Exemple #1
 def getForcesAndMoments(self):
 # vehicleVelocity and vehicleOmega should be I_v_bcm and I_w_veh, in vehicle coords.
 # windvelocity should have already been rotated into vehicle coords.     
 # returns forces and moments in vehicle reference frame
     localWind = -(self.localVelAirRel)
     omega = self.motorState[1]
     FandM = self.prop.calculateForcesAndMoments(omega,localWind,self.direction)
     return FandM
 def vehicleEOM(self, y, t0):
     # Equations of motion for vehicle
     # Assumes that angular momentum from spinning rotors is negligible
     # Assumes that forces and moments are constant during a timestep
     # (should be reasonable for realistic timesteps, like 1ms)
     # position derivatives equal rotated body velocities
     xDot = AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i.inv(), y[3:6])
     # acceleration = F/m
     vDot = 1 / self.mass * self.externalForce.T[0, :] - np.cross(
         np.array(y[10:]), np.array(y[3:6])).T
     # update quaternnions
     att = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(y[6:10]))
     #qDot = att.inv()*AQ.vectorAsQuat(.5*np.array([y[10:]]).T)
     qDot = AQ.qDotFromOmega(att, np.array(y[10:]))
     # omegadots
     effectiveMoment = self.externalMoment - np.array([
         np.cross(np.array(y[10:]), np.dot(self.Inertia, np.array(y[10:])))
     omegadots = np.dot(self.invInertia, effectiveMoment).T[0, :]
     #print 'xdot: ',xDot.T[0]
     #print 'vdot: ',vDot
     #print 'qdot: ',qDot
     #print 'wdot: ',omegadots
     yDot = np.concatenate((xDot.T[0], vDot, qDot, omegadots))
     return yDot
Exemple #3
 def vehicleEOM(self, y, t0):
     # Equations of motion for vehicle
     # Assumes that angular momentum from spinning rotors is negligible
     # Assumes that forces and moments are constant during a timestep
     # (should be reasonable for realistic timesteps, like 1ms)
     # position derivatives equal rotated body velocities
     xDot = AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i.inv(), y[3:6])
     # acceleration = F/m
     vDot = 1 / self.mass * self.externalForce.T[0, :] - np.cross(np.array(y[10:]), np.array(y[3:6])).T
     # update quaternnions
     att = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(y[6:10]))
     # qDot = att.inv()*AQ.vectorAsQuat(.5*np.array([y[10:]]).T)
     qDot = AQ.qDotFromOmega(att, np.array(y[10:]))
     # omegadots
     effectiveMoment = (
         self.externalMoment - np.array([np.cross(np.array(y[10:]), np.dot(self.Inertia, np.array(y[10:])))]).T
     omegadots = np.dot(self.invInertia, effectiveMoment).T[0, :]
     # print 'xdot: ',xDot.T[0]
     # print 'vdot: ',vDot
     # print 'qdot: ',qDot
     # print 'wdot: ',omegadots
     yDot = np.concatenate((xDot.T[0], vDot, qDot, omegadots), 1)
     return yDot
Exemple #4
 def updateState(self,dT,vehicleVelocity = np.zeros((3,1)),vehicleOmega = np.zeros((3,1)),
                 windVelocity = np.zeros((3,1))):
     # vehicle velocity, vehicle omega, and wind velocity are all given in vehicle frame
     # first, calculate local velocity relative to the air
     localVelAirRelVehFrame = vehicleVelocity + np.cross(vehicleOmega.T,self.position.T).T - windVelocity
     # rotate into motor frame (in case we decide to tilt motors
     self.localVelAirRel = AQ.rotateVector(self.m_Q_v,localVelAirRelVehFrame)
     # solve ODEs     
     #y = sc.integrate.odeint(self.motorEOM,self.motorState,np.array([self.lastTime, self.lastTime + dT]))
     #self.motorState = y[-1][:]
     # faster?
     #print 'motorState: ',self.motorState,'motorDeriv: ',self.motorEOM(self.motorState,dT)
     self.motorState = self.motorState + dT*self.motorEOM(self.motorState,dT)
     # then, calculate forces and moments
     self.lastTime = self.lastTime + dT;
     return self.motorState
 def updateState(self,
                 windVelocity=np.zeros((3, 1)),
     # Initialize force and moment vectors
     Force = np.zeros((3, 1))
     Moment = np.zeros((3, 1))
     vel = np.array([self.stateVector[0, 3:6]]).T
     omega = np.array([self.stateVector[0, 10:]]).T
     self.v_Q_i = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(self.stateVector[0, 6:10]))
     windVelBody = AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i, windVelocity)
     state = 'flying'
     if (self.stateVector[0, 2] >= 0):  # on ground?
         if (np.dot(
                 AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i.inv(), vel).T,
                 np.array([[0, 0, 1]]).T) > 2.):  # falling fast
             state = 'ground'  #'crashed'
             state = 'ground'
     #print state
     if (state == 'crashed'):
         return self.stateVector
     # update all submodules (motors) and retrieve forces and moments
     for ii in range(len(self.motorList)):
         # update command
         # integrate state
                                        windVelocity=windVelBody +
                                        disturbance * np.random.randn(3, 1))
         # get aero forces and moments from motor
         FandM = self.motorList[ii].getForcesAndMoments()
         # Sum all forces
         Force = Force + FandM[0]
         # Sum all moments + r_motor X F_motor
         Moment = Moment + FandM[1] + np.cross(
             self.motorList[ii].position.T, FandM[0].T).T
     # add external forces, if any
     # each entry in externalForces must be a tuple, the first entry of which is the applied force, and the second of which is the application location.
     # both of these should be in body frame
     for exFor in externalForces:
         Force += exFor[0]
         Moment += np.cross(exFor[1].T, exFor[0].T).T
     # add drag force
     relWindVector = vel - windVelBody
     windMagnitude = np.sqrt(np.dot(relWindVector.T, relWindVector))
     eWind = relWindVector / (windMagnitude + .00000000001)
     dragForce = -0.5 * airDensity * self.cD * windMagnitude**2 * eWind
     Force = Force + dragForce
     # add gravity
     Force = Force + self.mass * np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, self.gravity)
     #Force = Force + self.mass*self.gravity
     # add ground force
     if (self.stateVector[0, 2] >= 0):
         # Add normal force
         Kground = 1000
         Kdamp = 50
         Kangle = .001
         groundForceMag = Kground * self.stateVector[0, 2] + Kdamp * np.dot(
             self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, vel)[2, 0]
         roll, pitch, yaw = self.v_Q_i.asEuler
         groundPitchMoment = max(
                 Kangle *
                 (-Kdamp * pitch - 6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 11]), 1),
         groundRollMoment = max(
                 Kangle *
                 (-Kdamp * roll - 6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 10]), 1),
         groundYawMoment = Kangle * (-6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 12])
         Force = Force + AQ.rotateVector(
             np.array([[0, 0, -groundForceMag]]).T) - Kdamp * vel
         Moment = Moment + np.array(
             [[0., groundPitchMoment, 0.]]).T + np.array([[
                 groundRollMoment, 0., 0.
             ]]).T + np.array([[0., 0., groundYawMoment]]).T
     self.externalForce = Force
     self.externalMoment = Moment
     #print state, self.mass*np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat,self.gravity).T
     # solve eoms
     #y = sc.integrate.odeint(self.vehicleEOM,self.stateVector[0,:],np.array([self.lastTime,self.lastTime + dT]))
     attitude = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(self.stateVector[0, 6:10]))
     magOmega = np.linalg.norm(omega)
     axis = 1. / (magOmega + 1e-15) * omega
     updateQuat = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axis, dT * magOmega)
     self.stateVector = self.stateVector + dT * np.array(
         [self.vehicleEOM(self.stateVector[0, :], 0)])
     newAtt = updateQuat * attitude
     self.stateVector[0, 6:10] = newAtt.q
     #self.stateVector[0,:] = y[-1][:]
     # Experiments with stupid Euler integration:
     #y = self.stateVector[0,:] + dT*self.vehicleEOM(self.stateVector[0,:],0)
     #self.stateVector[0,6:10] = AQ.normalize(self.stateVector[0,6:10])
     self.lastTime = self.lastTime + dT
     # update rotation matrix
     #print 'euler angles: ',self.v_Q_i.asEuler, 'rates: ',self.stateVector[0,10:]
     #print 'position: ', self.stateVector[0,0:3]
     measuredAcceleration = 1. / self.mass * (
         self.externalForce -
         self.mass * np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, self.gravity))
     return [self.stateVector, measuredAcceleration]
Exemple #6
import AeroQuaternion as AQ
import numpy as np

Q1 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
Q2 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0, 0, 90]))
Q3 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0, 90, 0]))
Q4 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0, 0, 180]))
Q5 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([90, 0, 0]))
Q6 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0, 45, 0]))
Q7 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([45, 0, 0]))

v = np.array([[0, 1, 0]])

print 'printing rotations of ', v.T

print '0 : ', AQ.rotateVector(Q1, v).T
print '90 yaw: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q2, v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q2.asRotMat, v.T).T
print '90 pitch: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q3, v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q3.asRotMat, v.T).T
print '90 roll: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q5, v).T,
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q5.asRotMat, v.T).T
print '45 roll: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q7, v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q7.asRotMat, v.T).T
print '45 pitch: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q6, v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q6.asRotMat, v.T).T
print '180 yaw: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q4, v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q4.asRotMat, v.T).T

print 'Q7 as euler', Q7.asEuler
Exemple #7
 def updateState(self, dT, motorCommands, windVelocity=np.zeros((3, 1)), disturbance=0, externalForces=[]):
     # Initialize force and moment vectors
     Force = np.zeros((3, 1))
     Moment = np.zeros((3, 1))
     vel = np.array([self.stateVector[0, 3:6]]).T
     omega = np.array([self.stateVector[0, 10:]]).T
     self.v_Q_i = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(self.stateVector[0, 6:10]))
     windVelBody = AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i, windVelocity)
     state = "flying"
     if self.stateVector[0, 2] >= 0:  # on ground?
         if np.dot(AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i.inv(), vel).T, np.array([[0, 0, 1]]).T) > 2.0:  # falling fast
             state = "ground"  #'crashed'
             state = "ground"
     # print state
     if state == "crashed":
         return self.stateVector
     # update all submodules (motors) and retrieve forces and moments
     for ii in range(len(self.motorList)):
         # update command
         # integrate state
             windVelocity=windVelBody + disturbance * np.random.randn(3, 1),
         # get aero forces and moments from motor
         FandM = self.motorList[ii].getForcesAndMoments()
         # Sum all forces
         Force = Force + FandM[0]
         # Sum all moments + r_motor X F_motor
         Moment = Moment + FandM[1] + np.cross(self.motorList[ii].position.T, FandM[0].T).T
     # add external forces, if any
     # each entry in externalForces must be a tuple, the first entry of which is the applied force, and the second of which is the application location.
     # both of these should be in body frame
     for exFor in externalForces:
         Force += exFor[0]
         Moment += np.cross(exFor[1].T, exFor[0].T).T
     # add drag force
     relWindVector = vel - windVelBody
     windMagnitude = np.sqrt(np.dot(relWindVector.T, relWindVector))
     eWind = relWindVector / (windMagnitude + 0.00000000001)
     dragForce = -0.5 * airDensity * self.cD * windMagnitude ** 2 * eWind
     Force = Force + dragForce
     # add gravity
     Force = Force + self.mass * np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, self.gravity)
     # Force = Force + self.mass*self.gravity
     # add ground force
     if self.stateVector[0, 2] >= 0:
         # Add normal force
         Kground = 1000
         Kdamp = 50
         Kangle = 0.001
         groundForceMag = Kground * self.stateVector[0, 2] + Kdamp * np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, vel)[2, 0]
         roll, pitch, yaw = self.v_Q_i.asEuler
         groundPitchMoment = max(min(Kangle * (-Kdamp * pitch - 6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 11]), 1), -1)
         groundRollMoment = max(min(Kangle * (-Kdamp * roll - 6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 10]), 1), -1)
         groundYawMoment = Kangle * (-6 * Kdamp * self.stateVector[0, 12])
         Force = Force + AQ.rotateVector(self.v_Q_i, np.array([[0, 0, -groundForceMag]]).T) - Kdamp * vel
         Moment = (
             + np.array([[0.0, groundPitchMoment, 0.0]]).T
             + np.array([[groundRollMoment, 0.0, 0.0]]).T
             + np.array([[0.0, 0.0, groundYawMoment]]).T
     self.externalForce = Force
     self.externalMoment = Moment
     # print state, self.mass*np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat,self.gravity).T
     # solve eoms
     # y = sc.integrate.odeint(self.vehicleEOM,self.stateVector[0,:],np.array([self.lastTime,self.lastTime + dT]))
     attitude = AQ.Quaternion(np.array(self.stateVector[0, 6:10]))
     magOmega = np.linalg.norm(omega)
     axis = 1.0 / (magOmega + 1e-15) * omega
     updateQuat = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axis, dT * magOmega)
     self.stateVector = self.stateVector + dT * np.array([self.vehicleEOM(self.stateVector[0, :], 0)])
     newAtt = updateQuat * attitude
     self.stateVector[0, 6:10] = newAtt.q
     # self.stateVector[0,:] = y[-1][:]
     # Experiments with stupid Euler integration:
     # y = self.stateVector[0,:] + dT*self.vehicleEOM(self.stateVector[0,:],0)
     # self.stateVector[0,6:10] = AQ.normalize(self.stateVector[0,6:10])
     self.lastTime = self.lastTime + dT
     # update rotation matrix
     # print 'euler angles: ',self.v_Q_i.asEuler, 'rates: ',self.stateVector[0,10:]
     # print 'position: ', self.stateVector[0,0:3]
     measuredAcceleration = (
         1.0 / self.mass * (self.externalForce - self.mass * np.dot(self.v_Q_i.asRotMat, self.gravity))
     return [self.stateVector, measuredAcceleration]
Q1 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,0,0]))
Q2 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,0,90]))
Q3 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,90,0]))
Q4 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,0,180]))
Q5 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([90,0,0]))
Q6 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,45,0]))
Q7 = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([45,0,0]))

v = np.array([[0,1,0]])

print 'printing rotations of ',v.T

print '0 : ', AQ.rotateVector(Q1,v).T
print '90 yaw: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q2,v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q2.asRotMat,v.T).T
print '90 pitch: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q3,v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q3.asRotMat,v.T).T
print '90 roll: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q5,v).T, 
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q5.asRotMat,v.T).T
print '45 roll: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q7,v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q7.asRotMat,v.T).T
print '45 pitch: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q6,v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q6.asRotMat,v.T).T
print '180 yaw: ', AQ.rotateVector(Q4,v).T
print 'with matrix: ', np.dot(Q4.asRotMat,v.T).T

print 'Q7 as euler',Q7.asEuler