Exemple #1
def P13():
    print("P13: Page 127 Problem 7")
    Q13_X = np.array([-3, 2, -1, 3, 1], dtype=float)
    Q13_Y = np.array([0, 5, -4, 12, 0], dtype=float)
    np2latex(np.vstack((Q13_X, Q13_Y)), "Top:X,Bot:Y")
    Q13_coef = coeffts(Q13_X, Q13_Y)
    np2latex(transpose(Q13_coef), "\\text{Newton Coef}")
Exemple #2
def P11():
    print("P11: Page 126 Problem 1")
    Q11_X = np.array([-1.2, 0.3, 1.1])
    Q11_Y = np.array([-5.76, -5.61, -3.69])
    np2latex(np.vstack((Q11_X, Q11_Y)), "Top:X,Bot:Y")

    print("  \\item Neville's Method")
    Q11_X0_neville = neville(Q11_X, Q11_Y, 0)
    print("    At x = 0: y = "+str(round(Q11_X0_neville, 5)))

    print("  \\item Lagrange's Method")
    Q11_X0_lagrange = lagrange(Q11_X, Q11_Y, 0)
    print("    At x = 0: y = "+str(round(Q11_X0_lagrange, 5)))
Exemple #3
def P12():
    print("P12: Page 126 Problem 6")
    #The program should return "divided difference table" 
    # and "degree of the polynomial" respectively.
    #Hint: Look at page 113 of the book to learn how to 
    # find the degree of a polynomial from the 
    # divided difference table.
    Q12_X = np.array([-2, 1, 4, -1, 3, -4], dtype=float)
    Q12_Y = np.array([-1, 2, 59, 4, 24, -53], dtype=float)

    np2latex(np.vstack((Q12_X, Q12_Y)), "Top:X,Bot:Y")

    #make divided difference table
    dd = np.zeros([n,n])
    dd[:,0] = Q12_Y
    for i in range(1,n):
        for o in range(1,i+1):
            #can recursively find divided difference from previous column
            dd[i,o] = (dd[i,o-1]-dd[o-1,o-1])/(Q12_X[i]-Q12_X[o-1])
    np2latex(dd, "\\text{Divided Diff}")
    #last nonzero is the order
    print("Polynomial is of order " + str(max([i for i, arg in enumerate(dd.diagonal()) if arg != 0])))
Exemple #4
def P7():
    print("P7: Page 78 Problem 5")

    Q7_A = np.array([[4, -2, 1],
                    [-2, 1, -1],
                    [-2, 3, 6]], dtype=float)
    Q7_B = np.array([2, -1, 0], dtype=float)
    np2latex(Q7_A, "A")
    np2latex(transpose(Q7_B), "B")
    Q7_X = gausPivot(Q7_A, Q7_B)
    np2latex(transpose(Q7_X), "X")
Exemple #5
def P10():
    print("P10: Page 82 Problem 19")
    for n in [2, 3, 4]:
        Q10_A = genQ19_A(n)
        Q10_B = genQ19_B(Q10_A)
        np2latex(Q10_A, "A_{"+str(n)+"}")
        np2latex(transpose(Q10_B), "B_{"+str(n)+"}")
        Q10_X = gausPivot(Q10_A, Q10_B)
        if Q10_X != "Matrix is singular": 
            np2latex(transpose(Q10_X), "X_{"+str(n)+"}")
Exemple #6
def P8():
    print("P8: Page 78 Problem 7")

    Q8_A = np.array([[2, -1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, -1, 1],
                    [0, -1, 2, -1],
                    [-1, 2, -1, 0]], dtype=float)
    Q8_B = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
    np2latex(Q8_A, "A")
    np2latex(transpose(Q8_B), "B")
    Q8_X = gausPivot(Q8_A, Q8_B)
    np2latex(transpose(Q8_X), "X")
Exemple #7
def P9():
    print("P9: Page 79 Problem 12")
    #Use your program to solve the equations for k=10 and W=100.
    k = 10
    W = 100
    k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 = k, 2*k, k, k, 2*k
    W1, W2, W3 = 2*W, W, 2*W
    Q9_A = np.array([[k1+k2+k3+k5, -k3, -k5],
                    [-k3, k3+k4, -k4],
                    [-k5, -k4, k4+k5]], dtype=float)
    Q9_B = np.array([W1, W2, W3], dtype=float)
    np2latex(Q9_A, "A")
    np2latex(transpose(Q9_B), "B")
    Q9_X = gausPivot(Q9_A, Q9_B)
    np2latex(transpose(Q9_X), "X")
Exemple #8
                    [-1.84,  3.03, 1.29],\
                    [-1.57,  5.25, 4.30]], dtype=float)
    Q1c_A = np.array([[ 2, -1,  0],\
                    [-1,  2, -1],\
                    [ 0, -1,  2]], dtype=float)
    Q1d_A = np.array([[4,   3, -1],\
                [7,  -2,  3],\
                [5, -18, 13]], dtype=float)

    # Using my functions
    for A, part in zip([Q1a_A,Q1b_A,Q1c_A,Q1d_A],\
        print("Question 1 P 55", part)
        #print("A = \n",A)
        np2latex(A, "A")
        (LU, P) = LUdecomp(A)
        #print("L + U - I = \n",LU)
        np2latex(P, 'P')  #print("P = \n",P)

        (L, U) = LUexpand(LU)
        np2latex(L, 'L')  #print("L = \n",L)
        np2latex(U, 'U')  #print("U = \n",U)
        #print("P^-1 * L * U =\n", np.dot(transpose(P),\
        # np.dot(L,U)))
        #Show that LU works!
            'P^T\cdot L\cdot U')
        (d, nonsing, cond) = LUnonsingular(A, LU, P)
        print("Det: ", d)
        print("Non-singular: ", nonsing)