Exemple #1
def aiSub(ingredients, unwantedIng):
    #First get frequent item sets
    L = ap.readFromFile()

    if not(unwantedIng in ingredients):
        return "error"

    wantedIngredients = set(ingredients)
    a = 0
    bestFit = None

    for thing in L:
        if thing <= wantedIngredients:
        counter = 0
        for ing in thing:
            if ing in wantedIngredients:
                counter += 1
        if counter > a and not('butter' in thing) and not('bread' in thing):
            a = counter
            bestFit = thing
        elif counter == a:
            #do something clever here
    return bestFit - set(ingredients)
def retrievePatterns(ingredient):
    # For generating local patterns instead of global patterns

    # db = connect(host="localhost", db="sandwiches", user="******", passwd="root")
    # cursor = db.cursor()
    # cursor1 = db.cursor()
    # cursor2 = db.cursor()
    # cursor.execute("""SELECT recipes.recipeId, recipeName FROM ingredients, recipes, ingredientsForRecipe WHERE ingredients.ingredientId = ingredientsForRecipe.ingredientId and recipes.recipeId = ingredientsForRecipe.recipeId and ingredientName = %s """, ingredient)
    # l = []
    # for row in cursor:
    #     cursor1.execute("""SELECT ingredientId FROM ingredientsForRecipe WHERE recipeId = %s""", row[0])
    #     temp = []
    #     for r in cursor1:
    #         # temp.append(int(r[0]))
    #         cursor2.execute("""SELECT ingredientName FROM ingredients WHERE ingredientId = %s""", r[0])
    #         t = cursor2.fetchone()
    #         temp.append(t)
    #     l.append(temp)
    # result, supp = ap.apriori(l, minsupport=0.02)
    return ap.readFromFile()