Exemple #1
    def _get_solution_static(self):
        p = self.plate
        k = p.linprog_vect_k
        if self.verbose: print 'Vector k:', k
        C = p.linprog_static_matrix
        if self.verbose: print 'Matrix C:', C

        A_eq = np.vstack([np.hstack([C, -C, np.zeros_like(C), np.reshape(-k, (len(k), 1))]),
                          np.hstack([np.identity(C.shape[1]), np.identity(C.shape[1]), np.identity(C.shape[1]), np.reshape(np.zeros(C.shape[1]), (C.shape[1], 1))]),
        c = np.zeros(C.shape[1] * 3 + 1)
        c[-1] = -1.

        b_eq = np.hstack([np.zeros(C.shape[0]), np.ones(C.shape[1])])
        print 'Simplex method input assembled succesfully.'
        print 'Dimensions of vector c:', c.shape
        print 'Dimensions of matrix A_eq:', A_eq.shape
        print 'Dimensions of vector b_eq:', b_eq.shape
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Vector c:', c
            print 'Matrix A_eq:', A_eq
            print 'Vector b_eq:', b_eq

        sol = lp_solve(f=c, a=A_eq, b=b_eq, e=np.zeros_like(b_eq))
        return sol
Exemple #2
    def _get_dual_solution(self):
        p = self.plate
        w_dim = len(p.unsupported_node_nos)
        b_ub = np.hstack([p.linprog_vect_c, np.zeros(2 * w_dim)])
        if self.verbose: print 'Vector b_ub:', b_ub
        k = p.linprog_vect_k
        if self.verbose: print 'Vector k:', k
        B = p.linprog_matrix_B
        if self.verbose: print 'Matrix B:', B

        A_eq = np.vstack([np.hstack([np.identity(B.shape[0]), -np.identity(B.shape[0]), -B, B]),
                          np.hstack([np.zeros(B.shape[0]), np.zeros(B.shape[0]), k, -k]),

        A_ub = np.transpose(A_eq)
        c = np.zeros(A_ub.shape[1])
        c[-1] = -1.
        print 'Simplex method input assembled succesfully.'
        print 'Dimensions of vector c:', c.shape
        print 'Dimensions of matrix A_ub:', A_ub.shape
        print 'Dimensions of vector b_ub:', b_ub.shape
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Vector c:', c
            print 'Matrix A_ub:', A_ub
            print 'Vector b_ub:', b_ub

        sol = sol = lp_solve(f=c, a=A_ub, b=b_ub, e=-np.ones_like(b_ub))
        return sol
Exemple #3
    def _get_solution(self):
        for nd in self.plate.nodes_with_ref:
            if nd.w != 0.:
        p = self.plate
        unn = p.unsupported_node_nos
        w_dim = len(unn)
        c = np.hstack([p.linprog_vect_c, np.zeros(2 * w_dim)])
        if self.verbose: print 'Vector c:', c
        k = p.linprog_vect_k
        if self.verbose: print 'Vector k:', k
        B = p.linprog_matrix_B
        if self.verbose: print 'Matrix B:', B

        A_eq = np.vstack([np.hstack([np.identity(B.shape[0]), -np.identity(B.shape[0]), -B, B]),
                          np.hstack([np.zeros(B.shape[0]), np.zeros(B.shape[0]), k, -k]),
        b_eq = np.zeros(A_eq.shape[0])
        b_eq[-1] = 1.
        print 'Simplex method input assembled succesfully.'
        print 'Dimensions of vector c:', c.shape
        print 'Dimensions of matrix A_eq:', A_eq.shape
        print 'Dimensions of vector b_eq:', b_eq.shape
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Vector c:', c
            print 'Matrix A_eq:', A_eq
            print 'Vector b_eq:', b_eq

        sol = lp_solve(f=c, a=A_eq, b=b_eq, e=np.zeros_like(b_eq))

        w_plus = np.array(sol[1][-2 * w_dim:-w_dim])
        w_minus = np.array(sol[1][-w_dim:])
        w = w_plus - w_minus

        for i in range(len(w)):
            p.nodes_with_ref[unn[i]].w = w[i]
        if self.verbose: print 'Resulting w:', w
        return sol
Exemple #4
    def solve(self):
        Attempts to solve the game.

        This should be called after self.width , self.height ,
        self.num_known_horiz_constraints , self.num_known_vert_constraints ,
        self.horiz_constraints and self.vert_constraints were filled in.

        Returns a two-dimensional array containing the rows of the boolean
        values with the solution.

        lp_solve_params = self._calc_params_obj()

        lp_solve_ret = lp_solve(

        flat_sol = lp_solve_ret[1]

        if (len(flat_sol) == 0):
            raise "Could not find a solution for this puzzle."

        width  = self.width
        height = self.height

        return \
            [flat_sol[y*width+x] for x in range(width)]
            for y in range(height)
Exemple #5
def main():
    while True:
        value = raw_input(
            "Entre com valores para Tarefas e Máquinas separados:\n")
        newvalue = value.split()
        if len(newvalue) == 2 and int(newvalue[0]) > 0 and int(
                newvalue[1]) > 0:
            "A entrada deve conter dois valores validos maior que 0 para Tarefas e Maquinas \n"
    nTarefas = int(newvalue[0])
    mMaquinas = int(newvalue[1])

    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Rece as horas de cada tarefa
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    list_h_tasks = []
    for i in range(int(nTarefas)):
        while True:
            horas = int(
                raw_input("Entre com as horas para cada tarefa " + str(i + 1) +
            if horas > 0:
            print("A horas das tarefas devem ser maior que 0\n")

    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Recebe custo e tempo máximo para cada máquina
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    list_custos = []  # lista de custo para cada máquina
    list_h_maquinas = []  # lista de horas para cada máquina
    while True:
        for i in range(int(mMaquinas)):
            listn = raw_input(
                "Entre com os custos e tempo máximo para cada máquina " +
                str(i + 1) + ":\n")
            newList = listn.split()
        if sum(list_h_maquinas) >= sum(list_h_tasks):
        print("Os valores devem ser maior que 0 para funcionar\n")

    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Leia o custo e o tempo máximo de cada máquin
    ## loop externo controlado por máquinas e loop interno controlado por Tarefas
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    list_nt_maquinas = []  ## Lista para o número de tarefas de cada máquina
    list_t_maquinas = []  ## Lista de tarefas por cada máquina
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas)):
        while True:
            soma1 = int(
                    "Por favor, insira o número de tarefas atribuídas à máquina "
                    + str(i + 1) + ":\n"))
            if soma1 > 0:
            print("Os valores não devem ser mais do que o número da tarefa\n")
        ## Read the number o tasks assigned to a machine
        for j in range(int(list_nt_maquinas[i])):
            ## Read the tasks assigned to a Machine
            number = raw_input("Entre com as tarrefas " + str(j + 1) +
                               " Por máquina " + str(i + 1) + ":\n")

    #For para criar o vetor f de coeficientes para a função objetivo
    list_f = []
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas)):
        for j in range(int(nTarefas)):
            x = -int(list_custos[i])
    # Conjunto de For para criar a matriz com n x m representando as restrições lineares
    list_a = []
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas) + int(nTarefas)):
        for j in range(int(mMaquinas) * int(nTarefas)):

    for i in range(int(mMaquinas)):
        for j in range(int(nTarefas)):
            list_a[i][j + nTarefas * i] = 1

    for i in range(int(nTarefas)):
        for j in range((int(mMaquinas))):
            list_a[i + int(mMaquinas)][i + nTarefas * j] = 1

    # For para criar o vetor de variáveis inteiras. Pode ser omitido ou vazio e
    # vetor n de limites inferiores não negativos podendo ser vazio ou omitido
    list_xint = []
    list_vlb = []
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas) * int(nTarefas)):
        list_xint.append(i + 1)

    #vetor m que determina o sentido das desigualdades:
    #   e(i) <-1  ==> menor
    #   e(i) = 0  ==> igual
    #   e(i) > 1  ==> maior
    list_b = []
    list_e = []
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas)):

    for i in range(int(nTarefas)):

    # print para vertificação do preenchimento dos campos no lpsolve
    # print ("f: ")
    # print (list_f)
    # print ("\na: ")
    # print (list_a)
    # print ("\nb: ")
    # print (list_b)
    # print ("\ne: ")
    # print (list_e)
    # print ("\nvlb: ")
    # print (list_vlb)
    # print ("\nxint: ")
    # print (list_xint)

    # construção e preenchimento do dos campos do lpsolve
    [obj, x, duas] = lp_solve(list_f, list_a, list_b, list_e, list_vlb, None,
                              None, 0)
    resul = (0.0 if obj == 0 else obj * -1)
    #imprimindo o resultado
    count = 0
    for i in range(int(mMaquinas * nTarefas)):
        if count == nTarefas:
            count = 0
        if isinstance(x, list):
        #print (x [i]),
        #print (x),
        count += 1
    print resul
Exemple #6
# Test and Demonstrate the use of lp_solve

from lp_solve import *

# Example 1 from the lp_solve distribution
f = [-1, 2]
A = [[2, 1], [-4, 4]]
b = [5, 5]
e = [-1, -1]
xint = [1, 2]

[v,x,duals] = lp_solve(f,A,b,e,None,None,xint)

print v
print x

# Example 2
f = [50, 100]
A = [[10, 5],[4, 10],[1, 1.5]]
b = [2500, 2000, 450]
e = [-1, -1, -1]

[v,x,duals] = lp_solve(f,A,b,e)
print v
print x

# Example 3
f = [-40, -36]
vub = [8, 10]
A = [[5, 3]]
b = [45]
Exemple #7
 def solve(self):
     return lp_solve(self.optfunc, self.lhs, self.rhs, self.rel, None, None, None, 1, 0)
Exemple #8
# Test and Demonstrate the use of lp_solve

from lp_solve import *

# Example 1 from the lp_solve distribution
f = [-1, 2]
A = [[2, 1], [-4, 4]]
b = [5, 5]
e = [-1, -1]
xint = [1, 2]

[v, x, duals] = lp_solve(f, A, b, e, None, None, xint)

print v
print x

# Example 2
f = [50, 100]
A = [[10, 5], [4, 10], [1, 1.5]]
b = [2500, 2000, 450]
e = [-1, -1, -1]

[v, x, duals] = lp_solve(f, A, b, e)
print v
print x

# Example 3
f = [-40, -36]
vub = [8, 10]
A = [[5, 3]]
b = [45]
Exemple #9
Created on 24.05.2012

@author: stefan

from lp_solve import * 

x= lp_solve(f,A,b,[1,1,1],None, None, None, 1, 0)
print x