def make_sample(srs_num, signal_freq, sample_rate, nsamples, outfbase, store_int, v_pp): """ Record a signal and save it to disk. """ print 'Setting SRS', srs_num, print 'to output at', signal_freq/1e6, 'MHz.' DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, freq=signal_freq) time.sleep(5) # The generator has some delay. # record voltage samples. print 'Sampling...' samples = DFEC.sampler(nsamples, sample_rate, dual=False, integer=store_int) # Save an npz file containing the data and a header filename = outfbase + '.npz' print 'Recording', nsamples, 'samples to', filename + '.' metadata = np.array([ ('SAMPRATE', sample_rate) , ('SIGFREQ', signal_freq) , ('VOLTPP', v_pp) ], dtype=object) np.savez(filename, metadata, samples)
def equal_frequency(): f_signal = 10e3 f_sample = 10e3 yes_array = ["y", "Y"] DFEC.set_srs(1, freq=f_signal, vpp=1.0) go = raw_input("Check that LO 1 is outputting f=%s Hz\n" % f_signal) if go in yes_array: data = DFEC.sampler(nSamp=256, freqSamp=f_sample) np.savez("../data/1_1_2/f_10000Hz.npz", data)
def slow_sample_rate(): f_signal = 10e6 f_sample = 7e3 yes_array = ["y", "Y"] DFEC.set_srs(1, freq=f_signal, vpp=1.0) go = raw_input("Check that LO 1 is outputting f=%s Hz\n" % f_signal) if go in yes_array: data = DFEC.sampler(nSamp=256, freqSamp=f_sample) np.savez("../data/1_1_2/fast_signal.npz", data)
def make_sample(srs_num, signal_freq, sample_rate, nsamples, outfbase, store_int, v_pp): """ Record a signal and save it to disk. """ print 'Setting SRS', srs_num, print 'to output at', signal_freq / 1e6, 'MHz.' DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, freq=signal_freq) time.sleep(5) # The generator has some delay. # record voltage samples. print 'Sampling...' samples = DFEC.sampler(nsamples, sample_rate, dual=False, integer=store_int) # Save an npz file containing the data and a header filename = outfbase + '.npz' print 'Recording', nsamples, 'samples to', filename + '.' metadata = np.array([('SAMPRATE', sample_rate), ('SIGFREQ', signal_freq), ('VOLTPP', v_pp)], dtype=object) np.savez(filename, metadata, samples)
# disable DFEC for testing def empty_func(*args, **kwargs): print args, kwargs # DFEC.set_srs = empty_func # DFEC.sampler = empty_func # provide arguments on command line # $ python 256 1e3 N, f_sample = sys.argv[1:] N = int(N) f_sample = float(f_sample) yes_array = ["y", "Y"] for x in np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1): f_signal = x * f_sample go = raw_input("Safe to set srs?\n") if go not in yes_array: break DFEC.set_srs(1, freq=f_signal, vpp=1.0) go = raw_input("Check that LO 1 is outputting f=%s Hz\n" % f_signal) if go not in yes_array: break data = DFEC.sampler(nSamp=N, freqSamp=f_sample) array_savefile = "../data/1_1_1/fsig_%.1f.npz" % f_signal np.savez(array_savefile, data) print "Saved %s" % array_savefile
import DFEC import pylab as py import numpy as np sampling = 1e7 N = 256 for i in np.arange(0.1,1.0,.1): freq_signal = sampling*i DFEC.set_srs(1,freq=freq_signal,dbm=0,pha=180) DFEC.set_srs(2,freq=freq_signal,dbm=0,pha=180) data = DFEC.sampler(N,sampling) filename = "%svsample_10MHz.npz" % i np.savez(filename,data,sampling,N) raw_input("Press enter to continue sampling...")
import DFEC import pylab as plt import numpy as np sample = 100000. N=256 x=np.arange(((10**6)*(1/sample)),((10**6)*((N+1)/sample)),((10**6)*(1/sample))) #DFEC.set_srs(1,.2*sample,2) y=DFEC.sampler(N,sample) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x,y) plt.title(r'$\nu_{sig} =.9\nu_{sampl} (\nu_{sampl}=100kHz)$', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time($\mu$s)',fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel("Voltage(V)", fontsize = 16) fy=np.fft.fft(y) py=np.abs(fy)**2 freq=np.fft.fftfreq(fy.size,(10**(3))*(1/sample)) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(freq,py) plt.title('Fourier Transform', fontsize = 18) plt.xlabel('Frequency(kHz)', fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel('Power(W)', fontsize = 16)
nfreqs = int(arg) elif opt == '-o': outfbase = os.path.abspath(arg) outdir = os.path.dirname(outfbase) elif opt == '-s': srs_num = int(arg) elif opt == '-v': v_pp = float(arg) if outdir == None: print 'ERROR: No output location specified.' usage(1) else: os.system('mkdir -pv ' + outdir) # Initialize the generator DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, dbm=0, off=0, pha=0) DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, vpp=v_pp) # Don't sample for longer than 1/10th of a second. sample_time = 0.1 nsamples = min(262143, int(sample_rate * sample_time)) # Get samples. if nfreqs != None: step = 0.1 sig_freqs = np.linspace(step, nfreqs * step, nfreqs) * sample_rate # Record sample for each frequency in the list. for i in range(nfreqs): make_sample(srs_num, sig_freqs[i],
f_sample = 10e6 # 10 MHz ''' f_lo = 800e3 # 800 kHz f_signal_p = 840e3 # 210 kHz f_signal_m = 760e3 # 190 kHz ''' f_lo = 2e6 # 2 Mhz f_signal_p = 2.1e6 # 2.1 Mhz f_signal_m = 1.9e6 # 1.9 Mhz N = 16384 yes_array = ["y", "Y"] for f_sig in [f_signal_p, f_signal_m]: go = raw_input("Safe to set srs?\n") if go not in yes_array: break # DFEC.set_srs(1, freq=f_sig, dbm=1.0) # DFEC.set_srs(2, freq=f_lo, dbm=0.0) go = raw_input("Check that SRS1 is outputting f=%s Hz\n and SRS2 is outputting f=%s Hz\n" % ( f_sig, f_lo)) if go not in yes_array: break data = DFEC.sampler(nSamp=N, freqSamp=f_sample) array_savefile = "../data/2_1_1/thurs_sig_%.1f.npz" % f_sig np.savez(array_savefile, data) print "Saved %s" % array_savefile
import DFEC import pylab as plt import numpy as np fsample = 10000000 N = 2047 x=np.arange(((10**6)*(1/fsample)),((10**6)*((N+1)/fsample),((10**6)*(1/fsample)) DFEC.set_srs(1, 300000, 1) DFEC.set_srs(2, 295000, 1) x=np.arange(0*(1/200e6)*(1e6),2048*(1/200e6)*(1e6), (1/200e6)) #file is in goodroach1 #srs1 = 300kHz #srs2 = 295kHz plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x,roachd) plt.title('Waveform of digital SSB Mixer', fontsize = 18) plt.xlabel('Time($\mu$s)',fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel('Amplitude(V)',fontsize = 16) fy = np.fft.fft(roachd) py = np.abs(fy)**2)*(1e-6) freq = np.fft.fftfreq(fy.size, (1/(200*1e6))*(1e6)) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(freq, py) plt.title('Mixed signal power spectrum Vsig=Vlo-dV', fontsize = 18) plt.xlabel('Frequency(MHz)',fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel('Power(MW)',fontsize = 16)
nfreqs = int(arg) elif opt == '-o': outfbase = os.path.abspath(arg) outdir = os.path.dirname(outfbase) elif opt == '-s': srs_num = int(arg) elif opt == '-v': v_pp = float(arg) if outdir == None: print 'ERROR: No output location specified.' usage(1) else: os.system('mkdir -pv ' + outdir) # Initialize the generator DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, dbm=0, off=0, pha=0) DFEC.set_srs(srs_num, vpp=v_pp) # Don't sample for longer than 1/10th of a second. sample_time = 0.1 nsamples = min(262143, int(sample_rate * sample_time)) # Get samples. if nfreqs != None: step = 0.1 sig_freqs = np.linspace(step, nfreqs * step, nfreqs) * sample_rate # Record sample for each frequency in the list. for i in range(nfreqs): make_sample(srs_num, sig_freqs[i], sample_rate, nsamples, outfbase + '-' + str(i + 1), store_int, v_pp)
import DFEC import numpy as np import pylab as py vlo = 2e6 delv = .05*vlo vsighigh = vlo + delv vsiglow = vlo - delv vsample = 20e6 N = 2**14 for vsig in [vsiglow, vsighigh]: # DFEC.set_srs(2, freq=vsig,dbm=1, pha=0) # DFEC.set_srs(1, freq=vlo, dbm=7, pha=0) print 'RF srs_2 = ' + str(vsig/1000000.0) + ' MHz and dBm = 0' print 'LO srs_1 = ' + str(vlo/1000000.0) + ' MHz and dBM = 0' raw_input("Start data collection?") data = DFEC.sampler(N,vsample) filename = "vsig_%.1f.npz" % vsig np.savez(filename,data=data,vsample=vsample,vsig=vsig) print "Saved %s" % filename