def reset(self):
		reset internal data here
		Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, 
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
		#'Underline','StrikeOut','ScaleX','ScaleY','Spacing','Angle','BorderStyle','Outline','Shadow','Alignment','MarginL','MarginR','MarginV','Encoding'] = ''
		self.fontname = ''
		self.fontsize = ''
		self.primary_color = AssColor()
		self.secondary_color = AssColor()
		self.outline_color = AssColor()
		self.back_color = AssColor()
		self.bold = False
		self.italic = False
		self.underline = False
		self.strikeout = False
		self.scalex = 0	#Modifies the width of the font. [percent]
		self.scaley = 0	#Modifies the height of the font. [percent]
		self.spacing = 0	#Extra space between characters. [pixels]
		self.angle = 0.0	#The origin of the rotation is defined by the alignment. Can be a floating point number. [degrees]
		self.borderstyle = 0
		self.outline = 0
		self.shadow = 0
		self.alignment = 0
		self.margin_l = 0
		self.margin_r = 0
		self.margin_v = 0
		self.encoding = 0
    def reset(self):
		reset internal data here
		Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, 
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
        #'Underline','StrikeOut','ScaleX','ScaleY','Spacing','Angle','BorderStyle','Outline','Shadow','Alignment','MarginL','MarginR','MarginV','Encoding'] = ''
        self.fontname = ''
        self.fontsize = ''

        self.primary_color = AssColor()
        self.secondary_color = AssColor()
        self.outline_color = AssColor()
        self.back_color = AssColor()

        self.bold = False
        self.italic = False
        self.underline = False
        self.strikeout = False

        self.scalex = 0  #Modifies the width of the font. [percent]
        self.scaley = 0  #Modifies the height of the font. [percent]
        self.spacing = 0  #Extra space between characters. [pixels]
        self.angle = 0.0  #The origin of the rotation is defined by the alignment. Can be a floating point number. [degrees]
        self.borderstyle = 0
        self.outline = 0
        self.shadow = 0
        self.alignment = 0
        self.margin_l = 0
        self.margin_r = 0
        self.margin_v = 0
        self.encoding = 0
class AssEntryStyle(AssEntry):
	实现[Stlyes] Section中的Stlye项目存储和操作
V4.0+ Format:
		Name, Fontname, Fontsize, 		#3
		PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, 	#4
		Bold, Italic, 		#2
		Underline, StrikeOut, 	#2
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, 		#4
		BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, 	#7
		Encoding		#1
V4.0 Format:
		Name, Fontname, Fontsize, 		#3
		PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, 		#4
		Bold, Italic, 		#2
		BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, 		#7
		AlphaLevel, 			#1
		Encoding			#1
    def __init__(self, data, section, version):
        AssEntry.__init__(self, data, section)
        self.type = ENTRY_STYLE
        self.need_update = False
        self.parse(, version)

    def reset(self):
		reset internal data here
		Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, 
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
        #'Underline','StrikeOut','ScaleX','ScaleY','Spacing','Angle','BorderStyle','Outline','Shadow','Alignment','MarginL','MarginR','MarginV','Encoding'] = ''
        self.fontname = ''
        self.fontsize = ''

        self.primary_color = AssColor()
        self.secondary_color = AssColor()
        self.outline_color = AssColor()
        self.back_color = AssColor()

        self.bold = False
        self.italic = False
        self.underline = False
        self.strikeout = False

        self.scalex = 0  #Modifies the width of the font. [percent]
        self.scaley = 0  #Modifies the height of the font. [percent]
        self.spacing = 0  #Extra space between characters. [pixels]
        self.angle = 0.0  #The origin of the rotation is defined by the alignment. Can be a floating point number. [degrees]
        self.borderstyle = 0
        self.outline = 0
        self.shadow = 0
        self.alignment = 0
        self.margin_l = 0
        self.margin_r = 0
        self.margin_v = 0
        self.encoding = 0

    def get_type(self):
        return ENTRY_STYLE

    def parse(self, line, version):
		parse ass style here
            style_list = line.split(':', 1)

            if style_list[0].lower() != 'style':
                raise InvaildDataError('Invaild Data <%s>' % (line))

            style_list = style_list[1].split(',')

            i = 0
   = style_list[i].strip()  #0
            i += 1
            self.fontname = style_list[i].strip()  #1
            i += 1
            self.fontsize = int(style_list[i])  #2

            i += 1
            self.primary_color.set(style_list[i].strip())  #3
            i += 1
            self.secondary_color.set(style_list[i].strip())  #4
            i += 1
            self.outline_color.set(style_list[i].strip())  #5
            i += 1
            self.back_color.set(style_list[i].strip())  #6
            if version is 0:
                #SSA uses BackColour for both outline and shadow, this will destroy SSA's TertiaryColour
                self.outline_color = self.back_color  #ssa color

            i += 1
            self.bold = int(style_list[i]) and True or False  #7
            i += 1
            self.italic = int(style_list[i]) and True or False  #8

            if version is not 0:
                i += 1
                self.underline = int(style_list[i]) and True or False  #9
                i += 1
                self.strikeout = int(style_list[i]) and True or False  #10
                i += 1
                self.scalex = float(style_list[i])  #11
                i += 1
                self.scaley = float(style_list[i])  #12
                i += 1
                self.spacing = float(style_list[i])  #13
                i += 1
                self.angle = float(style_list[i])  #14
                self.underline = False
                self.strikeout = False
                self.scalex = 100
                self.scaley = 100
                self.spacing = 0
                self.angle = 0.0

            i += 1
            self.borderstyle = int(style_list[i])  #15    /    #15-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.outline = int(style_list[i])  #16    /    #16-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.shadow = int(style_list[i])  #17    /    #17-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.alignment = int(style_list[i])  #18    /    #18-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.margin_l = int(style_list[i])  #19    /    #19-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.margin_r = int(style_list[i])  #20   /    #20-6 for ssa
            i += 1
            self.margin_v = int(style_list[i])  #21    /    #21-6 for ssa
            #Note: 如果是version=2, 即v4.0++ 则包含4个margin参数
            if version is 2:
                i += 1
                self.margin_4 = int(style_list[i])  #22

            if version is 0:
                i += 1
                i += 1
                self.encoding = int(style_list[i])  #23-6 for ssa
                i += 1
                self.encoding = int(
                    style_list[i])  #22    /     #23 for ass v4.0++

        except IndexError, msg:
            print IndexError, ':', msg
class AssEntryStyle(AssEntry):
	实现[Stlyes] Section中的Stlye项目存储和操作
V4.0+ Format:
		Name, Fontname, Fontsize, 		#3
		PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, 	#4
		Bold, Italic, 		#2
		Underline, StrikeOut, 	#2
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, 		#4
		BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, 	#7
		Encoding		#1
V4.0 Format:
		Name, Fontname, Fontsize, 		#3
		PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, 		#4
		Bold, Italic, 		#2
		BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, 		#7
		AlphaLevel, 			#1
		Encoding			#1
	def __init__(self, data, section, version):
		AssEntry.__init__(self, data, section)
		self.type = ENTRY_STYLE
		self.need_update = False
		self.parse(, version)
	def reset(self):
		reset internal data here
		Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, 
		ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
		#'Underline','StrikeOut','ScaleX','ScaleY','Spacing','Angle','BorderStyle','Outline','Shadow','Alignment','MarginL','MarginR','MarginV','Encoding'] = ''
		self.fontname = ''
		self.fontsize = ''
		self.primary_color = AssColor()
		self.secondary_color = AssColor()
		self.outline_color = AssColor()
		self.back_color = AssColor()
		self.bold = False
		self.italic = False
		self.underline = False
		self.strikeout = False
		self.scalex = 0	#Modifies the width of the font. [percent]
		self.scaley = 0	#Modifies the height of the font. [percent]
		self.spacing = 0	#Extra space between characters. [pixels]
		self.angle = 0.0	#The origin of the rotation is defined by the alignment. Can be a floating point number. [degrees]
		self.borderstyle = 0
		self.outline = 0
		self.shadow = 0
		self.alignment = 0
		self.margin_l = 0
		self.margin_r = 0
		self.margin_v = 0
		self.encoding = 0

	def get_type(self):
		return ENTRY_STYLE

	def parse(self, line, version):
		parse ass style here
			style_list = line.split(':', 1)
			if style_list[0].lower() != 'style':
				raise InvaildDataError('Invaild Data <%s>' % (line) )
			style_list = style_list[1].split(',')
			i = 0; = style_list[i].strip()		#0
			i += 1;	self.fontname = style_list[i].strip()		#1
			i += 1;	self.fontsize = int(style_list[i])		#2
			i += 1;	self.primary_color.set(style_list[i].strip())	#3
			i += 1;	self.secondary_color.set(style_list[i].strip())	#4
			i += 1;	self.outline_color.set(style_list[i].strip())		#5
			i += 1;	self.back_color.set(style_list[i].strip())		#6
			if version is 0:
				#SSA uses BackColour for both outline and shadow, this will destroy SSA's TertiaryColour
				self.outline_color= self.back_color	#ssa color

			i += 1;	self.bold = int(style_list[i]) and True or False		#7
			i += 1;	self.italic = int(style_list[i]) and True or False		#8

			if version is not 0:
				i += 1;	self.underline = int(style_list[i]) and True or False	#9
				i += 1;	self.strikeout = int(style_list[i]) and True or False	#10
				i += 1;	self.scalex = float(style_list[i])			#11
				i += 1;	self.scaley = float(style_list[i])			#12
				i += 1;	self.spacing = float(style_list[i])			#13
				i += 1;	self.angle = float(style_list[i])			#14
				self.underline = False;
				self.strikeout = False;
				self.scalex = 100;
				self.scaley = 100;
				self.spacing = 0;
				self.angle = 0.0;		
			i += 1;	self.borderstyle = int(style_list[i])	#15    /    #15-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.outline = int(style_list[i])		#16    /    #16-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.shadow = int(style_list[i])		#17    /    #17-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.alignment = int(style_list[i])		#18    /    #18-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.margin_l = int(style_list[i])		#19    /    #19-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.margin_r = int(style_list[i])		#20   /    #20-6 for ssa
			i += 1;	self.margin_v = int(style_list[i])		#21    /    #21-6 for ssa
			#Note: 如果是version=2, 即v4.0++ 则包含4个margin参数
			if version is 2:
				i += 1; self.margin_4 = int(style_list[i])		#22

			if version is 0:
				i += 1
				i += 1;	self.encoding = int(style_list[i])	#23-6 for ssa
				i += 1;	self.encoding = int(style_list[i])	#22    /     #23 for ass v4.0++
		except IndexError, msg:
			print IndexError, ':', msg