Exemple #1
        R = np.mat(model.R)
        model.RT = R.T
        # both should be roughly the same (maybe even exactly the same for r0-R0)
        assert common.norm(R.T.dot(R)-K) < 1e-10
        assert common.norm(model.RT[0, :] - r0) < 1e-20
        # 7/7/2013 TL: implementation seems to be working correctly.
    elif nargs == 2:
        N = 1000
        D = 1000
        X = common.randn((N, D))
        U = X.dot(X.T)
        import cProfile
        cProfile.runctx('model = ICD.fast_ichol(U, 0.00001)', globals(), locals())

    elif nargs == 3:
        filename1 = sys.argv[1]
        filename2 = sys.argv[2]
        W1 = IO.readPickledWords(filename1)
        eta = 0.001
        model1 = W1.ICD_representation(0, eta, 0)

        W2 = IO.readPickledWords(filename2)
        eta = 0.001
        model2 = W2.ICD_representation(0, eta, 1)

        tau = 0.001
        cca_model = CU.learn0(W1.features, W2.features, tau)

Exemple #2
def find_matching(options, wordsX, wordsY):
    # finds a permutation pi that best matches Y to X
    # The optimization procedure works as follows:
    # suppose there are 2000 words to be matched, 100 seed words and step size is 100
    # The seed is stored at the end (so, X[i, :] matches Y[i, :] for i > 2000] in all iterations
    # at each iteration t (starting at t=0):
    # 1. compute the CCA on the last 100 + 100*t entries
    # 2. compute the CCA representation of all words
    # 3. perform a matching on the first N=2000 words to get pi_t
    # 4. sort the first 2000 matches in descending order.

    # initially, assume that pi is ID
    N = len(wordsX.words)
    M = N - options.seed_length  # The first M entries can be permuted. The rest are fixed
    GX = None
    GY = None

    options.cca_weights = None
    sorted_edge_cost = None

    fixed_point = False
    for t in range(0, options.T):
        options.t = t
        Nt = M - options.step_size * t
        # STEP 0: when the feature dimension is high, ICD the seed and project the rest
        if wordsX.isPickled():
            wordsX.ICD_representation(Nt, options.eta)
            wordsY.ICD_representation(Nt, options.eta)

        # STEP 1: compute CCA model on the well matched portion of the matching (which includes the fixed seed)
        fixedX = wordsX.features[Nt:, :]
        fixedY = wordsY.features[Nt:, :]
        if options.useCCAWeights == 1 and sorted_edge_cost is not None:
            q = np.square(sorted_edge_cost[Nt:])
            bandwidth = np.median(q)
            options.cca_weights = np.exp(-q / (2 * bandwidth))  # exp is useful when dist is used
        # if options.noise_level > 0:
        #     fixedX += options.noise_level*common.randn(fixedX.shape)
        #     fixedY += options.noise_level*common.randn(fixedY.shape)

        print >> sys.stderr, colored("CCA dimensions =", "green"), len(fixedX)
        cca_model = CU.learn(fixedX, fixedY, options)
        print >> sys.stderr, len(cca_model.p), "Top 10 correlation coefficients:", cca_model.p[:10]
        # STEP 2: compute CCA representation of all samples
        print >> sys.stderr, "norms", norm(wordsX.features), norm(wordsY.features)
        Z = CU.project(options, cca_model, wordsX.features, wordsY.features)

        print >> sys.stderr, "Z", norm(Z.X), norm(Z.Y)

        # STEP 3: compute weight matrix and run matching (approximate) algorithm
        if options.alpha > 0:
            GX = wordsX.materializeGraph()
            GY = wordsY.materializeGraph()
        print >> sys.stderr, colored("Computing matching weight matrix.", "green")

        W, U0, Z0 = MU.makeWeights(options, Z.X, Z.Y, GX, GY)
        print >> sys.stderr, "Matching."
        (cost, pi_t, edge_cost) = MU.exactMatch(W[:M, :M])
        # STEP 4: sort the words, such that the best matches are at the end.
        # note that pi_t is of length M < N and that
        (sorted_edge_cost, I) = perm.sort(edge_cost, reverse=True)
        sorted_edge_cost = np.concatenate((sorted_edge_cost, np.zeros(N - M)))

        if perm.isID(pi_t):  # the best permutation is the identity
            fixed_point = True
            # END OF ITERATION: output Matching
        print >> sys.stderr, "cost =", cost, "latent inner product = ", np.sum(Z.X.A * Z.Y.A)

        # MU.printMatching(wordsX.words[:M], wordsY.words[:M], sorted_edge_cost[:M], options.gold_lex)
        if options.gold_lex is not None:
            scores = BU.getScores(options.gold_lex, wordsX.words[:M], wordsY.words[:M], sorted_edge_cost[:M])
            BU.outputScores(scores, options.title)

        print "---------- ", "iteration = ", (t + 1), "/", options.T, "----------"
        if fixed_point:

    # either we reached the maximum number of iterations, or a fixed point
    log(100, "Stopped after, ", (t + 1), "iterations. Fixed point =", fixed_point)
        MU.toString(wordsX.words[:M], wordsY.words[:M], sorted_edge_cost[:M], options.gold_lex),
    if options.is_mock:
        log("Hamming distance:", perm.hamming(wordsX.words, wordsY.words))
    return wordsX, wordsY, sorted_edge_cost, cost