def process(self, data, base_response):"Sniffer Manager: Processing: %s" % data) ''' control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eth="eth0,eth1,..ethx" hosts=",,..." nets=",,.." #capsize packets control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eth="eth0" cap_size="20" raw_filter="src port 40001 and dsp port 3338" control action="net_scan_capture_list" sensor="id_sensor" control action="net_scan_capture_get" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_capture_delete" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_status" control action="net_scan_stop" ''' response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "net_scan": free_space = self.getDiskUsage('/var/ossim') check = (MIN_FREE_SPACE / MEGABYTE) if free_space < (MIN_FREE_SPACE / MEGABYTE): response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(3006))) return response device = Utils.get_var("eth=\"(\S+)\"" , data) if device not in self.__availableInterfaces: return response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3002)) tmp_capture_size = Utils.get_var("cap_size=\"(\d+)\"" , data) capture_size = 0 if tmp_capture_size: try: capture_size = int(tmp_capture_size) except TypeError: capture_size = 0 logger.warning("Invalid Caputure size: %s" % tmp_capture_size) capture_name = Utils.get_var("scan_name=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) try: tmp = Utils.get_var("timeout=\"(\d+)\"", data) if tmp != "": timeout = int(tmp) else: timeout = 60 except TypeError: timeout = 60 if device: if self.__sniffer.status() == SnifferStatus.RUNNING_SCAN or self.__sniffer.status() == SnifferStatus.WORKING:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__sniffer.status()) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(3001))) else: #timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M00") #cap_file_name = "net_scan_%s_%s.pcap" % (device, timestamp) cap_file_path = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, capture_name) self.__sniffer.set_data_to_build_filter(data) self.__sniffer.set_capture_file(cap_file_path) self.__sniffer.set_device(device) self.__sniffer.set_timeout(timeout) self.__sniffer.set_capture_size(capture_size) self.__sniffer.run_scan() self.__scan_in_progress = True self.__timeout_scan_in_progress = timeout self.__start_time_scan_in_progress = time.time() response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3002)) elif action == "net_scan_stop": if self.__sniffer.status() > 0: self.__sniffer.stopScan() response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3007)) elif action == "net_scan_status": if self.__sniffer.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.get_error())) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.getStatusString(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_list": capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for p in capture_files: base_response += ' capture="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(capture_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__sniffer.get_working_capture_path(): filename = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, path) if not os.path.isfile(filename): response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) else: capture_response, capture_len = self.__get_capture_file_data (filename) response.append(base_response + ' data="%s" datalen="%s" %s ackend\n' % (capture_response, capture_len, ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3005)) else: print "path?" response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3003)) elif action == "net_scan_capture_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) capture_file = self.__get_capture_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all captures(s)") capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for f in capture_files: pcap_file = self.__get_capture_file(f) os.unlink(pcap_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif capture_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % capture_file) os.unlink(capture_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response): logger.debug("VAScanner Manager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "va_scan": target = Utils.get_vars("target=\"([\s0-9a-fA-F\.:/]+)\"", data) if len(target): if self.__vascanner.status() > 0:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__vascanner.status()) response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(2001))) else: # set the scan target and start the scan self.__vascanner.set_scan_target(target) self.__vascanner.scan_start() response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2002)) elif action == "va_status": if self.__vascanner.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.get_error())) else: response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "va_reset": self.__vascanner.reset_status() if self.__vascanner.status() == -1: logger.debug( "Previous scan aborted raising errors, please check your logfile." ) response.append( base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(1, str(self.__vascanner.get_error()))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif action == "va_report_list": report_files = self.__get_report_file_list( self.__vascanner_report_path) for p in report_files: base_response += ' report="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(report_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "va_report_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__vascanner.get_working_report_path(): report_response = self.__generate_report( path, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2005)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "va_report_raw_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) report_response = ControlUtil.get_file(report_file, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "va_report_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all report(s)") report_files = self.__get_report_file_list( self.__vascanner_report_path) for f in report_files: report_file = self.__get_report_file(f) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif report_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % report_file) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response): logger.debug("Nmap Manager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "nmap_scan": target = Utils.get_var("target=\"([\s0-9a-fA-F\.:/\-]+)\"" , data) scan_type = Utils.get_var("type=\"(ping|0|fast|1|normal|2|full|3|custom|4)\"" , data) scan_timming = Utils.get_var("timming=\"(T0|T1|T2|T3|T4|T5)\"" , data) autodect = Utils.get_var("autodetect=\"(enable|disable|enabled|disabled)\"" , data) scan_ports = Utils.get_var("scan_ports=\"([0-9\-\,]+)\"" , data) rdns = Utils.get_var("rdns=\"(enable|disable|enabled|disabled)\"" , data) report_prefix = Utils.get_var("report_prefix=\"([\s0-9a-fA-F\.:/\-]+)\"" , data) if autodect == "": autodect = "enable" if rdns == "": rdns = "disable" if scan_timming == "": scan_timming = "T3" # set the scan type as appropriate if scan_type == "": scan_type = "ping" if report_prefix == "": response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.status(), ControlError.get(2007))) return response self.__nmap.set_report_prefix(report_prefix) self.__nmap.set_scan_type(scan_type) self.__nmap.set_scan_timming(scan_timming) self.__nmap.set_scan_autodetect(autodect) self.__nmap.set_scan_ports(scan_ports)#only if custom self.__nmap.set_scan_rdsn(rdns) if scan_type == "custom" and scan_ports=="": response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.status(), ControlError.get(2006))) return response if len(target): if self.__nmap.status() > 0:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__nmap.status()) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.status(), ControlError.get(2001))) else: # set the scan target and start the scan self.__nmap.set_scan_target(target) self.__nmap.scan_start() response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2002)) elif action == "nmap_status": if self.__nmap.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.get_error())) else: response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__nmap.status(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "nmap_reset": self.__nmap.reset_status() if self.__nmap.status() == -1: logger.debug("Previous scan aborted raising errors, please check your logfile.") response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(1, str(self.__nmap.get_error()))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif action == "nmap_report_list": report_files = self.__get_report_file_list(self.__nmap_report_path) for p in report_files: base_response += ' report="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(report_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "nmap_report_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) deletestr = Utils.get_var("delete=\"(yes|no|0|1|true\false)\"", data) deletestr = deletestr.lower() delete = False if deletestr in ['yes','1','true']: delete = True # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__nmap.get_working_report_path(): report_response = self.__generate_report(path, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) if delete: self.__deleteReport(path) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2005)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "nmap_report_raw_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) deletestr = Utils.get_var("delete=\"(yes|no|0|1|true\false)\"", data) deletestr = deletestr.lower() delete = False if deletestr in ['yes','1','true']: delete = True # only valid paths should get through if path != "": report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) report_response = ControlUtil.get_file(report_file, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) if delete: self.__deleteReport(path) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "nmap_report_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all report(s)") report_files = self.__get_report_file_list(self.__nmap_report_path) for f in report_files: report_file = self.__get_report_file(f) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif report_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % report_file) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response):"Sniffer Manager: Processing: %s" % data) ''' control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eths="eth0,eth1,..ethx" hosts=",,..." nets=",,.." control action="net_scan_capture_list" sensor="id_sensor" control action="net_scan_capture_get" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_capture_delete" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_status" ''' response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "net_scan": device = Utils.get_var("eth=\"(eth\d)\"" , data) capture_name = Utils.get_var("scan_name=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) try: tmp = Utils.get_var("timeout=\"(\d+)\"", data) if tmp != "": timeout = int(tmp) else: timeout = 60 except TypeError: timeout = 60 if device: if self.__sniffer.status() > 0:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__sniffer.status()) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(3001))) else: #timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M00") #cap_file_name = "net_scan_%s_%s.pcap" % (device, timestamp) cap_file_path = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, capture_name) self.__sniffer.set_data_to_build_filter(data) self.__sniffer.set_capture_file(cap_file_path) self.__sniffer.set_device(device) self.__sniffer.set_timeout(timeout) self.__sniffer.run_scan() self.__scan_in_progress = True self.__timeout_scan_in_progress = timeout self.__start_time_scan_in_progress = time.time() response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3002)) elif action == "net_scan_status": if self.__sniffer.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.get_error())) else: response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_list": capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for p in capture_files: base_response += ' capture="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(capture_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__sniffer.get_working_capture_path(): filename = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, path) if not os.path.isfile(filename): response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) else: capture_response, capture_len = self.__get_capture_file_data (filename) response.append(base_response + ' data="%s" datalen="%s" %s ackend\n' % (capture_response, capture_len, ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3005)) else: print "path?" response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3003)) elif action == "net_scan_capture_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) capture_file = self.__get_capture_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all captures(s)") capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for f in capture_files: pcap_file = self.__get_capture_file(f) os.unlink(pcap_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif capture_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % capture_file) os.unlink(capture_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response): logger.debug("VAScanner Manager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "va_scan": target = Utils.get_vars("target=\"([\s0-9a-fA-F\.:/]+)\"" , data) if len(target): if self.__vascanner.status() > 0:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__vascanner.status()) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(2001))) else: # set the scan target and start the scan self.__vascanner.set_scan_target(target) self.__vascanner.scan_start() response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2002)) elif action == "va_status": if self.__vascanner.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.get_error())) else: response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__vascanner.status(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "va_reset": self.__vascanner.reset_status() if self.__vascanner.status() == -1: logger.debug("Previous scan aborted raising errors, please check your logfile.") response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(1, str(self.__vascanner.get_error()))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif action == "va_report_list": report_files = self.__get_report_file_list(self.__vascanner_report_path) for p in report_files: base_response += ' report="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(report_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "va_report_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__vascanner.get_working_report_path(): report_response = self.__generate_report(path, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2005)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "va_report_raw_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) report_response = ControlUtil.get_file(report_file, base_response) response.extend(report_response) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2003)) elif action == "va_report_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) report_file = self.__get_report_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all report(s)") report_files = self.__get_report_file_list(self.__vascanner_report_path) for f in report_files: report_file = self.__get_report_file(f) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif report_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % report_file) os.unlink(report_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response):"Sniffer Manager: Processing: %s" % data) """ control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eths="eth0,eth1,..ethx" hosts=",,..." nets=",,.." control action="net_scan_capture_list" sensor="id_sensor" control action="net_scan_capture_get" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_capture_delete" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_status" """ response = [] action = Utils.get_var('action="([A-Za-z_]+)"', data) if action == "net_scan": device = Utils.get_var('eth="(eth\d)"', data) capture_name = Utils.get_var('scan_name="([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)"', data) try: tmp = Utils.get_var('timeout="(\d+)"', data) if tmp != "": timeout = int(tmp) else: timeout = 60 except TypeError: timeout = 60 if device: if self.__sniffer.status() > 0:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__sniffer.status()) response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(3001)) ) else: # timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M00") # cap_file_name = "net_scan_%s_%s.pcap" % (device, timestamp) cap_file_path = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, capture_name) self.__sniffer.set_data_to_build_filter(data) self.__sniffer.set_capture_file(cap_file_path) self.__sniffer.set_device(device) self.__sniffer.set_timeout(timeout) self.__sniffer.run_scan() self.__scan_in_progress = True self.__timeout_scan_in_progress = timeout self.__start_time_scan_in_progress = time.time() response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0)) ) else: response.append(base_response + " %s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(3002)) elif action == "net_scan_status": if self.__sniffer.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.get_error())) else: response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0)) ) elif action == "net_scan_capture_list": capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for p in capture_files: base_response += ' capture="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(capture_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_get": path = Utils.get_var('path="([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)"', data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__sniffer.get_working_capture_path(): filename = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, path) if not os.path.isfile(filename): response.append(base_response + "%s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(3004)) else: capture_response, capture_len = self.__get_capture_file_data(filename) response.append( base_response + ' data="%s" datalen="%s" %s ackend\n' % (capture_response, capture_len, ControlError.get(0)) ) else: response.append(base_response + "%s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(3005)) else: print "path?" response.append(base_response + " %s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(3003)) elif action == "net_scan_capture_delete": path = Utils.get_var('path="([^"]+)"', data) capture_file = self.__get_capture_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all captures(s)") capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list(self.__sniffer_captures_path) for f in capture_files: pcap_file = self.__get_capture_file(f) os.unlink(pcap_file) response.append(base_response + " %s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(0)) elif capture_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % capture_file) os.unlink(capture_file) response.append(base_response + " %s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + " %s ackend\n" % ControlError.get(3004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response):"Sniffer Manager: Processing: %s" % data) ''' control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eth="eth0,eth1,..ethx" hosts=",,..." nets=",,.." #capsize packets control action="net_scan" sensor="id_sensor" scan_name="file.pcap" eth="eth0" cap_size="20" raw_filter="src port 40001 and dsp port 3338" control action="net_scan_capture_list" sensor="id_sensor" control action="net_scan_capture_get" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_capture_delete" id="ID_CAPTURE" control action="net_scan_status" control action="net_scan_stop" ''' response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "net_scan": free_space = self.getDiskUsage('/var/ossim') check = (MIN_FREE_SPACE / MEGABYTE) if free_space < (MIN_FREE_SPACE / MEGABYTE): response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(3006))) return response device = Utils.get_var("eth=\"(\S+)\"", data) if device not in self.__availableInterfaces: return response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3002)) tmp_capture_size = Utils.get_var("cap_size=\"(\d+)\"", data) capture_size = 0 if tmp_capture_size: try: capture_size = int(tmp_capture_size) except TypeError: capture_size = 0 logger.warning("Invalid Caputure size: %s" % tmp_capture_size) capture_name = Utils.get_var("scan_name=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) try: tmp = Utils.get_var("timeout=\"(\d+)\"", data) if tmp != "": timeout = int(tmp) else: timeout = 60 except TypeError: timeout = 60 if device: if self.__sniffer.status( ) == SnifferStatus.RUNNING_SCAN or self.__sniffer.status( ) == SnifferStatus.WORKING:"Scan already in progress: %i" % self.__sniffer.status()) response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(3001))) else: #timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M00") #cap_file_name = "net_scan_%s_%s.pcap" % (device, timestamp) cap_file_path = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, capture_name) self.__sniffer.set_data_to_build_filter(data) self.__sniffer.set_capture_file(cap_file_path) self.__sniffer.set_device(device) self.__sniffer.set_timeout(timeout) self.__sniffer.set_capture_size(capture_size) self.__sniffer.run_scan() self.__scan_in_progress = True self.__timeout_scan_in_progress = timeout self.__start_time_scan_in_progress = time.time() response.append( base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.status(), ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3002)) elif action == "net_scan_stop": if self.__sniffer.status() > 0: self.__sniffer.stopScan() response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3007)) elif action == "net_scan_status": if self.__sniffer.status() == -1: response.append(base_response + ' status="-1" error="%s" ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.get_error())) else: response.append( base_response + ' %s %s ackend\n' % (self.__sniffer.getStatusString(), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_list": capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list( self.__sniffer_captures_path) for p in capture_files: base_response += ' capture="%s"' % p response.append(base_response + ' count="%i" %s ackend\n' % (len(capture_files), ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "net_scan_capture_get": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([0-9A-Za-z_\.]+)\"", data) # only valid paths should get through if path != "": # ensure we are not after the current working report if path != self.__sniffer.get_working_capture_path(): filename = "%s/%s" % (self.__sniffer_captures_path, path) if not os.path.isfile(filename): response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) else: capture_response, capture_len = self.__get_capture_file_data( filename) response.append(base_response + ' data="%s" datalen="%s" %s ackend\n' % (capture_response, capture_len, ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + '%s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3005)) else: print "path?" response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3003)) elif action == "net_scan_capture_delete": path = Utils.get_var("path=\"([^\"]+)\"", data) capture_file = self.__get_capture_file(path) if path == "*": logger.debug("Deleting all captures(s)") capture_files = self.__get_capture_file_list( self.__sniffer_captures_path) for f in capture_files: pcap_file = self.__get_capture_file(f) os.unlink(pcap_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) elif capture_file != "": logger.debug("Deleting report at: %s" % capture_file) os.unlink(capture_file) response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(0)) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(3004)) # send back our response return response
def process(self, data, base_response):"Inventory Manager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "refresh_inventory_task": tmp_tasks = Utils.get_var("inventory_task_list=\{(?P<task_list>.*)\}", data) task_list = tmp_tasks.split('|') inventory_task_list = [] for task in task_list: task_values = self.__taskRegex.match(task) if task_values: groupdict = task_values.groupdict() if groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() =='nmap': inventory_task_list.append(NMAP_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() =='wmi': inventory_task_list.append(WMI_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() =='ldap': inventory_task_list.append(LDAP_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() =='ocs': inventory_task_list.append(OCS_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'],\ self._fmkip,\ self._fmkport)) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() =='nagios': inventory_task_list.append(NAGIOS_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'],\ self._fmkip,\ self._fmkport)) else: logger.warning("task not implemented:%s" % groupdict['task_type_name']) else: logger.warning("Invalid task: %s" % task) self.__inventory.set_tasks(inventory_task_list) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (0, ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2002)) return response
def process(self, data, base_response):"Inventory Manager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("action=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "refresh_inventory_task": tmp_tasks = Utils.get_var( "inventory_task_list=\{(?P<task_list>.*)\}", data) task_list = tmp_tasks.split('|') inventory_task_list = [] for task in task_list: task_values = self.__taskRegex.match(task) if task_values: groupdict = task_values.groupdict() if groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() == 'nmap': inventory_task_list.append(NMAP_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() == 'wmi': inventory_task_list.append(WMI_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() == 'ldap': inventory_task_list.append(LDAP_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'])) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() == 'ocs': inventory_task_list.append(OCS_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'],\ self._fmkip,\ self._fmkport)) elif groupdict['task_type_name'].lower() == 'nagios': inventory_task_list.append(NAGIOS_TASK(groupdict['task_name'], \ groupdict['task_params'], \ groupdict['task_period'], \ groupdict['task_reliability'], \ groupdict['task_enable'], \ groupdict['task_type'],\ groupdict['task_type_name'],\ self._fmkip,\ self._fmkport)) else: logger.warning("task not implemented:%s" % groupdict['task_type_name']) else: logger.warning("Invalid task: %s" % task) self.__inventory.set_tasks(inventory_task_list) response.append(base_response + ' status="%d" %s ackend\n' % (0, ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(2002)) return response
def process(self, data, base_response): """Process all the ossec deployment requests control action="ossec-deploy" order="deploy" host="" user="******" password="******" domain="domain" ossecserver="ossecserverip" control action="ossec-deploy" order="status" workid="theworkid" control action="ossec-deploy" order="abort" workid="theworkid" control action="ossec-deploy" order="list" workid="theworkid" control action="ossec-deploy" order="purge" workid="theworkid" """"OssecDeployManager: Processing: %s" % data) response = [] action = Utils.get_var("order=\"([A-Za-z_]+)\"", data) if action == "deploy": host = Utils.get_var("host=\"(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\"",data) if not host or host == "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5003)) return response user = Utils.get_var("user=\"([^\"]+)\"",data) if not user or user == "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5004)) return response passwd = Utils.get_var("password=\"([^\"]+)\"",data) if not passwd or passwd == "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5005)) return response domain = Utils.get_var("domain=\"([^\"]+)\"",data) if not domain: domain= "" server = Utils.get_var("ossecserver=\"(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\"",data) if not server or server == "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5007)) return response #we are ready to go # 1 - Generate a random uuid to use it as work id workid = str(uuid.uuid4())"Work ID: %s" % workid) work = OssecDeploy(workid,host, user, passwd, domain,server) work.start() self.__deployWorks[workid] = work response.append(base_response + ' workid="%s" %s ackend\n' % (workid,ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "status": workid = Utils.get_var("workid=\"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\"",data) if not workid or workid is "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5001)) elif not self.__deployWorks.has_key(workid): response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5002)) else: status = self.__deployWorks[workid].get_status_string() response.append(base_response + ' %s %s ackend\n' % (status, ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "abort": workid = Utils.get_var("workid=\"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\"",data) if not workid or workid is "": response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5001)) elif not self.__deployWorks.has_key(workid): response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5002)) else: self.__deployWorks[workid].join(1) del self.__deployWorks[workid] response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "list": worklist = ','.join(self.__deployWorks.keys()) response.append(base_response + ' list="%s" %s ackend\n' % (worklist, ControlError.get(0))) elif action == "purge":"purge") for workid in self.__deployWorks.keys(): st = self.__deployWorks[workid].status() if st == OssecDeployStatus.FINISHED_OK or st == OssecDeployStatus.STOPPED_ERROR: del self.__deployWorks[workid] response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % (ControlError.get(0))) else: response.append(base_response + ' %s ackend\n' % ControlError.get(5000)) # send back our response return response