def __init__(self, surface, enemy_manager):
        self.surface = surface
        self.enemy_manager = enemy_manager
        self.terrain_objects = []
        self.gun_objects = []
        self.enemies = []
        self.end_of_level = False
        self.collide_flag = False
        self.counter = 0
        self.collide = CollisionManager()

        # Level ASCII keys
        self.level_one_key = "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SXSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "//////SSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS///SSSSS//SSSSS////SSSSSSSS/" \
 def __init__(self, surface, enemy_manager):
     self.surface = surface
     self.enemy_manager = enemy_manager
     self.terrain_objects = []
     self.gun_objects = []
     self.enemies = []
     self.end_of_level = False
     self.collide_flag = False
     self.counter = 0
     self.collide = CollisionManager()
     # Level ASCII keys
     self.level_one_key = "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" \
                          "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "//////SSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                          "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS///SSSSS//SSSSS////SSSSSSSS/" \
    def Load(self):
        self.fl_rs_gen = FileResourcesGenerator.FileResourcesGenerator()

        self.dt_cl_man = DataCleanerManager.DataCleanerManager(

        self.coll_man = CollisionManager.CollisionManager()

        self.first_it_aggregator = FirstIterationAggregator.FirstIterationFileAggregator(
        self.first_it_aggregator_attr = FirstIterationAggregator.FirstIterationAttrAggregator(

        self.second_it_aggregator = SecondIterationAggregator.SecondIterationFileAggregator(
        self.second_it_aggregator_attr = SecondIterationAggregator.SecondIterationAttrAggregator(

        self.third_it_aggregator = ThirdIterationAggregator.ThirdIterationFileAggregator(
class LevelLoader:
    """Handles loading in maps"""

    def __init__(self, surface, enemy_manager):
        self.surface = surface
        self.enemy_manager = enemy_manager
        self.terrain_objects = []
        self.gun_objects = []
        self.enemies = []
        self.end_of_level = False
        self.collide_flag = False
        self.counter = 0
        self.collide = CollisionManager()
        # Level ASCII keys
        self.level_one_key = "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SXSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "//////SSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS///SSSSS//SSSSS////SSSSSSSS/" \

    def load(self, level):
        """Loads in level based on ASCII values"""
        count_x = 0
        count_y = 0
        if level == 1:
            ascii_map = self.level_one_key
        elif level == 2:
            ascii_map = self.level_two_key
        elif level == 3:
            ascii_map = self.level_three_key

        for i in ascii_map:
            if i == '/':
                self.terrain_objects.append(Terrain(count_x, count_y))
            elif i == 'S':
            elif i == 'X':
                self.enemy_manager.spawn(count_x, count_y)
            elif i == 'G':
                # self.objects.append(Gun(count_x, count_y, self.surface)
            count_x += SIZE_BLOCK
            if count_x == SIZE_SCREEN_X:
                count_x = 0
                count_y += SIZE_BLOCK
            if count_y == SIZE_SCREEN_Y:

    def shift(self, speed):
        """Updates map coordinates"""
        for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
            terrain.x -= speed
        self.counter += speed
        if self.counter == 1600:
            self.end_of_level = True
    def check_collisions(self, rect_object, is_bullet):
        """Checks collisions with terrain"""
        if not is_bullet:
            hit = [0, 0]
            for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
                if self.collide.check_collision(rect_object, terrain):
                    hit = self.collide.check_hit_direction(rect_object, terrain)
                    self.collide.handleBoxHit(rect_object, terrain, hit)
            return hit
            flag = False
            for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
                if self.collide.check_collision(rect_object, terrain):
                    flag = True
            return flag
    def draw_terrain(self):
        for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
            pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, COLOR_TERRAIN, terrain, 0)
            self.surface.blit(terrain.tile, (terrain.x, terrain.y))
class LevelLoader:
    """Handles loading in maps"""
    def __init__(self, surface, enemy_manager):
        self.surface = surface
        self.enemy_manager = enemy_manager
        self.terrain_objects = []
        self.gun_objects = []
        self.enemies = []
        self.end_of_level = False
        self.collide_flag = False
        self.counter = 0
        self.collide = CollisionManager()

        # Level ASCII keys
        self.level_one_key = "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "///////////////////////////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SXSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "//////SSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSS/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/" \
                             "/SSSSSSSS///////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS///SSSSS//SSSSS////SSSSSSSS/" \

    def load(self, level):
        """Loads in level based on ASCII values"""
        count_x = 0
        count_y = 0
        if level == 1:
            ascii_map = self.level_one_key
        elif level == 2:
            ascii_map = self.level_two_key
        elif level == 3:
            ascii_map = self.level_three_key

        for i in ascii_map:
            if i == '/':
                self.terrain_objects.append(Terrain(count_x, count_y))
            elif i == 'S':
            elif i == 'X':
                self.enemy_manager.spawn(count_x, count_y)
            elif i == 'G':
                # self.objects.append(Gun(count_x, count_y, self.surface)
            count_x += SIZE_BLOCK
            if count_x == SIZE_SCREEN_X:
                count_x = 0
                count_y += SIZE_BLOCK
            if count_y == SIZE_SCREEN_Y:

    def shift(self, speed):
        """Updates map coordinates"""
        for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
            terrain.x -= speed
        self.counter += speed
        if self.counter == 1600:
            self.end_of_level = True

    def check_collisions(self, rect_object, is_bullet):
        """Checks collisions with terrain"""
        if not is_bullet:
            hit = [0, 0]
            for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
                if self.collide.check_collision(rect_object, terrain):
                    hit = self.collide.check_hit_direction(
                        rect_object, terrain)
                    self.collide.handleBoxHit(rect_object, terrain, hit)
            return hit
            flag = False
            for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
                if self.collide.check_collision(rect_object, terrain):
                    flag = True
            return flag

    def draw_terrain(self):
        for terrain in self.terrain_objects:
            pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, COLOR_TERRAIN, terrain, 0)
            self.surface.blit(terrain.tile, (terrain.x, terrain.y))
class CSpaceWorld:
    g_obcColor = [ 150, 150, 150 ]
    g_obcThickness = 0;
    g_spaceColor = [ 0, 150, 0 ]
    g_spaceThickness = 3;

    def __init__( self, robot ):
        self.mRobot = robot;
        self.mRatio = 100;
        self.mScaledWidth = 900;
        self.mScaledHeight = 900;
        self.mCollisionMgr = CollisionManager( robot );

    def renderCSpace( self, ifsave = True ):
        imgSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.mScaledHeight, self.mScaledWidth));
        ObstacleColor = ( 50, 50, 50 );
        obstaclePoints = [];

        inObstacle = 0;

        # Randomly sample and draw in the image
        for i in range( 0, 200000 ):
            scaledAlpha = random.randint( 0, self.mScaledWidth );
            scaledPhi = random.randint( 0, self.mScaledHeight );
            alpha, phi = self.map2UnscaledSpace( scaledAlpha, scaledPhi );
            collide = self.mCollisionMgr.ifCollide( (alpha, phi) );
            if collide:
                inObstacle += 1;
                obstaclePoints.append( (scaledAlpha, scaledPhi) );
                pygame.draw.line( imgSurface, ObstacleColor, (scaledAlpha, scaledPhi), (scaledAlpha, scaledPhi));
        print "{0} / {1} obstacles".format( inObstacle, 200000 );

        # Save Data
        if ifsave:
            worldFile = open( "CSpace.txt", 'w' );
            worldFile.write( "WIDTH\t{0}\nHEIGHT\t{1}\n".format( self.mScaledWidth, self.mScaledHeight ) );
            for pair in obstaclePoints:
                worldFile.write( "{0}\t{1}\n".format(pair[0], pair[1]) );

        return imgSurface;
    def map2UnscaledSpace( self, alpha, phi ):
        """The given parameters are scaled, we want to map them to -1.5~1.5PI"""
        retAlpha = ((alpha-self.mScaledWidth/2) / float(self.mScaledWidth))  * math.pi * 2;
        retPhi   = ((phi-self.mScaledHeight/2)  / float(self.mScaledHeight)) * math.pi * 2;
        return retAlpha, retPhi;

    def map2ScaledSpace( self, alpha, phi ):
        """Given two angles, alpha, phi, in the unscaled real world, map them to scaled space."""
        retXcoord = alpha * self.mScaledWidth / (2.0*math.pi) + self.mScaledWidth/2.0;
        retYcoord = phi  * self.mScaledHeight / (2.0*math.pi) + self.mScaledHeight/2.0;
        return retXcoord, retYcoord;

    def loadCSpace(self, filename):
        """Load C space info from file. Return rendered image"""

        imgSurface = None;
        ObstacleColor = ( 50, 50, 50 );
        obstaclePoints = [];

        CSpaceFile = open(filename, 'r');
        lineNum = 0;
        for line in CSpaceFile:
            lineNum += 1;
            info = line.split('\t');
                self.mScaledWidth = int(info[1]);
            elif info[0] == "HEIGHT":
                self.mScaledHeight = int(info[1]);
            elif len(info)==2:
                if( imgSurface == None ):
                    imgSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((self.mScaledHeight, self.mScaledWidth));
                pygame.draw.line( imgSurface, ObstacleColor, (int(info[0]),int(info[1])), (int(info[0]),int(info[1])));
        print "{0} / {1} obstacles".format( lineNum, 200000 );

        return imgSurface;

    def mapPath2UnscaledSpace(self, start, goal):
        """Map a path between two configurations in scaled space to unscaled space"""
        dx = ( goal[0]-start[0] );
        dy = ( goal[1]-start[1] );
        if( dx > 0 and self.mScaledWidth - dx < dx ):
            dx = -(self.mScaledWidth - dx);
        elif( dx < 0 and self.mScaledWidth - (-dx) < (-dx)):
            dx = self.mScaledWidth - (-dx);
        if( dy > 0 and self.mScaledHeight - dy < dy ):
            dy = -(self.mScaledHeight - dy);
        elif( dy < 0 and self.mScaledHeight-(-dy)<(-dy) ):
            dy = self.mScaledHeight-(-dy);

        newgoal = (start[0] + dx, start[1] + dy);

        start_alpha, start_phi = self.map2UnscaledSpace( start[0], start[1] );
        goal_alpha, gloal_phi = self.map2UnscaledSpace( newgoal[0], newgoal[1] );

        return (start_alpha, start_phi), (goal_alpha, gloal_phi);
 def __init__( self, robot ):
     self.mRobot = robot;
     self.mRatio = 100;
     self.mScaledWidth = 900;
     self.mScaledHeight = 900;
     self.mCollisionMgr = CollisionManager( robot );