def plot(): """A function for plotting an arm, and having it calculate the inverse kinematics such that given the mouse (x, y) position it finds the appropriate joint angles to reach that point.""" # create an instance of the arm arm = Arm.Arm3Link(L=np.array([300, 200, 100])) # make our window for drawin' window = pyglet.window.Window() label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse (x,y)', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=36, x=window.width // 2, y=window.height // 2, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') def get_joint_positions(): """This method finds the (x,y) coordinates of each joint""" x = np.array([ 0, arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]), arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.cos(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]), arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.cos(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]) + arm.L[2] * np.cos(np.sum(arm.q)) ]) + window.width / 2 y = np.array([ 0, arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]), arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.sin(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]), arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.sin(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]) + arm.L[2] * np.sin(np.sum(arm.q)) ]) return np.array([x, y]).astype('int') window.jps = get_joint_positions() @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label.draw() for i in range(3): 2,, ('v2i', (window.jps[0][i], window.jps[1][i], window.jps[0][i + 1], window.jps[1][i + 1]))) @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): # call the inverse kinematics function of the arm # to find the joint angles optimal for pointing at # this position of the mouse label.text = '(x,y) = (%.3f, %.3f)' % (x, y) arm.q = arm.inv_kin([x - window.width / 2, y]) # get new arm angles window.jps = get_joint_positions() # get new joint (x,y) positions
import Arm from numpy import pi import numpy as np def me_round(x): return np.round(x, decimals=3) arm = Arm.Arm3Link(L=[1, 1, 1]) print(list(map(me_round, arm.get_xy([pi / 3, pi / 4, pi / 2])))) a = arm.inv_kin([-0.725, 1.573]) print(list(map(me_round, arm.get_xy(a)))) print(a) tan = list(map(np.tan, a)) p = list(map(np.arctan, tan)) print(list(i * 180 / pi for i in p))
#setup section #Time Library Import import time #Cartesian Space to Joint Space Libraries from math import * import numpy as np #Arm Calculation Code Import import Arm wmroboarm = Arm.Arm3Link(L=np.array([255, 255, 1])) #Scale mouse input to correct size targety = 400 targetz = 200 Shoulder_Current = 50 Elbow_Current = -50 #Plug Variables into function and store output as angles variable wmroboarm.q = [radians(Shoulder_Current), radians(Elbow_Current), 0] angles = wmroboarm.inv_kin(xy=(targety, targetz)) #Find angles to set arm at Shoulder_Set_Angle = (degrees(angles[0])) Elbow_Set_Angle = (degrees(angles[1])) #Print angles
çalýþtýrarak projeyi baþlatmýþ oluyoruz """ import numpy as np import pyglet import Arm def plot(): "" " Bir kolu çizmek için bir iþlevi ve bunu hesaplamak Ters kinematik iþlemi için, fare (x, y) koordinatlarý verildiðinde Bu noktaya ulaþmak için uygun eklem açýlarýný bulur. """ # kolun bir örneðini oluþturmak arm = Arm.Arm3Link ( L = np.array ([ 300 , 200 , 100 ])) # penceremizi oluþturmak window = pyglet.window.Window () window = pyglet.window.Window() label = pyglet.text.Label( 'Mouse (x,y)', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=36, x=window.width//2, y=window.height//2, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') def get_joint_positions(): "" " Bu yöntem her bir eklemin (x, y) koordinatlarýný bulur" "" x = np.array([
def plot(): """A function for plotting an arm, and having it calculate the inverse kinematics such that given the mouse (x, y) position it finds the appropriate joint angles to reach that point.""" # create an instance of the arm arm = Arm.Arm3Link(L=np.array([140, 152, 0])) # make our window for drawin' window = pyglet.window.Window() label = pyglet.text.Label('Mouse (x,y)', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=36, x=window.width // 2, y=window.height // 2, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') def get_joint_positions(): """This method finds the (x,y) coordinates of each joint""" x = np.array([ 0, arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]), arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.cos(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]), arm.L[0] * np.cos(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.cos(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]) + arm.L[2] * np.cos(np.sum(arm.q)) ]) + window.width / 2 y = np.array([ 0, arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]), arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.sin(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]), arm.L[0] * np.sin(arm.q[0]) + arm.L[1] * np.sin(arm.q[0] + arm.q[1]) + arm.L[2] * np.sin(np.sum(arm.q)) ]) return np.array([x, y]).astype('int') window.jps = get_joint_positions() @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label.draw() for i in range(3): 2,, ('v2i', (window.jps[0][i], window.jps[1][i], window.jps[0][i + 1], window.jps[1][i + 1]))) @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): # call the inverse kinematics function of the arm # to find the joint angles optimal for pointing at # this position of the mouse # label.text = '(y,x) = (%.3f, %.3f)' % (y, x) #label.text = '(x,y) = (%.3f, %.3f)' % (x, y) a = int(180 - arm.q[0] * 180 / np.pi) b = int(arm.q[1] * 180 / np.pi - 70) pub2.publish(b) pub3.publish(a) label.text = '(x,y) = (%.3f, %.3f)' % (a, b) arm.q = arm.inv_kin([x - window.width / 2, y]) # get new arm angles window.jps = get_joint_positions() # get new joint (x,y) positions # xy = [x,y] # # print('-------------------------') # print('Initial joint angles', arm.q) # print('Final joint angles: ', q) # print('Desired hand position: ', xy) # print('Actual hand position: ', actual_xy) # print('Error: ', error) # print('-------------------------')
import serial import Arm import re ser = serial.Serial('COM3', 115200, timeout=3) #ser.baudrate=9600 tmp_pos = [0.0,0.0,0.0] #define dimensions for the MeArm linkage_1 = 8.5 #length of link 1 in cm linkage_1_angle = 0.0 linkage_2 = 8.5 #length of link 2 in cm linkage_2_angle = 0.0 linkage_3 = 4.0 #length of claw in cm arm = Arm.Arm3Link(L = np.array([linkage_1*10,linkage_2*10,1])) #move it a bit to make sure it's facing to the right arm.q = arm.inv_kin([-31,1]) # get new arm angles arm.q = arm.inv_kin([31,1]) # get new arm angles arm.q = arm.inv_kin([120,1]) # get new arm angles mearm_base_initial=90 mearm_left_initial=148 mearm_right_initial=68 mearm_gripper_initial=90 mearm_base=mearm_base_initial mearm_left=mearm_left_initial mearm_right=mearm_right_initial mearm_gripper=mearm_gripper_initial mearm1_offset=417;