Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Construct a tree -- typically there is one tree per user

        self._branchTree = C_snode.C_stree()  # This is the WHOLE tree
        self.branch = C_snode.C_stree()  # This is a single branch
        self.debug = message.Message(logTo='./debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "BranchTree"
        self.within = None  # The feed or plugin this branch is within

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'within': self.within = val
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Construct a tree -- typically there is one tree per user

        self._feedTree = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.feed = C_snode.C_stree()

        self.BR = branch.BranchTree(within=self)

        self.plugin = plugin.Plugin_homePage()
        self.debug = message.Message(logTo='./debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "FeedTree"
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self._stree = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.id = ""
        self.request = ""
        self.saveTo = ""
        self.loadFrom = ""
        self.b_stdout = ""

        self.b_dataReady = False

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'id': self.id = val
            if key == 'request': self.request = val
            if key == 'saveTo': self.saveTo = val
            if key == 'loadFrom': self.loadFrom = val
            if key == 'stdout': self.b_stdout = val

        self.client = ChRIS_DB_client(id=self.id,
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # This class contains a reference back to the chris parent object that
        # contains this Core
        self.chris = None
        self.str_DBpath = ""
        self.b_ignorePersistentDB = False
        self.b_createNewDB = 0
        self.str_VERB = ""
        self.str_API = ""

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == "chris": self.chris = value
            if key == "DB": self.str_DBpath = value
            if key == 'ignorePersistentDB': self.b_ignorePersistentDB = value
            if key == 'createNewDB': self.b_createNewDB = value
            if key == 'VERB': self.str_VERB = value
            if key == 'APIcall': self.str_API = value

        self.s_tree = C_snode.C_stree()
        self._userDB = ChRIS_SMUserDB(
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.identity = "0"
        self.request = "NULL"
        self.b_saveResult = False
        self.saveTo = ""
        self.loadFrom = ""
        self.b_loadFrom = False
        self.b_stdout = False
        self.within = None

        self.b_dataReady = False

        self.json_comms = {}
        self.json_data = {}
        self.b_json_data = False

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'id': self.identity = val
            if key == 'request': self.request = val
            if key == 'saveTo': self.saveTo = val
            if key == 'loadFrom': self.loadFrom = val
            if key == 'stdout': self.b_stdout = val
            if key == 'within': self.within = val
            if key == 'data':
                self.b_json_data = True
                self.json_data = val

        self.b_saveResult = len(self.saveTo)
        self.b_loadFrom = len(self.loadFrom)


        self.zmq_context = zmq.Context()
        self.stree = C_snode.C_stree()
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Example of docstring on the __init__ method.

        The __init__ method may be documented in either the class level
        docstring, or as a docstring on the __init__ method itself.

        Either form is acceptable, but the two should not be mixed. Choose one
        convention to document the __init__ method and be consistent with it.

          Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Args`` section.

          param1 (str): Description of `param1`.
          param2 (list of str): Description of `param2`. Multiple
            lines are supported.
          param3 (int, optional): Description of `param3`, defaults to 0.


        self._stree = C_snode.C_stree()

        self.debug = message.Message(logTo='./debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "Feed"

        self._name = ""
        self.within = None  # The feed or plugin this branch is within

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'within': self.within = val
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):


        self._stree             = C_snode.C_stree()

        self.debug              = message.Message(logTo = './debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog    = True
        self._log               = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog     = True
        self.__name             = "ChRIS_DB"

        self._name              = ""
        self.within             = None                      # An encapsulating object

        # DB
        self.str_DBpath         = '/tmp/ChRIS_DB'
        self._stree             = C_snode

        # Comms
        self.str_protocol       = "tcp"
        self.str_IP             = ""
        self.str_port           = "5001"


        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'within': self.within     = val

        self.zmq_context        = zmq.Context()
Exemple #8
    def branch_singleBranch_process(self, **kwargs):
        Assuming a branch has been grafted from the tree space, process this
        branch's components.


        d_ret = {
            'branch': None,
            'debug': 'branch_singleBranch_process(): ',
            'path': '',
            'status': False,
            'payload': {},
            'URL_get': []

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'VERB': str_VERB = val
            if key == 'pathInBranch': str_pathInBranch = val
            if key == 'd_ret': d_ret = val

        str_ROOT = d_ret['ROOT']
        d_ret['b_returnTree'] = True
        d_ret['debug'] += 'str_pathInBranch = %s ' % str_pathInBranch
        s = d_ret['branch']
        d_cd = s.cd(str_pathInBranch)
        if d_cd['status']:
            # We are retrieving a directory
            d_ret['status'] = d_cd['status']
            d_ret['pathInBranch'] = d_cd['path']
            subTree = C_snode.C_stree()
            if subTree.cd('/')['status']:
                subTree.graft(s, str_pathInBranch)
                d_ret['branch'] = subTree
            d_ret['b_returnTree'] = False
            # Check if we are in fact processing a "file"
            l_p = str_pathInBranch.split('/')
            str_dirUp = '/'.join(l_p[0:-1])
            d_cd = s.cd(str_dirUp)
            if d_cd['status']:
                d_ret['debug'] += '../ = %s, file = %s' % (str_dirUp, l_p[-1])
                d_ret['status'] = d_cd['status']
                d_ret['pathInBranch'] = d_cd['path']
                str_fileName = l_p[-1]
                if str_VERB != "GET":
                    self.debug('%s\n' % l_p)
                contents = s.cat(l_p[-1])
                if not contents:
                    d_ret['branch'] = {str_fileName: ''}
                    d_ret['branch'] = {str_fileName: contents}
                self.debug('Returning file contents in payload: "%s"\n' %
        d_ret['payload'] = d_ret['branch']
        return d_ret
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.fake       = Faker()
        self.contents   = ""
        self.FS         = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.numFiles   = 10

        for key,val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'numFiles':   self.numFiles    = val
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Basic constructor. Checks on named input args, checks that files
        exist and creates directories.

        base.FNNDSC.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self._lw                        = 120
        self._rw                        = 20
        self._l_ROI                     = []
        self._l_subsample               = []
        self._l_subsampleDir            = []
        self._l_annotation              = []

        # Tracking dictionaries
        self._d_subsampleDir            = {}
        self._d_subsampleSet            = {}

        self._l_pval                    = []
        self._l_group                   = []
        self._l_surface                 = []
        self._l_statFunc                = []
        self._l_curvFunc                = []
        self._l_hemi                    = []
        self._l_ctype                   = ['thickness', 'curv']

        self._outDir                    = ''
        self._stageslist                = '12'

        # Internal tracking vars
        self._str_pval                  = ''
        self._str_group                 = ''
        self._str_roi                   = ''
        self._str_hemi                  = ''
        self._str_surface               = ''
        self._str_statFunc              = ''
        self._str_subsample             = ''
        self._str_annotation            = ''
        self._str_ctype                 = ''

        self._topDir                    = ''

        self._dtree                     = C_snode.C_stree(['/'])

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'rsampleList':    self._l_subsample       = value
            if key == 'annot':          self._l_annotation      = value.split(',')
            if key == 'outDir':         self._outDir            = value
            if key == 'stages':         self._stageslist        = value
            if key == 'pval':           self._l_pval            = value.split(',')
            if key == 'group':          self._l_group           = value.split(',')
            if key == 'surface':        self._l_surface         = value.split(',')
            if key == 'statFunc':       self._l_statFunc        = value.split(',')
            if key == 'curvFunc':       self._l_curvFunc        = value.split(',')
            if key == 'hemi':           self._l_hemi            = value.split(',')
Exemple #11
    def container_singleFeed_fromTreeGet(self, **kwargs):
        Graft a single target container from the container tree to internal storage.

        This basically just "links" the container to be processed to a convenience

        d_ret:      dictionary      various values

        # Initialize the d_ret return dictionary
        d_ret = {
            'container': None,
            'status': False,
            'payload': {},
            'URL_get': []

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'searchType': str_searchType = val
            if key == 'searchTarget': str_searchTarget = val
            if key == 'schema': str_schema = val
            if key == 'd_ret': d_ret = val

        d_ret['debug'] = 'container_fromFeedTree_get():'
        F = self._containerTree

        self.container = C_snode.C_stree()
        s = self.container
        if str_searchType.lower() == 'name':
            if F.cd(str_searchTarget)['status']:
                Froot = F.cwd()
                # s.graft(F, '%s/'      % F.cwd())
                s.graft(F, '%s/title' % Froot)
                s.graft(F, '%s/note' % Froot)
                s.graft(F, '%s/data' % Froot)
                s.graft(F, '%s/comment' % Froot)
                d_ret['status'] = True
                d_ret['container'] = s
        if str_searchType.lower() == 'id':
            for containerNode in f.lstr_lsnode('/'):
                if F.cd('/containers/%s' % containerNode)['status']:
                    if str_searchTarget == F.cat('ID'):
                        d_ret['status'] = True
                        # s.graft(F, '%s/'      % F.cwd())
                        s.graft(F, '%s/title' % Froot)
                        s.graft(F, '%s/note' % Froot)
                        s.graft(F, '%s/data' % Froot)
                        s.graft(F, '%s/comment' % Froot)
                        d_ret['container'] = s
        return d_ret
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.contents = C_snode.C_stree()

        self.d_REST = {'PUSH': {'body': 'file', 'timestamp': 'file'}}

        self.debug = message.Message(logTo='./debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "Feed"

Exemple #13
    def branch_branchList_fromTreeGet(self, **kwargs):
        Process the main branchTree (i.e. the tree that has all the Feeds.
        :param kwargs: schema='name'|'id' -- how to return the list of Feeds.
        :return: a list of "hits" in URI format
        str_searchType = 'name'
        d_ret = {
            'debug': 'branch_branchList_fromTreeGet(): ',
            'status': False,
            'payload': {},
            'URL_get': []

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'searchType': str_searchType = val
            if key == 'd_ret': d_ret = val

        str_ROOT = d_ret['ROOT']
        d_ret['debug'] = 'branch_branchList_fromTreeGet(): '
        l_URI = []
        l_keys = []

        s = C_snode.C_stree()

        F = self._branchTree
        if F.cd('/%s' % str_ROOT.lower())['status']:
            if str_searchType.lower() == "name":
                # Generate a list of branch elements
                l_keys = F.lstr_lsnode()
                l_URI = [str_ROOT + '/NAME__' + name for name in l_keys]
                d_ret['status'] = True
            if str_searchType.lower() == 'id':
                for branchNode in F.lstr_lsnode():
                    F.cd('/%s/%s' % (str_ROOT.lower(), branchNode))
                    str_ID = F.cat('ID')
                    l_URI.append(str_ROOT + '/ID__' + str_ID)
                d_ret['status'] = True
            for feed in l_keys:
                s.graft(F, '/%s/%s' % (str_ROOT.lower(), feed))
        # d_ret['payload']    = l_keys
        d_ret['payload'] = dict(s.snode_root)
        d_ret['URL_get'] = l_URI

        return d_ret
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self._pluginTree = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.BR = branch.BranchTree(within=self)

        self._l_plugin = []
        self.pluginName = ""
        self.plugin = None
        self.debug = message.Message(logTo="./debug.log")
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "Plugin"
        self.within = None  # The feed or plugin this branch is within

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'within': self.within = val
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """The CHRIS_SM constructor.


        self.__name = "ChRIS_SM"

        self.str_DBpath = ''
        self.b_ignorePersistentDB = False
        self.b_createNewDB = 0
        self.str_VERB = ""
        self.str_API = ""

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'DB': self.str_DBpath = val
            if key == 'ignorePersistentDB': self.b_ignorePersistentDB = val
            if key == 'createNewDB': self.b_createNewDB = val
            if key == 'APIcall': self.str_API = val
            if key == 'VERB': self.str_VERB = val

        self._userTree = C_snode.C_stree()
        self._SMCore = ChRIS_SMCore(
        self._name = ""
        self._log = message.Message()

        # Convenience members
        self.DB = self._SMCore._userDB

        # The "homePage" is essentially the user's userTree object, created
        # in the underlying DB module.
        self.homePage = None
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # This class contains a reference back to the chris parent object that
        # contains this DB
        self._str_apiCall = ""
        self.debug = message.Message(logTo='./debug.log')
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._log = message.Message()
        self._log._b_syslog = True
        self.__name = "ChRIS_SMUserDB"

        self.str_DBpath = '/tmp'
        self.str_VERB = ""
        self.str_APIcall = ""

        self.chris = None

        self.b_createNewDB = 0
        self.b_ignorePersistentDB = False
        self.b_readDB = False
        self.DB = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.userTree = None

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == "chris": self.chris = value
            if key == 'ignorePersistentDB': self.b_ignorePersistentDB = value
            if key == 'DB': self.str_DBpath = value
            if key == 'createNewDB': self.b_createNewDB = value
            if key == 'VERB': self.str_VERB = value
            if key == 'APIcall': self.str_APIcall = value

        self.debug = message.Message(logTo="./debug.log")
        self.debug._b_syslog = True
        self._md5 = hashlib

        # The entire DataBase is represented here as a tree
Exemple #17
    def branch_singleBranch_fromTreeGet(self, **kwargs):
        Graft a single target branch from the branch tree to internal storage.

        This basically just "links" the branch to be processed to a convenience

        d_ret:      dictionary      various values

        # Initialize the d_ret return dictionary
        d_ret = {'branch': None, 'status': False, 'payload': {}, 'URL_get': []}

        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'searchType': str_searchType = val
            if key == 'searchTarget': str_searchTarget = val
            if key == 'schema': str_schema = val
            if key == 'd_ret': d_ret = val

        str_ROOT = d_ret['ROOT']
        d_ret['debug'] = 'branch_singleBranch_fromTreeGet():'
        F = self._branchTree
        F.cd('/%s' % str_ROOT.lower())

        self.branch = C_snode.C_stree()
        s = self.branch
        if d_ret['ROOT'] == 'Feeds':
            if str_searchType.lower() == 'name':
                if F.cd(str_searchTarget)['status']:
                    Froot = F.cwd()
                    s.graft(F, '%s/' % Froot)
                    # s.graft(F, '%s/title'   % Froot)
                    # s.graft(F, '%s/note'    % Froot)
                    # s.graft(F, '%s/data'    % Froot)
                    # s.graft(F, '%s/comment' % Froot)
                    d_ret['status'] = True
                    d_ret['branch'] = s
            if str_searchType.lower() == 'id':
                for branchNode in f.lstr_lsnode('/'):
                    if F.cd('/feeds/%s' % branchNode)['status']:
                        if str_searchTarget == F.cat('ID'):
                            d_ret['status'] = True
                            # s.graft(F, '%s/'      % F.cwd())
                            s.graft(F, '%s/title' % Froot)
                            s.graft(F, '%s/note' % Froot)
                            s.graft(F, '%s/data' % Froot)
                            s.graft(F, '%s/comment' % Froot)
                            s.graft(F, '%s/detail' % Froot)
                            d_ret['branch'] = s
        if d_ret['ROOT'] == 'Plugins':
            if str_searchType.lower() == 'name':
                if F.cd(str_searchTarget)['status']:
                    Froot = F.cwd()
                    # s.graft(F, '%s/'      % F.cwd())
                    s.graft(F, '%s/' % Froot)
                    d_ret['status'] = True
                    d_ret['branch'] = s
        return d_ret
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Basic constructor. Checks on named input args, checks that files
        exist and creates directories.

        base.FNNDSC.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self._lw = 120
        self._rw = 20
        self._l_ROI = []
        self._l_subj = []
        self._l_subsample = []
        self._l_subsampleDir = []
        self._l_annotation = []

        # Tracking dictionaries
        self._d_subsampleDir = {}
        self._d_subsampleSet = {}

        self._l_pval = []
        self._l_group = []
        self._l_surface = []
        self._l_statFunc = []
        self._l_curvFunc = []
        self._l_hemi = []
        self._l_ctype = ['thickness', 'curv']

        self._outDir = ''
        self._workingDir = ''
        self._stageslist = '12'

        self._str_threshold = "0.5"

        # Internal tracking vars
        self._str_pval = ''
        self._str_group = ''
        self._str_roi = ''
        self._str_hemi = ''
        self._str_surface = ''
        self._str_statFunc = ''
        self._str_subsample = ''
        self._str_subj = ''
        self._str_annotation = ''
        self._str_ctype = ''

        self._topDir = ''

        # Scheduler std out/err dirs
        self._str_schedulerStdOutDir = '~/scratch'
        self._str_schedulerStdErrDir = '~/scratch'

        self._dtree = C_snode.C_stree(['/'])

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'subjectList': self._l_subj = value
            if key == 'sampleList': self._l_subsample = value.split(',')
            if key == 'annot': self._l_annotation = value.split(',')
            if key == 'outDir': self._outDir = value
            if key == 'workingDir': self._workingDir = value
            if key == 'stages': self._stageslist = value
            if key == 'pval': self._l_pval = value.split(',')
            if key == 'group': self._l_group = value.split(',')
            if key == 'surface': self._l_surface = value.split(',')
            if key == 'statFunc': self._l_statFunc = value.split(',')
            if key == 'curvFunc': self._l_curvFunc = value.split(',')
            if key == 'hemi': self._l_hemi = value.split(',')
            if key == 'threshold': self._str_threshold = value
            if key == 'schedulerStdOutDir':
                self._str_schedulerStdOutDir = value
            if key == 'schedulerStdErrDir':
                self._str_schedulerStdErrDir = value

        if not os.path.isdir(self._workingDir):
            errorFatal(self, 'workingDirNotExist')
        self._topDir = self._workingDir
        self._l_stages = list(self._stageslist)
Exemple #19
    def process(self, request):
        """ Process the call return result. 

        Since the client only ever processes a "single" feed, there is no need to
        ever send the whole data structure back and forth. Only the feed that
        is requested needs to be processed.

        This process() method in fact implements a mini-REST API of its own.


        s                   = C_snode.C_stree()
        b_returnFeedList    = False

        s.graft(self._stree, '/users/chris/plugins')
        s.graft(self._stree, '/users/chris/login')

        print("Worker ID - %s: process() - request = '%s'" % (self.worker_id, request))

        d_request           = json.loads(request)
        str_verb            = d_request['VERB']
        str_URL             = d_request['URL']
        d_data              = d_request['data']

        o_URL               = urlparse(str_URL)
        str_path            = o_URL.path
        l_path              = str_path.split('/')[2:]

        if str_verb == 'QUIT':
            print('Shutting down server...')

        # 'paths' are of form:
        #   /v1/Feeds/NAME__Feed-1
        #           -- or --
        #   /v1/Feeds/NAME
        str_feed    = l_path[1]

        # Strip out the NAME<__>
        str_feed    = str_feed.replace('NAME', '')
        str_feed    = str_feed.replace('__', '')

        if str_verb == 'PULL' or str_verb == 'GET':
            if len(l_path) >= 2 and len(str_feed):
                s.graft(self._stree, '/users/chris/feeds/%s' % str_feed)
            if len(l_path) == 1:
                b_returnFeedList    = True
            if len(l_path) == 2 and not len(str_feed):
                b_returnFeedList    = True
            if b_returnFeedList:
                l_feeds = self._stree.lstr_lsnode()
                for f in l_feeds:
                    s.graft(self._stree, '/users/chris/feeds/%s/detail' % f)

        if str_verb == 'PUSH':
            if len(l_path) >= 2 and len(str_feed):
                # self._stree.rm(str_feed)
                self._stree.graft(s, '/users/chris/feeds/%s' % str_feed)
                l_feeds = self._stree.lstr_lsnode()

        # print(s)
        # print(dict(s.snode_root))
        return json.dumps(dict(s.snode_root))
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.contents   = C_snode.C_stree()
        self.fake       = faker.Faker()