_psip)
    Bt_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,B_tor,uni_psip)
    Bp_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,B_pol,uni_psip)
    te_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,te,uni_psip)
    c_s = np.sqrt(te_unipsip/M)
    B_tot = np.sqrt(Bt_unipsip**2+Bp_unipsip**2)
    omega_t = Er_unipsip/R_unipsip/Bp_unipsip
    gammaE = (R_unipsip*Bp_unipsip)**2*fd_d1_o4(omega_t,uni_psip)/B_tot
    gammaE = gammaE/(c_s/a)
    rhot_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,rho_tor,uni_psip)

    return gammaE, omega_t, rhot_unipsip
Exemple #30
def calc_gammaE_hb(R,psi_pol,ti,B_tor,B_pol,Er,rho_tor,a):
    # assume R,Er,B_tor,B_pol,ti,rho_tor are on psi_pol(not normalized)
    M = 3.3*10**(-27)
    #a = 2.6863997038399379E-01
    uni_psip = np.linspace(psi_pol[0],psi_pol[-1],500)
    R_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,R,uni_psip)
    Er_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,Er,uni_psip)
    Bt_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,B_tor,uni_psip)
    Bp_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,B_pol,uni_psip)
    ti_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,ti,uni_psip)
    v_thi = np.sqrt(ti_unipsip/M)
    B_tot = np.sqrt(Bt_unipsip**2+Bp_unipsip**2)
    omega_t = Er_unipsip/R_unipsip/Bp_unipsip
    gammaE = (R_unipsip*Bp_unipsip)**2*fd_d1_o4(omega_t,uni_psip)/B_tot
    gammaE = gammaE/(v_thi/a)
    rhot_unipsip = interp(psi_pol,rho_tor,uni_psip)

    return gammaE, omega_t, rhot_unipsip
Exemple #31
psi0, ne, te, ni, ti, nz = read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name)
ne = ne * 1E20
te = te * e * 1E03
ni = ni * 1E20
ti = ti * e * 1E03
nz = nz * 1E20

#plt.plot(psi0,te,'x',label='electron temp')
#plt.plot(psi0,ti,'r.',label='ion temp')

rhot0 = rho_tor_spl(psi0 * (psisep - psiax) + psiax)

ni_obmp = interp(psi0, ni, psip_n_obmp)
ti_obmp = interp(psi0, ti, psip_n_obmp)
ne_obmp = interp(psi0, ne, psip_n_obmp)
te_obmp = interp(psi0, te, psip_n_obmp)

Er_file = 'Er1120907032.01010_v20140623'
shift_Er = True  #Shift Er profile in poloidal flux coord
Er_shift = 0.005  #Shift in poloidal flux coord
psi0_Er, Er, Er_error = read_Er(Er_file, shift_Er, Er_shift)
Er = Er * 1E03

# psi0_Er starts from 0.9 to 1.055, psip_obmp goes from 0 to 1.06
# high end of psip_n_obmp has to be outside of high end of psi0_Er
# conversion makes Er outside the original range not useful
psi_Er_f = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_obmp - psi0_Er[0]))
psi_Er_l = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_obmp - psi0_Er[-1]))
    plt.ylabel('Pressure (kPa)')

    ### plot q vs rhot_n

### calculate shat and plot it vs rhot_n
uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhot_n[0],rhot_n[-1],1000)
q_unirhot = interp(rhot_n,qpsi,uni_rhot)
shat = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot,uni_rhot)*uni_rhot/q_unirhot

### output shat vs rhot_n
#f = open('shat_profile.dat','w')
#f.write('#1.rhot_n 2.shat\n')

#if plot_EFIT:
# plot shat vs uni_rhot
#    plt.plot(uni_rhot,shat,'r.',label='EFIT')
#    plt.xlabel('rhot_n')
#    plt.ylabel('shat')
#    #plt.legend()
#    plt.title(efit_file_name)
def get_abs_psi_prime(geomfile,rbsfile,x0,show_plots = False, do_tests = True, remove_edge_opt = False, edge_opt = 0.0):

    print "Calculating absolution value of psi_prime (i.e. Bpol R)."
    print "x0 (rhot):",x0
    #Note edge_opt is not removed--must include jacobian in integrals

    rbs = np.genfromtxt(rbsfile)
    parameters, geom = read_geometry_local(geomfile)
    psi0 = abs(get_psi0(rbsfile))
    nz0 = float(parameters['gridpoints'])
    dz = 2.0/nz0
    zgrid_even = np.arange(nz0)/float(nz0-1)*(2.0-dz)-1.0
    # zgrid is even zgrid of length nz0
    # gl_dxdR = drhot / dR on zgrid un-normalized
    # gl_dxdZ = drhot / dZ on zgrid un-normalized
    # gl_R = R on zgrid 
    # gB = Total B on zgrid un-normalized
    if remove_edge_opt:
        if edge_opt <= 0.0:
            edge_opt = float(raw_input("Enter edge_opt:\n"))    
        print "Removing edge_opt."
        gl_dxdR = remove_edge_opt(geom['gl_dxdR'],edge_opt)
        gl_dxdZ = remove_edge_opt(geom['gl_dxdZ'],edge_opt)
        gl_R = remove_edge_opt(geom['gl_R'],edge_opt)
        gl_z = remove_edge_opt(geom['gl_z'],edge_opt)
        gB = remove_edge_opt(geom['gBfield'],edge_opt)
        gl_dxdR = geom['gl_dxdR']
        gl_dxdZ = geom['gl_dxdZ']
        gl_R = geom['gl_R']
        gl_z = geom['gl_z']
        gB = geom['gBfield']
    zgrid = zgrid_even
    gB = gB*parameters['Bref']
    gl_dxdZ = gl_dxdZ/parameters['Lref']
    gl_dxdR = gl_dxdR/parameters['Lref']
    #drhot_dr = drhot / dr (where dr is radial perpendicular to flux surface) on zgrid
    drhot_dr = (gl_dxdR**2+gl_dxdZ**2)**0.5
    rhot_even = np.arange(1000)/999.0
    psi_rhot = interp(rbs[:,0],rbs[:,1],rhot_even)
    #dpsi_drhot = dpsi_drhot on even rhot grid
    dpsi_drhot = fd_d1_o4(psi_rhot,rhot_even)
    #ind = rhot index of radial position (on even rhot grid)
    ind = np.argmin(abs(rhot_even - x0))
    #dpsi_drhot0 = dpsi_drhot at x0
    dpsi_drhot0 = dpsi_drhot[ind]
    #dpsi_dr = R B_theta on zgrid 
    dpsi_dr = drhot_dr*dpsi_drhot0*psi0
    if show_plots:
        plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{d \psi}{ d r}$',size=18)
    if do_tests:
        #ind0 = index of outboard midplane on zgrid
        ind0 = np.argmin(abs(zgrid-0))
        #ind_gexb = index of x0 on rbs grid
        x0_ind_rbs = np.argmin(abs(rbs[:,0]-x0))
        #prefactor = should be B_theta**2 R**2 / B
        prefactor = dpsi_dr**2/gB
        #prefactor_norm = prefactor normalized to outboard midplane value
        prefactor_norm = prefactor/prefactor[ind0]
        #Test 1:
        #Calculate R**2 B_theta**2 / B
        #Compare outboard midplane vs rbs
        #print "\n\n"
        #print "gB(geom) at outboard",gB[ind0]
        #print "B(rbs) at x0",(rbs[x0_ind_rbs,25]**2+rbs[x0_ind_rbs,26]**2)**0.5
        error = abs(gB[ind0]-(rbs[x0_ind_rbs,25]**2+rbs[x0_ind_rbs,26]**2)**0.5)/abs(gB[ind0])
        if error>0.02:
            print "Bfield error=",error
            print "Error=",error
            dummy = raw_input("Press any key to continue")
        #print "error",error
        #print "\n\n"
        #print "R(geom) at outboard",gl_R[ind0]
        #print "R(rbs) at x0",rbs[x0_ind_rbs,24]
        error = abs(gl_R[ind0]-rbs[x0_ind_rbs,24])/abs(gl_R[ind0])
        if error>0.02:
            print "R error=",error
            dummy = raw_input("Press any key to continue")
        #print "error",error
        #print "\n\n"
        Rrbs = rbs[:,24]
        R_even = np.arange(1000)/999.0*(Rrbs[-1]-Rrbs[0])+Rrbs[0]
        rhot_R = interp(Rrbs,rbs[:,0],R_even)
        psi_R = interp(Rrbs,rbs[:,1],R_even)
        ind_x0_R_even = np.argmin(abs(rhot_R-x0))
        drhot_dR_R = fd_d1_o4(rhot_R,R_even)
        #print "drhot_dr (geom) at outboard", drhot_dr[ind0]
        #print "drhot_dr (rbs) at x0", drhot_dR_R[ind_x0_R_even]
        error = abs(drhot_dr[ind0]-drhot_dR_R[ind_x0_R_even])/drhot_dr[ind0]
        if error>0.02:
            print "drhot_dr error=",error
            dummy = raw_input("Press any key to continue")
        #print "error",error
        #print "\n\n"
        dpsi_dR_R = fd_d1_o4(psi_R,R_even)*psi0
        #print "dpsi_dr (geom) at outboard", dpsi_dr[ind0]
        #print "dpsi_dr (rbs) at x0", dpsi_dR_R[ind_x0_R_even]
        #print "Btheta*R (rbs) at x0", rbs[x0_ind_rbs,25]*rbs[x0_ind_rbs,24]
        error = abs(dpsi_dr[ind0]-dpsi_dR_R[ind_x0_R_even])/dpsi_dr[ind0]
        if error>0.02:
            print "dpsi_dr error=",error
            dummy = raw_input("Press any key to continue")
        #print "error",error
        #print "\n\n"
        #print "prefactor[ind0]",prefactor[ind0]
        prefactor_rbs = rbs[:,25]**2*rbs[:,24]**2/(rbs[:,25]**2+rbs[:,26]**2)**0.5
        #print "B_theta**2 R**2 / B", prefactor_rbs[x0_ind_rbs] 
        error = abs(prefactor[ind0]-prefactor_rbs[x0_ind_rbs])/abs(prefactor[ind0])
        if error>0.02:
            print "prefactor error=",error
            dummy = raw_input("Press any key to continue")
        #print "error",error
        #print "\n\n"
    return  zgrid, dpsi_dr, prefactor
Exemple #34
plot_gammaE = options.plot_gammaE
shift_Ti = options.shift_Ti
plot_lingr = options.plot_lingr
test_calc = options.test_calc

psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax,psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

rho_tor_spl, rhot_n = calc_rho_tor(psip_n, psiax, psisep, qpsi, nw)

psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor = calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F,nw,psip_n)

psip_obmp = psip_n_obmp*(psisep-psiax)+psiax
rhot_n_obmp = rho_tor_spl(psip_obmp)

p_obmp = interp(psip_n,p,psip_n_obmp)

if shift_Ti :
    psi0, ne, te, ni, ti, nz=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name)
    psi0, ne, te, ni, ti, nz=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift_Ti=False,shift_Te=False)

ne = ne*1E20
te = te*e*1E03
ni = ni*1E20
ti = ti*e*1E03
nz = nz*1E20


ni_obmp = interp(psi0,ni,psip_n_obmp)
            Qql[nky - 1] = Qql0[
                i]  #Taking maximum over ballooning angle / eigenvalue

#gkp = np.genfromtxt('scanfiles'+sfsuffix+'/gamma_kperp2_ratio_kxcenter0')
#kperp2 = gkp[:,2]
#Test kperp^3
#Qql2 = Qql*kperp2/kperp2**1.5
#if include_qn2:
#    Qql = Qql*Qn2

kygrid = np.linspace(pars['kymin'], (pars['nky0'] - 1) * pars['kymin'],
                     num=pars['nky0'] - 1)
#print "kygrid",kygrid
#print "ky1",ky1
#Cubic spline interpolation
Qql_interp1 = interp(ky2, Qql, kygrid)
#Linear interpolation
Qql_interp2 = np.interp(kygrid, ky2, Qql)
#Qql2_interp2 = np.interp(kygrid,ky2,Qql2)

Qql_tot1 = np.sum(Qql_interp1)
Qql_tot2 = np.sum(Qql_interp2)
Qnl_tot = np.sum(Qes)
#Qql2_tot = np.sum(Qql2_interp2)
print("Sum Qql interp1:", np.sum(Qql_interp1))
print("Sum Qql linear interp:", np.sum(Qql_interp2))
#print "Sum Qql (kp3) linear interp:",np.sum(Qql2_interp2)
print("Sum Qnl:", np.sum(Qes))
C0 = np.sum(Qes) / np.sum(Qql_interp2)
print("C0:", C0)
ikpeak = np.argmax(Qql_interp2)
### read from p-file
### ne, ni are in the unit of 10^20 m^(-3)
### te, ti are in the unit of KeV
psi0, ne, te, ni, ti_pfile, nz_pfile=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift_Ti=False,shift_Te=False,add_impurity=True)

# convert into SI units
ne = ne*1E20
te = te*e*1E03
ni = ni*1E20
ti_pfile = ti_pfile*e*1E03
nz_pfile = nz_pfile*1E20
# find ni,ti,ne,te,q on the grid of uniform psip_n at outboard midplane

ni_obmp = interp(psi0,ni,psip_n_obmp)
#ti_obmp = interp(psi0,ti,psip_n_obmp)
ne_obmp = interp(psi0,ne,psip_n_obmp)
te_obmp = interp(psi0,te,psip_n_obmp)

rhotp_obmp = interp(psi0,rhot0,psip_n_obmp)
q_obmp = interp(psip_n, qpsi, psip_n_obmp)

# shift cxrs measurements out by 0.005 psip_n
cxrs_shift = 0.005  #Shift in poloidal flux coord
psip_tb,tb,psip_nb,nb,psip_Er,Er = read_cxrs_file(cxrs_file_name)
psip_tb = psip_tb+cxrs_shift
psip_nb = psip_nb+cxrs_shift
psip_Er = psip_Er+cxrs_shift
# convert into SI units
tb = tb*e*1E03
Exemple #37
n0_min = 1  #minmum mode number (include) that finder will cover
n0_max = 100  #maximum mode number (include) that finder will cover
q_scale = 1.  #set the q to q*q_scale
mref = 2.  # mass of ion in proton mass
#**************End of Setting up*********************************************
#**************End of Block for user******************************************

#*************Loading the data******************************************
rhot0, te0, ti0, ne0, ni0, nz0, vrot0 = read_iterdb_file(iterdb_file_name)
EFITdict = read_EFIT(geomfile)
xgrid = EFITdict['psipn']
q = EFITdict['qpsi'] * q_scale

uni_rhot = np.linspace(min(rhot0), max(rhot0), len(rhot0) * 10.)

te_u = interp(rhot0, te0, uni_rhot)
ne_u = interp(rhot0, ne0, uni_rhot)
vrot_u = interp(rhot0, vrot0, uni_rhot)
q = interp(xgrid, q, uni_rhot)
tprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(te_u, uni_rhot) / te_u
nprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(ne_u, uni_rhot) / ne_u

midped, topped = find_pedestal(file_name=geomfile, path_name='', plot=False)
x0_center = midped

print('mid pedestal is at r/a = ' + str(x0_center))

Lref, Bref, R_major, q0, shat0 = get_geom_pars(geomfile, x0_center)

index_begin = np.argmin(abs(uni_rhot - x0_center + 2 * (1 - x0_center)))
Exemple #38
iterdb_file_name = 'newDIIID153764.iterdb'
aGENE_m = 0.76
Bref_Gauss = 19545.
n0_global = 14
kymin = 0.1044
x0 = 0.975

e = 1.6*10**(-19)
mref = 2.
M_kg = 3.3*10**(-27)

rhot0, te0, ti0, ne0, ni0, nz0, vrot0 = read_iterdb_file(iterdb_file_name)

uni_rhot = np.linspace(min(rhot0),max(rhot0),len(rhot0)*10.)

te_u = interp(rhot0,te0,uni_rhot)
ne_u = interp(rhot0,ne0,uni_rhot)
vrot_u = interp(rhot0,vrot0,uni_rhot)

tprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(te_u,uni_rhot)/te_u
nprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(ne_u,uni_rhot)/ne_u

x0Ind = np.argmin(abs(uni_rhot - x0))
te_mid = te_u[x0Ind]
kyGENE = kymin * np.sqrt(te_u/te_mid)
omMTM = kyGENE*(tprime_e+nprime_e)
gyroFreq = 9.79E3/np.sqrt(mref)*np.sqrt(te_u)/aGENE_m
mtmFreq = omMTM*gyroFreq/2./np.pi/1000.

omegaDoppler = vrot_u*n0_global/2./np.pi/1E3
Exemple #39
a = 2.6863997038399379E-01

parser = op.OptionParser()
options,args = parser.parse_args()
lores_efit_file_name = args[0]
hires_efit_file_name = args[1]

### read EFIT file
psip_n_lores, Rgrid_lores, Zgrid_lores, F_lores, p_lores, ffprime_lores, pprime_lores, psirz_lores, qpsi_lores, rmag_lores, zmag_lores, nw_lores, psiax_lores, psisep_lores, Bctr_lores = read_EFIT_file(lores_efit_file_name)

psip_n_hires, Rgrid_hires, Zgrid_hires, F_hires, p_hires, ffprime_hires, pprime_hires, psirz_hires, qpsi_hires, rmag_hires, zmag_hires, nw_hires, psiax_hires, psisep_hires, Bctr_hires = read_EFIT_file(hires_efit_file_name)

rho_tor_spl_lores, rhot_n_lores = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_lores, psiax_lores, psisep_lores, qpsi_lores, nw_lores)

uni_rhot_lores = np.linspace(rhot_n_lores[0],rhot_n_lores[-1],1000)
q_unirhot_lores = interp(rhot_n_lores,qpsi_lores,uni_rhot_lores)
shat_lores = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot_lores,uni_rhot_lores)*uni_rhot_lores/q_unirhot_lores

rho_tor_spl_hires, rhot_n_hires = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_hires, psiax_hires, psisep_hires, qpsi_hires, nw_hires)

uni_rhot_hires = np.linspace(rhot_n_hires[0],rhot_n_hires[-1],1000)
q_unirhot_hires = interp(rhot_n_hires,qpsi_hires,uni_rhot_hires)
shat_hires = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot_hires,uni_rhot_hires)*uni_rhot_hires/q_unirhot_hires

plt.plot(uni_rhot_lores,shat_lores,'x',label='low res')
plt.plot(uni_rhot_hires,shat_hires,'r.',label='high res')
Exemple #40
a = 2.6863997038399379E-01

parser = op.OptionParser()
options,args = parser.parse_args()
efit_file_name = 'g1120907032.01012'
p_file_name = 'p1120907032.01012'
iterdb_filename = args[0]

### read EFIT file
psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

### find conversion relation from psi_pol to rhot_n
rho_tor_spl, rhot_n = calc_rho_tor(psip_n, psiax, psisep, qpsi, nw)

uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhot_n[0],rhot_n[-1],1000)
q_unirhot = interp(rhot_n,qpsi,uni_rhot)
shat = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot,uni_rhot)*uni_rhot/q_unirhot



### calculate B_pol and B_tor at the outboard midplane (obmp) uniform R grid
psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, B_pol, B_tor = calc_B_fields(Rgrid, rmag, Zgrid, zmag, psirz, psiax, psisep, F,nw,psip_n)

psip_obmp = psip_n_obmp*(psisep-psiax)+psiax

    #Extract m's
    #phi_theta = np.zeros((field.nz+4,field.ny,field.nx),dtype = 'complex128')     
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        print "m",pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i]*np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
        phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i],zgridm)
        phi_theta[:,0,i] = phi_theta[:,0,i]*np.e**(1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgridm)
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        phi_m[:,0,i] = np.fft.fft(phi_theta[:,0,i])
    #for i in range(len(nm/2)):
    #    phi_m0[i,0,:] = phi_m[i,0,:]+
    if plot_theta:
        for i in range(int(mmin),int(mmax)+1):
        for i in range(len(qrats)):
            ix = np.argmin(abs(geometry['q']-qrats[i])) 
#from read_iterdb_file import *
from read_iterdb_x import *
import sys
from interp import *
from finite_differences_x import *
from read_EFIT import *
from calc_volume_from_EFIT import *
from write_iterdb import *
import numpy as np

ITERDBdict = read_iterdb_x(sys.argv[1])
EFITdict = read_EFIT(sys.argv[2])
vrot0 = ITERDBdict['vrot']
rhot_vrot0 = ITERDBdict['rhot_vrot']
shift = 0.005
vrot_shifted = interp(rhot_vrot0 - shift, vrot0, rhot_vrot0)
plt.plot(rhot_vrot0, vrot0, label='before')
plt.plot(ITERDBdict['rhot_te'], vrot_shifted, label='new')
file_out_base = 'efit_DIIID153764_' + 'off7Zp2bsx11_120_exp_vrot_left'
base_number = '153764'
time_str = '0.0'
psipn = interp(EFITdict['rhotn'], EFITdict['psipn'], ITERDBdict['rhot_te'])
rhop = np.sqrt(abs(psipn))
output_iterdb(ITERDBdict['rhot_te'], \
              rhop, \
              ITERDBdict['ne']*1.E-19, \
              ITERDBdict['te']*1.E-3, \
              ITERDBdict['ni']*1.E-19, \
              ITERDBdict['ti']*1.E-3, \
Exemple #43
def read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift_Te=False,shift_Ti=True,add_impurity=True):

    impurity_charge = 5.0

    data = f.read()

    sdata = data.split('\n')
    nr = int(sdata[0].split()[0])
    print "p-file resolution: nr = ", nr

    # ne is electron density profile, dne is gradient of ne
    ne = np.empty(0)
    dne = np.empty(0)
    ni = np.empty(0)
    dni = np.empty(0)
    te = np.empty(0)
    dte = np.empty(0)
    ti = np.empty(0)
    dti = np.empty(0)

    # psipne is the grid of psi_pol on which ne&dne above is recorded
    psipne = np.empty(0)
    psipni = np.empty(0)
    psipte = np.empty(0)
    psipti = np.empty(0)

    for i in np.array(range(nr)):
        temp = sdata[i+1].split()
        psipne = np.append(psipne,float(temp[0]))
        ne = np.append(ne,float(temp[1]))
        dne = np.append(dne,float(temp[2]))
        temp = sdata[nr+i+2].split()
        psipte = np.append(psipte,float(temp[0]))
        te = np.append(te,float(temp[1]))
        dte = np.append(dte,float(temp[2]))
        temp = sdata[2*nr+i+3].split()
        psipni = np.append(psipni,float(temp[0]))
        ni = np.append(ni,float(temp[1]))
        dni = np.append(dni,float(temp[2]))
        temp = sdata[3*nr+i+4].split()
        psipti = np.append(psipti,float(temp[0]))
        ti = np.append(ti,float(temp[1]))
        dti = np.append(dti,float(temp[2]))

    if shift_Te:
       psipte = psipte + 0.005
    if shift_Ti:
       psipti = psipti + 0.005


    #psi0 is normalized psi_pol in [0,1] with 1000 points
    #quantities with _out are interpolated on psi0 grid 
    #print "length of arrays",len(ne),len(ni),len(te),len(ti)
    psi0 = np.arange(1000)/999.0
    #psi0 = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,len(ne))
    ne_out = interp(psipne,ne,psi0)
    te_out = interp(psipte,te,psi0)
    ni_out = interp(psipni,ni,psi0)
    ti_out = interp(psipti,ti,psi0)
    dne_out = interp(psipne,dne,psi0)
    dte_out = interp(psipte,dte,psi0)
    dni_out = interp(psipni,dni,psi0)
    dti_out = interp(psipti,dti,psi0)
    if add_impurity:
       nz_out = np.empty(len(ne_out))
       for i in range(len(ne_out)):
           nz_out[i] = (ne_out[i]-ni_out[i])/impurity_charge

    # output quantities are psi_pol, ne, te, ni, ti
    # grid: even psi_pol_norm
    # resolution: 1000
    return psi0, ne_out, te_out, ni_out, ti_out, nz_out

    #Extract m's
    #phi_theta = np.zeros((field.nz+4,field.ny,field.nx),dtype = 'complex128')     
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        #print "m",pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i]*np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
        phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i],zgridm)
        phi_theta[:,0,i] = phi_theta[:,0,i]*np.e**(1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgridm)
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        phi_m[:,0,i] = np.fft.fft(phi_theta[:,0,i])
    #for i in range(len(nm/2)):
    #    phi_m0[i,0,:] = phi_m[i,0,:]+
    if plot_theta:
        for i in range(int(mmin),int(mmax)+1):
        for i in range(len(qrats)):
            ix = np.argmin(abs(geometry['q']-qrats[i])) 
Exemple #45
omega_tor = data[:,16]/(data[:,25]*data[:,24])
if show_plots:
    plt.ylabel('omega_tor (rad/s)')

#Calculte Hahm-Burrell
psi_new = np.arange(1000)/999.0
#omega_tor_new = interp(data[:,1],omega_tor,psi_new)
#### Hahm-Burrell ####
#### Hahm-Burrell ####
#### Hahm-Burrell ####
R_new = interp(data[:,1],data[:,24],psi_new)
Bpol_new = interp(data[:,1],data[:,25],psi_new)
Btor_new = interp(data[:,1],data[:,26],psi_new)
rhot_new = interp(data[:,1],data[:,0],psi_new)
Er_new = interp(data[:,1],data[:,16],psi_new)
omega_tor_new = Er_new/(Bpol_new*R_new)
omega_tor_prime = fd_d1_o4(omega_tor_new,psi_new)
gamma_HB = omega_tor_prime*(Bpol_new*R_new)**2/((Bpol_new**2+Btor_new**2)**0.5)
cs = np.sqrt(te*1000*1.6e-19/(2.0*1.67e-27))
cs_new = interp(data[:,1],cs,psi_new)
gamma_HB_norm = gamma_HB/(cs_new/a)
#plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
Exemple #46
f_gi = args[1]
rhot0 = float(args[2])

gene_e = np.genfromtxt(f_ge)
gene_i = np.genfromtxt(f_gi)

rhote = gene_e[:, 0]
te = gene_e[:, 2]
ne = gene_e[:, 3]

rhoti = gene_i[:, 0]
ti = gene_i[:, 2]
ni = gene_i[:, 3]

rhot1 = np.arange(1000) / 999.0 * (rhote[-1] - rhote[0]) + rhote[0]
n1 = interp(rhote, ne, rhot1)
t1 = interp(rhote, te, rhot1)
rhot2 = np.arange(1000) / 999.0 * (rhoti[-1] - rhoti[0]) + rhoti[0]
n2 = interp(rhoti, ni, rhot2)
t2 = interp(rhoti, ti, rhot2)

omt1 = abs(1.0 / t1 * fd_d1_o4(t1, rhot1))
omn1 = abs(1.0 / n1 * fd_d1_o4(n1, rhot1))
omt2 = abs(1.0 / t2 * fd_d1_o4(t2, rhot2))
omn2 = abs(1.0 / n2 * fd_d1_o4(n2, rhot2))

irhot1 = np.argmin(abs(rhot1[:] - rhot0))
irhot2 = np.argmin(abs(rhot2[:] - rhot0))

Te0 = t1[irhot1]
Ti0 = t2[irhot2]
Exemple #47
   rhot_te, te, ti, ne, ni, vrot = read_iterdb_file(iterdb_file)

te = te/1000.0
ti = ti/1000.0
ne = ne/1.0e19
ni = ni/1.0e19
if impurity:
   nb = nb/1.0e19

erhot = np.linspace(rhotor_min,erhotor_max,enx0)
#itemp = np.argmin(abs(erhot-ex0))
#ex0 = erhot[itemp]
#print "New x0:", ex0

ete = interp(rhot_te,te,erhot)
eti = interp(rhot_te,ti,erhot)
ene = interp(rhot_te,ne,erhot)
eni = interp(rhot_te,ni,erhot)
if impurity:
   enb = interp(rhot_te,nb,erhot)
evrot = interp(rhot_te,vrot,erhot)

show_plots = False
if show_plots:
Exemple #48

    ### plot q vs rhot_n
    plt.plot(rhot_n, qpsi, 'x', label='EFIT')

### calculate shat and plot it vs rhot_n
uni_rhot = np.linspace(rhot_n[0], rhot_n[-1], 1000)
q_unirhot = interp(rhot_n, qpsi, uni_rhot)
shat = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot, uni_rhot) * uni_rhot / q_unirhot

f = open('shat_profile.dat', 'w')
f.write('#1.rhot_n 2.shat\n')
np.savetxt(f, np.column_stack((uni_rhot, shat)))

if plot_EFIT:
    plt.plot(uni_rhot, shat, 'r.', label='EFIT')
Lref, Bref, R_major, q0 = get_dimpar_pars(efit_file_name,0.9)

psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw,psiax,psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

print "R_major",R_major
print "Bref",Bref
print "psisep",psisep
print "psiax",psiax
psisep0 = psisep-psiax
print "psisep0",psisep0

#Get everything on the same even psi grid
psi0 = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=3000)
#interopolate rho_tor, n, T, qpsi
ni0 = interp(psi,ni,psi0)
Ti0 = interp(psi,Ti,psi0)
Ti0J = Ti0*1000.0*ee
ni00 = ni0*1.0e19
pi0 = Ti0J*ni00
rhot0 = interp(psi,rhot,psi0)
qpsi0 = interp(psip_n,qpsi,psi0)
R0 = interp(psip_n,Rgrid,psi0)

trpeps = rhot0*Lref/R_major
vti = (0.5*Ti0*1000.0*ee/mref)**0.5
#nuii = 2.3031E-5*Lref*(ne)/(Te)**2*(24.0-log(sqrt(ne*1.0E13)/Te*0.001))
coll = 2.3031E-5*Lref*(ni0)/(Ti0)**2*(24.0-log(sqrt(ni0*1.0E13)/Ti0*0.001))
Exemple #50
                 np.abs(phi_bnd[:, 0, int(pars['nx0'] / 2)]),
                 np.abs(phi_bnd[:, 0, 3 * int(pars['nx0'] / 4)]),

    #Extract m's
    #phi_theta = np.zeros((field.nz+4,field.ny,field.nx),dtype = 'complex128')
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        #print "m",pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i]*np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
        phi_theta[:, 0, i] = interp(zgrid_ext, phi_bnd[:, 0, i], zgridm)
        phi_theta[:, 0, i] = phi_theta[:, 0, i] * np.e**(
            1J * pars['n0_global'] * geometry['q'][i] * np.pi * zgridm)
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        phi_m[:, 0, i] = np.fft.fft(phi_theta[:, 0, i])
    #for i in range(len(nm/2)):
    #    phi_m0[i,0,:] = phi_m[i,0,:]+
    if plot_theta:
        for i in range(int(mmin), int(mmax) + 1):
            plt.plot(xgrid, np.abs(phi_m[i, 0, :]))
        for i in range(len(qrats)):
            ix = np.argmin(abs(geometry['q'] - qrats[i]))
            plt.axvline(xgrid[ix], color='black')
        plt.xlabel(r'$\rho_{tor}$', fontsize=13)
        plt.ylabel(r'$\phi_{m}$', fontsize=13)
Exemple #51
def read_EFIT(EFIT_file_name):
    EFITdict = {}
    f = open(EFIT_file_name, 'r')
    eqdsk = f.readlines()
    line1 = eqdsk[0].split()
    if len(line1) == 2:
        nwnh = eqdsk[0].split()[1]
        nw = int(nwnh[0:3])
        nh = int(nwnh[3:7])
        nw = int(line1[-2])
        nh = int(line1[-1])

    EFITdict['nw'] = nw  #number of grid for Rgrid
    EFITdict['nh'] = nh  #number of grid for Zgrid

    entrylength = 16
    #note: here rmin is rleft from EFIT
    #print(len(eqdsk[1])/entrylength) is not integer
        rdim,zdim,rcentr,rleft,zmid = \
            [float(eqdsk[1][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(len(eqdsk[1])//entrylength)]
        entrylength = 15
            rdim,zdim,rcentr,rleft,zmid = \
                [float(eqdsk[1][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
                for j in range(len(eqdsk[1])//entrylength)]
            exit('Error reading EQDSK file, please check format!')

    rmaxis,zmaxis,simag,sibry,bcentr = \
        [float(eqdsk[2][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
        for j in range(len(eqdsk[2])//entrylength)]
    current,simag2,xdum,rmaxis2,xdum = \
        [float(eqdsk[3][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
        for j in range(len(eqdsk[3])//entrylength)]
    zmaxis2,xdum,sibry2,xdum,xdum = \
        [float(eqdsk[4][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
        for j in range(len(eqdsk[4])//entrylength)]

    EFITdict['rdim'] = rdim
    EFITdict['zdim'] = zdim
    EFITdict['rcentr'] = rcentr
    EFITdict['rleft'] = rleft
    EFITdict['zmid'] = zmid
    EFITdict['rmaxis'] = rmaxis  # R of magnetic axis (m)
    EFITdict['zmaxis'] = zmaxis  # Z of magnetic axis (m)
    EFITdict['simag'] = simag  # poloidal flux at magnetic axis
    EFITdict['sibry'] = sibry  # poloidal flux at plasma boundary
    EFITdict['bcentr'] = bcentr  # vacuum toroidal magnetic field in Telsa
    EFITdict['current'] = current  # plasma current in Ampere

    print('EFIT file Resolution: %d x %d' % (EFITdict['nw'], EFITdict['nh']))
    print('Horizontal dimension(m): %10.4f' % EFITdict['rdim'])
    print('Vertical dimension(m): %10.4f' % EFITdict['zdim'])
    print('Minimum R of rectangular grid: %10.4f' % EFITdict['rleft'])
    print('(R, Z) of magnetic axis: (%10.4f, %10.4f)' %
          (EFITdict['rmaxis'], EFITdict['zmaxis']))
    print('poloidal flux at magnetic axis in Weber/rad: %10.4f' %
    print('poloidal flux at the plasma boundary in Weber/rad: %10.4f' %
    print('Vacuum toroidal magnetic field at R = %10.4f: %10.4f Tesla' %
          (EFITdict['rcentr'], EFITdict['bcentr']))
    print('Z of center of rectangular grid: %10.4f' % EFITdict['zmid'])
    print('Plasma current: %10.4f Ampere' % EFITdict['current'])

    Rgrid = np.linspace(0, 1, nw, endpoint=True) * rdim + rleft
    Zgrid = np.linspace(0, 1, nh, endpoint=True) * zdim + (zmid - zdim / 2.)
    EFITdict['Rgrid'] = Rgrid  # Rgrid of psi(Z, R)
    EFITdict['Zgrid'] = Zgrid  # Zgrid of psi(Z, R)

    Fpol = empty(nw, dtype=float)
    Pres = empty(nw, dtype=float)
    FFprime = empty(nw, dtype=float)
    Pprime = empty(nw, dtype=float)
    qpsi = empty(nw, dtype=float)
    jtor = empty(nw, dtype=float)

    # psi_pol is written on uniform (R,Z) grid (res=nw(R)*nh(Z))
    psirz_1d = empty(nw * nh, dtype=float)

    start_line = 5
    wordsInLine = 5
    lines = range(nw // wordsInLine)
    if nw % wordsInLine != 0: lines = range(nw // wordsInLine + 1)
    for i in lines:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        Fpol[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1
        'Fpol'] = Fpol  # poloidal current function F = R * Btor on psipn grid

    for i in lines:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        Pres[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1
    EFITdict['Pres'] = Pres  # plasma pressure in N / m^2 on psipn grid

    for i in lines:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        FFprime[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1
    EFITdict['FFprime'] = FFprime  # FFprime on psipn grid

    for i in lines:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        Pprime[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1
    EFITdict['Pprime'] = Pprime  # Pprime on psipn grid

    lines_twod = range(nw * nh // wordsInLine)
    if nw * nh % wordsInLine != 0:
        lines_twod = range(nw * nh // wordsInLine + 1)
    for i in lines_twod:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        psirz_1d[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1

    psirz = psirz_1d.reshape(nh, nw)
        'psirz'] = psirz  # poloidal flux on the rectangular grid (Rgrid, Zgrid)

    for i in lines:
        n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) // entrylength
        qpsi[i*wordsInLine:i*wordsInLine+n_entries] = \
            [float(eqdsk[i+start_line][j*entrylength:(j+1)*entrylength]) \
            for j in range(n_entries)]
    start_line = i + start_line + 1
    EFITdict['qpsi'] = qpsi  # safety factor on psipn grid

    # even grid of psi_pol, on which all 1D fields are defined
    psipn = np.linspace(0., 1., nw)
    EFITdict['psipn'] = psipn  # uniform psipn grid

    interpol_order = 3
    psip = psipn * (sibry - simag) + simag
    q_spl_psi = UnivariateSpline(psip, qpsi, k=interpol_order, s=1e-5)
    psi_pol_fine = linspace(psip[0], psip[-1], nw * 10)
    psi_tor_fine = empty((nw * 10), dtype=float)
    psi_tor_fine[0] = 0.
    for i in range(1, nw * 10):
        x = psi_pol_fine[:i + 1]
        y = q_spl_psi(x)
        psi_tor_fine[i] = np.trapz(y, x)

    rhot_n_fine = np.sqrt(psi_tor_fine / (psi_tor_fine[-1] - psi_tor_fine[0]))
    rho_tor_spl = UnivariateSpline(psi_pol_fine,
    rhotn = rho_tor_spl(psip)
    EFITdict['rhotn'] = rhotn  # square root of toroidal flux on psipn grid

    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid - zmaxis))
    R0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Rgrid - rmaxis - 0.02))
    R_obmp = Rgrid[R0_ind:]
    psirz_obmp = psirz[Z0_ind, R0_ind:]
    psipn_obmp = (psirz_obmp - simag) / (sibry - simag)

    sepInd = np.argmin(abs(psipn_obmp - 1.))
    psipn_obmp = psipn_obmp[:sepInd + 1]
    R_obmp = list(R_obmp[:sepInd + 1])

    R = interp(psipn_obmp, R_obmp, psipn)
    if 1 == 0:
        plt.plot(psipn_obmp, R_obmp, label='before')
        plt.plot(psipn, R, label='after')

    EFITdict['R'] = R  # major radius (m) on psipn grid

    #jtor = rmaxis * Pprime + FFprime / rmaxis
    jtor = R * Pprime + FFprime / R
    EFITdict['jtor'] = jtor  # toroidal current density on psipn grid

    #psirz_spl = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Zgrid, Rgrid, psirz)

    Bp_Z_grid = np.empty(np.shape(psirz))
    for i in range(nh):
        Bp_Z_grid_this = first_derivative(psirz[i, :].flatten(), Rgrid) / Rgrid
        Bp_Z_grid[i, :] = Bp_Z_grid_this.copy()

    Bp_R_grid = np.empty(np.shape(psirz))
    for i in range(nw):
        Bp_R_grid_this = -first_derivative(psirz[:, i].flatten(),
                                           Zgrid) / Rgrid[i]
        Bp_R_grid[:, i] = Bp_R_grid_this.copy()

    #Bp_R_spl = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Zgrid, Rgrid, Bp_R_grid)
    #Bp_Z_spl = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Zgrid, Rgrid, Bp_Z_grid)

    Bp_tot_grid = np.sqrt(Bp_R_grid**2 + Bp_Z_grid**2)
    Bp_obmp = Bp_tot_grid[Z0_ind, R0_ind:R0_ind + sepInd + 1]

    Bpol = interp(psipn_obmp, Bp_obmp, psipn)
    EFITdict['Bpol'] = Bpol  # B_pol on psipn grid

    F_spl = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(psipn, Fpol)
    Btor = F_spl(psipn) / R
    EFITdict['Btor'] = abs(Btor)  #B_tor on psipn grid

    return EFITdict

rin = rt0 - lx_a/2.0
rout = rt0 + lx_a/2.0

print "Calculating average gene shear rate centered at ",rt0," with rhot_min = ",rin," and rhot_max = ",rout

data = np.genfromtxt('rbsProfs')
rho_tor = np.arange(4000)/3999.0

irbs = np.argmin(abs(data[:,0]-rt0))
i0 = np.argmin(abs(rho_tor-rt0))

Er0 = interp(data[:,0],data[:,16],rho_tor)
Bp0 = interp(data[:,0],data[:,25],rho_tor)
R0 = interp(data[:,0],data[:,24],rho_tor)
q0 = interp(data[:,0],data[:,23],rho_tor)
Te0 = interp(data[:,0],data[:,5],rho_tor)

omt0 = Er0/(Bp0*R0)
domt0 = fd_d1_o4(omt0,rho_tor)
gamma_ExB = rho_tor/q0*domt0

cs = np.sqrt(1000.0*Te0*e0/mi)
a = calc_a()

gamma_ExB_norm = gamma_ExB*a/cs
Exemple #53
        plt.contourf(xgrid, zgrid_ext, np.real(phi_bnd[:, 0, :]), 70)
        plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
        plt.ylabel(r'$z/\pi$', fontsize=13)
        plt.xlabel(r'$\rho_{tor}$', fontsize=13)
        plt.contourf(xgrid, zgrid_ext, np.imag(phi_bnd[:, 0, :]), 70)

    #Extract m's
    #phi_theta = np.zeros((field.nz+4,field.ny,field.nx),dtype = 'complex128')
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        print "m", pars['n0_global'] * geometry['q'][i]
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,phi_bnd[:,0,i]*np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
        phi_theta[:, 0, i] = interp(zgrid_ext, phi_bnd[:, 0, i], zgridm)
        phi_theta[:, 0, i] = phi_theta[:, 0, i] * np.e**(
            1J * pars['n0_global'] * geometry['q'][i] * np.pi * zgridm)
        #phi_theta[:,0,i] = interp(zgrid_ext,np.e**(-1J*pars['n0_global']*geometry['q'][i]*np.pi*zgrid_ext),zgridm)
    for i in range(len(xgrid)):
        phi_m[:, 0, i] = np.fft.fft(phi_theta[:, 0, i])
    #for i in range(len(nm/2)):
    #    phi_m0[i,0,:] = phi_m[i,0,:]+
    if plot_theta:
        for i in range(int(mmin), int(mmax) + 1):
            plt.plot(xgrid, np.abs(phi_m[i, 0, :]))
        for i in range(len(qrats)):
            ix = np.argmin(abs(geometry['q'] - qrats[i]))
            plt.axvline(xgrid[ix], color='black')
        plt.xlabel(r'$\rho_{tor}$', fontsize=13)
        plt.ylabel(r'$\phi_{m}$', fontsize=13)
Exemple #54
psip_n_rbs = rbs[:,1]
p_rbs = rbs[:,2]
n = rbs[:,3]*10**20
Ti = rbs[:,4]*e*10**3
Te = rbs[:,5]*e*10**3
gamE_N = rbs[:,9]
gamE0_N = rbs[:,10]
Er = rbs[:,16]
Er0 = rbs[:,17]
R_rbs = rbs[:,24]
omega_rbs = rbs[:,27]
Bp_rbs = rbs[:,25]
Bt_rbs = rbs[:,26]

unif_R = linspace(R_rbs[0],R_rbs[-1],len(R_rbs))
rhot_unifR = interp(R_rbs,rhot_n_rbs,unif_R)
p_unifR_rbs = interp(rhot_n_rbs,p_rbs,rhot_unifR)
n_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,n,rhot_unifR)
Ti_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Ti,rhot_unifR)
Te_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Te,rhot_unifR)
Er_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Er,rhot_unifR)
Er0_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Er0,rhot_unifR)
Bp_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Bp_rbs,rhot_unifR)
Bt_unifR = interp(rhot_n_rbs,Bt_rbs,rhot_unifR)
psip_n_unifR = interp(R_rbs,psip_n_rbs,unif_R)

if test_calc_gammaE:
    Er_gradp_rbs,gammaE_rbs_niti = calc_gammaE_niti(unif_R,n_unifR,Ti_unifR,Te_unifR,Bt_unifR,Bp_unifR,minor_a)
    gammaE_rbs_Er = calc_gammaE_Er(unif_R,Te_unifR,Bt_unifR,Bp_unifR,Er_unifR,minor_a)
    gammaE_rbs_Er0 = calc_gammaE_Er(unif_R,Te_unifR,Bt_unifR,Bp_unifR,Er0_unifR,minor_a)
    gammaE_rbs_hb,omega_t,rhot_unifpsip = calc_gammaE_hb(R_rbs,psip_n_rbs*abs(psip_sep_rbs),Te,Bt_rbs,Bp_rbs,Er,rhot_n_rbs,minor_a)
Exemple #55
rhot_n_obmp = rho_tor_spl(psip_obmp)

### read from p-file
### ne, ni are in the unit of 10^20 m^(-3)
### te, ti are in the unit of KeV
#psi0, ne, te, ni, ti, nz=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift=False)
psi0, ne, te, ni, ti, nz=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift_Ti=True,shift_Te=True)
ne = ne*1E20
te = te*e*1E03
ni = ni*1E20
ti = ti*e*1E03
nz = nz*1E20


ni_obmp = interp(psi0,ni,psip_n_obmp)
ti_obmp = interp(psi0,ti,psip_n_obmp)
ne_obmp = interp(psi0,ne,psip_n_obmp)
te_obmp = interp(psi0,te,psip_n_obmp)

rhotp_obmp = interp(psi0,rhot0,psip_n_obmp)
q_obmp = interp(psip_n, qpsi, psip_n_obmp)

### read from Er file
### Er is in the unit of kV/m
Er_file = 'Er1120907032.01010_v20140623'
shift_Er = True   #Shift Er profile in poloidal flux coord
Er_shift = 0.005  #Shift in poloidal flux coord
psi0_Er, Er, Er_error = read_Er(Er_file,shift_Er,Er_shift)
Er = Er*1E03
Exemple #56
def Parameter_reader(profile_name, geomfile, q_scale, manual_ped, mid_ped0,
                     plot, output_csv):
    n0 = 1.
    mref = 2.  # mass of ion in proton mass

    rhot0, rhop0, te0, ti0, ne0, ni0, vrot0 = read_profile_file(
        profile_type, profile_name, geomfile_name)
    if geomfile_type == "gfile":
        xgrid, q = read_geom_file(geomfile_type, geomfile_name, suffix)
    elif geomfile_type == "GENE_tracor":
        xgrid, q, Lref, Bref, x0_from_para = read_geom_file(
            geomfile_type, geomfile_name, suffix)

    q = q * q_scale

    if geomfile_type == "GENE_tracor":
        rhot0_range_min = np.argmin(abs(rhot0 - xgrid[0]))
        rhot0_range_max = np.argmin(abs(rhot0 - xgrid[-1]))
        rhot0 = rhot0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        rhop0 = rhop0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        te0 = te0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        ti0 = ti0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        ne0 = ne0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        ni0 = ni0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]
        vrot0 = vrot0[rhot0_range_min:rhot0_range_max]

    uni_rhot = np.linspace(min(rhot0), max(rhot0), len(rhot0) * 10.)

    te_u = interp(rhot0, te0, uni_rhot)
    ne_u = interp(rhot0, ne0, uni_rhot)
    ni_u = interp(rhot0, ni0, uni_rhot)
    vrot_u = interp(rhot0, vrot0, uni_rhot)
    q = interp(xgrid, q, uni_rhot)
    tprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(te_u, uni_rhot) / te_u
    nprime_e = -fd_d1_o4(ne_u, uni_rhot) / ne_u
    qprime = fd_d1_o4(q, uni_rhot) / q

    #center_index = np.argmax((tprime_e*te_u+nprime_e*ne_u)[0:int(len(tprime_e)*0.99)])

    if manual_ped == 1:
        x0_center = mid_ped0
        if geomfile_type == "gfile":
            midped, topped = find_pedestal(file_name=geomfile_name,
        elif geomfile_type == "GENE_tracor":
            midped = x0_from_para
        x0_center = midped

    print('mid pedestal is at r/a = ' + str(x0_center))
    if geomfile_type == "gfile":
        Lref, Bref, R_major, q0, shat0 = get_geom_pars(geomfile_name,

    print("Lref=" + str(Lref))
    print("x0_center=" + str(x0_center))

    index_begin = np.argmin(abs(uni_rhot - x0_center + 2 * (1. - x0_center)))

    te_u = te_u[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    ne_u = ne_u[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    ni_u = ni_u[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    vrot_u = vrot_u[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    q = q[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    tprime_e = tprime_e[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    nprime_e = nprime_e[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    qprime = qprime[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]
    uni_rhot = uni_rhot[index_begin:len(uni_rhot) - 1]

    Lt = 1. / tprime_e
    Ln = 1. / nprime_e
    Lq = 1. / qprime

    center_index = np.argmin(abs(uni_rhot - x0_center))

    q0 = q[center_index]

    ne = ne_u / (10.**19.)  # in 10^19 /m^3
    ni = ni_u / (10.**19.)  # in 10^19 /m^3
    te = te_u / 1000.  #in keV
    m_SI = mref * 1.6726 * 10**(-27)
    me_SI = 9.11 * 10**(-31)
    c = 1.
    qref = 1.6 * 10**(-19)
    #refes to GENE manual
    coll_c = 2.3031 * 10**(-5) * Lref * ne / (te)**2 * (
        24 - np.log(np.sqrt(ne * 10**13) / (te * 1000)))
    coll_ei = 4 * (ni / ne) * coll_c * np.sqrt(
        te * 1000. * qref / me_SI) / Lref
    nuei = coll_ei
    beta = 403. * 10**(-5) * ne * te / Bref**2.

    nref = ne_u[center_index]
    te_mid = te_u[center_index]
    Tref = te_u[center_index] * qref

    cref = np.sqrt(Tref / m_SI)
    Omegaref = qref * Bref / m_SI / c
    rhoref = cref / Omegaref
    kymin = n0 * q0 * rhoref / (Lref * x0_center)
    kyGENE = kymin * (q / q0) * np.sqrt(te_u / te_mid) * (
        x0_center / uni_rhot)  #Add the effect of the q varying
    #from mtm_doppler
    omMTM = kyGENE * (tprime_e + nprime_e)
    gyroFreq = 9.79E3 / np.sqrt(mref) * np.sqrt(te_u) / Lref
    mtmFreq = omMTM * gyroFreq / (2. * np.pi * 1000.)
    omegaDoppler = abs(vrot_u * n0 / (2. * np.pi * 1000.))
    omega = mtmFreq + omegaDoppler

    omega_n_GENE = kyGENE * (nprime_e)  #in cs/a
    omega_n = omega_n_GENE * gyroFreq / (2. * np.pi * 1000.)  #in kHz

    coll_ei = coll_ei / (1000.)  #in kHz

    shat = Ln / Lq
    eta = Ln / Lt
    ky = kyGENE
    nu = (coll_ei) / (omega_n)

    mean_rho, xstar = omega_gaussian_fit(uni_rhot, mtmFreq, rhoref, Lref, plot)

    if plot == True:
        plt.plot(uni_rhot, eta, label='eta')

        #plt.title('mode number finder')
        plt.ylabel('omega*(Lab), kHz')
        plt.plot(uni_rhot, omega, label='omega*(Lab)')

        plt.plot(uni_rhot, eta, label='eta')

        plt.plot(uni_rhot, shat, label='shat')

        plt.plot(uni_rhot, beta, label='beta')

        plt.ylabel('ky rhoi')
        plt.plot(uni_rhot, ky, label='ky')

    if output_csv == True:
        with open('profile_output.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
            data = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
                'x/a', 'nu_ei(kHz)', 'omega*n(kHz)', 'omega* plasma(kHz)',
                'Doppler shift(kHz)', 'nu/omega*n', 'eta', 'shat', 'beta',
                'ky rhoi(for n=1)'
            for i in range(len(uni_rhot)):
                    uni_rhot[i], coll_ei[i], omega_n[i], mtmFreq[i],
                    omegaDoppler[i], nu[i], eta[i], shat[i], beta[i], ky[i]

    return uni_rhot, nu, eta, shat, beta, ky, q, mtmFreq, omegaDoppler, omega_n, omega_n_GENE, xstar, Lref, rhoref
Exemple #57
parser = op.OptionParser()
options,args = parser.parse_args()
c_buffer_x = args[0]
buffer_size = args[1]
l_buffer_x = float(c_buffer_x) - 0.4*float(buffer_size)
r_buffer_x = float(c_buffer_x) + 0.4*float(buffer_size)


e = 1.6*10**(-19)

rhot_fine = linspace(rhot[0],rhot[-1],10*len(rhot))
te_fine = interp(rhot,te,rhot_fine)

l_ind = np.argmin(abs(rhot_fine - float(l_buffer_x)))
c_ind = np.argmin(abs(rhot_fine - float(c_buffer_x)))
r_ind = np.argmin(abs(rhot_fine - float(r_buffer_x)))

te_l = te_fine[l_ind]
te_c = te_fine[c_ind]
te_r = te_fine[r_ind]

lv = 3*np.sqrt(te_l/te_c)
lw = lv**2

print 'lv = ', lv
print 'te_l = ', te_l*0.001/e
print 'te_c = ', te_c*0.001/e
Exemple #58
### ne, ni are in the unit of 10^20 m^(-3)
### te, ti are in the unit of KeV
psi0, ne, te, ni, ti_pfile, nz_pfile=read_cmod_pfile(p_file_name,shift_Ti=False,shift_Te=False,add_impurity=True)

# convert into SI units
ne = ne*1E20
te = te*e*1E03
#ni = ni*1E20
#ti_pfile = ti_pfile*e*1E03
#nz_pfile = nz_pfile*1E20
# find ni,ti,ne,te,q on the grid of uniform psip_n at outboard midplane

#ni_obmp = interp(psi0,ni,psip_n_obmp)
#ti_obmp = interp(psi0,ti,psip_n_obmp)
ne_obmp = interp(psi0,ne,psip_n_obmp)
te_obmp = interp(psi0,te,psip_n_obmp)

rhotp_obmp = interp(psi0,rhot0,psip_n_obmp)
q_obmp = interp(psip_n, qpsi, psip_n_obmp)

# shift cxrs measurements out by 0.005 psip_n
cxrs_shift = 0.005  #Shift in poloidal flux coord
psip_tb,tb,psip_nb,nb,psip_Er,Er = read_cxrs_file(cxrs_file_name)
psip_tb = psip_tb+cxrs_shift
#psip_nb = psip_nb+cxrs_shift
psip_Er = psip_Er+cxrs_shift
# convert into SI units
tb = tb*e*1E03
#nb = nb*1E18
Er = Er*1E03
Exemple #59
a = rbsProfs_data[-1,22]

rhot_data = rbsProfs_data[:,0]
fs_ind = np.argmin(abs(rhot_data-fs))
rhot = rhot_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10]
psip = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,1]
n = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,3]
Ti = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,4]
Te = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,5]
R = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,24]
B_pol = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,25]
B_tor = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,26]
gamE = rbsProfs_data[fs_ind-10:fs_ind+10,9]
#print R[10],B_pol[10],B_tor[10]
unif_R = np.linspace(R[0],R[-1],100)
Ti_unifR = interp(R,Ti,unif_R)
tprime = a*fd_d1_o4(Ti_unifR,unif_R)/Ti_unifR
n_unifR = interp(R,n,unif_R)
fprime = a*fd_d1_o4(n_unifR,unif_R)/n_unifR
gamE_unifR = interp(R,gamE,unif_R)

R_fs_ind = np.argmin(abs(unif_R-R[10]))
#print tprime[R_fs_ind],fprime[R_fs_ind],gamE_prime[R_fs_ind]

tprime_obmp = abs(tprime[R_fs_ind])
fprime_obmp = abs(fprime[R_fs_ind])
gamE_obmp = abs(gamE_unifR[R_fs_ind])
R_obmp = R[10]
B_pol_obmp = abs(B_pol[10])
B_tor_obmp = abs(B_tor[10])
B_tot_obmp = np.sqrt(B_pol_obmp**2+B_tor_obmp**2)