Exemple #1
    # The random variables being independent, the pdf of X
    # is the product of the individual pdfs
    return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [sampling.exp_pdf(xi, [1.0/ui]) for xi,ui in zip(x,u)])

# MonteCarlo estimation
Nmc = 10**4

# With Monte-Carlo, we compute the mean of the indicator function
[mc_estimation_mu, mc_estimation_var] = sampling.monte_carlo(Nmc, lambda X: performance(X) >= gamma, lambda:my_sampling_func(u))

print "Monte Carlo with %g samples : P(X >= %e) = %.2e (std %.3e)" %(Nmc, gamma, mc_estimation_mu, math.sqrt(mc_estimation_var))

# CE Method
N = 1000
Nmc_ce = 10**5
rho = 0.1

[v_ce,gamma_ce] = CE.algorithm_2_1(u, performance, my_sampling_func, my_pdf, [N, rho, gamma],0)

print "Cross Entropy : v = [%s] ; gamma = %.3f" % (' '.join('{0:.3f};'.format(k) for k in v_ce), gamma_ce)

# We now compute the mean of the indicator times the ratio likelihood
[mc_ce_estimation_mu, mc_ce_estimation_var] = sampling.monte_carlo(Nmc_ce, lambda X: (performance(X) >= gamma)*my_pdf(X,u)/my_pdf(X,v_ce), lambda:my_sampling_func(v_ce))
print "Monte Carlo with %g samples : P(X >= %e) = %.2e (std %.3e)" %(Nmc_ce, gamma, mc_ce_estimation_mu, math.sqrt(mc_ce_estimation_var))

Exemple #2
    # The weight of the connections are independently drawn from
    # an exponential distribution with means in v
    # i.e. the parameter of the exponential distributions are 1/v_i
    return [sampling.generate_sample_IT(lambda x: sampling.exp_cdf_1(x,[1.0/vi])) for vi in v]

def my_pdf(x, u):
    # The random variables being independent, the pdf of X
    # is the product of the individual pdfs
    return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [sampling.exp_pdf(xi, [1.0/ui]) for xi,ui in zip(x,u)])

def my_stochastic_solver(samples, performances, gamma, u, vt_1):
  norm_fac = 0.0
  vt = [0.0 for i in range(len(vt_1))]
  for (Xi, Sxi) in zip(samples,performances):
      norm_fac += (Sxi >= gamma) * my_pdf(Xi, u)/my_pdf(Xi,vt_1)
      vt = [vtj + Xij * (Sxi >= gamma) * my_pdf(Xi, u)/my_pdf(Xi,vt_1) for (vtj,Xij) in zip(vt,Xi)]
  vt = [vtj/norm_fac for vtj in vt]
  return vt

def should_stop(history, t):
    return (t >= 10)

N = 100
rho = 0.1
alpha = 0.1
v0 = [1.0, 1.00]
params = [N, rho, alpha]
p = CE.optimization(v0, f, my_sampling_func, my_stochastic_solver, params, should_stop)

print p
Exemple #3
# A tutorial on the Cross Entropy Method
# Algorithm 2.2
# An example of optimization problem
# Find the binary vector that maximizes performance_func

import sampling
import CE
import random
import math

Np = 10
N = 50
rho = 0.1

y = [(random.random() < 0.5) for i in range(Np)]
p0 = [1.0/2.0 for i in range(Np)]

def sampling_func(p):
    return [(random.random()<pi) for pi in p]

def performance_func(x):
    global y
    return Np - sum([math.fabs(xi-yi) for xi,yi in zip(x,y)])

pt= CE.algorithm_2_2(p0, performance_func, sampling_func, [N, rho], 0)
print "Optimal value : [%s] \n" % (' '.join('{0:.1f};'.format(k) for k in y))
print "Found         : [%s] \n" % (' '.join('{0:.1f};'.format(k) for k in pt))
print "Performance : %.2f [optimal : %.2f]" % (performance_func(pt), Np)
Exemple #4
import CE
from time import sleep

E = CE.Extraction()

RedExtraction = E.Extract("test.jpg", "demo.jpg", 0, 100)
if RedExtraction:
    print("Color extration went successfully! You can find you picture here:")