def train_fcnn(params): print("Training fcnn") params_dict = file_utils.get_FCNN_hyperparams(params) trainer = FCNN.Trainer(params_dict) history = trainer.train() trainer.save_model() trainer.save_params(params_dict) trainer.save_losses(history)
def learn(inputs, error): fcnn.backprop(net.receptors, net.synapses, net.bias, net.deltas, error) cnn.backprop(net.filters, net.conv_bias, net.pooled, net.switches, net.conv_error, net.conv_delta, net.deltas[0], inputs)
def execute_net(inputs): cnn.fwdPass(inputs, net.convolved, net.filters, net.conv_bias, net.pooled, net.switches) fcnn.fwdPass(net.pooled[net.conv_layers-1], net.receptors, net.synapses, net.bias) #pass the CNN output to FC NNet
num_workers=1) test_loader = data_utils.DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=N_test, shuffle=False, num_workers=1) for u in upscale_method: for lr in learning_rates: for m in momentums: for wd in weight_decays: for cw in class_weights: torch.manual_seed(1984) if u == 1: model = FCNN.FCNN() elif u == 2: model = FCNN2.FCNN2() else: print("WARNING Unexpected upscale method!") continue expid = str(exp).zfill(3) exp += 1 print("\n\n", expid, "Model LR:", lr, "Momentum:", m, "WDecay:", wd, "Class Weights:", cw, "Batch size:", n, "Imsize:", w) model = train.train(expid, model, train_loader, test_loader, n, T, w, lr, m, wd, cw, lr_stepsize, lr_decay)
def main(): # Training settings nEpochs = 200 lr = 0.001 step = 80 cuda = True resume = "" start_epoch = 1 clip = 0.005 threads = 1 momentum = 0.9 weight_decay = 1e-4 # model_path = 'model_HSI_SR_DUALNET2_d2_totalloss_SAVE_s2_250/model_epoch_150.pth' path_hr = 'D:\data\hr.mat' path_lr = 'D:\data\lr_3.mat' global model if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("No GPU found, please run without --cuda") seed = random.randint(1, 10000) print("Random Seed: ", seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) cudnn.benchmark = True # print("===> Loading datasets") # train_set = DatasetFromMat(opt.dataset, sigma) # train_set = DatasetFromMat7_3(opt.dataset) print("===> Loading datasets ") train_data_lr, train_data_hr = DataFromMat(path_lr, path_hr) _, _, S, H, W = train_data_lr.shape torch_dataset = data.TensorDataset(train_data_lr, train_data_hr) training_data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset=torch_dataset, num_workers=threads, batch_size=batchSize, shuffle=False) print("===> Building model") # model = torch.load(model_path)["model"] model = FCNN.FCNN(1, 1) # criterion = nn.MSELoss() # criterion = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) print("===> Setting GPU") if cuda: # model = to2rch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() model = dataparallel(model, 1) # set the number of parallel GPUs # criterion = criterion.cuda() if resume: if os.path.isfile(resume): print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(resume) start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] + 1 model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"].state_dict()) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(resume)) print("===> Setting Optimizer") # optimizer = optim.SGD([ # {'params': model.parameters()} # ],, momentum=opt.momentum, weight_decay=opt.weight_decay) optimizer = optim.Adam([{ 'params': model.parameters() }], lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) print("===> Training") lossAarry = np.zeros(nEpochs) losspath = 'losses/' if not os.path.exists(losspath): os.makedirs(losspath) for epoch in range(start_epoch, nEpochs + 1): start_time = time.time() lossAarry[epoch - 1] = lossAarry[epoch - 1] + train( training_data_loader, optimizer, model, epoch, step, lr, cuda) print("===> Epoch[{}]: Loss={:.7f}, time = {:.4f}".format( epoch, lossAarry[epoch - 1], time.time() - start_time)) save_checkpoint(model, epoch) sio.savemat(losspath + method_name + '_lossArray.mat', {'lossArray': lossAarry})