def expandContinentBy(self, cont, numBlocks):
		# this plot is not valid; choose an in-bounds plot adjacent to an existing plot and try again:
		#print "expand continent by", numBlocks
		blockOrder = CvUtil.shuffle(len(cont.blocks), self.mapRand)
		for blockIndex in blockOrder:
			x,y = cont.blocks[blockIndex]
			dirOrder = CvUtil.shuffle(len(cardinal_directions), self.mapRand)
			for dirIndex in dirOrder:
				dx, dy = cardinal_directions[dirIndex]
				if self.isValid(x+dx,y+dy, cont):
					land_value = 208 + self.mapRand.get(48, "Expand Continent PYTHON")
					self.setValue(x+dx, y+dy, land_value)
					#print "\tadded block", x+dx, y+dy
					if (numBlocks > 1):
						return self.expandContinentBy(cont, numBlocks-1)
						return True
		print "\tcould not expand continent:"
		printMap(, self.w, self.h, cont.centerx, cont.centery)
		cont.done = True
		return False
	def findValid(self, x, y, dist=-1):
		if (dist == -1):
			dist = max(self.w, self.h)
		if (dist > 0):
			foundx, foundy = self.findValid(x, y, dist-1)
			if (foundx != -1 and foundy != -1):
				return foundx, foundy
		plots = []
		for dx in range(-dist, dist+1):
			for dy in range(-dist, dist+1):
				if max(abs(dx), abs(dy)) == dist:
					plots.append((x+dx, y+dy))
		plotOrder = CvUtil.shuffle(len(plots), self.mapRand)
		for plotIndex in plotOrder:
			tryx, tryy = plots[plotIndex]
			if self.isValid(tryx, tryy): return tryx, tryy
		return -1, -1