Exemple #1
def create_rf_command_datagram(dest_callsign, dest_device_id, command,
    This function creates a command packet datagram for commanding REMOTE (RF) Faraday devices. This datagram encapsulates the actual command packets to the passed to the remote device as a payload.

    The important difference between the RF and non RF command packet functions are remote callsign and ID arguments that tell Faraday what devices to target for commanding.

    .. note:: Remote commanding simply calls a specific local command that transmits a "local" command packet as a payload to the target Faraday device. Also, This command module has a predefined set of command number definitions for use/reference.

    :param dest_callsign: The callsign of the target Faraday unit
    :param dest_device_id: The device ID number of the target Faraday unit
    :param command: The command "number" that identifies the command packet to be parsed or direct action to be taken
    :param payload: The payload for the specified command packet type. This is usually just commands full "packet" structure

    :return: A complete command datagram packet as a string of raw bytes

    #Cheack if callsign is too long
    if len(dest_callsign) < DEST_CALLSIGN_MAX_LEN:
        #Define packet structures
        pkt_cmd_datagram_struct = struct.Struct(
        )  #Command packect to be run on remote unit as local command
        pkt_cmd_datagram_error_detection_struct = struct.Struct(
        )  #Command packect to be run on remote unit as local command Error Detection
        pkt_rf_cmd_struct = struct.Struct(
        )  #RF Command packet that encapsulates local command to be run on remote unit
        pkt_rf_error_detection_struct = struct.Struct(
            '>1H')  #16bit Error Detection (Checksum)

        #Create local command for remote unit
        pkt_cmd_datagram = pkt_cmd_datagram_struct.pack(
            command, len(payload), payload)
        pkt_cmd_datagram_error_detection = pkt_cmd_datagram_error_detection_struct.pack(
        pkt_cmd_datagram_final = pkt_cmd_datagram + pkt_cmd_datagram_error_detection
        print repr(pkt_cmd_datagram_final)

        #Create RF Command for local device without Error Detection appended. NOTE Callsign must be in uppercase!
        pkt_rf_cmd = pkt_rf_cmd_struct.pack(
            str(dest_callsign).upper(), len(dest_callsign), dest_device_id,

        #Create final local command packet with Error Detection appeneded
        pkt_rf_error_detection = pkt_rf_error_detection_struct.pack(
            checksum.compute_checksum_16(pkt_rf_cmd, len(pkt_rf_cmd)))
        packet = pkt_rf_cmd + pkt_rf_error_detection
        return packet
        print "Error: Callsign too long!"
Exemple #2
def create_command_datagram(command, payload):
    This function creates a command packet datagram that encapsulates the actual command packets to the parsed. This allows identification of packet "types" and modularity within the command system.

    :param command: The command "number" that identifies the command packet to be parsed or direct action to be taken
    :param payload: The payload for the specified command packet type. This is usually just commands full "packet" structure

    :return: A complete command datagram packet as a string of raw bytes

    .. note:: This command module has a predefined set of command number definitions for use/reference.
    #Define packets
    pkt_struct1 = struct.Struct('2B')
    pkt_struct2 = struct.Struct('119s')
    pkt_struct3 = struct.Struct('>1H')

    #Determine payload length
    payload_len = len(payload)

    #Create sub packets
    pkt_a = pkt_struct1.pack(command, payload_len)
    pkt_b = pkt_struct2.pack(payload)
    checksum_computed = checksum.compute_checksum_16(pkt_a + pkt_b,
                                                     len(pkt_a + pkt_b))
    pkt_c = pkt_struct3.pack(checksum_computed)

    #Concactenate sub packets into a single packet
    packet_packed = pkt_a + pkt_b + pkt_c

    #Only return packet if all variables are correctly sized
    if len(payload) <= FIXED_PAYLOAD_LEN_MAX:
        #print "Lengths", len(packet_packed)
        packet_final = packet_packed
        return packet_final
        return False
        print "ERROR - Create Command: Payload Too Long!", len(payload)