Exemple #1
 def _calculate_threat(self):
     return (
         self.threat_bias +
         + self.safety_factor * CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([
             .75 * self._neighbor_threat(),
             .5 * self._jump2_threat()])
         + self._potential_threat())
Exemple #2
 def _calculate_threat(self):
     return (
         self.threat_bias +
         + self.safety_factor * CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([
             .75 * self._neighbor_threat(),
             .5 * self._jump2_threat()])
         + self._potential_threat())
Exemple #3
def get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating():
    Give an assessment of total miltary rating as if all fleets were merged into a single mega-fleet.

    :return: a military rating value
    :rtype: float
    return CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id) for fleet_id in
Exemple #4
def get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating():
    Give an assessment of total miltary rating as if all fleets were merged into a single mega-fleet.

    :return: a military rating value
    :rtype: float
    return CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id) for fleet_id in
Exemple #5
def assess_protection_focus(pinfo):
    """Return True if planet should use Protection Focus."""
    this_planet = pinfo.planet
    aistate = get_aistate()
    sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(this_planet.systemID, {})
    threat_from_supply = (
        0.25 * aistate.empire_standard_enemy_rating *
        min(2, len(sys_status.get('enemies_nearly_supplied', []))))
    debug("%s has regional+supply threat of %.1f", this_planet,
    regional_threat = sys_status.get('regional_threat', 0) + threat_from_supply
    if not regional_threat:  # no need for protection
        if pinfo.current_focus == PROTECTION:
                "Advising dropping Protection Focus at %s due to no regional threat",
        return False
    cur_prod_val = weighted_sum_output(pinfo.current_output)
    target_prod_val = max(
            [pinfo.possible_output[INDUSTRY], pinfo.possible_output[RESEARCH]
    prot_prod_val = weighted_sum_output(pinfo.possible_output[PROTECTION])
    local_production_diff = 0.8 * cur_prod_val + 0.2 * target_prod_val - prot_prod_val
    fleet_threat = sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0)
    # TODO: relax the below rejection once the overall determination of PFocus is better tuned
    if not fleet_threat and local_production_diff > 8:
        if pinfo.current_focus == PROTECTION:
                "Advising dropping Protection Focus at %s due to excessive productivity loss",
        return False
    local_p_defenses = sys_status.get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
    # TODO have adjusted_p_defenses take other in-system planets into account
    adjusted_p_defenses = local_p_defenses * (
        1.0 if pinfo.current_focus != PROTECTION else 0.5)
    local_fleet_rating = sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)
    combined_local_defenses = sys_status.get('all_local_defenses', 0)
    my_neighbor_rating = sys_status.get('my_neighbor_rating', 0)
    neighbor_threat = sys_status.get('neighborThreat', 0)
    safety_factor = 1.2 if pinfo.current_focus == PROTECTION else 0.5
    cur_shield = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)
    max_shield = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    cur_troops = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    cur_defense = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.defense)
    max_defense = this_planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense)
    def_meter_pairs = [(cur_troops, max_troops), (cur_shield, max_shield),
                       (cur_defense, max_defense)]
    use_protection = True
    reason = ""
    if (fleet_threat and  # i.e., an enemy is sitting on us
            pinfo.current_focus != PROTECTION
            or  # too late to start protection TODO: but maybe regen worth it
            # protection focus only useful here if it maintains an elevated level
                AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER * a <= b
                for a, b in def_meter_pairs
        use_protection = False
        reason = "A"
    elif ((pinfo.current_focus != PROTECTION and cur_shield < max_shield - 2
           and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PLANET_BARRIER_I_TECH))
          and (cur_defense < max_defense - 2
               and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.DEFENSE_REGEN_1_TECH))
          and (cur_troops < max_troops - 2)):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "B1"
    elif (
        (pinfo.current_focus == PROTECTION
         and cur_shield * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_shield - 2
         and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PLANET_BARRIER_I_TECH)) and
        (cur_defense * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_defense - 2
         and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.DEFENSE_REGEN_1_TECH)) and
        (cur_troops * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_troops - 2)):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "B2"
    elif max(max_shield, max_troops, max_defense) < 3:
        # joke defenses, don't bother with protection focus
        use_protection = False
        reason = "C"
    elif regional_threat and local_production_diff <= 2.0:
        use_protection = True
        reason = "D"
    elif safety_factor * regional_threat <= local_fleet_rating:
        use_protection = False
        reason = "E"
    elif (safety_factor * regional_threat <= combined_local_defenses and
          (pinfo.current_focus != PROTECTION or
           (0.5 * safety_factor * regional_threat <= local_fleet_rating
            and fleet_threat == 0 and neighbor_threat < combined_local_defenses
            and local_production_diff > 5))):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "F"
    elif (regional_threat <= CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
            local_fleet_rating, adjusted_p_defenses)
          and safety_factor * regional_threat <=
              [my_neighbor_rating, local_fleet_rating, adjusted_p_defenses])
          and local_production_diff > 5):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "G"
    if use_protection or pinfo.current_focus == PROTECTION:
            "Advising %sProtection Focus (reason %s) for planet %s, with local_prod_diff of %.1f, comb. local"
            " defenses %.1f, local fleet rating %.1f and regional threat %.1f, threat sources: %s",
            ["dropping ", ""][use_protection], reason, this_planet,
            local_production_diff, combined_local_defenses, local_fleet_rating,
            regional_threat, sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'])
    return use_protection
Exemple #6
    def __update_system_status(self):
        print 10 * "=", "Updating System Threats", 10 * "="
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        observed_empires = self.misc.setdefault("observed_empires", set())

        # TODO: Variables that are recalculated each turn from scratch should not be stored in AIstate
        # clear previous game state
        for sys_id in self.systemStatus:
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['enemy_ship_count'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRating'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = 0

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                self.delete_fleet_info(fleet_id)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
            # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
            this_system_id = fleet.nextSystemID if fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID else fleet.systemID
            dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
            if dead_fleet:

            if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                if not dead_fleet:
                    my_fleets_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                    fleet_spot_position.setdefault(fleet.systemID, []).append(fleet_id)

            # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
            # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
            # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
            if dead_fleet:

            # we are only interested in immediately recent data
            if get_partial_visibility_turn(fleet_id) < (current_turn - 1):

            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
            sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get('enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
            enemies_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)

            if not fleet.unowned:
                self.misc.setdefault('enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name

            # update threats
            monster_ratings = []  # immobile
            enemy_ratings = []  # owned & mobile
            mob_ratings = []  # mobile & unowned
            mobile_fleets = []  # mobile and either owned or unowned
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)  # ensured to exist
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                    fid, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)

                if verbose:
                    print "\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)
                if fleet.unowned:

            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(monster_ratings)
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            lost_fleets = fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, [])
            lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(lost_fleets)

            # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here,
            # but just in case...
            partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            if not system or partial_vis_turn < 0:
                if verbose:
                    print "Never had partial vis for %s - basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % system
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': 0, 'attack': 0, 'health': 0}
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = phealth = 0
            mypattack = myphealth = 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid, sighting_age=current_turn - partial_vis_turn)
                if planet.ownedBy(empire_id):  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
                    if any("_NEST_" in special for special in planet.specials):
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': mypattack * myphealth, 'attack': mypattack, 'health': myphealth}

            # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
            if max(sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            #       which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn,
            #       partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn

            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print ("Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, "
                #        "current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships") % (
                #     sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    2.0 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8)\
                #                             * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth]),
                    2 * lost_fleet_rating,
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                # includes mobile monsters
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                if verbose:
                    print "enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (
                        enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating)
                # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(enemy_rating, 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    [enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth])
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    ((pattack + min_hidden_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + min_hidden_health) ** 0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                print "%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status)

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply()  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            observed_empires.update(enemy_supply.get(sys_id, []))
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True, self.get_standard_enemy())
                my_ratings_against_planets_list.append(self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                sys_status['myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_list)
                sys_status['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                sys_status['all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                    sys_status['myFleetRating'], sys_status['mydefenses']['overall'])
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, self.empireID))

        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (
                    this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3), (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                    setb.update(self.systemStatus.get(sys2id, {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(jump3ring)
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat']
            sys_status['regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                [sys_status.get(x, 0) for x in threat_keys])
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
            sys_status.setdefault('regional_fleet_threats', set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)
Exemple #7
    def update_system_status(self):
        print 10 * "=", "Updating System Threats", 10 * "="
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        system_id_list = universe.systemIDs  # will normally look at this, the list of all known systems

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        cur_e_fighters = {CombatRatingsAI.default_ship_stats().get_stats(hashable=True): [0]}  # start with a dummy entry
        old_e_fighters = {CombatRatingsAI.default_ship_stats().get_stats(hashable=True): [0]}  # start with a dummy entry
        enemy_fleet_ids = []
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        saw_enemies_at_system = {}
        my_milship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if fleet is None:
            if not fleet.empty:
                # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
                this_system_id = (fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID and fleet.nextSystemID) or fleet.systemID
                if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                    if fleet_id not in destroyed_object_ids:
                        my_fleets_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                        fleet_spot_position.setdefault(fleet.systemID, []).append(fleet_id)
                    dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
                    if not fleet.ownedBy(-1) and (fleet.hasArmedShips or fleet.hasFighterShips):
                        ship_stats = CombatRatingsAI.FleetCombatStats(fleet_id).get_ship_stats(hashable=True)
                        e_f_dict = [cur_e_fighters, old_e_fighters][dead_fleet]  # track old/dead enemy fighters for rating assessments in case not enough current info
                        for stats in ship_stats:
                            attacks = stats[0]
                            if attacks:
                                e_f_dict.setdefault(stats, [0])[0] += 1
                    partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(fleet_id, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    if not dead_fleet:
                        # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
                        # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
                        # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
                        sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                        sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get('enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
                        if partial_vis_turn >= current_turn - 1:  # only interested in immediately recent data
                            saw_enemies_at_system[fleet.systemID] = True
                            enemies_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                            if not fleet.ownedBy(-1):
                                self.misc.setdefault('enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)
                                rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                                if rating > 0.25 * my_milship_rating:
                                    self.misc.setdefault('dangerous_enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)
        e_f_dict = [cur_e_fighters, old_e_fighters][len(cur_e_fighters) == 1]
        std_fighter = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in e_f_dict.items()])[-1][1]
        self.__empire_standard_enemy = std_fighter
        self.empire_standard_enemy_rating = self.get_standard_enemy().get_rating()
        # TODO: If no current information available, rate against own fighters

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name
                for fid in system.fleetIDs:
                    if fid in destroyed_object_ids:  # TODO: double check are these checks/deletes necessary?
                        self.delete_fleet_info(fid)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
                    fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
                    if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                        self.delete_fleet_info(fid)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine

            # update threats
            sys_vis_dict = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(sys_id, fo.empireID())
            partial_vis_turn = sys_vis_dict.get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            mob_ratings = []  # for mobile unowned monster fleets
            lost_fleet_rating = 0
            enemy_ratings = []
            monster_ratings = []
            mobile_fleets = []
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
                if not fleet:
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fid, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)
                    if fleet.unowned:
            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(monster_ratings)
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            if fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, []):
                lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(fleetsLostBySystem[sys_id])
            if not system or partial_vis_turn == -9999:  # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here, but just in case...
                if verbose:
                    print "Have never had partial vis for system %d ( %s ) -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % (sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"))
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(max(CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0), 1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = int(max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), 1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(max(enemy_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0), 1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating))
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': 0, 'attack': 0, 'health': 0}
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = 0
            phealth = 0
            mypattack, myphealth = 0, 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid, sighting_age=current_turn - partial_vis_turn)
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                if planet.owner == self.empireID:  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    if [special for special in planet.specials if "_NEST_" in special]:
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': mypattack * myphealth, 'attack': mypattack, 'health': myphealth}

            if max(sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:  # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            # which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn, partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn
            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:  # (universe.getVisibility(sys_id, self.empire_id) >= fo.visibility.partial):
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print "Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships"%(sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(max(CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0), 2.0 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating)))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(max(enemy_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0), 1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating)))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = int(max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth]), 2 * lost_fleet_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible #TODO: reevaluate as visibility rules change
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(max(CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating))  # includes mobile monsters
                if verbose:
                    print "enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(max(enemy_rating, 2 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating))  # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth])
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:  # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], ((pattack + min_hidden_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + min_hidden_health) ** 0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                print "%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status)

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply()  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True, self.get_standard_enemy())
                my_ratings_against_planets_list.append(self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                sys_status['myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_list)
                sys_status['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_against_planets_list)
                sys_status['all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(sys_status['myFleetRating'], sys_status['mydefenses']['overall'])
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(dict_from_map(universe.getSystemNeighborsMap(sys_id, self.empireID)))
        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = fo.getUniverse().getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3), (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                    setb.update(self.systemStatus.get(sys2id, {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3  - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(neighbors, ref_sys_name="neighbors %s" % this_system) if verbose else self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(jump2ring, ref_sys_name="jump2 %s" % this_system) if verbose else self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(jump3ring)
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat']  # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
            sys_status['regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(map(lambda x: sys_status.get(x, 0), threat_keys))
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
            sys_status.setdefault('regional_fleet_threats', set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)
Exemple #8
def assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=None, allocations=None, round=1):
    # assign military fleets to military theater systems
    global _military_allocations
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    if allocations is None:
        allocations = []

    doing_main = (use_fleet_id_list is None)
    if doing_main:
        foAI.foAIstate.misc['ReassignedFleetMissions'] = []
        base_defense_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE)
        unassigned_base_defense_ids = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(base_defense_ids)
        for fleet_id in unassigned_base_defense_ids:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if not fleet:
            sys_id = fleet.systemID
            target = universe_object.System(sys_id)
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
            mission_type = MissionType.ORBITAL_DEFENSE
            fleet_mission.set_target(mission_type, target)

        all_military_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY)
        if not all_military_fleet_ids:
            _military_allocations = []
        avail_mil_fleet_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
        mil_needing_repair_ids, avail_mil_fleet_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(avail_mil_fleet_ids)
        these_allocations = _military_allocations
        print "=================================================="
        print "Assigning military fleets"
        print "---------------------------------"
        avail_mil_fleet_ids = list(use_fleet_id_list)
        mil_needing_repair_ids, avail_mil_fleet_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(avail_mil_fleet_ids)
        these_allocations = allocations

    # send_for_repair(mil_needing_repair_ids) #currently, let get taken care of by AIFleetMission.generate_fleet_orders()
    # get systems to defend

    avail_mil_fleet_ids = set(avail_mil_fleet_ids)
    for sys_id, alloc, minalloc, takeAny in these_allocations:
        if not doing_main and not avail_mil_fleet_ids:
        found_fleets = []
        found_stats = {}
        these_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.get_fleets_for_mission({'rating': alloc}, {'rating': minalloc}, found_stats,
                                                           starting_system=sys_id, fleet_pool_set=avail_mil_fleet_ids,
        if not these_fleets:
            if not found_fleets or not (FleetUtilsAI.stats_meet_reqs(found_stats, {'rating': minalloc}) or takeAny):
                if doing_main:
                    if _verbose_mil_reporting:
                        print "NO available/suitable military allocation for system %d ( %s ) -- requested allocation %8d, found available rating %8d in fleets %s" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name, minalloc, found_stats.get('rating', 0), found_fleets)
                these_fleets = found_fleets
                rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, found_fleets))
                if doing_main and _verbose_mil_reporting:
                    if rating < _min_mil_allocations.get(sys_id, 0):
                        print "PARTIAL military allocation for system %d ( %s ) -- requested allocation %8d -- got %8d with fleets %s" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name, minalloc, rating, these_fleets)
                        print "FULL MIN military allocation for system %d ( %s ) -- requested allocation %8d -- got %8d with fleets %s" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name, _min_mil_allocations.get(sys_id, 0), rating, these_fleets)
        elif doing_main and _verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "FULL+ military allocation for system %d ( %s ) -- requested allocation %8d, got %8d with fleets %s" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name, alloc, found_stats.get('rating', 0), these_fleets)
        target = universe_object.System(sys_id)
        for fleet_id in these_fleets:
            fo.issueAggressionOrder(fleet_id, True)
            fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
            if sys_id in list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.blockadeTargetedSystemIDs)):
                mission_type = MissionType.SECURE
                mission_type = MissionType.MILITARY
            fleet_mission.set_target(mission_type, target)
            if not doing_main:
                foAI.foAIstate.misc.setdefault('ReassignedFleetMissions', []).append(fleet_mission)

    if doing_main:
        print "---------------------------------"
    last_round = 3
    last_round_name = "LastRound"
    if round <= last_round:
        # check if any fleets remain unassigned
        all_military_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY)
        avail_mil_fleet_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
        allocations = []
        round += 1
        thisround = "Extras Remaining Round %d" % round if round < last_round else last_round_name
        if avail_mil_fleet_ids:
            print "Still have available military fleets: %s" % avail_mil_fleet_ids
            allocations = get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=avail_mil_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround)
        if allocations:
            assign_military_fleets_to_systems(use_fleet_id_list=avail_mil_fleet_ids, allocations=allocations, round=round)
def assess_protection_focus(pid, info):
    """Return True if planet should use Protection Focus."""
    this_planet = info.planet
    sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(this_planet.systemID, {})
    threat_from_supply = (0.25 * foAI.foAIstate.empire_standard_enemy_rating *
                          min(2, len(sys_status.get('enemies_nearly_supplied', []))))
    print "Planet %s has regional+supply threat of %.1f" % ('P_%d<%s>' % (pid, this_planet.name), threat_from_supply)
    regional_threat = sys_status.get('regional_threat', 0) + threat_from_supply
    if not regional_threat:  # no need for protection
        if info.current_focus == PRODUCTION:
            print "Advising dropping Protection Focus at %s due to no regional threat" % this_planet
        return False
    cur_prod_val = weighted_sum_output(info.current_output)
    target_prod_val = max(map(weighted_sum_output, [info.possible_output[INDUSTRY], info.possible_output[RESEARCH]]))
    prot_prod_val = weighted_sum_output(info.possible_output[PRODUCTION])
    local_production_diff = 0.8 * cur_prod_val + 0.2 * target_prod_val - prot_prod_val
    fleet_threat = sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0)
    # TODO: relax the below rejection once the overall determination of PFocus is better tuned
    if not fleet_threat and local_production_diff > 8:
        if info.current_focus == PRODUCTION:
            print "Advising dropping Protection Focus at %s due to excessive productivity loss" % this_planet
        return False
    local_p_defenses = sys_status.get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
    # TODO have adjusted_p_defenses take other in-system planets into account
    adjusted_p_defenses = local_p_defenses * (1.0 if info.current_focus != PRODUCTION else 0.5)
    local_fleet_rating = sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)
    combined_local_defenses = sys_status.get('all_local_defenses', 0)
    my_neighbor_rating = sys_status.get('my_neighbor_rating', 0)
    neighbor_threat = sys_status.get('neighborThreat', 0)
    safety_factor = 1.2 if info.current_focus == PRODUCTION else 0.5
    cur_shield = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield)
    max_shield = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    cur_troops = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    cur_defense = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.defense)
    max_defense = this_planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense)
    def_meter_pairs = [(cur_troops, max_troops), (cur_shield, max_shield), (cur_defense, max_defense)]
    use_protection = True
    reason = ""
    if (fleet_threat and  # i.e., an enemy is sitting on us
            (info.current_focus != PRODUCTION or  # too late to start protection TODO: but maybe regen worth it
             # protection focus only useful here if it maintains an elevated level
             all([AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER * a <= b for a, b in def_meter_pairs]))):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "A"
    elif ((info.current_focus != PRODUCTION and cur_shield < max_shield - 2 and
           not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PLANET_BARRIER_I_TECH)) and
          (cur_defense < max_defense - 2 and not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.DEFENSE_REGEN_1_TECH)) and
          (cur_troops < max_troops - 2)):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "B1"
    elif ((info.current_focus == PRODUCTION and cur_shield * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_shield - 2 and
           not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PLANET_BARRIER_I_TECH)) and
          (cur_defense * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_defense - 2 and
           not tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.DEFENSE_REGEN_1_TECH)) and
          (cur_troops * AIDependencies.PROT_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER < max_troops - 2)):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "B2"
    elif max(max_shield, max_troops, max_defense) < 3:  # joke defenses, don't bother with protection focus
        use_protection = False
        reason = "C"
    elif regional_threat and local_production_diff <= 2.0:
        reason = "D"
        pass  # i.e., use_protection = True
    elif safety_factor * regional_threat <= local_fleet_rating:
        use_protection = False
        reason = "E"
    elif (safety_factor * regional_threat <= combined_local_defenses and
          (info.current_focus != PRODUCTION or
           (0.5 * safety_factor * regional_threat <= local_fleet_rating and
            fleet_threat == 0 and neighbor_threat < combined_local_defenses and
            local_production_diff > 5))):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "F"
    elif (regional_threat <= CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(local_fleet_rating, adjusted_p_defenses) and
          safety_factor * regional_threat <=
          CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([my_neighbor_rating, local_fleet_rating, adjusted_p_defenses]) and
          local_production_diff > 5):
        use_protection = False
        reason = "G"
    if use_protection or info.current_focus == PRODUCTION:
        print ("Advising %sProtection Focus (reason %s) for planet %s, with local_prod_diff of %.1f, comb. local"
               " defenses %.1f, local fleet rating %.1f and regional threat %.1f, threat sources: %s") % (
                   ["dropping ", ""][use_protection], reason, this_planet, local_production_diff, combined_local_defenses,
                   local_fleet_rating, regional_threat, sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'])
    return use_protection
Exemple #10
    def __update_system_status(self):
        debug('{0} Updating System Threats {0}'.format(10 * "="))
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        observed_empires = self.misc.setdefault("observed_empires", set())

        # TODO: Variables that are recalculated each turn from scratch should not be stored in AIstate
        # clear previous game state
        for sys_id in self.systemStatus:
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['enemy_ship_count'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRating'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = 0

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                self.delete_fleet_info(fleet_id)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
            # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
            this_system_id = fleet.nextSystemID if fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID else fleet.systemID
            dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
            if dead_fleet:

            if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                if not dead_fleet:
                    my_fleets_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                    fleet_spot_position.setdefault(fleet.systemID, []).append(fleet_id)

            # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
            # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
            # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
            if dead_fleet:

            # we are only interested in immediately recent data
            if get_partial_visibility_turn(fleet_id) < (current_turn - 1):

            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
            sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get('enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
            enemies_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)

            if not fleet.unowned:
                self.misc.setdefault('enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                debug("AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system)
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name

            # update threats
            monster_ratings = []  # immobile
            enemy_ratings = []  # owned & mobile
            mob_ratings = []  # mobile & unowned
            mobile_fleets = []  # mobile and either owned or unowned
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)  # ensured to exist
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                    fid, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        debug("\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating))

                if verbose:
                    debug("\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating))
                if fleet.unowned:

            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(monster_ratings)
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            lost_fleets = fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, [])
            lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(lost_fleets)

            # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here,
            # but just in case...
            partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            if not system or partial_vis_turn < 0:
                if verbose:
                    debug("Never had partial vis for %s - basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % system)
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': 0, 'attack': 0, 'health': 0}
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = phealth = 0
            mypattack = myphealth = 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid, sighting_age=current_turn - partial_vis_turn)
                if planet.ownedBy(empire_id):  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
                    if any("_NEST_" in special for special in planet.specials):
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': mypattack * myphealth, 'attack': mypattack, 'health': myphealth}

            # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
            if max(sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            #       which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn,
            #       partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn

            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print ("Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, "
                #        "current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships") % (
                #     sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    2.0 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8)\
                #                             * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth]),
                    2 * lost_fleet_rating,
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                # includes mobile monsters
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                if verbose:
                    debug("enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (
                        enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating))
                # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(enemy_rating, 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    [enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth])
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    ((pattack + min_hidden_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + min_hidden_health) ** 0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                debug("%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status))

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply()  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            observed_empires.update(enemy_supply.get(sys_id, []))
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True, self.get_standard_enemy())
                my_ratings_against_planets_list.append(self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                sys_status['myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_list)
                sys_status['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                sys_status['all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                    sys_status['myFleetRating'], sys_status['mydefenses']['overall'])
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, self.empireID))

        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                debug("Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (
                    this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0)))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3), (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                    setb.update(self.systemStatus.get(sys2id, {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(jump3ring)
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat']
            sys_status['regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                [sys_status.get(x, 0) for x in threat_keys])
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
            sys_status.setdefault('regional_fleet_threats', set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)
    def update_system_status(self):
        print 10 * "=", "Updating System Threats", 10 * "="
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        system_id_list = universe.systemIDs  # will normally look at this, the list of all known systems

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        cur_e_fighters = {
            CombatRatingsAI.default_ship_stats().get_stats(hashable=True): [0]
        }  # start with a dummy entry
        old_e_fighters = {
            CombatRatingsAI.default_ship_stats().get_stats(hashable=True): [0]
        }  # start with a dummy entry
        enemy_fleet_ids = []
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        saw_enemies_at_system = {}
        my_milship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if fleet is None:
            if not fleet.empty:
                # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
                this_system_id = (fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID
                                  and fleet.nextSystemID) or fleet.systemID
                if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                    if fleet_id not in destroyed_object_ids:
                    dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
                    if not fleet.ownedBy(-1) and (fleet.hasArmedShips
                                                  or fleet.hasFighterShips):
                        ship_stats = CombatRatingsAI.FleetCombatStats(
                        e_f_dict = [
                            cur_e_fighters, old_e_fighters
                        ][dead_fleet]  # track old/dead enemy fighters for rating assessments in case not enough current info
                        for stats in ship_stats:
                            attacks = stats[0]
                            if attacks:
                                e_f_dict.setdefault(stats, [0])[0] += 1
                    partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                        fleet_id, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
                    if not dead_fleet:
                        # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
                        # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
                        # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
                        sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(
                            this_system_id, {})
                        sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get(
                            'enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
                        if partial_vis_turn >= current_turn - 1:  # only interested in immediately recent data
                            saw_enemies_at_system[fleet.systemID] = True
                            if not fleet.ownedBy(-1):
                                rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                                if rating > 0.25 * my_milship_rating:
        e_f_dict = [cur_e_fighters, old_e_fighters][len(cur_e_fighters) == 1]
        std_fighter = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in e_f_dict.items()])[-1][1]
        self.__empire_standard_enemy = std_fighter
        self.empire_standard_enemy_rating = self.get_standard_enemy(
        # TODO: If no current information available, rate against own fighters

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(
                sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name
                for fid in system.fleetIDs:
                    if fid in destroyed_object_ids:  # TODO: double check are these checks/deletes necessary?
                            fid)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
                    fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
                    if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                            fid)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine

            # update threats
            sys_vis_dict = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                sys_id, fo.empireID())
            partial_vis_turn = sys_vis_dict.get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            mob_ratings = []  # for mobile unowned monster fleets
            lost_fleet_rating = 0
            enemy_ratings = []
            monster_ratings = []
            mobile_fleets = []
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)
                if not fleet:
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (
                            fleet, fleet_rating)
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (
                            fleet, fleet_rating)
                    if fleet.unowned:
            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            if fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, []):
                lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
            if not system or partial_vis_turn == -9999:  # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here, but just in case...
                if verbose:
                    print "Have never had partial vis for system %d ( %s ) -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % (
                        sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"))
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(
                            enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                        0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                        1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = int(
                        0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                        1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(
                    max(enemy_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                        1.1 * lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating))
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {
                    'overall': 0,
                    'attack': 0,
                    'health': 0
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status[

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = 0
            phealth = 0
            mypattack, myphealth = 0, 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid,
                                                    sighting_age=current_turn -
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                if planet.owner == self.empireID:  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    if [
                            special for special in planet.specials
                            if "_NEST_" in special
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {
                'overall': mypattack * myphealth,
                'attack': mypattack,
                'health': myphealth

            if max(
                    sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth
            ) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:  # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            # which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn, partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn
            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:  # (universe.getVisibility(sys_id, self.empire_id) >= fo.visibility.partial):
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print "Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships"%(sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(
                            enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                        0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                        2.0 * lost_fleet_rating -
                        max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(
                        enemy_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                        1.1 * lost_fleet_rating -
                        max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = int(
                        0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                        enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating,
                        pattack * phealth
                    ]), 2 * lost_fleet_rating,
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible #TODO: reevaluate as visibility rules change
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = int(
                            enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2 * lost_fleet_rating -
                        monster_rating))  # includes mobile monsters
                if verbose:
                    print "enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (
                        enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = int(
                    max(enemy_rating, 2 * lost_fleet_rating -
                        monster_rating))  # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                    'totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([
                        enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating,
                        pattack * phealth
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status[
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'],
                                            sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'],
                                            sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:  # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    ((pattack + min_hidden_attack)**0.8) *
                    ((phealth + min_hidden_health)**0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                print "%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status)

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply(
        )  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(
                sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True,
                    self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                    'myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    'myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    'all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(
                    universe.getSystemNeighborsMap(sys_id, self.empireID)))

        for sys_id in system_id_list:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = fo.getUniverse().getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (
                    this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3),
                               (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                                              {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(
                neighbors, ref_sys_name="neighbors %s" %
                this_system) if verbose else self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(
                jump2ring, ref_sys_name="jump2 %s" %
                this_system) if verbose else self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat'
                           ]  # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
                'regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    map(lambda x: sys_status.get(x, 0), threat_keys))
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
                                  set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)