Exemple #1
    def computePotentials(self):
        import orangeom
        rx = self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmax) - self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmin)
        ry = self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymin) - self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymax)
        rx -= rx % self.squareGranularity
        ry -= ry % self.squareGranularity

        ox = self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, 0) - self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmin)
        oy = self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymin) - self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, 0)

        if not getattr(self, "potentialsImage", None) or getattr(self, "potentialContext", None) != (rx, ry, self.shownXAttribute, self.shownYAttribute, self.squareGranularity, self.jitterSize, self.jitterContinuous, self.spaceBetweenCells):
            if self.potentialsClassifier.classVar.varType == orange.VarTypes.Continuous:
                imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.potentialsClassifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.squareGranularity, 1)  # the last argument is self.trueScaleFactor (in LinProjGraph...)
                palette = [qRgb(255.*i/255., 255.*i/255., 255-(255.*i/255.)) for i in range(255)] + [qRgb(255, 255, 255)]
                imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.potentialsClassifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.squareGranularity, 1., self.spaceBetweenCells) # the last argument is self.trueScaleFactor (in LinProjGraph...)
                palette = []
                sortedClasses = getVariableValuesSorted(self.potentialsClassifier.domain.classVar)
                for cls in self.potentialsClassifier.classVar.values:
                    color = self.discPalette.getRGB(sortedClasses.index(cls))
                    towhite = [255-c for c in color]
                    for s in range(nShades):
                        si = 1-float(s)/nShades
                        palette.append(qRgb(*tuple([color[i]+towhite[i]*si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
                palette.extend([qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256-len(palette))])

            self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
            self.potentialsImage.setColorTable(ColorPalette.signedPalette(palette) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)
            self.potentialContext = (rx, ry, self.shownXAttribute, self.shownYAttribute, self.squareGranularity, self.jitterSize, self.jitterContinuous, self.spaceBetweenCells)
            self.potentialsImageFromClassifier = self.potentialsClassifier
    def computePotentials(self):
        import orangeom
        rx = self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmax) - self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmin)
        ry = self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymin) - self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymax)
        rx -= rx % self.squareGranularity
        ry -= ry % self.squareGranularity

        ox = self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, 0) - self.transform(QwtPlot.xBottom, self.xmin)
        oy = self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, self.ymin) - self.transform(QwtPlot.yLeft, 0)

        if not getattr(self, "potentialsImage", None) or getattr(self, "potentialContext", None) != (rx, ry, self.shownXAttribute, self.shownYAttribute, self.squareGranularity, self.jitterSize, self.jitterContinuous, self.spaceBetweenCells):
            if self.potentialsClassifier.classVar.varType == orange.VarTypes.Continuous:
                imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.potentialsClassifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.squareGranularity, 1)  # the last argument is self.trueScaleFactor (in LinProjGraph...)
                palette = [qRgb(255.*i/255., 255.*i/255., 255-(255.*i/255.)) for i in range(255)] + [qRgb(255, 255, 255)]
                imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.potentialsClassifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.squareGranularity, 1., self.spaceBetweenCells) # the last argument is self.trueScaleFactor (in LinProjGraph...)
                palette = []
                sortedClasses = getVariableValuesSorted(self.potentialsClassifier.domain.classVar)
                for cls in self.potentialsClassifier.classVar.values:
                    color = self.discPalette.getRGB(sortedClasses.index(cls))
                    towhite = [255-c for c in color]
                    for s in range(nShades):
                        si = 1-float(s)/nShades
                        palette.append(qRgb(*tuple([color[i]+towhite[i]*si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
                palette.extend([qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256-len(palette))])

            self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
            self.potentialsImage.setColorTable(ColorPalette.signedPalette(palette) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)
            self.potentialContext = (rx, ry, self.shownXAttribute, self.shownYAttribute, self.squareGranularity, self.jitterSize, self.jitterContinuous, self.spaceBetweenCells)
            self.potentialsImageFromClassifier = self.potentialsClassifier
    def update_properties(self):
        ## Mostly copied from OWScatterPlotGraph
        if not self.plot():

        if not self.rect:
            x, y = self.axes()
            self.rect = self.plot().data_rect_for_axes(x, y)
        s = self.graph_transform().mapRect(self.rect).size().toSize()
        if not s.isValid():
        rx = s.width()
        ry = s.height()

        rx -= rx % self.granularity
        ry -= ry % self.granularity

        p = self.graph_transform().map(QPointF(
            0, 0)) - self.graph_transform().map(self.rect.topLeft())
        p = p.toPoint()

        ox = p.x()
        oy = -p.y()

        if self.classifier.classVar.varType == orange.VarTypes.Continuous:
            imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.classifier, rx, ry, ox,
                                                 oy, self.granularity,
            palette = [
                qRgb(255. * i / 255., 255. * i / 255., 255 - (255. * i / 255.))
                for i in range(255)
            ] + [qRgb(255, 255, 255)]
            imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(
                self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale,
            palette = []
            sortedClasses = get_variable_values_sorted(
            for cls in self.classifier.classVar.values:
                color = self.plot().discPalette.getRGB(
                towhite = [255 - c for c in color]
                for s in range(nShades):
                    si = 1 - float(s) / nShades
                            [color[i] + towhite[i] * si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
                [qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256 - len(palette))])

        self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
                                       ) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)
    def update_properties(self):
        ## Mostly copied from OWScatterPlotGraph
        if not self.plot():
        if not self.rect:
            x,y = self.axes()
            self.rect = self.plot().data_rect_for_axes(x,y)
        s = self.graph_transform().mapRect(self.rect).size().toSize()
        if not s.isValid():
        rx = s.width()
        ry = s.height()
        rx -= rx % self.granularity
        ry -= ry % self.granularity
        p = self.graph_transform().map(QPointF(0, 0)) - self.graph_transform().map(self.rect.topLeft())
        p = p.toPoint()
        ox = p.x()
        oy = -p.y()
        if self.classifier.classVar.varType == orange.VarTypes.Continuous:
            imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale)
            palette = [qRgb(255.*i/255., 255.*i/255., 255-(255.*i/255.)) for i in range(255)] + [qRgb(255, 255, 255)]
            imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale, self.spacing)
            palette = []
            sortedClasses = get_variable_values_sorted(self.classifier.domain.classVar)
            for cls in self.classifier.classVar.values:
                color = self.plot().discPalette.getRGB(sortedClasses.index(cls))
                towhite = [255-c for c in color]
                for s in range(nShades):
                    si = 1-float(s)/nShades
                    palette.append(qRgb(*tuple([color[i]+towhite[i]*si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
            palette.extend([qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256-len(palette))])

        self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
        self.potentialsImage.setColorTable(ColorPalette.signedPalette(palette) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)