def add_spectrabin(freqs,dirs): # determine whether bins exist in db exists = False session = DBman.startSession() for rec in session.query(specbin): dirshape = array(rec.spcdir).size==array(dirs).size freqshape = array(rec.spcfreq).size==array(freqs).size if (dirshape and freqshape): dirval = all((array(rec.spcdir) - array(dirs)) < .01) freqval = all((array(rec.spcfreq) - array(freqs)) < .01) if (dirval and freqval): exists = True specid = break # if bins don't exist in db, add them if (exists == False): record = specbin(freqs,dirs) session.add(record) session.commit() specid = session.close() session.bind.dispose() return specid
def makegrid(model_config): west = model_config['west'] south = model_config['south'] east = model_config['east'] north = model_config['north'] nx = int(model_config['nx']) ny = int(model_config['ny']) projection = model_config['projection'] #build query point_ll = 'ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT('+west+','+south+'),4236),'+projection+')' point_ur = 'ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT('+east+','+north+'),4326),'+projection+')' query = 'select ST_X('+point_ll+'),ST_Y('+point_ll+'),ST_X('+point_ur+'),ST_Y('+point_ur+')' #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() west,south,east,north = result[0] session.close() session.bind.dispose() #create meshgrid object gridx = linspace(float(west),float(east),nx) gridy = linspace(float(south),float(north),ny) grid = meshgrid(gridx,gridy) return grid
def makegrid(model_config): west = model_config['west'] south = model_config['south'] east = model_config['east'] north = model_config['north'] nx = int(model_config['nx']) ny = int(model_config['ny']) projection = model_config['projection'] #build query point_ll = 'ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT(' + west + ',' + south + '),4236),' + projection + ')' point_ur = 'ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT(' + east + ',' + north + '),4326),' + projection + ')' query = 'select ST_X(' + point_ll + '),ST_Y(' + point_ll + '),ST_X(' + point_ur + '),ST_Y(' + point_ur + ')' #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() west, south, east, north = result[0] session.close() session.bind.dispose() #create meshgrid object gridx = linspace(float(west), float(east), nx) gridy = linspace(float(south), float(north), ny) grid = meshgrid(gridx, gridy) return grid
def add_source(srctypeid,date): # get the source type given an id session = DBman.startSession() srctypename = session.query(srctype)\ .filter( srctype.sourcetypeid == srctypeid )\ .first().sourcetypename # choose srcname for i in range(1000): srcname = srctypename+'_'+date.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H")+'_'+str(i) existing = session.query(src).filter( src.srcname == srcname ) if (existing.first() == None): break # prepare record for tblSource record = src( srcName=srcname, srcConfig='',,, srcSourceTypeID=srctypeid) # add record to tblSource session.add(record) session.commit() srcid = session.close() session.bind.dispose() return srcid
def push_windata(windata,srcid): session = DBman.startSession() for date in windata.keys(): # parse dictionary lats = windata[date]['lats'] lons = windata[date]['lons'] spd = windata[date]['speed'] dir = windata[date]['dir'] # add records to tblwind for i in range(lats.shape[0]): for j in range(lats.shape[1]): loc = WKTSpatialElement('POINT('+str(lons[i][j])+' '+str(lats[i][j])+')') record = wind( winSourceID=srcid, winLocation=loc, winDateTime=date, winSpeed=float(spd[i][j]), winDirection=float(dir[i][j])) session.add(record) # commit and close session session.commit() session.close() session.bind.dispose() return
def push_wavdata(wavdata,srcid,specbinid): session = DBman.startSession() for loc in sort(wavdata.keys()): for date in sort(wavdata[loc].keys()): # parse dictionary spectra = wavdata[loc][date]['spectra'] # add record to tblwave record = wave( wavSourceID=srcid, wavSpectraBinID=specbinid, wavLocation=loc, wavDateTime=date, wavSpectra=spectra, wavHeight=None, wavPeakDir=None, wavPeakPeriod=None) session.add(record) # close session session.commit() session.close() session.bind.dispose() return
def getwinddata(box, steeringtimes, model_config): #define constants projection = model_config['projection'] starttime = steeringtimes[0] stoptime = steeringtimes[len(steeringtimes) - 1] starttime = starttime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00') stoptime = stoptime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00') starttime = '(TIMESTAMP \'' + starttime + '\')' stoptime = '(TIMESTAMP \'' + stoptime + '\')' #construct query q1 = ' select winid from tblwind where' q2 = ' windatetime>=' + starttime q3 = ' and windatetime<=' + stoptime subquery = q1 + q2 + q3 if (box != None): q4 = ' and ST_WITHIN(ST_TRANSFORM( ' q5 = ' winlocation,' + projection + '),' + box + ')' subquery = subquery + q4 + q5 q1 = ' select winspeed,windirection,windatetime,' q2 = ' ST_X(ST_TRANSFORM(winlocation,' + projection + ')),' q3 = ' ST_Y(ST_TRANSFORM(winlocation,' + projection + ')) ' q4 = ' from tblwind where winid in (' + subquery + ')' query = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if (len(result) == 0): return None #parse results wintime, winx, winy = [[], [], []] winspeed, windir, winid = [[], [], []] for k in range(len(result)): winspeed.append(result[k][0]) windir.append(result[k][1]) wintime.append(result[k][2]) winx.append(result[k][3]) winy.append(result[k][4]) winspeed = array(winspeed) windir = array(windir) wintime = array(wintime) winx = array(winx) winy = array(winy) #close session and return session.close() session.bind.dispose() windata = { 'speed': winspeed, 'dir': windir, 'time': wintime, 'x': winx, 'y': winy } return windata
def getwinddata(box, steeringtimes, model_config): #define constants projection = model_config['projection'] starttime = steeringtimes[0] stoptime = steeringtimes[len(steeringtimes)-1] starttime = starttime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00' ) stoptime = stoptime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00' ) starttime = '(TIMESTAMP \''+starttime+'\')' stoptime = '(TIMESTAMP \''+stoptime+'\')' #construct query q1 = ' select winid from tblwind where' q2 = ' windatetime>='+starttime q3 = ' and windatetime<='+stoptime subquery = q1+q2+q3 if (box != None): q4 = ' and ST_WITHIN(ST_TRANSFORM( ' q5 = ' winlocation,'+projection+'),'+box+')' subquery = subquery+q4+q5 q1 = ' select winspeed,windirection,windatetime,' q2 = ' ST_X(ST_TRANSFORM(winlocation,'+projection+')),' q3 = ' ST_Y(ST_TRANSFORM(winlocation,'+projection+')) ' q4 = ' from tblwind where winid in ('+subquery+')' query = q1+q2+q3+q4 #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if (len(result)==0): return None #parse results wintime, winx, winy = [[],[],[]] winspeed, windir, winid = [[],[],[]] for k in range(len(result)): winspeed.append(result[k][0]) windir.append(result[k][1]) wintime.append(result[k][2]) winx.append(result[k][3]) winy.append(result[k][4]) winspeed=array(winspeed) windir=array(windir) wintime=array(wintime) winx=array(winx) winy=array(winy) #close session and return session.close() session.bind.dispose() windata = { 'speed':winspeed,'dir':windir, 'time':wintime,'x':winx,'y':winy } return windata
def add_sourcetype(srctypename): #check if sourcetype exists session = DBman.startSession() existing = session.query(srctype)\ .filter( srctype.sourcetypename == srctypename ) if ( existing.first() == None ): #if doesn't exist, add new sourcetype to db record = srctype(srctypename) session.add(record) session.commit() srctypeid = else: #if exists, get id for existing sourcetype srctypeid = session.query(srctype)\ .filter( srctype.sourcetypename == srctypename )\ .first().id session.close() session.bind.dispose() return srctypeid
def getwavedata(box, steeringtimes, model_config): #define constants projection = model_config['projection'] starttime = steeringtimes[0] stoptime = steeringtimes[len(steeringtimes)-1] starttime = starttime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00' ) stoptime = stoptime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00' ) starttime = '(TIMESTAMP \''+starttime+'\')' stoptime = '(TIMESTAMP \''+stoptime+'\')' #construct query q1 = ' select wavid from tblwave ' q2 = ' where ST_WITHIN(ST_TRANSFORM( ' q3 = ' wavlocation,'+projection+'),'+box+')' q4 = ' and wavdatetime>='+starttime q5 = ' and wavdatetime<='+stoptime subquery = q1+q2+q3+q4+q5 q1 = ' select wavspectra,wavspectrabinid,' q2 = ' wavdatetime,wavlocation,' q3 = ' ST_X(ST_TRANSFORM(wavlocation,'+projection+')),' q4 = ' ST_Y(ST_TRANSFORM(wavlocation,'+projection+')) ' q5 = ' from tblwave where wavid in ('+subquery+')' query = q1+q2+q3+q4+q5 #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if (len(result)==0): return None #parse result of query spec,specid,wavtime = [[],[],[]] wavloc,wavx,wavy = [[],[],[]] for k in range(len(result)): spec.append(result[k][0]) specid.append(result[k][1]) wavtime.append(result[k][2]) wavloc.append(result[k][3]) wavx.append(result[k][4]) wavy.append(result[k][5]) spec=array(spec) specid=array(specid) wavtime=array(wavtime) wavloc=array(wavloc) wavx=array(wavx) wavy=array(wavy) #retreive freq/dir bins freq,dir = [[],[]] for myspectraid in specid: q1 = "select spcfreq,spcdir from " q2 = "tblspectrabin where spcid='"+myspectraid+"'" query = q1+q2 result = session.execute(query).fetchall() freq.append(result[0][0]) dir.append(result[0][1]) freq=array(freq) dir=array(dir) #close session and return session.close() session.bind.dispose() wavdata = { 'spec':spec,'time':wavtime,'x':wavx, 'y':wavy,'freq':freq,'dir':dir,'loc':wavloc} return wavdata
def getwavedata(box, steeringtimes, model_config): #define constants projection = model_config['projection'] starttime = steeringtimes[0] stoptime = steeringtimes[len(steeringtimes) - 1] starttime = starttime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00') stoptime = stoptime.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:00') starttime = '(TIMESTAMP \'' + starttime + '\')' stoptime = '(TIMESTAMP \'' + stoptime + '\')' #construct query q1 = ' select wavid from tblwave ' q2 = ' where ST_WITHIN(ST_TRANSFORM( ' q3 = ' wavlocation,' + projection + '),' + box + ')' q4 = ' and wavdatetime>=' + starttime q5 = ' and wavdatetime<=' + stoptime subquery = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 q1 = ' select wavspectra,wavspectrabinid,' q2 = ' wavdatetime,wavlocation,' q3 = ' ST_X(ST_TRANSFORM(wavlocation,' + projection + ')),' q4 = ' ST_Y(ST_TRANSFORM(wavlocation,' + projection + ')) ' q5 = ' from tblwave where wavid in (' + subquery + ')' query = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 #execute query session = DBman.startSession() result = session.execute(query).fetchall() if (len(result) == 0): return None #parse result of query spec, specid, wavtime = [[], [], []] wavloc, wavx, wavy = [[], [], []] for k in range(len(result)): spec.append(result[k][0]) specid.append(result[k][1]) wavtime.append(result[k][2]) wavloc.append(result[k][3]) wavx.append(result[k][4]) wavy.append(result[k][5]) spec = array(spec) specid = array(specid) wavtime = array(wavtime) wavloc = array(wavloc) wavx = array(wavx) wavy = array(wavy) #retreive freq/dir bins freq, dir = [[], []] for myspectraid in specid: q1 = "select spcfreq,spcdir from " q2 = "tblspectrabin where spcid='" + myspectraid + "'" query = q1 + q2 result = session.execute(query).fetchall() freq.append(result[0][0]) dir.append(result[0][1]) freq = array(freq) dir = array(dir) #close session and return session.close() session.bind.dispose() wavdata = { 'spec': spec, 'time': wavtime, 'x': wavx, 'y': wavy, 'freq': freq, 'dir': dir, 'loc': wavloc } return wavdata
import os,sys,re #argument parsing import glob #file wildcards from numpy import * #math support from math import * #pi constant from netCDF4 import * #netcdf support from geoalchemy import WKTSpatialElement from config import CMSconfig import DBman,CMSman strptime = datetime.datetime.strptime import tempfile ################################ # CREATE DATABASE OBJECTS ################################ srctype = DBman.accessTable( None, 'tblsourcetype' ) src = DBman.accessTable( None, 'tblsource') wind = DBman.accessTable( None, 'tblwind' ) wave = DBman.accessTable( None, 'tblwave' ) specbin = DBman.accessTable( None, 'tblspectrabin' ) ################################ # ADD RECORD TO TBLSOURCETYPE IF NECESSARY ################################ def add_sourcetype(srctypename): #check if sourcetype exists session = DBman.startSession() existing = session.query(srctype)\ .filter( srctype.sourcetypename == srctypename ) if ( existing.first() == None ):