Exemple #1
def create_mailbox( mailbox_name, format=None ):
	"""Creates and returns a Python mailbox object that can be
	used to write mail messages into.

	If format is not None, it can be one of mbox, maildir, mmdf,
	mh, babyl, to control the type of mailbox created.
		if not format or format=='mbox':
			newmailbox = mbox( mailbox_name )
		elif format=='maildir':
			newmailbox = Maildir( mailbox_name )
		elif format=='mmdf':
			newmailbox = MMDF( mailbox_name )
		elif format=='mh':
			newmailbox = MH( mailbox_name )
		elif format=='babyl':
			newmailbox = Babyl( mailbox_name )
	except IOError, ( errno, strerror ):
		newmailbox = None
		return EudoraLog.fatal( P + ': cannot open "' + mailbox_name + '", ' + strerror )
Exemple #2
def create_mailbox(mailbox_name, format=None):
    """Creates and returns a Python mailbox object that can be
	used to write mail messages into.

	If format is not None, it can be one of mbox, maildir, mmdf,
	mh, babyl, to control the type of mailbox created.

        if not format or format == 'mbox':
            newmailbox = mbox(mailbox_name)
        elif format == 'maildir':
            newmailbox = Maildir(mailbox_name)
        elif format == 'mmdf':
            newmailbox = MMDF(mailbox_name)
        elif format == 'mh':
            newmailbox = MH(mailbox_name)
        elif format == 'babyl':
            newmailbox = Babyl(mailbox_name)
    except IOError, (errno, strerror):
        newmailbox = None
        return EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': cannot open "' + mailbox_name + '", ' +
Exemple #3
def convert(mbx, embedded_dir=None, opts=None):
	Start at the Eudora specific pattern "^From ???@???" and keep gathering
	all headers.  When an empty line is found, emit the headers.

	Replace ???@??? with the e-mail address in "From: " (if found), or else
	use "Sender: " or else "Return-Path: " or else use the magic address
	"*****@*****.**" for later analysis (easily greppable).

	Also add a "Date: " if missing (mostly for outbound mail sent by
	yourself) which is extracted from the Eudora "From ???@??? ..." line,
	but is reformatted, because Eudora has the order in the datum items
	Eudora uses:
		dayname-abbr monthname-abbr monthnumber-nn time-hh:mm:ss
	whereas it should be:
		dayname-abbr monthnumber-nn monthname-abbr year-yyyy
		Thu 03 Jan 2002 11:42:42    (24 characters)


    global attachments_listed, attachments_found, attachments_missing, attachments_dirs

    global paths_found, paths_missing, message_count

    global re_initial_whitespace

    global toc_info, replies, target
    global edir

    attachments_listed = 0
    attachments_found = 0
    attachments_missing = 0

    edir = embedded_dir

    print "Converting %s" % (mbx, )

    if not mbx:
        EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': usage: Eudora2Mbox.py eudora-mailbox-file.mbx')
        return 0

    attachments_dirs = []
    target = ''
    format = None

    if opts:
        for f, v in opts:
            if f == '-a':
                attachments_dirs = v.split(':')
            elif f == '-f':
                format = v.strip().lower()
            elif f == '-t':
                target = v

    EudoraLog.log = EudoraLog.Log(mbx)

        INPUT = open(mbx, 'r')
    except IOError, (errno, strerror):
        INPUT = None
        return EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': cannot open "' + mbx + '", ' + strerror)
Exemple #4
    print msg_str

    if EudoraLog.verbose >= 0:
        print EudoraLog.log.summary()

    # Finish up. Close failures usually indicate filesystem full.

    if newmailbox:

    if INPUT:
        except IOError:
            return EudoraLog.fatal(P + ': cannot close "' + mbx + '"')

    return 0

def create_mailbox(mailbox_name, format=None):
    """Creates and returns a Python mailbox object that can be
	used to write mail messages into.

	If format is not None, it can be one of mbox, maildir, mmdf,
	mh, babyl, to control the type of mailbox created.

        if not format or format == 'mbox':
            newmailbox = mbox(mailbox_name)
Exemple #5
def convert( mbx, embedded_dir = None, opts = None ):
	Start at the Eudora specific pattern "^From ???@???" and keep gathering
	all headers.  When an empty line is found, emit the headers.

	Replace ???@??? with the e-mail address in "From: " (if found), or else
	use "Sender: " or else "Return-Path: " or else use the magic address
	"*****@*****.**" for later analysis (easily greppable).

	Also add a "Date: " if missing (mostly for outbound mail sent by
	yourself) which is extracted from the Eudora "From ???@??? ..." line,
	but is reformatted, because Eudora has the order in the datum items
	Eudora uses:
		dayname-abbr monthname-abbr monthnumber-nn time-hh:mm:ss
	whereas it should be:
		dayname-abbr monthnumber-nn monthname-abbr year-yyyy
		Thu 03 Jan 2002 11:42:42    (24 characters)


	global attachments_listed, attachments_found, attachments_missing, attachments_dirs

	global paths_found, paths_missing, message_count

	global re_initial_whitespace

	global toc_info, replies, target
	global edir

	attachments_listed = 0
	attachments_found = 0
	attachments_missing = 0

	edir = embedded_dir

	print "Converting %s" % (mbx,)

	if not mbx:
		EudoraLog.fatal( P + ': usage: Eudora2Mbox.py eudora-mailbox-file.mbx' )
		return 0

	attachments_dirs = []
	target = ''
	format = None

	if opts:
		for f, v in opts:
			if f == '-a':
				attachments_dirs = v.split(':')
			elif f == '-f':
				format = v.strip().lower()
			elif f == '-t':
				target = v

	EudoraLog.log = EudoraLog.Log( mbx )

		INPUT = open( mbx, 'r' )
	except IOError, ( errno, strerror ):
		INPUT = None
		return EudoraLog.fatal( P + ': cannot open "' + mbx + '", ' + strerror )
Exemple #6
	print msg_str

	if EudoraLog.verbose >= 0:
		print EudoraLog.log.summary()

	# Finish up. Close failures usually indicate filesystem full.

	if newmailbox:

	if INPUT:
		except IOError:
			return EudoraLog.fatal( P + ': cannot close "' + mbx + '"' )

	return 0

def create_mailbox( mailbox_name, format=None ):
	"""Creates and returns a Python mailbox object that can be
	used to write mail messages into.

	If format is not None, it can be one of mbox, maildir, mmdf,
	mh, babyl, to control the type of mailbox created.
		if not format or format=='mbox':
			newmailbox = mbox( mailbox_name )
		elif format=='maildir':