def openSocket(addr,port,sockNum,userID,userPassword,protocol,RUN_MODE):
    #Function Open a socket and responds with CONNECT/NO CARRIER/ERROR

        #Close Socket
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#SS',properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)
        if (res!="#SS: 1,0"):
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SH=1',properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)

        if (res=='ERROR'):
        #Activate PDP if needed  
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT?',properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20) 
        if (res!="#SGACT: 1,1"):
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT=1,1,"' + str(userID) + '","' + str(userPassword) + '"' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,180)
            DEBUG.sendMsg(res + '\r\n',RUN_MODE) 

        if (res=='ERROR'):

        #Open Socket to Server
        if (str(protocol)=='TCPIP'):
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SD=1,0,' + port + ',"' + addr + '",0','CONNECT\r\n',0,180)
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SD=1,1,' + port + ',"' + addr + '",0,5559','CONNECT\r\n',0,180)

        print 'Script encountered an exception.'
        print 'Exception Type: ' + str(sys.exc_type)
        print 'MODULE -> ATC'
        print 'METHOD -> openSocket(' + addr + ',' + port + ',' + sockNum + ',' + userID + ',' + userPassword + ',' + protocol + ')'

    return res
def initGPRS (PDPindex,APN,userID,userPassword,RUN_MODE):

        #Define GPRS Settings, MUST change APN String in script for your Carrier Specific setting
        res = sendAtCmd('AT+CGDCONT=' + str(PDPindex) + ',"IP","' + str(APN) + '","",0,0' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)
        #How long does system wait before sending undersized packet measured in 100ms settings
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#DSTO=10' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)

        #Define Min/required Quality of Service
        res = sendAtCmd('AT+CGQMIN=1,0,0,0,0,0' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)
        res = sendAtCmd('AT+CGQREQ=1,0,0,3,0,0' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)

        #escape guard time, after set time escape sequence is excepted, set in 20ms settings
        res = sendAtCmd('ATS12=40' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)

        #disable the escape sequence from transmitting during a data session
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#SKIPESC=1' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)

        #Set connect timeOuts and packet sizes for PDP#1 and Socket#1
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#SCFG=1,1,512,90,100,50' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20)
        #Activate PDP if needed  
        res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT?',properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20) 
        if (res!="#SGACT: 1,1"):
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT=1,1,"' + str(userID) + '","' + str(userPassword) + '"' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,180)
            DEBUG.sendMsg(res + '\r\n',RUN_MODE) 

        if (res=='ERROR'):
        print 'Script encountered an exception.'
        print 'Exception Type: ' + str(sys.exc_type)
        print 'MODULE -> ATC'
        print 'METHOD -> initGPRS(' + PDPindex + ',' + APN + ',' + res + ')'

    myApp.CIK = ''
    # <-- Exosite
    #Reboot system after <entered value> secs if unable to register with a network
    #Allow at least 5 minutes (300 seconds)

        RUN_MODE = 0
        test = float(RUN_MODE)  #float not implemented in Telit module
        #Running in IDE
        RUN_MODE = 1

    DEBUG.CLS(RUN_MODE)   #Clear screen command for VT100 terminals
    DEBUG.sendMsg("GPSDemo Script has started\r\n",RUN_MODE)  
    #Apply Network Specific settings see myApp.xxxx assignment above
    if (myApp.NETWORK == "ATT"):
        #Set module to work on US ATT Network  
        res = ATC.sendAtCmd("AT#ENS?",,3,2)        #query ENS setting
        if (res == "#ENS: 0"):
            res = ATC.sendAtCmd('AT#ENS=1',,3,2)   #sets all ATT requirements
            MOD.sleep(15)                                                       #required to halt Python thread and allow NVM Flash to update
            res = ATC.sendAtCmd('AT#REBOOT',,3,2)  #must reboot to take effect
        res = ATC.sendAtCmd("AT#SELINT?",,3,2)     #query SELINT setting
        if (res != "#SELINT: 2"):
            res = ATC.sendAtCmd('AT#SELINT=2',,3,2)#use of most recent AT command set
            MOD.sleep(15)                                                       #required to halt Python thread and allow NVM Flash to update
            res = ATC.sendAtCmd('AT#REBOOT',,3,2)  #must reboot to take effect
def sendEMAIL(theEmailToAddress,theEmailSubject,theEmailBody,theTerminator,userID,userPassword,retry,timeOut):
#This function sends email

  # Input Parameter Definitions
  #   theEmailSubject: The text Email Subject
  #   theEmailBody: The text Email Body
  #   theTerminator: string or character at the end of AT Command
  #   retry:  How many times the command will attempt to retry if not successfully send 
  #   timeOut: number of [1/10 seconds] command could take to respond


        tmpReturn = -1
        while (retry != -1):

            #Activate PDP if needed  
            res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT?',properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,20) 
            if (res!="#SGACT: 1,1"):
                res = sendAtCmd('AT#SGACT=1,1,"' + str(userID) + '","' + str(userPassword) + '"' ,properties.CMD_TERMINATOR,0,180)
                DEBUG.sendMsg(res + '\r\n',RUN_MODE) 

            if (res=='ERROR'):
                return tmpReturn  

            print 'AT#EMAILD="' + theEmailToAddress + '","' + theEmailSubject + '",0'

            res = MDM.send('AT#EMAILD="' + theEmailToAddress + '","' + theEmailSubject + '",0', 0)
            res = MDM.sendbyte(0x0d, 0)
            res = mdmResponse('\r\n>', timeOut)
            print res 

            res = MDM.send(theEmailBody, 0)
            res = MDM.sendbyte(0x1a, 0)

            #Start timeout counter        
            timerA = timers.timer(0)

            #Wait for response
            res = ''
            while ((res.find(theTerminator)<=-1) and (res.find("ERROR")<=-1) and (res != 'timeOut')):
                res = res + MDM.receive(10)
                if timerA.isexpired():
                    res = 'timeOut'
            if((res.find("ERROR") > -1) or (res == 'timeOut')):
                retry = retry - 1
                retry = -1
                tmpReturn = 0                
        print 'Script encountered an exception.'
        print 'Exception Type: ' + str(sys.exc_type)
        print 'MODULE -> ATC'
        print 'METHOD -> sendEMAIL(' + theEmailToAddress + ',' + theEmailSubject + ',' + theEmailBody + ',' +theTerminator + ',' + retry + ',' + timeOut + ')'

    print res
    return tmpReturn