Exemple #1
def PaTh_varSorted():

    data, sta, date, lon, lat, P, d, t, s, Tpot, theta, Tr, fluo, oxy_uM, oxy_mL, rho, isop, si, ti, NO3_1, NO3_2, PO3_1, PO3_2, SiO4_1, SiO4_2, nut = Data.AllData_variables(
    PaThData, PaTh_sta, PaTh_lon, PaTh_lat, PaTh_t, PaTh_s, PaTh_theta, PaTh_rho, PaTh_d = Data.PaTh_variables(

    listAllSta = []
    listPaThSta = []

    for i in range(0, len(lon - 1), 1):
        if sta[i] not in listAllSta:
        if data.Th.notnull()[i]:
            if sta[i] not in listPaThSta:

    from collections import OrderedDict

    d_sort = OrderedDict()
    for stn in listPaThSta:
        d_sort[stn] = PaThData[PaThData.Station == stn].sort_values(
            by='d', ascending=[True])
    PaThDataSorted = pd.concat(d_sort.values())
    #d_sort[listPaThSta[0]] ## This line and the line below are equivalent

    PaThSort_sta = PaThDataSorted.Station
    PaThSort_d = PaThDataSorted.d
    Pa = PaThDataSorted.Pa
    Th = PaThDataSorted.Th
    PaTh = PaThDataSorted.PaTh
    PaErr = PaThDataSorted.PaErr
    ThErr = PaThDataSorted.ThErr
    PaThErr = PaThDataSorted.PaThErr

    return listAllSta, listPaThSta, PaThDataSorted, PaThSort_sta, PaThSort_d, Pa, Th, PaTh, PaErr, ThErr, PaThErr
Exemple #2
def PaTh_variables():

    data, sta, date, lon, lat, P, d, t, s, theta, Tpot, Tr, fluo, oxy_uM, oxy_mL, rho, isop, si, ti, NO3_1, NO3_2, PO3_1, PO3_2, SiO4_1, SiO4_2, nut = Data.AllData_variables(

    PaData = data[data.Pa.notnull(
    )]  # PaData: select only rows where Pa is not NaN -> n=92
    ThLost = PaData[
        PaData.Th.isnull()]  # Among PaData, select only rows where Th is NaN
    # (refer to Th sample lost)-> n=2
    PaThData = pd.concat([data[data.Th > 0], PaData[PaData.Th.isnull()]
                          ])  # Concatenate the rows where Th is not NaN
    # and where Th is NaN but Pa is not NaN -> n=94
    #print(PaThData[PaThData.Station == 'BB3']) # Displays the rows of the table corresponding to the Pa and Th data
    # of the station BB3
    PaTh_sta = PaThData.Station
    PaTh_lon = PaThData.lon
    PaTh_lat = PaThData.lat
    PaTh_t = PaThData.temp
    PaTh_s = PaThData.sal
    PaTh_theta = PaThData.theta
    PaTh_rho = PaThData.rho
    PaTh_d = PaThData.d

    return PaThData, PaTh_sta, PaTh_lon, PaTh_lat, PaTh_t, PaTh_s, PaTh_theta, PaTh_rho, PaTh_d