selection = 0 print "\nHow much of the grid would you like to be filled with holes?\n\na) 1/8 of the grid\n\nb) 1/16 of the grid" while (selection < 'a' or selection > 'f'): selection = raw_input("\nYour Choice(lowercase only): ") if (selection == 'a'): holeRatio = 8 elif (selection == 'b'): holeRatio = 16 selection = 0 while True: AIworld = world(size, holeRatio) agentLocation = status = 0 #list of the threat level of each square on the grid threatList = [] smellList = [] breezeList = [] holeList = [] #Make list of visited or not visited squares, to #determine where in the indicators list can be looked at safeList = [] agentVisited = []
def main(): pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True root = Tkinter.Tk() TILE_WIDTH = 64 TILE_HEIGHT = 64 SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = (root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.display.set_caption("S for Sabotage") #commandHandler = CommandHandler(fatguy) world_map = TileMapParser().parse_decode("fase3.tmx") world_map.load(ImageLoaderPygame()) ww = world_map.pixel_width; wh = world_map.pixel_height; w0 = world(ww, wh, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT) ground_objects = get_walk_objects(world_map) nonwalk_objects = get_nonwalk_objects(world_map) walk_enemy = get_walk_enemy(world_map, 0) pliers = get_activate_objects(world_map, 'pliers') c4 = get_activate_objects(world_map, 'c4') activate_list = [] activate_list.append(pliers) activate_list.append(c4) enemies = [] player_x, player_y = get_player(world_map, "player") player_x = (player_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH; player_y = (player_y / TILE_HEIGHT) * TILE_HEIGHT; enemy_x, enemy_y = get_player(world_map, "enemies") enemy_x = (enemy_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH; enemy_y = (enemy_y / TILE_HEIGHT) * TILE_HEIGHT; print 'ENEMY: ' + str(enemy_x) + ' ' + str(enemy_y) print 'PLAYER: ' + str(player_x) + ' ' + str(player_y) img_s = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('', 'art', 's.png')) img_enemy = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('', 'art', 'police.png')) h0 = hud(['pliers', 'c4']) s = Character(w0, "s", img_s, player_x, player_y, nonwalk_objects, activate_list, h0) enemy = Enemy(w0, 'enemy', img_enemy, enemy_x, enemy_y, walk_enemy, 0) npx = player_x + TILE_WIDTH npy = player_y + TILE_HEIGHT camera_x = npx - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 if camera_x < 0: camera_x = 0 elif (camera_x + SCREEN_WIDTH) > ww: camera_x -= (camera_x + SCREEN_WIDTH) - ww camera_y = npy - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 if camera_y < 0: camera_y = 0 elif (camera_y + SCREEN_HEIGHT) > wh: camera_y -= (camera_y + SCREEN_HEIGHT) - wh print str(camera_x) + ' ' + str(camera_y) c0 = camera(camera_x, camera_y, w0, s) inputHandler = input_handler(w0, c0, s) print str(ww) + ' ' + str(wh) #key_timeout = -1 #create sprites groups for collision detection #playerGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() #playerGroup.add(fatguy) #objectGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() #enemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() #sceneGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() #pygame.key.set_repeat(REPEAT_DELAY, REPEAT_DELAY) world_surface = world_map.get_surface() while running: clock.tick(60) screen.blit(world_surface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(c0.x, c0.y, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)), (0, 0)) screen.blit(s.image, s.draw_pos(c0.x, c0.y)) screen.blit(enemy.image, enemy.draw_pos(c0.x, c0.y)) if enemy.sees(s.get_pos(), 30, 120, 240): print 'TE VEJO!' print (s.get_pos()) #pygame.draw.line(screen, (225,0,0), s.draw_pos(c0.x, c0.y), enemy.draw_pos(c0.x, c0.y), 10) enemy.draw_sees(screen, c0.x, c0.y, 15, 128,256) h0.paint(w0, c0) #fatguy.update(pygame.time.get_ticks(), SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, cam_speed) #obj, col_type = fatguy.collides_with_objects(ground_objects) #if col_type == 1: # fatguy.put_on_ground_running(obj[1]) #elif col_type == 2: # running = False #obj, col_type = fatguy.collides_with_objects(killer_objects) #if col_type != -1: # running = False running = inputHandler.handle() # pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip()
from world import * import hexcontrol from hexagon import * import myalgorithms import cProfile ##import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ##from matplotlib.path import Path ##import matplotlib.patches as patches from pylab import * import path_calculator # initialize world my_world = world() print('Type of world is ', my_world.type_world) #test_hex = hexagon(0,0,1,90,my_world) #print ('test_hex is ',test_hex) #print ('location is ',test_hex.location.x1, test_hex.location.x2) #print ('outside diameter is ',test_hex.outside_diameter) #print ('the vertices of test_hex are located at ') #for i in test_hex.vertices(): print (' x=',i.x1,' y=',i.x2) #p0 = location(0,0) #print ('x=',p0.x1,'y=',p0.x2,'is_interior to test_hex is',test_hex.is_interior(p0)) #p0 = location(-5,0) #print ('x=',p0.x1,'y=',p0.x2,'is_interior to test_hex is',test_hex.is_interior(p0)) #p0 = location(5,0) #print ('x=',p0.x1,'y=',p0.x2,'is_interior to test_hex is',test_hex.is_interior(p0))
class simulation: simworld = world(1) creatures = [] maxfood = 0 def __init__(self,simworld,creature): self.simworld = simworld self.creature = creature def newrandomworld(numderps,mapsize,startsize): # (self,foodlevel,xco,yco,newspeed,species_id,childSize,healthySize,worldsize) creatures = [] for i in range (numderps): x = random.randint(0,mapsize-1); y = random.randint(0,mapsize-1); creatures.append(herbivore(10,x,y,1,0,10,20,mapsize)) simworld = randomworld(mapsize) simworld.addamountfood(int(startsize/100),startsize) a = simulation(simworld,creatures) a.maxfood = startsize return a def printsim (self): length = len(self.creature) cfood = 0 printer = [[ "" for i in range(self.simworld.getSize())] for j in range(self.simworld.getSize())] for i in range(length): printer[int(self.creature[i].y_co)][int(self.creature[i].x_co)] = "deer" self.creature[i].printcre() cfood = cfood + self.creature[i].food for i in range(self.simworld.getSize()): for j in range(self.simworld.getSize()): if(printer[i][j]!="deer"): printer[i][j] = self.simworld.getfood(i,j) for i in range(self.simworld.getSize()): for j in range(self.simworld.getSize()): sys.stdout.write(('%5s ' % (str(printer[i][j])) )) sys.stdout.write('\n') print ("the world contains "+str(self.simworld.totalfood)+"food") print ("the cretures have "+str(cfood)+"food") sys.stdout.flush() def creaturefood(self): cfood = 0 for i in range(len(self.creature)): cfood = cfood + self.creature[i].food return cfood def stepsim(self): leng = len(self.creature) newfood = int(0) births = int(0) deaths = int(0) deathlist = [] deathlist.append(int(-1)) babylist = [] for i in range(leng): # i.printcre() newfood = newfood + self.creature[i].nextmove(); foodtoadd = self.simworld.removefood(int(self.creature[i].x_co),int(self.creature[i].y_co)) # print(foodtoadd) # newfood = newfood + foodtoadd self.creature[i].food = self.creature[i].food + foodtoadd currentfood = self.creature[i].getFood() # print(currentfood) if(currentfood <= 0): # print ("a critter is dead !!"+str(len(self.creature))) deaths = deaths + 1 deathlist.append(i) # print ("!!"+str(len(self.creature))) elif(currentfood > (self.creature[i].healthySize+self.creature[i].childSize)): births = births+1 # print("was of size "+str(self.creature[i].food )) babylist.append(herbivore(self.creature[i].childSize,self.creature[i].x_co,self.creature[i].y_co,self.creature[i].speed,self.creature[i].species_id,self.creature[i].childSize,self.creature[i].healthySize,self.creature[i].worldsize)) self.creature[i].food = self.creature[i].food - self.creature[i].childSize # print("now of size "+str(self.creature[i].food )) # print ("adding food in the amount of "+str(newfood)) # print (str(self.maxfood) +" "+str(self.creaturefood())+" "+str(self.simworld.totalfood)) if(self.maxfood>=newfood+self.creaturefood()+self.simworld.totalfood): # print ("feed the derps"+str(newfood)) self.simworld.addfood(int(newfood)) elif (self.maxfood > self.creaturefood()+self.simworld.totalfood): # print ("feed the derps"+str(self.maxfood-self.creaturefood()-self.simworld.totalfood)) self.simworld.addfood(int(self.maxfood-self.creaturefood()-self.simworld.totalfood)) #TODO Hiss de shush # print(str(len(deathlist))) if(deaths>0): for i in reversed(deathlist): if(i>=0): del self.creature[i] for i in babylist: self.creature.append(i) return (str(len(self.creature))+","+str(births)+","+str(deaths))
larg = os.path.splitext(a) if (larg[1] == ".jpg"): argoutput = a if (larg[1] == ".ini"): argconfig = a if (larg[1] == ".json"): argscene = a if (larg[1] == ".py"): argprog = a YA.showArgInfo(argconfig, argscene, argoutput) if (argscene == ""): YA.showHelp(argprog) YA.loadconfig(argconfig) if (argoutput != ""): YA.OUTPUT = argoutput YA.printRenderInfo() YA.clear_directory() image = YA.getImagePixels() world = world(argscene) world.print_scene_info() loop_time = time.time() for f in range(YA.FRAMES): world.update_world(f) for y in range(YA.HEIGHT): for x in range(YA.WIDTH): c = color((0, 0, 0)) for s in range(YA.SAMPLING): if (YA.SAMPLING == 1): xr = 0.0 yr = 0.0 else: xr = random() yr = random()
# This file calls the relevant classes and makes a simulation # from world import * from robot import * # here are some walls w1 = wall((10,10),(490,10)) w2 = wall((490,10),(490,450)) w3 = yellowWall((490,450),(450,490)) w4 = wall((450,490),(10,490)) w5 = wall((10,490),(10,10)) # here is a ball b = ball((100,100), "red") # here is a robot r = robot((250,200)) # simulate a world with them in it w = world((500,500),[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5],[b],r) win = Window("Team 666 MASLab Simulation") # start the display, start the world running, and run the display w.initializeDisplay(win)
def __init__(self, root): ''' Begins the simulation and shows the UI to the user. Args: root (widget): The widget in which to generate the view and UI. ''' sys = system(root, 0.1) self.sys = sys #sys.worlds = [world(sys, 333000, 0, 0, 0, 0.262, 0.5), # world(sys, 318, 1.3, 0, 0, 5.5, 0.075), # world(sys, 31800, 5.2, 0, 0, -2.75, 0.15), # world(sys, 0.025, 5.2+0.7155, 0, 0, -2.75+2.294, 0.05)] sys.worlds = [world(sys, 333000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)] for i in range(600): rand = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi) rand2 = random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01) rand3 = random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01) rand4 = random.uniform(-2, 2) rand5 = random.uniform(-2, 2) sys.worlds += [ world(sys, 1, 8 * math.sin(rand) + rand4, 8 * math.cos(rand) + rand5, 0.5 * math.pi * math.cos(rand) + rand2, -0.5 * math.pi * math.sin(rand) + rand3, 0.03) ] sys.cameraPos = (-0.0, -0.0) sys.scale = 25.0 sys.initialize() frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() moveFrame = Frame(frame) moveFrame.grid(row=0, column=0) bufferFrame = Frame(frame, width=initWidth - buttonSize * 5) bufferFrame.grid(row=0, column=1) zoomFrame = Frame(frame) zoomFrame.grid(row=0, column=2) leftButton = Button(moveFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="<", command=lambda: sys.moveLeft(moveAmount)) leftButton.grid(row=1, column=0) rightButton = Button(moveFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text=">", command=lambda: sys.moveRight(moveAmount)) rightButton.grid(row=1, column=2) upButton = Button(moveFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="^", command=lambda: sys.moveUp(moveAmount)) upButton.grid(row=0, column=1) downButton = Button(moveFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="v", command=lambda: sys.moveDown(moveAmount)) downButton.grid(row=2, column=1) inButton = Button(zoomFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="+", command=lambda: sys.zoomIn()) inButton.grid(row=0, column=4) outButton = Button(zoomFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="-", command=lambda: sys.zoomOut()) outButton.grid(row=2, column=4) fasterButton = Button(zoomFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text=">>", command=lambda: sys.speedUp(speedChangeAmount)) fasterButton.grid(row=0, column=0) pauseButton = Button(zoomFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="||", command=lambda: sys.pause(pauseButton)) pauseButton.grid(row=1, column=0) slowerButton = Button(zoomFrame, height=buttonSize, width=2 * buttonSize, text="<<", command=lambda: sys.slowDown(speedChangeAmount)) slowerButton.grid(row=2, column=0) root.bind('<Key>', self.handleKeys) sys.pause(pauseButton) sys.updateWorlds() sys.updateDraw()
from bot import * from world import * NUM_OF_ITERATIONS = 10000000 if __name__ == '__main__': tinnyT = bot() basement = world() # Initialize random position for bot while True: xPos = random.randint(0, 9) yPos = random.randint(0, 9) if[yPos][xPos] != "W": tinnyT.updatePos(xPos, yPos) break # Run for the number of iterations desired for i in range(NUM_OF_ITERATIONS): # Find the direction tinny wants to move direction = tinnyT.getDirection() # Find the reward and new position # The position could not change if a wall collision occurs reward, xPos, yPos = basement.timeStep(tinnyT.xPos, tinnyT.yPos, direction) # Update rewards and position tinnyT.updateReward(xPos, yPos, direction, reward) tinnyT.updatePos(xPos, yPos)
import pygame import sys from pygame.locals import * from data import * from world import * xy = (800, 600) Surface = pygame.display.set_mode(xy) pygame.display.set_caption("xAiJ :: Version beta") background = (50,50,50) worldgame = world(Surface) def main(): pygame.init() while(True): Draw() getInput() def getInput(): key = pygame.key.get_pressed() for event in pygame.event.get(): worldgame.KeyEvent(key, event) if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit(); sys.exit() def Draw(): Surface.fill(background)
def start_game(): global game global game_world game = 1 game_world = world(screen, (75, 50), 1)