Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        # reservoir to represent the environment
        self.gas0 = ct.importPhase("air.cti")
        self.gas0.set(T=300, P=ct.OneAtm)
        self.env = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas0)

        # reactor to represent the side filled with Argon
        self.gas1 = ct.importPhase("air.cti")
        self.gas1.set(T=1000.0, P=30 * ct.OneAtm, X="AR:1.0")
        self.r1 = reactors.Reactor(self.gas1)

        # reactor to represent the combustible mixture
        self.gas2 = ct.importPhase("h2o2.cti")
        self.gas2.set(T=500.0, P=1.5 * ct.OneAtm, X="H2:0.5, O2:1.0, AR:10.0")
        self.r2 = reactors.Reactor(self.gas2)

        # Wall between the two reactors
        self.w1 = reactors.Wall(self.r2, self.r1)
        self.w1.set(area=1.0, K=2e-4, U=400.0)

        # Wall to represent heat loss to the environment
        self.w2 = reactors.Wall(self.r2, self.env)
        self.w2.set(area=1.0, U=2000.0)

        # Create the reactor network
        self.sim = reactors.ReactorNet([self.r1, self.r2])
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):
        # reservoir to represent the environment
        self.gas0 = ct.importPhase('air.cti')
        self.gas0.set(T=300, P=ct.OneAtm)
        self.env = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas0)

        # reactor to represent the side filled with Argon
        self.gas1 = ct.importPhase('air.cti')
        self.gas1.set(T=1000.0, P=30 * ct.OneAtm, X='AR:1.0')
        self.r1 = reactors.Reactor(self.gas1)

        # reactor to represent the combustible mixture
        self.gas2 = ct.importPhase('h2o2.cti')
        self.gas2.set(T=500.0, P=1.5 * ct.OneAtm, X='H2:0.5, O2:1.0, AR:10.0')
        self.r2 = reactors.Reactor(self.gas2)

        # Wall between the two reactors
        self.w1 = reactors.Wall(self.r2, self.r1)
        self.w1.set(area=1.0, K=2e-4, U=400.0)

        # Wall to represent heat loss to the environment
        self.w2 = reactors.Wall(self.r2, self.env)
        self.w2.set(area=1.0, U=2000.0)

        # Create the reactor network
        self.sim = reactors.ReactorNet([self.r1, self.r2])
Exemple #3
 def test_equil_complete_stoichiometric(self):
     Equilibrium should correspond to complete combustion
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'complete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:2.0', T=298, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=0, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #4
 def test_equil_complete_stoichiometric(self):
     Equilibrium should correspond to complete combustion
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'complete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:2.0', T=298, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=0, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #5
 def test_equil_complete_lean(self):
     Equilibrium should correspond to complete combustion (with excess O2)
     CH4 + 3 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O + O2
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'complete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=298, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #6
 def test_equil_complete_lean(self):
     Equilibrium should correspond to complete combustion (with excess O2)
     CH4 + 3 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O + O2
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'complete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=298, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #7
    def setUp(self):
        self.gas = ct.importPhase('h2o2.cti')

        # create a reservoir for the fuel inlet, and set to pure methane.
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='H2:1.0')
        fuel_in = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)
        fuel_mw = self.gas.meanMolarMass()

        # Oxidizer inlet
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='O2:1.0, AR:3.0')
        oxidizer_in = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)
        oxidizer_mw = self.gas.meanMolarMass()

        # to ignite the fuel/air mixture, we'll introduce a pulse of radicals.
        # The steady-state behavior is independent of how we do this, so we'll
        # just use a stream of pure atomic hydrogen.
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='H:1.0')
        self.igniter = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)

        # create the combustor, and fill it in initially with a diluent
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='AR:1.0')
        self.combustor = reactors.Reactor(contents=self.gas, volume=1.0)

        # create a reservoir for the exhaust
        self.exhaust = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)

        # compute fuel and air mass flow rates
        factor = 0.1
        oxidizer_mdot = 4 * factor * oxidizer_mw
        fuel_mdot = factor * fuel_mw

        # create and install the mass flow controllers. Controllers
        # m1 and m2 provide constant mass flow rates, and m3 provides
        # a short Gaussian pulse only to ignite the mixture
        m1 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=fuel_in,

        m2 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=oxidizer_in,

        # The igniter will use a Gaussian 'functor' object to specify the
        # time-dependent igniter mass flow rate.
        igniter_mdot = Gaussian(t0=0.1, FWHM=0.05, A=0.1)
        m3 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=self.igniter,

        # put a valve on the exhaust line to regulate the pressure
        self.v = reactors.Valve(upstream=self.combustor,

        # the simulation only contains one reactor
        self.sim = reactors.ReactorNet([self.combustor])
Exemple #8
    def setUp(self):
        self.gas = ct.importPhase('../../data/inputs/h2o2.cti')

        # create a reservoir for the fuel inlet, and set to pure methane.
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='H2:1.0')
        fuel_in = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)
        fuel_mw = self.gas.meanMolarMass()

        # Oxidizer inlet
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='O2:1.0, AR:3.0')
        oxidizer_in = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)
        oxidizer_mw = self.gas.meanMolarMass()

        # to ignite the fuel/air mixture, we'll introduce a pulse of radicals.
        # The steady-state behavior is independent of how we do this, so we'll
        # just use a stream of pure atomic hydrogen.
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='H:1.0')
        self.igniter = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)

        # create the combustor, and fill it in initially with a diluent
        self.gas.set(T=300.0, P=ct.OneAtm, X='AR:1.0')
        self.combustor = reactors.Reactor(contents=self.gas, volume=1.0)

        # create a reservoir for the exhaust
        self.exhaust = reactors.Reservoir(self.gas)

        # compute fuel and air mass flow rates
        factor = 0.1
        oxidizer_mdot = 4 * factor*oxidizer_mw
        fuel_mdot = factor*fuel_mw

        # create and install the mass flow controllers. Controllers
        # m1 and m2 provide constant mass flow rates, and m3 provides
        # a short Gaussian pulse only to ignite the mixture
        m1 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=fuel_in,

        m2 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=oxidizer_in,

        # The igniter will use a Gaussian 'functor' object to specify the
        # time-dependent igniter mass flow rate.
        igniter_mdot = Gaussian(t0=0.1, FWHM=0.05, A=0.1)
        m3 = reactors.MassFlowController(upstream=self.igniter,

        # put a valve on the exhaust line to regulate the pressure
        self.v = reactors.Valve(upstream=self.combustor,
                                downstream=self.exhaust, Kv=1.0)

        # the simulation only contains one reactor
        self.sim = reactors.ReactorNet([self.combustor])
Exemple #9
def initializeCanteraSimulation(filepath, T, P, tf):
	Initialize a Cantera simulation at temperature `T`, pressure `P`, and solution
	termination time `tf`.
	# we change into the scratch folder for this because it creates xml files
	absfilepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
	oldwd	= os.getcwd()
		# load the mechanism into gas
		gas = Cantera.importPhase(absfilepath,'chem')
		# create the environment
		gasAir = Cantera.Air()
	# set the inital gas and environment conditions
	gas.set(T=T, P=P)
	gasAir.set(T=T, P=P)
	# create a reactor for the batch reactor
	# and a reservoir for the environment
	reactor = Cantera.Reactor.Reactor(gas, volume = 1.0)
	environment = Cantera.Reactor.Reservoir(gasAir)
	# Define a wall between the reactor and the environment, and
	# make it flexible, so that the pressure in the reactor is held
	# at the environment pressure, and conductive so the temperature likewise
	wall = Cantera.Reactor.Wall(reactor,environment)
	wall.set(K = 1.0e12)   # set expansion parameter. dV/dt = KA(P_1 - P_2)
	wall.set(A = 1.0)
	wall.setHeatTransferCoeff(1.0e15) # W/m2/K
	# put the reactor into a reactor network
	sim = Cantera.Reactor.ReactorNet([reactor]) 
	maxtime = tf
	return gas, gasAir, reactor, environment, wall, sim, maxtime
Exemple #10
 def test_equil_incomplete_lean(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'incomplete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #11
 def test_equil_overconstrained2(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'overconstrained-2')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:1.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=1, O2=1)
Exemple #12
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
Exemple #13
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
     cls.T0 = cls.gas.temperature()
     cls.P0 = cls.gas.pressure()
     cls.X0 = cls.gas.moleFractions()
Exemple #14
 def test_importPhase_cti2(self):
     # This should import the first phase, i.e. 'air'
     gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.cti')
     self.check(gas, 'air', 300, 101325, 8, 3)
Exemple #15
    def test_importPhase_xml(self):
        gas1 = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
        self.check(gas1, 'air', 300, 101325, 8, 3)

        gas2 = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'notair')
        self.check(gas2, 'notair', 900, 5 * 101325, 7, 2)
Exemple #16
    def test_importPhase_xml(self):
        gas1 = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
        self.check(gas1, 'air', 300, 101325, 8, 3)

        gas2 = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'notair')
        self.check(gas2, 'notair', 900, 5*101325, 7, 2)
Exemple #17
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
Exemple #18
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.xml', 'air')
     cls.T0 = cls.gas.temperature()
     cls.P0 = cls.gas.pressure()
     cls.X0 = cls.gas.moleFractions()
Exemple #19
 def test_importPhase_cti2(self):
     # This should import the first phase, i.e. 'air'
     gas = ct.importPhase('../data/air-no-reactions.cti')
     self.check(gas, 'air', 300, 101325, 8, 3)
Exemple #20
	def runCantera(self, model):
		Execute a simulation of the reaction system in Cantera. The procedure:
		(1) write a CTML (Cantera) file, (2) read it into Cantera, (3) create
		the reactor in Cantera, and (4) return the simulation results.

		# Create a folder in the scratch directory for Cantera files if needed
		cantera_folder = os.path.join(settings.scratchDirectory,'cantera')
		os.path.exists(cantera_folder) or os.mkdir(cantera_folder)
		# Write the CTML file to scratch/cantera/ folder
		cti_file = os.path.join(cantera_folder, 'cantera_input_%03d' % len(model.core.species))
		logging.debug("Writing CTML file %s" % cti_file)
		ctml_writer.dataset(cti_file) # change name

		import Cantera
		import Cantera.Reactor

		# Load the CTML file into Cantera
		logging.info("Preparing Cantera simulation %d" % len(model.core.species))
		gas = Cantera.importPhase('%s.xml' % cti_file, 'chem', loglevel=1)

		# Set initial concentrations
		moleFractions = numpy.zeros(len(model.core.species))
		for spec, conc in self.initialMoleFraction.iteritems():
			moleFractions[gas.speciesIndex(str(spec))] = conc
		gas.setMoleFractions(moleFractions) # it normalises it to 1

		# Set initial temperature and pressure
		gas.set(T=self.initialTemperature, P=self.initialPressure)

		# create a batch reactor
		if self.heatTransferCoeff == 1.0e100:
			reactor = Cantera.Reactor.Reactor(gas, volume=self.volume, energy='off')
			reactor = Cantera.Reactor.Reactor(gas, volume=self.volume)

		# set the inital environment conditions
		gasAir = Cantera.Air()
		gasAir.set(T=self.reservoirTemperature, P=self.reservoirPressure)

		# create a reservoir for the environment
		environment = Cantera.Reactor.Reservoir(gasAir)

		# Define a wall between the reactor and the environment, and
		# make it flexible, so that the pressure in the reactor is held
		# at the environment pressure, and conductive so the temperature likewise
		wall = Cantera.Reactor.Wall(reactor, environment)
		wall.setHeatTransferCoeff(self.heatTransferCoeff) # W/m2/K

		# put reactor in a reactor network so it can be integrated
		sim = Cantera.Reactor.ReactorNet([reactor])
		sim.setTolerances(atol=model.absoluteTolerance, rtol=model.relativeTolerance)

		#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
		return sim, gas
Exemple #21
 def test_equil_gri_lean(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('gri30.xml')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #22
 def test_equil_gri_lean(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('gri30.xml')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #23
 def test_equil_incomplete_lean(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'incomplete')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:3.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=0, O2=1, H2O=2, CO2=1)
Exemple #24
 def test_equil_overconstrained2(self):
     gas = ct.importPhase('equilibrium.cti', 'overconstrained-2')
     gas.set(X='CH4:1.0, O2:1.0', T=301, P=100000)
     gas.equilibrate('TP', self.solver)
     self.check(gas, CH4=1, O2=1)