def solveGreedy(game, over, dir):
    estimation = manhattanDistance(game, over)
    max = 0
    caminho[AuxFunctions.returnString(game)] = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
    distancias = []
    # Implementacao de heap em ordem das distancias
    heapq.heappush(distancias, (estimation, game))
    while not len(distancias) == 0:
        node = heapq.heappop(distancias)
        repetidos[AuxFunctions.returnString(node[1])] = 1
        index = node[1].index(0)
        for value in dir[index]:
            # Troca de elementos, acedendo a segunda posicao do tuplo
            node1 = node[1][:]
            node1[index + value], node1[index] = node1[index], node1[index + value]
            node1String = AuxFunctions.returnString(node1)
            if not caminho.get(node1String):
                caminho[node1String] = AuxFunctions.returnString(node[1])
            dis = manhattanDistance(node1, over)
            if dis == 0:
                print "Tiveram em dada altura um maximo de", max, "nos na fila."
                return node
            if not repetidos.get(node1String):
                heapq.heappush(distancias, (dis, node1[:]))
                if len(distancias) > max:
                    max = len(distancias)
def solveIDFS(game, over, dir):
    nivel_limite = 0
    max = 0
    while True:
        stack = [game]
        dis[game] = 0
        while not len(stack) == 0:
            node = stack.pop(0)
            if AuxFunctions.isSolution(list(node), list(over)):
                print "Tiveram em dada altura um maximo de", max, "nos na fila."
                return nivel_limite
            index = node.index('0')
            if dis.get(node) < nivel_limite:
                for value in dir[index]:
                    nodeTrader = list(node)[:]
                    nodeTrader[index+value], nodeTrader[index] = nodeTrader[index], nodeTrader[index+value]
                    nodeTraderString = AuxFunctions.returnString(nodeTrader)
                    if not caminho.get(nodeTraderString):
                        caminho[nodeTraderString] = node
                    if not dis.get(nodeTraderString) or dis.get(node) + 1 < dis.get(nodeTraderString):
                        dis[nodeTraderString] = dis.get(node) + 1
                        stack.insert(0, nodeTraderString)
                        print len(stack)
                        if len(stack) > max: max = len(stack)
        nivel_limite += 1
def manhattanDistance(game, over):
    gameString = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
    overString = AuxFunctions.returnString(over)
    distancias = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 2, 7: 3, 8: 4}
    soma = 0
    for x in range(1, 9):
        subtracao = gameString.index(str(x)) - overString.index(str(x))
        d = math.fabs(subtracao)
        if subtracao == 1 and (gameString.index(str(x)) == 2 or gameString.index(str(x)) == 5):
            d = 5
        soma += distancias[int(d)]
    return soma
 def calculate_features_for_all_graphs(self):
     graph_number = 0  # We use this to later save f_vector result in dict
     for data in self.graphs:
         graph_number += 1
                  self.features, data[0],
                  self.sentence_tags[graph_number - 1],
                  self.is_improved), data[1],
                  self.features, data[1],
                  self.sentence_tags[graph_number - 1],
                  self.is_improved), graph_number))
Exemple #5
    def data_inference(self, unlabeled_document_name, output_name, w):
        sentence_words_pos = dict()
        sentence_num = 0
        with open(unlabeled_document_name, 'r') as f1:
            with open(output_name, 'w+') as f2:
                for line in f1:

                    if line == '\n':
                        data_for_full_graph = set()
                        words_tags = dict()
                        for counter in sentence_words_pos:
                            word_tuple = sentence_words_pos[counter]
                                (word_tuple[0], word_tuple[1], counter))
                            words_tags[counter] = sentence_words_pos[counter][

                        data_for_full_graph.add(('root', 'root', 0))
                        sentence_words_pos[0] = ('root', 'root', 0)
                        words_tags[0] = 'root'

                        full_unweighted_g = AuxFunctions.make_full_graph(
                        g_features = AuxFunctions.get_features_for_graph(
                            self.features, full_unweighted_g, words_tags,
                        full_weighted_g = AuxFunctions.get_weighted_graph(
                            full_unweighted_g, g_features, w)

                        g_inference = edmonds.mst(('root', 'root', 0),

                        inference_arches = self.get_arches_in_order(
                        self.write_lines(inference_arches, f2)

                        sentence_num += 1
                        print('Done sentence number ' + str(sentence_num))
                        sentence_words_pos = dict()
                        split_line = line.split('\t')
                        # (counter)->(token,pos)
                            split_line[0])] = (split_line[1], split_line[3])

 def get_f_vector(self, g, g_num):
     f_vector = np.zeros(self.feature_num, dtype=int)
     features = AuxFunctions.get_features_for_graph(
         self.features, g, self.sentence_tags[g_num - 1], self.is_improved)
     for feature_data in features:
         for feature_i in feature_data[2]:
             f_vector[feature_i] += 1
     return f_vector
def main():
    global repetidos
    repetidos = {}
    global dis
    dis = {}

    dir = [[1, 3], [-1, 1, 3], [-1, 3], [-3, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 3], [-3, 1], [-3, -1, 1], [-3, -1]]
    game = [0] * 9
    over = [0] * 9

    tabGame = AuxFunctions.buildGame(game)
    repetidos[tabGame] = 0
    tabOver = AuxFunctions.buildGame(over)

    if AuxFunctions.isSolvable(tabGame, tabOver):
        print solveDFS(game, over, dir)
        print "Nao e resolvivel"
def main():
    global repetidos
    repetidos = {}
    global dis
    dis = {}
    global caminho
    caminho = {}

    dir = [[1, 3], [-1, 1, 3], [-1, 3], [-3, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 3], [-3, 1], [-3, -1, 1], [-3, -1]]
    game = [0] * 9
    over = [0] * 9

    tabGame = AuxFunctions.buildGame(game)
    tabOver = AuxFunctions.buildGame(over)

    if AuxFunctions.isSolvable(tabGame, tabOver):
        solveGreedy(game, over, dir)
        jogadas = AuxFunctions.printCaminho(caminho, tabGame, tabOver)
        print "Encontrada solucao em", jogadas, "jogadas."
        print "Nao e resolvivel"
def main():
    global repetidos
    repetidos = {}
    global caminho
    caminho = {}
    global dis
    dis = {}

    dir = [[1,3], [-1, 1, 3], [-1,3], [-3, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 1, 3], [-3, -1, 3], [-3, 1], [-3, -1, 1], [-3, -1]]
    game = [0]*9
    over = [0]*9
    tabGame = AuxFunctions.buildGame(game)
    caminho[tabGame] = tabGame
    tabOver = AuxFunctions.buildGame(over)

    if AuxFunctions.isSolvable(tabGame, tabOver):
        print solveIDFS(tabGame, tabOver, dir)
        jogadas = AuxFunctions.printCaminho(caminho, tabGame, tabOver)
        print "Nao e resolvivel"
def solveAStar(game, over, dir):
  distancias = []
  max = 0
  gameString = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
  dis[gameString] = 0
  caminho[gameString] = gameString
  heap.heappush(distancias, (manhattanDistance(game, over), game))
  while not len(distancias) == 0:
    node = heap.heappop(distancias)
    repetidos[AuxFunctions.returnString(node[1])] = 1
    if AuxFunctions.isSolution(node[1], over):
      print "Tiveram em dada altura um maximo de", max, "nos na fila."
      return distancia
    index = node[1].index(0)
    for value in dir[index]:
      node1 = node[1][:]
      node1String = AuxFunctions.returnString(node1)
      distancia = dis.get(node1String) + 1
      distanciaTemp = dis.get(node1String)
      node1[index+value], node1[index] = node1[index], node1[index+value]
      node1String = AuxFunctions.returnString(node1)
      dis[node1String] = distanciaTemp + 1
      distancia += manhattanDistance(node1, over)
      if not caminho.get(node1String):
        caminho[node1String] = AuxFunctions.returnString(node[1])
      if not repetidos.get(node1String):
        heap.heappush(distancias, (distancia, node1))
        if len(distancias) > max: max = len(distancias)
def solveDFS(game, over, dir):
    tabGame = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
    tabTemp = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
    stack = [tabGame]
    max = 0
    dis[tabGame] = 0
    while not len(stack) == 0:
        game = list(stack.pop(0))
        tabGame = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
        # printTable(game)
        index = game.index("0")
        if not repetidos.get(tabGame):
            repetidos[tabGame] = 1
            for value in dir[index]:
                tempGame = game[:]
                tempGame[index + value], tempGame[index] = tempGame[index], tempGame[index + value]
                tabTemp = AuxFunctions.returnString(tempGame)
                stack.insert(0, tabTemp)
                if max < len(stack):
                    max = len(stack)
                dis[tabTemp] = dis.get(tabGame) + 1
                if AuxFunctions.isSolution(tempGame, over):
                    print "Tiveram em dada altura um maximo de", max, "nos na fila."
                    return dis.get(tabTemp)
def solveBFS(game, over, dir):
    tabGame = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
    queue = [tabGame]
    dis[tabGame] = 0
    max = 0
    while not len(queue) == 0:
        game = list(queue.pop(0))
        tabGame = AuxFunctions.returnString(game)
        index = game.index('0')
        if not repetidos.get(tabGame):
            repetidos[tabGame] = 1
            for value in dir[index]:
                tempGame = game[:]
                tempGame[index+value], tempGame[index] = tempGame[index], tempGame[index+value]
                tabTemp = AuxFunctions.returnString(tempGame)
                dis[tabTemp] = dis[tabGame] + 1
                if len(queue) > max:
                    max = len(queue)
                if not caminho.get(tabTemp):
                    caminho[tabTemp] = tabGame
                if AuxFunctions.isSolution(tempGame, over):
                    print "Tiveram em dada altura um maximo de", max, "nos na fila."
                    return dis.get(tabTemp)
Exemple #13
    def make_graphs(self):
        counter = 0
        for arches_data in self.arches_data_list:
            # Get (arches tuples, full data)
            g = dict()
            arches_tuples = arches_data[0]

            for arch_tuple in arches_tuples:
                if (arch_tuple[0][0], arch_tuple[0][1], arch_tuple[1]) in g:
                    g[(arch_tuple[0][0], arch_tuple[0][1],
                       arch_tuple[1])][(arch_tuple[0][2], arch_tuple[0][3],
                                        arch_tuple[2])] = 0
                    g[(arch_tuple[0][0], arch_tuple[0][1], arch_tuple[1])] = {
                        (arch_tuple[0][2], arch_tuple[0][3], arch_tuple[2]): 0

                (g, AuxFunctions.make_full_graph(arches_data[1])))
Exemple #14
 def perceptron(self, n):
     w = np.zeros(self.feature_num, dtype=int)
     for i in range(0, n):
         iteration_time =
         scored_graph_index = list(range(0, len(self.scored_graphs), 1))
         shuffled_scored_graph_index = sorted(scored_graph_index,
                                              key=lambda k: random.random())
         for index in shuffled_scored_graph_index:
             data = self.scored_graphs[index]
             weighted_full_graph = AuxFunctions.get_weighted_graph(
                 data[2], data[3], w)
             g_tag = edmonds.mst(('root', 'root', 0), weighted_full_graph)
             if True:  # For better performance
                 w = w + self.get_saved_f_vector(
                     data[0], data[4]) - self.get_f_vector(g_tag, data[4])
         print('Done ' + str(i + 1) + ' iteration at ' +
               str( - iteration_time))
         if self.is_improved:
             ImprovedFunctions.save_w(w, i + 1)
             BasicFunctions.save_w(w, i + 1)
def Pressure(frames, temp):
    Function to calculte the pressure for a temperature.
    Input: np.array with the positions and velocities for each timestep and a double giving 
    the temperature.
    Output: Double giving the pressure for that temperature.
    (np.array, double) -> (double)
    listt = []

    for t in range(len(frames)):
        posvecs = frames[t, 0]

        listn = []

        for i in range(0, C.n):
            for j in range(0, C.n):
                #expression from lecture notes to calculate the distance according to the minimal
                #image convention.
                distancevec = (posvecs[i] - posvecs[j] +
                               C.L / 2) % C.L - C.L / 2
                distance = la.norm(distancevec)

                if i != j:
                    listn.append(distance * AF.PotentialDeriv(distance))

        listt.append(1 / 2 * np.sum(listn))

    P = np.mean(listt)
    #P = (1/(6*C.L**3)) * P
    #P = (C.n * temp)/(C.L**3) - P
    P = (1 / (3 * C.n * temp)) * P
    P = 1 - P

    return P
#Import default libraries
import serial
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
import os

#Import custom libraries and classes
#from Main_GUI import Timing_GUI
from Main_GUI import Ui_MainWindow
import AuxFunctions as AF

#Navigate to working directory, creating if necessary
    os.path.join("C:\\Users", os.getlogin(), "Documents", "Swim Manager"),

#Ready serial device
arduino = AF.open_python_port()
#Ensures Arduino is connected & ready before launching GUI
#Comment this line to run GUI w/o Arduino Connected. This may cause errors when certain buttons are pressed

#Run GUI
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ui = Ui_MainWindow(arduino)
#app.quitOnLastWindowClosed = False