def readcamb(tfile, n, R, sigR, omb, omc, ksp): #readcmb: Reads in a CAMB output file, constructs P(k) and splines onto a different set of #k's if requested (ksp) # tfile = Name of cmbfast output file (containing the transfer fxn) # n = spectral tilt # R = radius to which power spectrum is to be normalized (corresponding to sigma_R) # sigR = sigma_R value to which power spectrum is to be normalized # omb = omega_b # omc = omega_c # ksp = if splining onto a different basis is desired, these are the abiscuss values, the input # into sigmaR must be LOG spaced in k, so if the k's in the cmbfast output file are not # equally spaced in log, ksp MUST be specified, set equal to 0.0 if no splining is required kread, Tc, Tb, Tgamma, Tnu, moo, moo2= np.loadtxt(tfile, unpack=True) omt = omb + omc # Construct the transfer fxn... xfer = omb/omt * Tb + omc/omt * Tc Pread = xfer**2 * kread**n k = kread power = Pread # Spline if necessary if np.size(ksp) != 1: k = ksp power = spllog(ksp, Pread, kread) # Normalize to sigma_R sigma_R = sigmaR(k, power, R) bias = sigR/sigma_R power = power*bias**2 return power
nmuo2 = np.size(x) / 2 mu_fid2 = x[0:nmuo2] ** 2.0 weighto2 = weight[0:nmuo2] r_fid = r r_fid2 = r_fid ** 2.0 L2_fid = 0.5 * (3.0 * mu_fid2 - 1.0) # OUTPUT FILES fout = open("cov_diag", "w") figout = PdfPages("dinv" + dd + uu + "_poly" + str(nptm) + str(nptq) + "_" + gom + ".pdf") fouta = open("dalpha" + dd + uu + "_poly" + str(nptm) + str(nptq) + "_" + gom + ".txt", "w") # ============================================================================== ksp = makeksp(0.15e-4, 200.0, 1000.0) psp = readcamb("dr9_full.ztf", ns, 8.0, sigma8_lin, omega_b, omega_c, ksp) print "sigmaR =", sigmaR(ksp, psp, 8.0) # spline no wiggle transfer function onto same k-grid as P(k) tspnw = spllog(ksp, tnw, knw) # apodize psp p_nw = Pnw(tspnw, psp, ksp, ns) kcovdex = np.squeeze(np.where(ksp < 1000.0 / max(r))) ksp_c = ksp[kcovdex] nsims = 1.0 totsim = 610 if gom == "gc": spars = [sigperp, sigpar, sig_s, beta_c] zdist_g, pdw_g = zP_gauss(x, psp * bias2, p_nw * bias2, ksp, spars, "exp")
snl = signl_ap+2. if(stemp == 'm'): snl = signl_ap-2. if(stemp == 'i'): snl = 1000.0 ss = "_snl"+str(int(snl)) #OUTPUT FILES figout = PdfPages('ninv'+dd+uu+'_poly'+str(npt)+'_'+gom+ss+'.pdf') fout = open("nalpha"+dd+uu+"_poly"+str(npt)+"_"+gom+ss+".txt","w") fouts = open("nstd"+dd+uu+"_poly"+str(npt)+"_"+gom+ss+".txt","w") #============================================================================== ksp = makeksp(0.15e-4,200.0,1000.0) psp = readcamb("dr9_full.ztf", ns, 8.0, sigma8_lin, omega_b, omega_c, ksp) print 'sigmaR =', sigmaR(ksp, psp, 8.0) psp_c = psp*bias**2. nk = np.size(ksp) #spline no wiggle transfer function onto same k-grid as P(k), then apodize tspnw = spllog(ksp, tnw, knw) pc = apodize(tspnw, psp_c, ksp, ns, signl_ap) kcovdex = np.squeeze(np.where(ksp < 1000.0/max(r))) ksp_c = ksp[kcovdex] pc = pc[kcovdex] if(gom == 'gc'): npc = np.size(kcovdex) stream = calc_stream(ksp_c,npc,beta,par3,'exp') pvol = [par0,par1,par2]