Exemple #1
        def __init__( self, *args ):
            self.__name__ = 'C_CAE'
            self.mstr_obj = 'C_CAE';      # name of object class
            self.mstr_name = 'unnamed';    # name of object variable
            self.mstr_def = 'void';       # name of function being processed
            self.m_id = -1;           # int id
            self.m_iter = 0;            # current iteration in an
                                                #+ arbitrary processing 
                                                #+ scheme
            self.m_verbosity = 0;            # debug related value for 
                                                #+ object
            self.m_warnings = 0;            # show warnings 
                                                #+ (and warnings level)

            # The core data containers are grids of cellular automata 
            # machines
            self.mgg_current = None          # Current grid
            self.mgg_next = None          # Next iteration grid
            self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray = False # Controls whether or not
                                                  # to synchronize grid spectra
                                                  # and grid helper array            

            # For the most part, the CAE accepts the same constructor
            # pattern as the C_ggrid:
            if len( args ) == 2:
                    # Grid spectral elements are of type C_spectrum_CAM
                    print "Creating current state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_current = C_ggrid( *args, name='currentState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()
                    print "Creating next state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_next = C_ggrid( *args, name='nextState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()

            self.m_rows = self.mgg_current.rows_get()
            self.m_cols = self.mgg_current.cols_get()

            self.__neighbors = {}
Exemple #2
    str_yordFile = '%s.yord' % str_stem

    # We need to setup the grid with the proper size, which
    # is a slight chicken-and-egg problem. First, we read
    # one of the ord files, determine the string length
    # and there we go :-)
    if not count:
        f = open(str_xordFile)
        str_file = f.readline()
        str_xord = str_file.splitlines()[0]
        gridSize = len(str_xord)
        l_keys = list(str_xord)
    gridSpect = spectrum.C_spectrum(l_keys)
    Cg = grid.C_ggrid(str_gridFile, gridSpect)
    print Cg
    if not count:
        Cg_sum = Cg
        Csp_xord = spectrum.C_spectrum_permutation(Cg_sum.cols_get())
        Csp_yord = spectrum.C_spectrum_permutation(Cg_sum.cols_get())
        Csp_xyord = spectrum.C_spectrum_permutation2D(Cg_sum.cols_get())
        Cg_sum = Cg_sum + Cg
Exemple #3
# o Initial development implementation.

from    numpy           import *
from    C_ggrid         import *
from    C_spectrum      import *
import  copy

Csp     = C_spectrum(['R', 'G', 'B']);

print Csp

Cg0     = C_ggrid(2, Csp, name='Cg0');
Cg1     = C_ggrid(np.array((2,2)), Csp, name='Cg1')
Cg00    = copy.deepcopy(Cg0) ; Cg00.mstr_name = 'Cg00'

print Cg0
print Cg00
Cg2 = Cg0 + Cg1
print Cg2

Cg0.spectralArray_set( np.array( [[0,0],[1,1]] ), np.array((10, 10, 10)))
print Cg0
print Cg00

a_sp = Cg0.spectralArray_get( np.array( [[1,0],[0,0]] ))
print a_sp
Exemple #4
class C_CAE:
        # Class member variables -- if declared here are shared
        # across all instances of this class
        mdictErr = {
            'Keys'          : {
                'action'        : 'initializing base class, ',
                'error'         : 'it seems that no member keys are defined.',
                'exitCode'      : 10},
            'Save'              : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to pickle save self, ',
                'error'         : 'a PickleError occured',
                'exitCode'      : 12},
            'SaveMat'           : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to save MatLAB friendly spectrum, ',
                'error'         : 'an IOerror occured',
                'exitCode'      : 13},
            'Load'              : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to pickle load object, ',
                'error'         : 'a PickleError occured',
                'exitCode'      : 14}

        # Methods
        # Core methods - construct, initialise, id

        def dprint( self, level, str_txt ):
                Simple "debug" print... based on verbosity level.
            if level <= self.m_verbosity: print str_txt

        def verbosity_set( self, level ):
            self.m_verbosity = level

        def error_exit( self,
            print "%s:: FATAL ERROR" % self.mstr_obj
            print "\tSorry, some error seems to have occurred in <%s::%s>" \
                            % ( self.__name__, self.mstr_def )
            print "\tWhile %s" % C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['action']
            print "\t%s" % C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['error']
            print ""
            if ab_exitToOs:
                print "Returning to system with error code %d" % \
                sys.exit( C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['exitCode'] )
            return C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['exitCode']

        def fatal( self, astr_key, astr_extraMsg="" ):
            if len( astr_extraMsg ): print astr_extraMsg
            self.error_exit( astr_key )

        def warn( self, astr_key, astr_extraMsg="" ):
            b_exitToOS = 0
            if len( astr_extraMsg ): print astr_extraMsg
            self.error_exit( astr_key, b_exitToOS )

        def __init__( self, *args ):
            self.__name__ = 'C_CAE'
            self.mstr_obj = 'C_CAE';      # name of object class
            self.mstr_name = 'unnamed';    # name of object variable
            self.mstr_def = 'void';       # name of function being processed
            self.m_id = -1;           # int id
            self.m_iter = 0;            # current iteration in an
                                                #+ arbitrary processing 
                                                #+ scheme
            self.m_verbosity = 0;            # debug related value for 
                                                #+ object
            self.m_warnings = 0;            # show warnings 
                                                #+ (and warnings level)

            # The core data containers are grids of cellular automata 
            # machines
            self.mgg_current = None          # Current grid
            self.mgg_next = None          # Next iteration grid
            self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray = False # Controls whether or not
                                                  # to synchronize grid spectra
                                                  # and grid helper array            

            # For the most part, the CAE accepts the same constructor
            # pattern as the C_ggrid:
            if len( args ) == 2:
                    # Grid spectral elements are of type C_spectrum_CAM
                    print "Creating current state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_current = C_ggrid( *args, name='currentState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()
                    print "Creating next state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_next = C_ggrid( *args, name='nextState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()

            self.m_rows = self.mgg_current.rows_get()
            self.m_cols = self.mgg_current.cols_get()

            self.__neighbors = {}

        def initialize( self, *args, **kwargs ):
                    *args[0]        nparray        initialize each CAM with
                                                   corresponding element of
                                                   nparray. Assumes that
                                                   size(nparray) == size(grid).
                                                   Passes array value at
                                                   [row, col] to CAM at 
                                                   [row, col].
                Generates an initial distribution across the world grid.
                The pattern of initialization is specified by the kwargs:
                  pattern = "random" | "corners" | "diagonal"
                    Choose elements either randomly on the grid, or only on the
                    corners, or only along the diagonal.
                  elements = "canonical" | <N> | "all"
                    The number of grid elements to initialize. If "canonical",
                    initialize only as many elements as there are spectral
                    components in the CAM. Each successive element initializes
                    a single successive spectral component.
                    Initialize <N> elements.
                    Initialize all elements.
                o Internal grids must exist and contain valid objects.
                o The "current" and "next" are initialized based on pattern
                  of args.
                o If an array is passed as first unnamed argument, values in
                  the array are used to initialize the grid (provided that the
                  array is the same size as grid). In such a case, all kwargs
                  are ignored. If array size is not same as grid, no
                  initialization is performed.
            l_components = self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( 0, 0 ).spectrumKeys_get()
            numComponents = len( l_components )
            maxEnergy = 255
            maxQuanta = maxEnergy / numComponents
            if len( args ):
                a_init = args[0]
                if type( a_init ).__name__ == 'ndarray':
                    rows, cols = a_init.shape
                    if rows == self.m_rows and cols == self.m_cols:
                        # In this case, an initialization matrix has been supplied
                        # by the caller. The value at each cell index is used 
                        # to initialize the corresponding spectrum object. In order
                        # for the initialization to be "uniform" across the RGB
                        # space, we need to re-scale the observed values such that
                        # a uniform partitioning of the domain results in a uniform
                        # partitioning of the values, too.
                        a_norm = misc.arr_normalize( a_init, scale=maxEnergy )
                        a_round = a_norm.round()
                        # We bin the cdf with a '+1' since the 'zeros' in the
                        # input matrix are a special case. This also simplifies
                        # the value lookup in the cdf partitions.
                        a_cdf = misc.cdf( a_round, bins=a_round.max() + 1 )
                        l_v = misc.cdf_distribution( a_cdf, numComponents )
                        for row in np.arange( 0, rows ):
                            for col in np.arange( 0, cols ):
                                value = a_round[row, col]
                                self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col ).\
                                        spectrum_init( value, l_v )
            # self.mgg_next = copy.deepcopy( self.mgg_current )
            # use cPickle instead of deepcopy
            self.mgg_next = cPickle.loads( cPickle.dumps( self.mgg_current, -1 ) )

        def dict_createFromGridLocations( self, A_points ):
                Given an array of grid locations, <A_points>, construct
                and return a dictionary of next state spectra located at each of
                the <A_points> and indexed by the spectra name.
            dict_spectrum = {}
            if A_points != None:
                for point in A_points:
                    row, col = point
                    dict_spectrum[self.mgg_next.spectrum_get( row, col ).name_get()] = \
                        self.mgg_next.spectrum_get( row, col )
            return dict_spectrum

        def state_transition( self ):
            The state transition machine for the CAE; determines the
            "next" state from the "current".
                o The "current" == "next" state
                o The "next" state is changed according to "current" state
                  in a decoupled element-by-element fashion.
                o Once each element in the "current" state has been processed,
                  the "next" state is copied into the "current" state.
                o A state transition is now complete.
                o Returns the number of elements processed.
            Primitive support for multithreaded/parallelization is planned...

            # Process the current grid, and determine all the changes required to
            # transition to the next state.
            elementProcessedCount = 0
            for row in np.arange( 0, self.m_rows ):
                for col in np.arange( 0, self.m_cols ):
                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = {}
                    A_neighbours = None

                    key = str( row ) + ':' + str( col )
                    if self.__neighbors.has_key( key ):
                      # we already have the neighbors
                      A_neighbours = self.__neighbors[key]
                      # we don't have the neighbors, so let's calculate them
                      A_neighbours = \
                          misc.neighbours_findFast( 2, 1,
                                      np.array( ( row, col ) ),
                                      gridSize=np.array( ( self.m_rows, self.m_cols ) ),
                                      includeOrigin=False )
                      self.__neighbors[key] = A_neighbours

                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = \
                        self.dict_createFromGridLocations( A_neighbours )
                    deltaSelf, deltaNeighbour = \
                        self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col ).nextStateDelta_determine( 
                                                dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra )
                    if deltaNeighbour:
                        for update in deltaNeighbour.keys():
                            elementProcessedCount += 1
                            updateRule = deltaNeighbour[update]
                            dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra[update].nextState_process( updateRule )
            print "Update loop time: %f seconds (%d elements processed)." % \
                        ( misc.toc(), elementProcessedCount )

            # Now update the current state with the next state
            b_setFromArray = False
            if self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray: self.mgg_next.internals_sync( b_setFromArray )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="Synchronization: %f seconds." )
            # self.mgg_current    = copy.deepcopy(self.mgg_next)
            # use cPickle instead of deepcopy
            self.mgg_current = cPickle.loads( cPickle.dumps( self.mgg_next, -1 ) )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="next->current deepcopy: %f seconds.\n" )
            return elementProcessedCount

        def currentSpectralArray_get( self, anp_gridLocation ):
            Return the spectral array at a given location in the current grid.
            return self.mgg_current.spectralArray_get( anp_gridLocation )

        def spectrum_get( self, row, col ):
            Return the spectrum (from the current state) at the given location
            return self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col )

        def currentgrid_get( self, synced=False, next=False ):
            Return the current or next grid as a np-array which is synced on request.
            if next:
              grid = self.mgg_next
              grid = self.mgg_current

            if synced:
              grid.internals_sync( False )

            return grid.gridarr_get()

        def currentGridCorners_areAllDominant(self):
                Simple conditional that returns a True if all the grid corners
                have a dominant spectral harmonic. If any of the corners do not
                have a dominant harmonic, return False.
                This method is mostly used as a conditional end check on the 
                evolutionary state of a system.
            nTopLeft     = len(self.spectrum_get(0, 0).max_harmonics())
            nTopRight    = len(self.spectrum_get(0, self.m_cols-1).max_harmonics())
            nBottomLeft  = len(self.spectrum_get(self.m_rows-1, 0).max_harmonics())
            nBottomRight = len(self.spectrum_get(self.m_rows-1, self.m_cols-1).max_harmonics())             
            return nTopLeft | nTopRight | nBottomLeft | nBottomRight == 1     
Exemple #5
class C_CAE:
        # Class member variables -- if declared here are shared
        # across all instances of this class
        mdictErr = {
            'Keys'          : {
                'action'        : 'initializing base class, ',
                'error'         : 'it seems that no member keys are defined.',
                'exitCode'      : 10},
            'Save'              : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to pickle save self, ',
                'error'         : 'a PickleError occured',
                'exitCode'      : 12},
            'SaveMat'           : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to save MatLAB friendly spectrum, ',
                'error'         : 'an IOerror occured',
                'exitCode'      : 13},
            'Load'              : {
                'action'        : 'attempting to pickle load object, ',
                'error'         : 'a PickleError occured',
                'exitCode'      : 14}

        # Methods
        # Core methods - construct, initialise, id

        def dprint( self, level, str_txt ):
                Simple "debug" print... based on verbosity level.
            if level <= self.m_verbosity: print str_txt

        def verbosity_set( self, level ):
            self.m_verbosity = level

        def error_exit( self,
            print "%s:: FATAL ERROR" % self.mstr_obj
            print "\tSorry, some error seems to have occurred in <%s::%s>" \
                            % ( self.__name__, self.mstr_def )
            print "\tWhile %s" % C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['action']
            print "\t%s" % C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['error']
            print ""
            if ab_exitToOs:
                print "Returning to system with error code %d" % \
                sys.exit( C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['exitCode'] )
            return C_spectrum.mdictErr[astr_key]['exitCode']

        def fatal( self, astr_key, astr_extraMsg="" ):
            if len( astr_extraMsg ): print astr_extraMsg
            self.error_exit( astr_key )

        def warn( self, astr_key, astr_extraMsg="" ):
            b_exitToOS = 0
            if len( astr_extraMsg ): print astr_extraMsg
            self.error_exit( astr_key, b_exitToOS )

        def __init__( self, *args ):
            self.__name__ = 'C_CAE'
            self.mstr_obj = 'C_CAE';      # name of object class
            self.mstr_name = 'unnamed';    # name of object variable
            self.mstr_def = 'void';       # name of function being processed
            self.m_id = -1;           # int id
            self.m_iter = 0;            # current iteration in an
                                                #+ arbitrary processing 
                                                #+ scheme
            self.m_verbosity = 0;            # debug related value for 
                                                #+ object
            self.m_warnings = 0;            # show warnings 
                                                #+ (and warnings level)

            # The core data containers are grids of cellular automata 
            # machines
            self.mgg_current = None          # Current grid
            self.mgg_next = None          # Next iteration grid
            self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray = False # Controls whether or not
                                                  # to synchronize grid spectra
                                                  # and grid helper array            

            # For the most part, the CAE accepts the same constructor
            # pattern as the C_ggrid:
            if len( args ) == 2:
                    # Grid spectral elements are of type C_spectrum_CAM
                    print "Creating current state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_current = C_ggrid( *args, name='currentState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()
                    print "Creating next state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_next = C_ggrid( *args, name='nextState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()

            self.m_rows = self.mgg_current.rows_get()
            self.m_cols = self.mgg_current.cols_get()

            self.__neighbors = {}

        def initialize( self, *args, **kwargs ):
                    *args[0]        nparray        initialize each CAM with
                                                   corresponding element of
                                                   nparray. Assumes that
                                                   size(nparray) == size(grid).
                                                   Passes array value at
                                                   [row, col] to CAM at 
                                                   [row, col].
                Generates an initial distribution across the world grid.
                The pattern of initialization is specified by the kwargs:
                  pattern = "random" | "corners" | "diagonal"
                    Choose elements either randomly on the grid, or only on the
                    corners, or only along the diagonal.
                  elements = "canonical" | <N> | "all"
                    The number of grid elements to initialize. If "canonical",
                    initialize only as many elements as there are spectral
                    components in the CAM. Each successive element initializes
                    a single successive spectral component.
                    Initialize <N> elements.
                    Initialize all elements.
                o Internal grids must exist and contain valid objects.
                o The "current" and "next" are initialized based on pattern
                  of args.
                o If an array is passed as first unnamed argument, values in
                  the array are used to initialize the grid (provided that the
                  array is the same size as grid). In such a case, all kwargs
                  are ignored. If array size is not same as grid, no
                  initialization is performed.
            l_components = self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( 0, 0 ).spectrumKeys_get()
            numComponents = len( l_components )
            maxEnergy = 255
            maxQuanta = maxEnergy / numComponents
            if len( args ):
                a_init = args[0]
                if type( a_init ).__name__ == 'ndarray':
                    rows, cols = a_init.shape
                    if rows == self.m_rows and cols == self.m_cols:
                        # In this case, an initialization matrix has been supplied
                        # by the caller. The value at each cell index is used 
                        # to initialize the corresponding spectrum object. In order
                        # for the initialization to be "uniform" across the RGB
                        # space, we need to re-scale the observed values such that
                        # a uniform partitioning of the domain results in a uniform
                        # partitioning of the values, too.
                        a_norm = misc.arr_normalize( a_init, scale=maxEnergy )
                        a_round = a_norm.round()
                        # We bin the cdf with a '+1' since the 'zeros' in the
                        # input matrix are a special case. This also simplifies
                        # the value lookup in the cdf partitions.
                        a_cdf = misc.cdf( a_round, bins=a_round.max() + 1 )
                        l_v = misc.cdf_distribution( a_cdf, numComponents )
                        for row in np.arange( 0, rows ):
                            for col in np.arange( 0, cols ):
                                value = a_round[row, col]
                                self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col ).\
                                        spectrum_init( value, l_v )
            # self.mgg_next = copy.deepcopy( self.mgg_current )
            # use cPickle instead of deepcopy
            self.mgg_next = cPickle.loads( cPickle.dumps( self.mgg_current, -1 ) )

        def dict_createFromGridLocations( self, A_points ):
                Given an array of grid locations, <A_points>, construct
                and return a dictionary of next state spectra located at each of
                the <A_points> and indexed by the spectra name.
            dict_spectrum = {}
            if A_points != None:
                for point in A_points:
                    row, col = point
                    dict_spectrum[self.mgg_next.spectrum_get( row, col ).name_get()] = \
                        self.mgg_next.spectrum_get( row, col )
            return dict_spectrum

        def state_transition( self ):
            The state transition machine for the CAE; determines the
            "next" state from the "current".
                o The "current" == "next" state
                o The "next" state is changed according to "current" state
                  in a decoupled element-by-element fashion.
                o Once each element in the "current" state has been processed,
                  the "next" state is copied into the "current" state.
                o A state transition is now complete.
                o Returns the number of elements processed.
            Primitive support for multithreaded/parallelization is planned...

            # Process the current grid, and determine all the changes required to
            # transition to the next state.
            elementProcessedCount = 0
            for row in np.arange( 0, self.m_rows ):
                for col in np.arange( 0, self.m_cols ):
                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = {}
                    A_neighbours = None

                    key = str( row ) + ':' + str( col )
                    if self.__neighbors.has_key( key ):
                      # we already have the neighbors
                      A_neighbours = self.__neighbors[key]
                      # we don't have the neighbors, so let's calculate them
                      A_neighbours = \
                          misc.neighbours_findFast( 2, 1,
                                      np.array( ( row, col ) ),
                                      gridSize=np.array( ( self.m_rows, self.m_cols ) ),
                                      includeOrigin=False )
                      self.__neighbors[key] = A_neighbours

                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = \
                        self.dict_createFromGridLocations( A_neighbours )
                    deltaSelf, deltaNeighbour = \
                        self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col ).nextStateDelta_determine( 
                                                dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra )
                    if deltaNeighbour:
                        for update in deltaNeighbour.keys():
                            elementProcessedCount += 1
                            updateRule = deltaNeighbour[update]
                            dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra[update].nextState_process( updateRule )
            print "Update loop time: %f seconds (%d elements processed)." % \
                        ( misc.toc(), elementProcessedCount )

            # Now update the current state with the next state
            b_setFromArray = False
            if self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray: self.mgg_next.internals_sync( b_setFromArray )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="Synchronization: %f seconds." )
            # self.mgg_current    = copy.deepcopy(self.mgg_next)
            # use cPickle instead of deepcopy
            self.mgg_current = cPickle.loads( cPickle.dumps( self.mgg_next, -1 ) )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="next->current deepcopy: %f seconds.\n" )
            return elementProcessedCount

        def currentSpectralArray_get( self, anp_gridLocation ):
            Return the spectral array at a given location in the current grid.
            return self.mgg_current.spectralArray_get( anp_gridLocation )

        def spectrum_get( self, row, col ):
            Return the spectrum (from the current state) at the given location
            return self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col )

        def currentgrid_get( self, synced=False, next=False ):
            Return the current or next grid as a np-array which is synced on request.
            if next:
              grid = self.mgg_next
              grid = self.mgg_current

            if synced:
              grid.internals_sync( False )

            return grid.gridarr_get()

        def currentGridCorners_areAllDominant(self):
                Simple conditional that returns a True if all the grid corners
                have a dominant spectral harmonic. If any of the corners do not
                have a dominant harmonic, return False.
                This method is mostly used as a conditional end check on the 
                evolutionary state of a system.
            nTopLeft     = len(self.spectrum_get(0, 0).max_harmonics())
            nTopRight    = len(self.spectrum_get(0, self.m_cols-1).max_harmonics())
            nBottomLeft  = len(self.spectrum_get(self.m_rows-1, 0).max_harmonics())
            nBottomRight = len(self.spectrum_get(self.m_rows-1, self.m_cols-1).max_harmonics())             
            return nTopLeft | nTopRight | nBottomLeft | nBottomRight == 1