Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, controller, switchboard):

        self.callbackIdList = []
        self.P2PSignals = {}

        self.ui = None
        self.switchboard = None
        msn = switchboard.msn
        self.controller = controller
        self.parser = controller.unifiedParser
        self.config = controller.config
        self.title = ""

        self.hasMessageWaiting = False
        self.lastMessageMail = '' # the mail of the user who sent the last message
        self.isCurrent = False # if True this is the tab that has the focus
        self.closed = False
        self.textBuffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
        self.autoreplySent = False # if true we allready sent the autoreply message
        self.inputText = ''
        self.theme = controller.theme
        self.parentConversationWindow = None
        self.enabledEncrypt = False
        self.encoderDecoder = None
        # do this for automagic reconnection if user comes online 
        # and there's no avail switchboard
        self.userMail = self.switchboard.firstUser
        self.userOldStatus = remoteStatus = self.controller.contacts.\
        # update self.userOldStatus in self.onUserAttrChanged
        msn.connect('user-attr-changed', self.onUserAttrChanged)
        msn.connect('custom-emoticon-transfered', self.onCustomEmoticonTransfered)

        #TODO: from now on this signals will be emitted by conversation window or conversationUI
        controller.connect('color-changed', self.onColorChanged)
        controller.connect('font-changed', self.onFontChanged)

        self.ui = ConversationUI.ConversationUI(self.controller, self)
        self.customEmoticons = CustomEmoticons()
        self.parser = self.controller.unifiedParser

        self.sendOffline = False
        self.lastSpeaker = ''
        self.user = switchboard.user

        self.transfers = []
        self.accept_or_not = False
        self.myWebcam = None
        if self.config.user['sendKeepalive']:
            # 8000: this magic value has been told by 
            # his majesty dequis himself
            # if you don't like it, stfu and gtfo
            gobject.timeout_add(8000, self.sendKeepalive)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, world):

        UIBase.__init__(self, world)

        #add frame border (temp!!!!!)
        self.border = DirectFrame(image=("./LEGameAssets/Textures/border.png"),
                                  frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0),
                                  image_scale=(1, 1, 1),
                                  image_pos=(0, 0, 0),
                                  frameSize=(-1, 1, -1, 1),
                                  pos=(0, 0, 0))

        self.journalUI = JournalUI(world)
        self.conversationUI = ConversationUI(world)

        self.lifebarUI = LifebarUI(world)
        self.offensiveSpellUI = OffensiveSpellUI(world)
        self.modifierSporeUI = ModifierSporeUI(world)
        self.defensiveSpellUI = DefensiveSpellUI(world)
        taskMgr.add(self.update, "updateUI")

        # change the conversationUI position
        self.world.accept('u', self.conversationUI.repositionUp)
        self.world.accept('j', self.conversationUI.repositionDown)

        # health bars
        self.healthBars = {}