Exemple #1
def timingfun(string, id, buildDir, baseDir):
    m = md5.new()

    fname = "%s/%s/%s.%s.timing.pdf" % (baseDir, buildDir,
                                        id, m.hexdigest())
    if not os.path.isfile(fname):        
        print "generating timing ", fname
        timing.parseTiming(string, "%s/%s/%s.timing.svg" % (baseDir,
                                                            buildDir, id))
        # here's where we perform the actual bounded pdf conversion
        svg2boundedPDF("%s/%s/%s.timing.svg" % (baseDir, buildDir, id),
                       "%s/%s/%s.%s.timing.pdf" % (baseDir, buildDir,
                                                   id, m.hexdigest()))

    x =  r"""\begin{center}
    \end{center}""" % (id, m.hexdigest())

    return x
Exemple #2
def genGraphicsDeps(textstr, buildDir, baseDir):
    """ find everything that's
    in an \includegraphics[blah][foo.ext}

    identify the extension

    perform the conversion

    place the result in builddir

    modify the string

    replace the appropriate text file.

    if there's not a match, we change the build dir


    # replace the PDFs with the relevant files:

    igre = re.compile(r"(\\includegraphics\[.*\]){(.+)\.(\w+)}", )

    resultstr = ""
    for s in textstr.split('\n'):
        m = igre.search(s)

        if m:
            include = m.group(1)
            filebase = m.group(2)
            fileext = m.group(3)

            if fileext == "svg" :
                #perform svg conversion
                if hasChanged("%s/%s.%s" % (baseDir, filebase, fileext),
                              "%s/%s/%s.%s.pdf" % (baseDir, buildDir,
                                                filebase, fileext)):
                    svg2boundedPDF("%s/%s.%s" % (baseDir, filebase, fileext),
                                   "%s/%s/%s.%s.pdf" % (baseDir, buildDir,

                resultstr += igre.sub("%s{%s.%s.pdf}" % (include,
                                                         filebase, fileext),
                                      s) + '\n'
                # native type?
                resultstr += "%s{%s/%s.%s}\n" % (include, buildDir,
                                               filebase, fileext)
            resultstr += "%s\n" % s

    return resultstr