def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #begin transform filename = args[0] img = meanShift(filename) cv2.imwrite("MS_" + filename, img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(img) pha *= 255 / (np.max(np.max(pha))) cv2.imwrite("MSPS_Serial_" + filename, pha) pha = np.uint8(pha) blobDetect(pha)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #begin transform filename = args[0] img = meanShift(filename) cv2.imwrite("MS_" + filename, img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(img) pha *= 255/(np.max(np.max(pha))) cv2.imwrite("MSPS_Serial_" + filename, pha) pha = np.uint8(pha) blobDetect(pha)
def phaseTuning(filename, scaleMin=5, scaleMax=10, orientationMin=6, orientationMax=16, kMax=30): #Performs phase symmetry transformation on a give for a given range across all parameters img = cv2.imread(filename) #img = meanShift(img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) sigmaMult = [(0.85, 1.3), (0.75, 1.6), (0.65, 2.1), (0.55, 3), (0.45, 3.4)] #so ugly startTime = time.time() for scale in range(scaleMin, scaleMax): #scales loop for orient in range(orientationMin, orientationMax): #orientations loop for thisTuple in sigmaMult: sigOnF = thisTuple[0] mul = thisTuple[1] for kVal in range(1, kMax): #k loop itStartTime = time.time() print "scale:" + str(scale) + " orient:" + str(orient) + " mult:" + str(mul) + \ " sigmaOnF:" + str(sigOnF) + " k:" + str(kVal) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(img, nscale=scale, norient=orient, mult=mul, sigmaOnf=sigOnF, k=kVal) cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite( filename + "_phase_symmetry_nscale:" + str(scale) + "_norient:" + str(orient) + "_mult:" + str(mul) + "_sigmaOnF:" + str(sigOnF) + "_k:" + str(kVal) + "_.png", pha) itEndTime = time.time() print "Loop Time: " + str(itEndTime - itStartTime) endTime = time.time() print "Finished. \nTotal runtime: " + str(endTime - startTime)
def phaseTuning(filename, scaleMin=5, scaleMax=10, orientationMin=6,orientationMax=16, kMax=30): #Performs phase symmetry transformation on a give for a given range across all parameters img = cv2.imread(filename) #img = meanShift(img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) sigmaMult = [(0.85, 1.3), (0.75, 1.6), (0.65, 2.1), (0.55, 3), (0.45, 3.4)] #so ugly startTime = time.time() for scale in range(scaleMin, scaleMax): #scales loop for orient in range(orientationMin, orientationMax): #orientations loop for thisTuple in sigmaMult: sigOnF = thisTuple[0] mul = thisTuple[1] for kVal in range(1, kMax): #k loop itStartTime = time.time() print "scale:" + str(scale) + " orient:" + str(orient) + " mult:" + str(mul) + \ " sigmaOnF:" + str(sigOnF) + " k:" + str(kVal) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(img, nscale=scale, norient=orient, mult=mul, sigmaOnf=sigOnF, k=kVal) cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite(filename + "_phase_symmetry_nscale:" + str(scale) + "_norient:" + str(orient) + "_mult:" + str(mul) +"_sigmaOnF:" + str(sigOnF) + "_k:" + str(kVal) + "_.png", pha) itEndTime = time.time() print "Loop Time: " + str(itEndTime - itStartTime) endTime = time.time() print "Finished. \nTotal runtime: " + str(endTime - startTime)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') parser.add_option('--scale', help='specify number of phasesym scales', dest='NSCALE', default=4, type="int") parser.add_option('--ori', help='specify number of phasesym orientations', dest='NORIENT', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--mult', help='specify multiplier for phasesym', dest='MULT', default=3.0, type="float") parser.add_option('--sig', help='specify sigma on frequncy for phasesym', dest='SIGMAONF', default=0.55, type="float") parser.add_option('--k', help='specify k value for phasesym', dest='K', default=1, type="int") parser.add_option('--blur', help='specify blur width value N for NxN blur operation', dest='BLUR', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--srad', help='specify spatial radius for mean shift', dest='SRAD', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--rrad', help='specify radiometric radius for mean shift', dest='RRAD', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--den', help='specify pixel density value for mean shift', dest='DEN', default=10, type="int") parser.add_option('--amin', help='specify blob minimum area for boxing', dest='AMIN', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--amax', help='specify blob maximum area for boxing', dest='AMAX', default=400, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmin', help='specify box minimum width acceptance', dest='WMIN', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmax', help='specify box maximum width acceptance', dest='WMAX', default=35, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmin', help='specify box minimum height acceptance', dest='HMIN', default=2, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmax', help='specify box maximum height acceptance', dest='HMAX', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--arat', help='specify minimum box aspect ratio for acceptance', dest='ARATIO', default=0.25, type="float") parser.add_option('--edgeMin', help='specify minimum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMIN', default=100, type="int") parser.add_option('--edgeMax', help='specify maximum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMAX', default=200, type="int") parser.add_option('--ref', help='specify reference car image', dest='MASTERIMG', default="") parser.add_option('--win', help='specify search window size', dest='WINSZ', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--tol', help='specify shape description tolerance', dest='TOL', default=0.07, type="float") parser.add_option('--eps', help='specify maximum epsilon value for DBSCAN clustering algorithm', dest='EPS', default=15, type="int") parser.add_option('--min_samples', help='specify the numer fo minimum samples that constitute a cluster during DBSCAN', dest='MINSAMPLES', default=1, type="int") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) NSCALE = opts.NSCALE NORIENT = opts.NORIENT MULT = opts.MULT SIGMAONF = opts.SIGMAONF K = opts.K BLUR = (opts.BLUR, opts.BLUR) SRAD = opts.SRAD RRAD = opts.RRAD DEN = opts.DEN AMIN = opts.AMIN AMAX = opts.AMAX WMAX = opts.WMAX WMIN = opts.WMIN HMAX = opts.HMAX HMIN = opts.HMIN ARATIO = opts.ARATIO EDGEMIN = opts.EDGEMIN EDGEMAX = opts.EDGEMAX WINSZ = opts.WINSZ TOL = opts.TOL EPS = opts.EPS MINSAMPLES = opts.MINSAMPLES masterImg = "" masterHist = None if len(opts.MASTERIMG) > 0: masterImg = cv2.imread(opts.MASTERIMG) h, w, z = masterImg.shape if w%2: x = int(np.ceil(w/float(2))) else: x = w/2 if h%2: y = int(np.ceil(h/float(2))) else: y = h/2 print y, x masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, y, x,BLUR) else: #masterImg = cv2.imread('singleCar.png') #masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, 27, 29) masterImg, cen = genReferenceCar(WINSZ) print cen print masterImg masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, cen[0], cen[1],BLUR) print str(masterHist) #begin transform filename = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] img = cv2.imread(filename) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename+"_gray.png", grayImg) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=NSCALE, norient=NORIENT, minWaveLength=3, mult=MULT, sigmaOnf=SIGMAONF, k=K, polarity=0) pha = cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), ori) np.savetxt('python_ori.txt',ori) pha = cv2.blur(pha, BLUR) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1]), pha) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) segmented_image=cv2.normalize(segmented_image, segmented_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) segmented_image = np.uint8(segmented_image) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), segmented_image) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #(ori, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(ori, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) #ori=cv2.normalize(ori, ori, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), ori) thresh_img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(segmented_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), thresh_img) #get centroids contours = getContours(thresh_img, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO) centroids = getCentroids(contours) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO), img) histograms = [] dirName = 'windowTiles' if not (os.path.isdir(dirName)): #create subdirectory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(dirName) outputImg = img.copy() centroidsImg = img.copy() drawCentroids(centroidsImg,centroids) #drawCentroids(img,centroids) np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.2f}'.format}) print str(masterHist) + "\n" shapedCentroids = [] for cen,cnt in zip(centroids,contours): print cen #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],26,52) #if cen[0]==100 and cen[1] == 310: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],WINSZ,WINSZ) #correct filename = "win_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), win) #histogram = RadAngleHist(win, 90+ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1]) histogram = RadAngleHist(win, 90+ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1],BLUR) #print ori[cen[0], cen[1]] print str(histogram) + "\n" if histogram.getHistSum() < 0.1: continue #if cen == (11,144): # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() #print if < TOL: drawBox(outputImg, cnt) shapedCentroids.append(cen) dirName = "" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, "Boxes_Centroids.jpg"), outputImg) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f_E_%d_%d_W_%d_T_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO,EDGEMIN,EDGEMAX,WINSZ,TOL), outputImg) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, "Centroids.jpg"), centroidsImg) dbResult = scanBlobs(shapedCentroids, img.copy(), EPS, MINSAMPLES) drawClusterColors(dbResult, img.copy(), shapedCentroids)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') parser.add_option('--scale', help='specify number of phasesym scales', dest='NSCALE', default=4, type="int") parser.add_option('--ori', help='specify number of phasesym orientations', dest='NORIENT', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--mult', help='specify multiplier for phasesym', dest='MULT', default=3.0, type="float") parser.add_option('--sig', help='specify sigma on frequncy for phasesym', dest='SIGMAONF', default=0.55, type="float") parser.add_option('--k', help='specify k value for phasesym', dest='K', default=1, type="int") parser.add_option('--blur', help='specify blur width value N for NxN blur operation', dest='BLUR', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--srad', help='specify spatial radius for mean shift', dest='SRAD', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--rrad', help='specify radiometric radius for mean shift', dest='RRAD', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--den', help='specify pixel density value for mean shift', dest='DEN', default=10, type="int") parser.add_option('--amin', help='specify blob minimum area for boxing', dest='AMIN', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--amax', help='specify blob maximum area for boxing', dest='AMAX', default=400, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmin', help='specify box minimum width acceptance', dest='WMIN', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmax', help='specify box maximum width acceptance', dest='WMAX', default=35, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmin', help='specify box minimum height acceptance', dest='HMIN', default=2, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmax', help='specify box maximum height acceptance', dest='HMAX', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--arat', help='specify minimum box aspect ratio for acceptance', dest='ARATIO', default=0.25, type="float") parser.add_option('--edgeMin', help='specify minimum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMIN', default=100, type="int") parser.add_option('--edgeMax', help='specify maximum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMAX', default=200, type="int") parser.add_option('--eps', help='specify maximum epsilon value for DBSCAN clustering algorithm', dest='EPS', default=15, type="int") parser.add_option('--min_samples', help='specify the numer fo minimum samples that constitute a cluster during DBSCAN', dest='MINSAMPLES', default=1, type="int") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) NSCALE = opts.NSCALE NORIENT = opts.NORIENT MULT = opts.MULT SIGMAONF = opts.SIGMAONF K = opts.K BLUR = (opts.BLUR, opts.BLUR) SRAD = opts.SRAD RRAD = opts.RRAD DEN = opts.DEN AMIN = opts.AMIN AMAX = opts.AMAX WMAX = opts.WMAX WMIN = opts.WMIN HMAX = opts.HMAX HMIN = opts.HMIN ARATIO = opts.ARATIO EDGEMIN = opts.EDGEMIN EDGEMAX = opts.EDGEMAX EPS = opts.EPS MINSAMPLES = opts.MINSAMPLES #begin transform filename = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] img = cv2.imread(filename) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename+"_gray.png", grayImg) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=NSCALE, norient=NORIENT, minWaveLength=3, mult=MULT, sigmaOnf=SIGMAONF, k=K, polarity=0) pha = cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), ori) np.savetxt('python_ori.txt',ori) pha = cv2.blur(pha, BLUR) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1]), pha) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) segmented_image=cv2.normalize(segmented_image, segmented_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) segmented_image = np.uint8(segmented_image) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), segmented_image) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #(ori, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(ori, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) #ori=cv2.normalize(ori, ori, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), ori) thresh_img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(segmented_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), thresh_img) #get centroids contours = getContours(thresh_img, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO) centroids = getCentroids(contours) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO), img) histograms = [] f = open('masterHist.txt') h = np.loadtxt(f) masterImg = cv2.imread('singleCar.png') masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 180, 27, 29) dirName = 'windowTiles' if not (os.path.isdir(dirName)): #create subdirectory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(dirName) outputImg = img.copy() #ori = np.loadtxt('matlab_ori.txt',delimiter=',') shapedCentroids = [] for cen,cnt in zip(centroids,contours): #print cen #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],26,52) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],55,55) #correct #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],51,51) filename = "win_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), win) histogram = RadAngleHist(win, ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1]) #print ori[cen[0], cen[1]] #print # if, dist=60) == 0: # histograms.append(histogram) if < 0.07: drawBox(outputImg, cnt) shapedCentroids.append(cen) # boxedImg = img.copy() # drawBox(boxedImg,cnt) # filename = "win_box_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), boxedImg) dirName = "" filename = "Boxes_+_Centroids.jpg" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), outputImg) dbResult = scanBlobs(shapedCentroids, img.copy(), EPS, MINSAMPLES) drawClusterColors(dbResult, img.copy(), shapedCentroids)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') parser.add_option('--scale', help='specify number of phasesym scales', dest='NSCALE', default=4, type="int") parser.add_option('--ori', help='specify number of phasesym orientations', dest='NORIENT', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--mult', help='specify multiplier for phasesym', dest='MULT', default=3.0, type="float") parser.add_option('--sig', help='specify sigma on frequncy for phasesym', dest='SIGMAONF', default=0.55, type="float") parser.add_option('--k', help='specify k value for phasesym', dest='K', default=1, type="int") parser.add_option('--blur', help='specify blur width value N for NxN blur operation', dest='BLUR', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--srad', help='specify spatial radius for mean shift', dest='SRAD', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--rrad', help='specify radiometric radius for mean shift', dest='RRAD', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--den', help='specify pixel density value for mean shift', dest='DEN', default=10, type="int") parser.add_option('--amin', help='specify blob minimum area for boxing', dest='AMIN', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--amax', help='specify blob maximum area for boxing', dest='AMAX', default=400, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmin', help='specify box minimum width acceptance', dest='WMIN', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmax', help='specify box maximum width acceptance', dest='WMAX', default=35, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmin', help='specify box minimum height acceptance', dest='HMIN', default=2, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmax', help='specify box maximum height acceptance', dest='HMAX', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--arat', help='specify minimum box aspect ratio for acceptance', dest='ARATIO', default=0.25, type="float") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) NSCALE = opts.NSCALE NORIENT = opts.NORIENT MULT = opts.MULT SIGMAONF = opts.SIGMAONF K = opts.K BLUR = (opts.BLUR, opts.BLUR) SRAD = opts.SRAD RRAD = opts.RRAD DEN = opts.DEN AMIN = opts.AMIN AMAX = opts.AMAX WMAX = opts.WMAX WMIN = opts.WMIN HMAX = opts.HMAX HMIN = opts.HMIN ARATIO = opts.ARATIO THRESH = 0 #begin transform filename = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] img = cv2.imread(filename) #img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) #(segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=3, range_radius=11, min_density=10) #img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) #cv2.imwrite("MS_" + basename+".png", img) #img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) #pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(img, nscale=5, norient=6, minWaveLength=3, mult=3.4, sigmaOnf = 0.45, k=29) #pha=cv2.normalize(pha,pha,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX,cv2.CV_8UC1) #pha = np.uint8(pha) #cv2.imwrite("MSPS_Serial_" + basename + ".png", pha) #blobDetect(pha) #NSCALE = 4 #NORIENT = 6 #MULT = 3 #SIGMAONF = 0.55 #K = 1 #BLUR = (3,3) #SRAD = 5 #RRAD = 6 #DEN = 10 #THRESH = 127 #AMIN = 5 #AMAX = 400 #WMAX = 35 #WMIN = 3 #HMAX = 55 #HMIN = 2 #ARATIO = 0.25 grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_gray.png", grayImg) #pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=5, norient=6, minWaveLength=3, mult=3.4, sigmaOnf = 0.45, k=29) #pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=6, norient=6, minWaveLength=3, mult=3, sigmaOnf = 0.55, k=1, polarity=0) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=NSCALE, norient=NORIENT, minWaveLength=3, mult=MULT, sigmaOnf=SIGMAONF, k=K, polarity=0) pha = cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite( basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), pha) pha = cv2.blur(pha, BLUR) cv2.imwrite( basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1]), pha) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) #(segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=3, range_radius=11, min_density=10) #(segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=15, range_radius=11, min_density=10) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) segmented_image = cv2.normalize(segmented_image, segmented_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) segmented_image = np.uint8(segmented_image) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite( basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), segmented_image) #ret,thresh_img = cv2.threshold(segmented_image,THRESH,255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY| cv2.THRESH_OTSU) thresh_img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(segmented_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0) cv2.imwrite( basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, THRESH), thresh_img) #find contours in black and white image contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh_img, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for cnt in contours: area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) #if area >= 200 and area <= 2000: #if area >= 10 and area <= 1200: if area >= AMIN and area <= AMAX: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) #if w < WMAX and h < HMAX and w > 3 and h > 2: if w < WMAX and h < HMAX and w > WMIN and h > HMIN: aspectRatio = 0 if w == min(w, h): aspectRatio = float(w) / h else: aspectRatio = float(h) / w if aspectRatio > ARATIO: print "x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d" % (x, y, w, h) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(img, [box], 0, (255, 0, 0), 2) #cv2.imwrite('Boxes.jpg', img) cv2.imwrite( basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, THRESH, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO), img)