def evaluate_reg(self):
        reg_vals = []
        for group in self.param_groups:
            group_reg_val = 0.0
            # define regularizer for this group
            reg = group['reg']

            # evaluate the reguarizer for each parametr in group
            for p in group['params']:
                group_reg_val += reg(p)

            # append the group reg val

        return reg_vals
def linear_grad(X, y, theta, reg=None, lambda_=0):
    compute the gradient of cost function

        X: matrix of dataset [x(0).T,x(1).T,...,x(m).T]
        y: real value for each example (=row) in X
        theta: vector of parameters for the feature
        reg: <function>: function for regularization the gradient
        lambda: limit the search area of theta

    :return: cost'(X)

    :efficiency: O(m*n + m*n^2 + n)
    grad = (X.T @ (X @ theta - y))
    if reg:
        grad[1:] += lambda_ * reg(theta[1:])
    return (1 / X.shape[0]) * (X.T @ (X @ theta - y))
def linear_cost(X, y, theta, reg=None, lambda_=0):
    compute the cost of the range between X*theta and y

        X: matrix of dataset [x(0).T,x(1).T,...,x(m).T]
        y: real value for each example (=row) in X
        theta: vector of parameters for the feature
        reg: <function>: function for regularization the cost
        lambda: limit the search area of theta

    :return: <float>: J cost of data x for the current theta

    :efficiency: O(m*n^2)
    J = np.sum((X @ theta - y)**2)
    if reg:
        J += lambda_ * reg(theta[1:])
    return (1 / (2 * X.shape[0])) * J
def class_cost(X, y, theta, reg=None, lambda_=0):
    compute the cost of the range between sigmoid(X*theta) and y

        X: matrix of dataset [x(0).T,x(1).T,...,x(m).T]
        y: real value for each example (=row) in X
        theta: vector of parameters for the feature
        reg: <function>: function for regularization the cost
        lambda: limit the search area of theta

    :return: <float>: J cost of data x for the current theta

    :efficiency: O(m*n^2)
    m = X.shape[0]
    Z = sigmoid(X, theta)
    J = (-1 / m) * (np.sum(np.log(Z[y == 1])) + np.sum(np.log(1 - Z[y == 0])))
    if reg:
        J += (lambda_ / (2 * m)) * reg(theta[1:])  # regularization
    return J
def class_grad(X, y, theta, reg=None, lambda_=0):
    compute the gradient of cost function

        X: matrix of dataset [x(0).T,x(1).T,...,x(m).T]
        y: real value for each example (=row) in X
        theta: vector of parameters for the feature
        reg: <function>: function for regularization the gradient
        lambda: limit the search area of theta

    :return: cost'(X)

    :efficiency: O(m*n + m*n^2 + n)
    m = X.shape[0]
    grad = (1 / m)
    Z = sigmoid(X, theta)
    grad *= (X.T @ (Z - y))
    if reg:
        grad[1:] += (lambda_ / m) * reg(theta[1:])  # regularization gradient
    return grad
Exemple #6
number = []

# Load text
f = textReader("uploaded/" + filename).readText()
for row in f:
    temp = tokenize.sent_tokenize(row)
    for text in temp:

# Select algorithm
if (algoritma == "bm"):
    alg = bm()
elif (algoritma == "kmp"):
    alg = kmp()
    alg = reg()

queryNumber = r"^([0-9]+([\.,:]?[0-9]*)*)$"
queryDate = r".?(([1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(/|-)(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])(/|-|)([0-9]{0,4})).?"
queryMonth = r"\b(januari|februari|maret|april|mei|juni|juli|agustus|september|oktober|november|desember|jan|feb|mar|apr|jun|jul|ags|sep|okt|nov|des)\b"
queryDay = r"\b(senin|selasa|rabu|kamis|jumat|sabtu|minggu)\b"
queryTime = r"^(wib|wita|wit|pm|am)"

# Sub sentence
for row in sentenceContainer:
    subsSentence = []
    row = row.split(' ')
    for sub in row: